
缇庡湅閫氱敤闆绘埃IC693ACC300 IC693ACC300LT銆€GE闆绘埃PLC
缇庡湅閫氱敤闆绘埃IC693ACC300 IC693ACC300LT銆€GE闆绘埃PLC
涓婃灦鏃ユ湡锛�2011-06-25 22:30:53

    閫氱敤IC693ACC300 IC693ACC300LT銆€IC693ACC301

    缇庡湅閫氱敤闆绘埃IC693ACC300 IC693ACC300LT銆€GE闆绘埃PLC銆€


    绯诲垪90-30 CPU灏嶄簬闇€瑕佽純灏慖/O鏁�(sh霉)閲忕殑鍏ラ杸绱氭噳鐢紝鍙互閲囩敤宓屽叆鍦ㄨ儗鏉夸笂鐨�90-30 CPU锛屼娇寰楁墍鏈夋Ы鐢ㄤ簬I/O妯″銆傞珮鎬ц兘鐨凜PU鏄熀浜� Inb 鐨�386EX铏曠悊鍣ㄤ互寰楀埌蹇€熻▓绠楀拰澶ч噺鍚炲悙銆傚畠鍊戞渶澶氳兘鎺у埗4096鍊婭/O锛岄珮鎬ц兘CPU鏈€灏忕敤鎴跺収(n猫i)瀛樼偤32K锛岃兘鐢ㄥ绋婧栬獮瑷€閫茶绶ㄧ▼銆�鏂板瀷CPU374鏈変竴鍊嬮亱琛屽湪133 Mhz涓婚牷鐨凙MDSC520铏曠悊鍣�銆傞櫎浜嗚兘楂橀€熻檿鐞嗕互澶�锛岀郴鍒�90-30CPU374閭勬彁渚涘付鍏�(n猫i)缃氦鎻涙鐨勫叐鍊�10/100M浠ュお缍�(w菐ng)绔彛锛圧J- 45锛夈€侰PU374鍏╁€嬪収(n猫i)缃互澶恫(w菐ng)鍙e叡鐢ㄤ竴鍊婭P鍦板潃銆侰PU374浠ュお缍�(w菐ng)绔彛鑳借嚜閬╂噳娉㈢壒鐜�锛屽彲浠ラ噰鐢ㄤ互澶恫(w菐ng)鐩撮€f垨绱氶€i浕绾�銆�


    绯诲垪90-30鏈夎ū澶氶€氫俊閬搁爡锛屽寘鎷互澶恫(w菐ng)銆丟enius銆丼eries 90 鍗�(xi茅)璀帮紙SNP锛夊拰Modbus RTU銆�





    <, TR style="HEIGHT: 14.25pt" height=19>
    IC693ACC300 Input Simulator Module
    IC693ACC300LT Input Simulator Module (LT)
    IC693ACC301 Replacement Battery, CPU & PCM (qty 2)
    IC693ACC302 High capacity battery pack. The new Auxiliary Battery Pack (IC693ACC302) will enable Series 90-30 & Series 90-70 CPUs (except CPU374) to go up to 75                 months (shelf life of 10 years ) of RAM memory backup w/no power & the CPU374 backup=15 mo
    IC693ACC303 Memory Card, 32 KBytes, Use With HHP (qty 1)
    IC693ACC305 EEPROM Chips (qty 4)
    IC693ACC306 EPROM Chips (qty 4)
    IC693ACC307 I/O Bus Terminator Plug
    IC693ACC308 Rack Adaptor Bracket, Series 90-30 10 Slot to 19" (Front Mount)
    IC693ACC309 Rack Adaptor Bracket, Series One 5 and 10 Slot Racks
    IC693ACC310 Filler Module, Blank Slot
    IC693ACC311 Terminal Blocks (qty 6)
    IC693ACC315 Battery Adapter Kit (battery not included) for CPU31* and CPU32*
    IC693ACC316 Connector Kit, 24 Pin, Qty (10), Solder Eyelet (For MDL654, 655, 752, 753)
    IC693ACC317 Connector Kit, 24 Pin, Qty (10), Crimp Type (For MDL654, 655, 752, 753)
    IC693ACC318 Connector Kit, 24 Pin, Qty (10), Ribbon Type (For MDL654, 655, 752, 753)
    IC693ACC319 Spare Parts Kit (I/O, CPU, PCM)
    IC693ACC320 Spare Parts Kit (Power Supply)
    IC693ACC328 Utility Update Software
    IC693ACC329 TBQC Base for IC693MDL645, IC693MDL646, and IC693MDL240
    IC693ACC330 TBQC Base for IC693MDL740, IC693MDL742
    IC693ACC331 TBQC Base for IC693MDL741
    IC693ACC332 TBQC Base for IC693MDL940
    IC693ACC333 TBQC Base for IC693MDL340
    IC693ACC334 Module Connector for use with all 9030 terminal bases
    IC693ACC335 Axis Terminal Block for the Motion Mate DSM302
    IC693ACC336 Auxiliary Terminal Block for the Motion Mate DSM302
    IC693ACC337 TBQC Base for IC693MDL654/655/752/753
    IC693ACC340 Redundant Power Supply Base (RPSB) with 0.1 meter cable to connect to Power Supply Adapter module. Supports any Series 90-30 power supply.
    IC693ACC341 Redundant Power Supply Base with 0.5 meter cable to connect to Power Supply Adapter module. Supports any Series 90-30 power supply.
    IC693ACC350 Redundant Power Supply Adapter (RPSA) Module. The RPSA replaces the power supply on a CPU base or expansion base and connects to a Redundant Power Supply Base.
    IC693ACC760 Solenoind Valve Module Forcing Pendent
    IC693ADC311 CIMPLICITY 90-ADS Coprocessor (Repeat Systems)
    IC693ADS301 CIMPLICITY 90-ADS Package (First System)
    IC693ALG222 Analog Input, Voltage 16 Single/8 Differential Channels
    IC693ALG222LT Analog Input, Voltage 16 Single/8 Differential Channels (LT)
    IC693ALG390 Analog Output, Voltage, 2 Channels
    IC693ALG390LT Analog Output, Voltage, 2 Channels (LT)
    IC693ALG392 High Density Analog Output (8 Channels)
    IC693ALG392LT High Density Analog Output (8 Channels) (LT)
    IC693ALG442 Analog Combo Module 4IN/2OUT
    IC693ALG442LT Analog Combo Module 4IN/2OUT (LT)
    IC693APU300 High Speed Counter (HSC)
    IC693APU300LT High Speed Counter (HSC) (LT)
    IC693APU301 Axis Positioning Module (APM), 1 Axis
    IC693APU302 Axis Positioning Module (APM), 2 Axis
    IC693APU305 I/O Processor Module
    IC693BEM320 I/O Link Interface Module (Slave)
    IC693BEM321 I/O Link Interface Module (Master)
    IC693BEM331 Genius Bus Controller
    IC693BEM331LT Genius Bus Controller (supports I/O and Datagrams) (LT)
    IC693CBK001 Cable Kit for High Density I/O Modules (includes CBL327 and CBL328)
    IC693CBK002 Cable Kit for High Density I/O Modules (includes CBL329 and CBL330)
    IC693CBK003 Cable Kit for High Density I/O Modules (includes CBL331 and CBL332)
    IC693CBK004 Cable Kit for High Density I/O Modules (includes CBL333 and CBL334)
    IC693CBL300 Cable, I/O Expansion, 1 Meter
    IC693CBL301 Cable, I/O Expansion, 2 Meters
    IC693CBL302 Cable, I/O Expansion, 15 Meters
    IC693CBL303 Cable, Hand Held Programmer (HHP), 2 Meters
    IC693CBL304 Cable, Port Expansion, Used With PCM300
    IC693CBL305 Cable, Port Expansion, Used With PCM301, PCM311, and CMM311
    IC693CBL306 Cable, Extension, 1 Meter (Use with MDL652-653, MDL750-751)
    IC693CBL307 Cable, Extension, 2 Meters (Use with MDL652-653, MDL750-751)
    IC693CBL308 Cable, Single Connector, 1 Meter (Use with MDL652-653, MDL750-751)
    IC693CBL309 Cable, Single Connector, 2 Meters (For MDL652-653, MDL750-751)
    IC693CBL311 Cable, APM300/MCS300 Digital I/O, 24 Pin, 3 Meters
    IC693CBL312 Cable, I/O Expansion, 0.15 Meters, Shielded
    IC693CBL313 Cable, I/O Expansion, 8 Meters
    IC693CBL316 Station Manager Serial Cable for Ethernet TCP/IP
    IC693CBL324 Cable, Terminal Board Connections for DSM302, 1 Meter
    IC693CBL325 Cable, Terminal Board Connections for DSM302, 3 Meters
    IC693CBL327 Cable, Left Side, One - 24 Pin 90 Degree Connector, 3 Meter
    IC693CBL328 Cable, Right Side, One - 24 Pin 90 Degree Connector, 3 Meter
    IC693CBL329 Cable, Left Side, Two - 24 Pin 90 Degree Connectors, 1 Meter
    IC693CBL330 Cable, Right Side, Two - 24 Pin 90 Degree Connectors, 1 Meter
    IC693CBL331 Cable, Left Side, Two - 24 Pin 90 Degree Connectors, 2 Meter
    IC693CBL332 Cable, Right Side, Two - 24 Pin 90 Degree Connectors, 2 Meter
    IC693CBL333 Cable, Left Side, Two - 24 Pin 90 Degree Connectors, .5 Meter
    IC693CBL334 Cable, Right Side, Two - 24 Pin 90 Degree Connectors, .5 Meter
    IC693CDC200 Series 90-30 CsCAN interface module. One CsCAN port and one programming port for network devices.
    IC693CHS391 Base, CPU, 10 Slots, Use With CPU331/CSE331 and above
    IC693CHS391LT Base, CPU, 10 Slots, Use With CPU331/CSE331 and above (LT)
    IC693CHS392 Base, Expansion, 10 Slots
    IC693CHS392LT Base, Expansion, 10 Slots (LT)
    IC693CHS393 Base, Remote Expansion, 10 Slots (700 ft.)
    IC693CHS393LT Base, Remote Expansion, 10 Slots (700 ft.) (LT)
    IC693CHS397 Base, CPU, 5 Slots, Use With CPU331/CSE331 and above
    IC693CHS397LT Base, CPU, 5 Slots, Use With CPU331/CSE331 and above (LT)
    IC693CHS398 Base, Expansion, 5 Slots
    IC693CHS398LT Base, Expansion, 5 Slots (LT)
    IC693CHS399 Base, Remote Expansion, 5 Slots (700 ft.)
    IC693CHS399LT Base, Remote Expansion, 5 Slots (700 ft.) (LT)
    IC693CMM301 Genius Communications Module, GCM (256 bits)
    IC693CMM302 Communication Module, Genius (1 Kbyte) GCM+
    IC693CMM302LT Communication Module, Genius (1 Kbyte) GCM+ (no datagram support) (LT)
    IC693CMM311 Communications Module, CCM, RTU, SNP, and SNPx Protocols
    IC693CMM311LT Communications Module, CCM, RTU, SNP, and SNPx Protocols (LT)
    IC693CMM321 Ethernet Interface TCP/IP Module
    IC693CPU311 5-Slot Base With CPU in base (6K Bytes User Program)
    IC693CPU311LT 5-Slot Base With CPU in base (6K Bytes User Program) (LT)
    IC693CPU313 5-Slot Base With Turbo CPU in base (.6 msec), 1K Registers, (12K Bytes User Program)
    IC693CPU313LT 5-Slot Base With Turbo CPU in base (.6 msec), 1K Registers, (12K Bytes User Program) (LT)
    IC693CPU323 10-Slot Base With Turbo CPU in base (.6 msec) 12K bytes User Program
    IC693CPU323LT 10-Slot Base With Turbo CPU in base (.6 msec) 12K bytes User Program (LT)
    IC693CPU331 CPU 331 Module (16K Bytes)
    IC693CPU331LT CPU 331 Module (16K Bytes)   (LT)
    IC693CPU340 CPU 340 Module (32K Bytes user memory), 10K Registers, .3 msec/K
    IC693CPU341 CPU 341 Module (80K Bytes user memory), 10K Registers, .3 msec/K
    IC693CPU350 CPU 350 Module (32K Bytes user memory, 4K I/O, 8 Racks), no built-in Serial Ports .22msec/K
    IC693CPU350LT CPU 350 Module (32K Bytes user memory, 4K I/O, 8 Racks), no built-in Serial Ports .22msec/K   (LT)
    IC693CPU351 CPU 351 Module (240K Bytes configurable user memory, 4K I/O, 8 Racks) two built-in Serial Ports .22msec/K
    IC693CPU352 CPU 352 Module (240K Bytes configurable user memory, 4K I/O, 8 Racks, Hardware FLOATING POINT MATH), two built-in Serial Ports .22msec/K
    IC693CPU352LT CPU 352 Module (240K Bytes configurable user memory, 4K I/O, 8 Racks, Hardware FLOATING POINT MATH), two built-in Serial Ports .22msec/K   (LT)
    IC693CPU360 CPU 360 Module (240K Bytes configurable user memory, 4K I/O, 8 Racks), no built-in Serial Ports .22msec/K
    IC693CPU360CA Series 90-30 CPU360 with Conbal Coated.
    IC693CPU360LT CPU 360 Module (240K Bytes configurable user memory, 4K I/O, 8 Racks), no built-in Serial Ports .22msec/K   (LT)
    IC693CPU363 CPU 363 Module (240K Bytes configurable user memory)
    IC693CPU363LT CPU 363 Module (240K Bytes configurable user memory) (LT)
    IC693CPU364 CPU 364 Module (240K Bytes configurable user memory), Embedded Ethernet
    IC693CPU366 CPU 366 Module (240K Bytes configurable Supports Profibus DP Master (Version 1 supported). One Profibus port and one RS-232 service port.
    IC693CPU367 CPU 367Module (240K Bytes configurable Supports Profibus DP Slave (Version 1 supported). One Profibus port and one RS-232 service port.
    IC693CPU374 CPU 374 Module (240K Bytes configurable user memory) The battery for the CPU is now included in the CPU backplane box, Embedded Ethrnet 10/100Mbs w/built-in switch. No serial ports.
    IC693CPU374CA Series 90-30 CPU374 Conbal Coated.
    IC693CPU500 Series 90-30 Cscape CPU supports 1,024 I/O. The processor can be programmed the same as the OCS products over the built-in network that supports CsCAN or DeviceNet Slave.
    IC693CSE311 Series 90-30 5-Slot State Logic CPU in base Model 311
    IC693CSE313 Series 90-30 5-Slot State Logic CPU in base Model 313
    IC693CSE323 Series 90-30 10-Slot State Logic CPU in base Model 323
    IC693CSE331 Series 90-30 Modular State Logic CPU 331
    IC693CSE340 Series 90-30 Modular State Logic CPU 340
    IC693DNM200 DeviceNet Master
    IC693DNS201 DeviceNet Slave
    IC693DSM302 Series 90-30 Motion Mate DSM302 Motion Controller, 2 Axis
    IC693DSM314 Series 90-30 DSM314 Motion Controller, 1-4 axis
    IC693DSM324 DSM324i 4-axis motion controller for the Series90-30
    IC693LBR301 90-30 Documentation Library (paper manuals covering most options)
    IC693MAR590 Mixed I/O, 120Vac Input (8 points), Relay Output (8 points)
    IC693MAR590LT Mixed I/O, 120Vac Input (8 points), Relay Output (8 points) (LT)
    IC693MCD001 Demo case, Beta Series Servo
    IC693MCM001 Series 90-30 Digital Servo Interface Module
    IC693MDL230 120 Vac Isolated Input (8 Points)
    IC693MDL230LT 120 Vac Isolated Input (8 Points) (LT)
    IC693MDL231 240 Vac Isolated Input (8 Points)
    IC693MDL231LT 240 Vac Isolated Input (8 Points)   (LT)
    IC693MDL240 120 Vac Input (16 Points)
    IC693MDL240LT 120 Vac Input (16 Points)   (LT)
    IC693MDL241 24 Vac/Vdc Input (16 Points)
    IC693MDL241LT 24 Vac/Vdc Input (16 Points)   (LT)
    IC693MDL250 120 Vac Isolated Input (16 points). Module requires a terminal block IC694TBBx32 or IC693TBSx32).
    IC693MDL260 32 Point 120VAC Input Module. Requires terminal block IC694TBxx32.
    IC693MDL310 120 Vac Output, 0.5 Amp (12 Points)
    IC693MDL330 120/240 Vac Output, 2 Amp (8 Points)
    IC693MDL330LT 120/240 Vac Output, 2 Amp (8 Points) (LT)
    IC693MDL340 120 Vac Output, 0.5 Amp (16 Points)
    IC693MDL340LT 120 Vac Output, 0.5 Amp (16 Points) (LT)
    IC693MDL350 120/240 Vac Isolated Output, 2 Amp (16 Points). Module requires a terminal block (IC694TBBx32 or IC693TBSx32).
    IC693MDL390 120/240 Vac Isolated Output, 2 Amp (5 Points)
    IC693MDL390LT 120/240 Vac Isolated Output, 2 Amp (5 Points) (LT)
    IC693MDL632 125 Vdc Input (8 Points)
    IC693MDL632LT 125 Vdc Input (8 Points) (LT)
    IC693MDL634 24 Vdc Input, Negative/Positive Logic (8 Points)
    IC693MDL634LT 24 Vdc Input, Negative/Positive Logic (8 Points) (LT)
    IC693MDL645 24 Vdc Input, Neg/Pos Logic (16 Points)
    IC693MDL645LT 24 Vdc Input, Neg/Pos Logic (16 Points) (LT)
    IC693MDL646 24 Vdc Input, Neg/Pos Logic, 1 msec Filter (16 points)
    IC693MDL646LT 24 Vdc Input, Neg/Pos Logic, 1 msec Filter (16 points)   (LT)
    IC693MDL648 48VDC Input, Neg/Pos Logic, 1 msec filter, Neg/Pos Logic (16 points)
    IC693MDL653 24 Vdc Input, Neg/Pos Logic, 2msec Filter (32 Points)
    IC693MDL654 5/12 Vdc (TTL) Input, Neg/Pos Logic, (32 points)
    IC693MDL654LT 5/12 Vdc (TTL) Input, Neg/Pos Logic, (32 points) (LT)
    IC693MDL655 24 Vdc Input, Neg/Pos Logic, 1 ms, (32 pts)
    IC693MDL655LT 24 Vdc Input, Neg/Pos Logic, 1 ms, (32 pts) (LT)
    IC693MDL660 24VDC Input Module 32 point. The module requires a terminal block (IC694TBB032 box style or IC694TBS032 springclamp style terminal block).Terminal block is sold seperaby.
    IC693MDL730 12/24 Vdc Output, 2 Amp, Positive Logic (8 Points)
    IC693MDL730LT 12/24 Vdc Output, 2 Amp, Positive Logic (8 Points) (LT)
    IC693MDL731 12/24 Vdc Output, 2 Amp, Negative Logic (8 Points)
    IC693MDL731LT 12/24 Vdc Output, 2 Amp, Negative Logic (8 Points) (LT)
    IC693MDL732 12/24 Vdc Output, 0.5 Amp, Positive Logic (8 Points)
    IC693MDL733 12/24 Vdc Output, 0.5 Amp, Negative Logic (8 Points)
    IC693MDL734 125 Vdc Output, (6 Points)
    IC693MDL734LT 125 Vdc Output, (6 Points) (LT)
    IC693MDL740 12/24 Vdc Output, 0.5 Amp, Positive Logic (16 Points)
    IC693MDL740LT 12/24 Vdc Output, 0.5 Amp, Positive Logic (16 Points) (LT)
    IC693MDL741 12/24 Vdc Output, 0.5 Amp, Negative Logic (16 Points)
    IC693MDL741LT 12/24 Vdc Output, 0.5 Amp, Negative Logic (16 Points) (LT)
    IC693MDL742 12/24 Vdc Output, 1 Amp, Positive Logic (16 Points), Fused
    IC693MDL742LT 12/24 Vdc Output, 1 Amp, Posi, tive, , Logic (16 Poin, ts), Fused (LT)
    IC693MDL748 48VDC Output, 0.5 Amps, Positive Logic (8 points)
    IC693MDL750 12/24 Vdc Output, Negative Logic (32 Points)
    IC693MDL751 12/24 Vdc Output, Positive Logic (32 Points)
    IC693MDL752 5/12/24 Vdc (TTL) Output, Neg Logic, (32 points)
    IC693MDL752LT 5/12/24 Vdc (TTL) Output, Neg Logic, (32 points) (LT)
    IC693MDL753 12/24 Vdc Output, Pos Logic (32 Pts)
    IC693MDL753LT 12/24 Vdc Output, Pos Logic (32 Pts) (LT)
    IC693MDL754 12/24VDC Output (0.75 amps per point) Module 32 point. The module requires a terminal block (IC694TBB032 box style or IC694TBS032 spring clamp style terminal block).
    IC693MDL760 Solenoid Valve Output (11 Points)/ 24VDC Output ,0.5 Amp, Positive Logic (5 Points)
    IC693MDL930 Relay Output, Isolated, 4 Amp (8 Points)
    IC693MDL930LT Relay Output, Isolated, 4 Amp (8 Points) (LT)
    IC693MDL931 Relay Output, 8 Amp Form B/C contacts, Isolated in groups of 4
    IC693MDL931LT Relay Output, 8 Amp Form B/C contacts, Isolated in groups of 4 (LT)
    IC693MDL940 Relay Output, 2 Amp (16 Points)
    IC693MDL940LT Relay Output, 2 Amp (16 Points) (LT)
    IC693MDR390 Mixed I/O, 24Vdc Input (8 points), Relay Output (8 points)
    IC693MDR390LT Mixed I/O, 24Vdc Input (8 points), Relay Output (8 points) (LT)
    IC693MLX000 Series 90-30 I/O Modules Label Kit (various quantities)
    IC693NIU004 Series 90-30 Ethernet NIU (Ethernet I/O)
    IC693NIU004CA Series 90-30 Ethernet NIU Conbal Coated. 10/100Mbit Ethernet.
    IC693PBM200 Profibus DP Master Module
    IC693PBS201 Profibus DP Slave Module
    IC693PCM300 Prog. Coproc. Mdl., 160 KB (35 KB Basic Prgm), w/Port Exp. Cbl.
    IC693PCM300LT Prog. Coproc. Mdl., 160 KB (35 KB Basic Prgm), w/Port Exp. Cbl. (LT)
    IC693PCM300LTMP Prog. Coproc. Mdl., 160 KB (35 KB Basic Prgm), w/Port Exp. Cbl. Modified for use by OEMs (LT)
    IC693PCM300-MP Prog. Coproc. Mdl., 160 KB (35 KB Basic Prgm), w/Port Exp. Cbl. Modified for use by OEMs
    IC693PCM301 Prog. Coproc. Mdl., 192 KB (47 KB Basic Prgm), w/Port Exp. Cbl.
    IC693PCM301LT Prog. Coproc. Mdl., 192 KB (47 KB Basic Prgm), w/Port Exp. Cbl. (LT)
    IC693PCM311 Prog. Coproc. Mdl., 640 KB (190 KB Basic Prgm), w/Port Exp. Cbl.
    IC693PCM311LT Prog. Coproc. Mdl., 640 KB (190 KB Basic Prgm), w/Port Exp. Cbl. (LT)
    IC693PIF301 PC/AT Interface (PCIF) to Series 90-30 I/O with software
    IC693PIF350 Series 90-30 I/O PCI Bus interface board. Enables users to connect Series 90-30 I/O to a PCI interface board.
    IC693PIF400 High Perbance PC/AT Interface (PCIF) to Series 90-30 I/O with software
    IC693PRG300 Hand Held Programmer (HHP) With Cable & Manual
    IC693PTM100 Power Transducer Module (Includes module, interface, 0.5m cable)
    IC693PTM101 Power Transducer Module (includes module, interface, 1m cable)
    IC693PWR321 Power Supply, 120/240 Vac, 125 Vdc, Standard
    IC693PWR321LT Power Supply, 120/240 Vac, 125 Vdc, Standard (LT)
    IC693PWR322 Power Supply, 24/48 Vdc, Standard
    IC693PWR322LT Power Supply, 24/48 Vdc, Standard (LT)
    IC693PWR328 Power Supply, 48 Vdc, Standard
    IC693PWR328LT Power Supply, 48 Vdc, Standard (LT)
    IC693PWR330 Power Supply, 120/240 Vac, 125 Vdc, High Capacity
    IC693PWR331 Power Supply, 24 Vdc, High Capacity
    IC693PWR332 Power Supply, 12 Vdc b, 30-watt output, High Capacity

    閫氱敤IC693ACC300 IC693ACC300LT銆€IC693ACC301

    缇庡湅閫氱敤闆绘埃IC693ACC300 IC693ACC300LT銆€GE闆绘埃PLC銆€

  • 瑕�(gu墨)鏍�锛屽瀷铏�
  • 鍏嶈铂鑱叉槑锛氫互涓婃墍灞曠ず鐨勪俊鎭敱浼佹キ(y猫)鑷鎻愪緵锛屽収(n猫i)瀹圭殑鐪熷鎬�銆佹簴纰烘€у拰鍚堟硶鎬х敱鐧�(f膩)甯冧紒妤�(y猫)璨犺铂锛屾湰缍�(w菐ng)灏嶆涓嶆壙鎿斾换浣曚繚璀夎铂浠�銆傛垜鍊戝師鍓� 涓婂缓璀版偍閬告搰鏈恫(w菐ng)楂樼礆鏈冨摗鎴朧IP鏈冨摗銆�
    ------------ 鑱�(li谩n)绯绘柟寮� ------------