
上架日期:2012-09-11 11:44:39


    傳真:0591-83855060  手機:18759178244

    聯(lián)系人: 鄭工 QQ1274197717 mail1274197717@qq.com3HAC17153-1       MOTOR鴻飛達自動化科技強大的ABB備件直供


    3HAC17154-1       UNIVERSAL JOINT


    3HAC17155-1       WRIST


    3HAC17156-1       CENTER UNIT


    3HAC17158-1       FILTER


    3HAC17166-1       Water & Air Unit


    3HAC1717-1  Support ring


    3HAC17176-1       Nilos Sealing Ring鴻飛達自動化科技強大的ABB備件直供


    3HAC17188-1       End Cover Gasket


    3HAC17189-1       Customer cable CP/CS/PROF


    3HAC17200-1       Harness CP/CS, PROFIB 15m


    3HAC17200-4       Harness CP/CS, PROFIB 7m


    3HAC17200-5       Harness CP/CS, PROFIB 30m


    3HAC17200-6       Harness CP/CS, PROFIBUS 22m


    3HAC17201-1       Weld, Proc 1-4 on base鴻飛達自動化科技強大的ABB備件直供


    3HAC17202-1       Weld, Proc 2-4 axis 3


    3HAC17203-1       Weld, Proc 1-4 axis 6


    3HAC17204-1       7-axis on base


    3HAC17209-1       Customer cable CP/CS


    3HAC17212-1       Sealing axis 2/3


    3HAC17213-1       Sealing axis 2/3


    3HAC17218-1       Set of shims


    3HAC17219-2       Thrust washer鴻飛達自動化科技強大的ABB備件直供


    3HAC17221-1       Hose reinforce protection


    3HAC17252-1       Connector kit R1.SW1


    3HAC17253-1       Connector kit R1.SW2/3


    3HAC17281-1       DC-Bus Bar L6


    3HAC17281-3       DC-Bus Bar S2


    3HAC17282-1       Servo drive dummy


    3HAC17317-3       LED lamp


    3HAC17320-3       SW harness upper arm


    3HAC17320-7       Upper arm SW, LandRover


    3HAC17324-1       Interbus harness D.C W203


    3HAC17342-1       Motor M20  Type B


    3HAC17350-1       Lock insert, square 7mm


    3HAC17350-3       Lock insert, Daimler Benz


    3HAC17350-4       Lock insert, double bit 3


    3HAC17358-1       Mech. stop


    3HAC17369-1       Ethernet harness D.C W203鴻飛達自動化科技強大的ABB備件直供


    3HAC17371-3       Ax 6 complete, insulated


    3HAC17372-2       Wrist


    3HAC17374-2       Gear box with motor


    3HAC17374-4       Gearbox with motors




    3HAC17383-1       CD Documentation IRB6600


    3HAC17384-1       CD Documentation IRB7600


    3HAC17395-1       Fastening Plate


    3HAC17396-1       Serial measurement unit


    3HAC17400-002    Universal Joint


    3HAC17400-1       Universal Joint


    3HAC17404-1       Ext. cust. conn. harness


    3HAC17423-1       Washer


    3HAC17446-1       Air filter magazine


    3HAC17448-1       Air filter magazine


    3HAC17484-10      Rotational ac motor M10


    3HAC17484-7       Rotational ac motor  M7


    3HAC17542-1       Upper arm 45-60kg foundry


    3HAC17556-1       Door鴻飛達自動化科技強大的ABB備件直供


    3HAC17582-1       Turning disc QMT


    3HAC1761-1  Power cable


    3HAC1762-1  Signal cable


    3HAC17662-1       Material Set 2.55, 2.75 & 3.0S


    3HAC17662-2       Material Set 2.8


    3HAC17662-3       Material Set 3.2 & 3.5S


    3HAC17667-1       Service Spotpack IRB66x0&7600


    3HAC17667-3       Service SpotPack IRB66x0


    3HAC17667-4       Service SpotPack IRB66x0


    3HAC17667-5       Service SpotPack IRB66x0鴻飛達自動化科技強大的ABB備件直供


    3HAC17667-7       Service SpotPack IRB66x0


    3HAC1768-1  Lifting instruction


    3HAC17707-2       Material set IRB7600 2,3m


    3HAC17707-3       Material set IRB7600 2,55m


    3HAC17707-4       Material set IRB7600 2,8m


    3HAC17707-5       Material set IRB7600 3,5m


    3HAC17720-2       Installation IRB 2400鴻飛達自動化科技強大的ABB備件直供


    3HAC17720-6       Installation IRB 2400


    3HAC17720-8       Installation IRB 2400


    3HAC17720-9       Installation IRB 2400


    3HAC17721-2       Maintenance IRB 2400


    3HAC17721-6       Maintenance IRB 2400


    3HAC17721-8       Maintenance IRB 2400


    3HAC17721-9       Maintenance IRB 2400


    3HAC17722-2       Repair IRB 2400


    3HAC17722-6       Repair IRB 2400


    3HAC17722-8       Repair IRB 2400


    3HAC17722-9       Repair IRB 2400


    3HAC17724-1       QMT Tap 1鴻飛達自動化科技強大的ABB備件直供


    3HAC17725-1       QMT Tap 2


    3HAC17731-1       Installation IRB 2400


    3HAC17731-3       Installation IRB 2400


    3HAC17731-4       Installation IRB 2400


    3HAC17731-5       Installation IRB 2400


    3HAC17732-1       Maintenance IRB 2400


    3HAC17732-3       Maintenance IRB 2400鴻飛達自動化科技強大的ABB備件直供


    3HAC17732-4       Maintenance IRB 2400


    3HAC17732-5       Maintenance IRB 2400


    3HAC17733-1       Repair IRB 2400


    3HAC17733-3       Repair IRB 2400


    3HAC17733-4       Repair IRB 2400


    3HAC17733-5       Repair IRB 2400


    3HAC17734-1       ACTUATOR鴻飛達自動化科技強大的ABB備件直供


    3HAC17736-1       Installation IRB 4400


    3HAC17736-3       Installation IRB 4400


    3HAC17736-4       Installation IRB 4400


    3HAC17736-5       Installation IRB 4400


    3HAC17737-1       Maintenance IRB 4400


    3HAC17737-3       Maintenance IRB 4400


    3HAC17737-4       Maintenance IRB 4400


    3HAC17737-5       Maintenance IRB 4400


    3HAC17738-1       Repair IRB 4400鴻飛達自動化科技強大的ABB備件直供


    3HAC17738-3       Repair IRB 4400


    3HAC17738-4       Repair IRB 4400


    3HAC17738-5       Repair IRB 4400


    3HAC17744-1       CROSS ROLLER BEARING


    3HAC17745-1       LINEAR BEARING


    3HAC17746-2       cable internal axis 5-6


    3HAC17746-3       Cable axis 4 internal


    3HAC17750-1       CABLE CHAIN鴻飛達自動化科技強大的ABB備件直供


    3HAC17751-1       COUPLING AXIS 1,2,3


    3HAC17753-1       OVER PRESSURE SYSTEM


    3HAC17754-1       Stick


    3HAC17755-1       Lamp for over press.system


    3HAC17756-2       Cabel axis2 power


    3HAC17756-3       Cabel axis 3 power


    3HAC17756-4       Cable: Axis 4 - power


    3HAC17756-5       Cable: Axis 5 power


    3HAC17756-6       Cable: Axis 6  power


    3HAC17756-7       Cable axis 1 power


    3HAC17757-2       Cable axis 2 signal鴻飛達自動化科技強大的ABB備件直供


    3HAC17757-3       Cable axis 3  signal


    3HAC17757-4       Cable axis 4 signal


    3HAC17757-5       Cable: Axis 5 signal


    3HAC17757-6       Cabel axis 6 signal


    3HAC17757-7       Cable axis 1 signal


    3HAC17758-1       Lock Tap


    3HAC17765-1       ABB-logotype


    3HAC17796-1       QMT Clamping device


    3HAC17796-2       QMT Clamp. dev. DressPack


    3HAC17804-1       Warning label


    3HAC17821-1       Terminal block Plug part


    3HAC17833-1       Terminal block


    3HAC17833-5       Jumper plug鴻飛達自動化科技強大的ABB備件直供


    3HAC17866-6       Computer System 256 Mb


    3HAC17944-1       Label


    3HAC17944-2       Label


    3HAC17944-3       Label


    3HAC17944-4       Label Cable gland


    3HAC17945-1       Door Interlock NA-switch


    3HAC17970-1       Dig. 24 VDC I/O DSQC 328A


    3HAC17971-1       A D Combi I/O DSQC 327A


    3HAC17973-1       Dig. Relay I/O DSQC 332A


    3HAC17992-1       Ext. axes signals


    3HAC1800-1  Frame Machining


    3HAC18006-2       Upper arm 5kg


    3HAC18069-1       Distance bolt鴻飛達自動化科技強大的ABB備件直供


    3HAC18100-1       Press device


    3HAC18118-1 Process Cable Package


    3HAC1812-1  Air filter holder


    3HAC18123-1       Servo Tool Control


    3HAC18152-1       AM - Motion functions & events


    3HAC18153-1       AM - Motion perbance鴻飛達自動化科技強大的ABB備件直供


    3HAC18154-1       AM - Motion coord. & superv.


    3HAC18159-1       DSQC 503A Axis computer


    3HAC18169-1       Harn. CP-CS/p-bus,ax7,15m


    3HAC18169-3       Harn. CP-CS/p-bus,ax7, 7m


    3HAC18169-5       Harn. CP-CS/p-bus,ax7,22m


    3HAC1817-1  Lifting Dev Upper Arm


    3HAC1818-1  M-Harness Ext Axes Cub


    3HAC18200-1       Fan unit,5 fans


    3HAC1820-1  Harness Sign.Ext Axes Cub


    3HAC1821-1  Harness Pow Ext Axes Cub


    3HAC1823-1  Harness Ext Axes Cubicle


    3HAC18244-1       Collision maintenance parts


    3HAC1825-1  Harness Bas Ext Ax Cub


    3HAC1828-1  Control cubicle, base


    3HAC18306-1       Cover sheet鴻飛達自動化科技強大的ABB備件直供


    3HAC1836-1  Multipole con. X3 5p


    3HAC1852-1  Protection Plate


    3HAC1852-2  Protection Plate


    3HAC1853-1  Bracket


    3HAC1938-1  Support


    3HAC1938-2  Support鴻飛達自動化科技強大的ABB備件直供


    3HAC1948-1  Mounting plate I/O


    3HAC1951-1  SpotWare Plus


    3HAC1976-4  Filter unit


    3HAC1981-1  Mandrel


    3HAC2005-1  Product Manual IRB 640


    3HAC2079-1  Air Filter Magazine


    3HAC2082-1  Air filter support


    3HAC2090-1  Bar


    3HAC2091-1  Bearing-ring


    3HAC2094-1  Sync. Cover


    3HAC2111-1   Movable part unit




    3HAC2130-1  Cust Power Vaccuum, R1-R2


    3HAC2132-1  Cust Power Vaccuum, R3-R4


    3HAC2148-1  MOTOR AXIS 1 and 3.


    3HAC2151-1  Label鴻飛達自動化科技強大的ABB備件直供


    3HAC2175-1  Gear Z1/4


    3HAC2180-1  Damper standard axis 2


    3HAC2205-1  Spring tension plate


    3HAC2276-1  Cover plate


    3HAC2277-1  Product Man. IRB 1400 AWI


    3HAC2286-1  RAPID Ref. Manual AWI


    3HAC2294-1  User's Guide AWI


    3HAC2295-1  Usre's Guide AWI


    3HAC2296-1  User's Guide AWI


    3HAC2297-1  Usre's Guide AWI


    3HAC2298-1  User's Guide AWI


    3HAC2299-1  User's Guide AWI


    3HAC2306-1  Fan鴻飛達自動化科技強大的ABB備件直供


    3HAC2309-1  Cable clamp


    3HAC2316-14       Rubber clamp robot ax1


    3HAC2316-15       Rubber clamp CBus,CAIR,SW


    3HAC2316-16       Rubber clamp PWELD,PWA


    3HAC2317-1  Product Man. IRB 2400 AWI


    3HAC2327-2  Cover


    3HAC2341-1  Cover


    3HAC2342-1  Holder


    3HAC2344-1  Conveyor Tracking


    3HAC2349-1  Cam Switch


    3HAC2353-1  ArcWare Plus Manual


    3HAC2355-1  Cable harness control pan


    3HAC2358-1  Warning label


    3HAC2371-1  Instruction label


    3HAC2391-1  Bridge A82.X16鴻飛達自動化科技強大的ABB備件直供


    3HAC2406-1  Door Interlock NA-switch


    3HAC2409-1  BRACKET


    3HAC2412-8  Flange disc with doorint.


    3HAC2421-1  Internal Control Cable 7m


    3HAC2424-1  Back Plane DSQC 369


    3HAC2425-1  Back plane DSQC 370


    3HAC2442-1  Internal Control Cab 15m


    3HAC2447-1  Internal Control Cab. 22m


    3HAC2450-1  Internal Control Cab. 22m


    3HAC2472-1  Prod Spec. RoboSpray 6400


    3HAC2486-1  Puller with Out Berings


    3HAC2492-1  Control cable power L=7m


    3HAC2493-1  Control cable signal 7m


    3HAC2497-1  Can bus cable 7 m鴻飛達自動化科技強大的ABB備件直供


    3HAC2497-2  Can bus cable 15 m


    3HAC2497-3  Can bus cable 22 m


    3HAC2497-4  Can bus cable 30 m


    3HAC2501-1  Warning label


    3HAC2512-1  Control cable power L=7m


    3HAC2529-1  Control cable power L=15m


    3HAC2530-1  control cable signal 15m


    3HAC2535-1  Control cable power L=15m


    3HAC2539-1  Control cable power L=22m


    3HAC2540-1  Control cable signal 22m


    3HAC2544-1  Cable jib Teach Pendant


    3HAC2545-3  Mech. set circuit breaker


    3HAC2552-1  Lamp鴻飛達自動化科技強大的ABB備件直供


    3HAC2554-1  Cabel Bracket




    3HAC2554-3  Cabel Bracket


    3HAC2556-1  Contact plate


    3HAC2560-1  Control cable power L=22m


    3HAC2564-1  Control cable power L=30m


    3HAC2564-2  Control cable power L=40m


    3HAC2566-1  Control cable signal 30m


    3HAC2566-2  Control cable signal 50m


    3HAC2572-1  Control cable power L=30m


    3HAC2577-1  Instruction plate


    3HAC2578-1  Instruction plate


    3HAC2587-1  5Signal cable int. conn.


    3HAC2589-1  Instruction plate


    3HAC2601-1  Bracket signal lamp


    3HAC2606-1  Harness pos. switch


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