Display module DM 6

Display module
with Profibus-DP, Profinet, CANopen or EtherCAT interface
Profibus data and values are converted and displayed
Representation of arbitrary process data e.g.: Pressure,
temperature, number of revolutions, counter values
Large (14 mm) LED display with six digits
Integrated character set
Representation of numbers with sign
Control of individual segments possible
Flashing function for all or individual places
Many further functions see...
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Download GSD-file: DM6_0633.GSDDownload BMP-Symbol:
Large Display module DM 57

Large LED-Display with 57 mm character height, 5 digits
with Profibus-DP, Profinet, CANopen or EtherCAT interface
Bus data and values are converted and displayed
Representation of arbitrary process data e.g.: Pressure,
temperature, number of revolutions, counter values
Integrated character set
Representation of numbers with sign
Control of individual segments possible
Flashing function for all or individual places
Many further functions see...
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Large Display module DM 100

Large LED-Display with 100 mm character height, 4, 6 or 8 digits
with Profibus-DP, Profinet, CANopen or EtherCAT interface
Bus data and values are converted and displayed
Representation of arbitrary process data e.g.: Pressure,
temperature, number of revolutions, counter values
Integrated character set
Representation of numbers with sign
Control of individual segments possible
Flashing function for all or individual places
Many further functions see...
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Position display AM 10
Position display for distance or angle
For incremental encoders
For absolute encoders with SSI interface
For absolute encoders with EnDat 2.2 interface
For magnetostrictive encoders (ultrasonic)
Large LED display (14mm character height, 7 1/2 digits)
Scalable, thereby direct display of: mm, inch, degree of etc....
Programmable relay outputs
Various functions through bs selectable
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Digital panel instrument
Small and compact, 48 x 24 mm
4 digit display, LED 10 mm
DC voltage
DC current
Shunt measurement
Resistance, potentiometer measurement
PT100 (2+3 leaders), PT1000
supply voltage galvanically insulated
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Hand-held user terminal HBG 10
Durable, ergonomic hand control device
Illuminated display, two character sizes
35 markable function keys, 3-fold usable
Emergency – Stop switch
2 enable keys
Connection for SPS, CNC
Interfaces: RS 232, RS 422, Profibus DP, MPI, CAN-bus
Handwheel (optional)