
上架日期:2017-07-26 10:01:44
    (2800A non-vented)
    1200A & 2000A
    (2800A non-vented)
    1000A & 2000A
    (2800A non-vented)
    1000A & 2000A
    (2800A non-vented)
    1000A & 2000A
    (2800A non-vented)
    (1950A non-vented)
    (2800A non-vented)
    26W x 90H x 30D
    (34W optional)
    GE Type
    Bolted or Clip
    Bolted or Clip
    Two High
    CR194 400A
    Vacuum Stationary
    or Drawout (FVNR)
    50 kA rms sym.
    7.2 kV (fused)
    TOP: 360A vented
     320A non-vented
    BOTTOM: 400A vented
     320A non-vented
    36W x 90H x 30D
    (40W optional)
    GE Type
    CR194 800A
    Vacuum Stationary
    or Drawout (FVNR)
    (induction motor or
    transber loads)
    50 kA rms sym.
    4.80 kV (fused)
    760A vented
    640A non-vented
    480W x 90H x 30D Type RB
    CR7160 400A9
    Air-Break Drawout
    (induction motor or
    transber loads)
    50 kA rms sym.
    4.80 kV (fused)
    320A 1-high non-vented
    360A 1-high vented
    310A 2-high vented
    250A 3-high vented
    310A 3-high, with only
    2 contactors
    34W x 90H x 30D
    (42W optional)
    2-high & 3-high
    44W x 90H x 30D
    Type RA
    or RB
    IC1074 1200A6
    Load Break Switch
    (main, feeder, or tie)
    38 kA rms sym.
    4.76 kV (fused)
    1200A vented w/o fuse
    1000A non-vented w/o fuse
    960A vented with fuse
    840A non-vented with fuse
    38W x 90H x 30D Ferraz
    Auxiliary Sections7
    (incoming line,
    metering auxiliary)
    38 kA rms sym.
    4.76 kV Per devices installed
    90H x 30D
    any b available
    (22" minimum)
    N/A N/A
    5 Mechanical latch available. Capacitor trip device also available with latched contactor.
    1 Copper only, silver or tin plating, insulation available.
    2 NEMA 1 only, gasketing available. NEMA 2, 12, 3R available.
    3 CR324 is ambient-compensated.
    4 With primary and secondary fuses. Remote control power available.
    6 A switch may be used for isolation only.
    7 Surge arresters available: GE #9L11XPB Polymer series.
    8 Epoxy-coated.
    Obsolete design-for replacement only. 10Multilin 239, 269, 369, 469 available. 117.2 kV application available. 12Adds 12 inches to depth.
    Motor Control Centers
    3-18 Aftermarket Catalog www.geelectrical.com Prices and data subject
    to change without notice
    Motor Control Centers—Medium Voltage
    Main Contactor Replacements and Conversions
    Upgrades from original air break main contactors to vacuum
    interrupters are available either as complete roll-out/roll-in
    replacements, or as conversions completed by factory authorized
    service organizations, and offer the following features:
    —Introduced in 1983
    —Designed and tested to meet UL374 and NEMA ICS-3., Part 2
    —Fully interchangeable with air break contactors
    —Quiet operation due to use of DC coils
    —Contained arc during interruption, even when interrupters
    fail to interrupt
    —No replaceable arc vanes and arcing horns to maintain
    —Uses same clip and bolted fuses as air break contactors
    —Long life with minimal maintenance
    —Fast and simple inspection of vacuum interrupter tip wear
    —Interrupters use low chopping current materials
    —Latch contactors available from factory (no field conversion)
    —No conversion kit for 700A air break contactors (IC302E)
    Basic Contactor Catalog Number Debion
    IC2814E2##** and IC302 1966 Design with Glass Polyester Arc Chutes
    IC2814E2##* 1966 Design
    with Asbestos Compound Arc Chutes
    IC2814E1## 1962 Design
    Sheet Metal Frame Power Fuses on Top
    IC302E 1966 Design - No Conversion Kit Available;
    700A Contactor
    ## = Numeric Field
    ** = Alpha Field
    Contact your local GE sales or service representative for pricing
    and availability.

    Motor Control Centers
    Prices and data subject Aftermarket Catalog www.geelectrical.com 3-19
    to change without notice
    Motor Control Centers—Medium Voltage
    Frequently Requested Limitamp Renewal Parts
    CR194 and CR7160
    Limitamp Renewal Parts
    Limitamp Type
    Part Debion CR194 CR7160 Product Number
    Arc Chute Assembly Load Break Switch ? 204B4051BTG1
    Blade Assembly Load Break Switch ? 204B4051BRG1
    N/A 9F60DJD025
    N/A 9F60DJD030
    N/A 9F60DJD040
    N/A 9F60DJD050
    N/A 9F60DJD065 9F60 Series N/A 9F60DJD080
    N/A 9F60DJD100
    N/A 9F60DJD125
    N/A 9F60DJD150
    N/A 9F60DJD200
    ? ? 9F62HCB025
    ? ? 9F62HCB030
    ? ? 9F62HCB040
    ? ? 9F62HCB050
    E Rated Fuses 9F62 G.P. Series ? ? 9F62HCB065
    Equivalent Cont. ? ? 9F62DCB080
    Current Rating ? ? 9F62DCB100
    ? ? 9F62DCB125
    ? ? 9F62DCB150
    ? ? 9F62DCB175
    ? ? 9F62DCB200
    ? ? 9F62HCB025
    ? ? 9F62HCB030
    ? ? 9F62HCB040
    9F62 G.P. Series ? ? 9F62HCB050
    Equivalent XFMR Protection ? ? 9F62HCB065
    ? ? 9F62DCB080
    ? ? 9F62DCB125
    ? ? 9F62DCB150
    ? ? 9F62DCB175
    Air - Clip (5kV, 70A) ? ? 218A4291P2RB
    Air - Clip (5kV, 100A) ? ? 218A4291P3RB
    Air - Clip (5kV, 130A) ? ? 218A4291P4RB
    Air - Clip (5kV, 170A) ? ? 218A4291P6RB
    Air - Clip (5kV, 200A) ? ? 218A4291P9RB
    Air - Clip (5kV, 230A) ? ? 218A4291P12RB
    Air - Clip (5kV, 390A) ? ? 218A4291P18RB
    Air - Clip (5kV, 450A) ? ? 218A4291P24RB
    Air - Bolted (5kV, 70A) ? 218A4293P2RB
    Air - Bolted (5kV, 100A) ? 218A4293P3RB
    Air - Bolted (5kV, 130A) ? 218A4293P4RB
    Air - Bolted (5kV, 170A) ? 218A4293P6RB
    Air - Bolted (5kV, 200A) ? 218A4293P9RB
    Air - Bolted (5kV, 230A) ? 218A4293P12RB
    Air - Bolted (5kV, 390A) ? 218A4293P18RB
    Air - Bolted (5kV, 450A) ? 218A4293P24RB
    Vac. - Bolted (5kV, 70A) ? 55A212942P2RB
    Vac. - Bolted (5kV, 100A) ? 55A212942P3RB
    Vac. - Bolted (5kV, 130A) ? 55A212942P4RB
    Vac. - Bolted (5kV, 170A) ? 55A212942P6RB
    Vac. - Bolted (5kV, 200A) ? 55A212942P9RB
    R Rated Fuses Vac. - Bolted (5kV, 230A) ? 55A212942P12RB
    Vac. - Bolted (5kV, 390A) ? 55A212942P18RB
    Vac. - Bolted (5kV, 450A) ? 55A212942P24RB
    Vac. - Bolted - 800A (5kV, 425A) ? 55A213937P425B
    Vac. - Bolted - 800A (5kV, 550A) ? 55A213937P550B
    Vac. - Bolted - 800A (5kV, 630A) ? 55A213937P630B
    Vac. - Bolted - 800A (5kV, 800A) ? 55A213937P800B
    Air - Bolted (7.2kV, 70A) ? 218A4298P070
    Air - Bolted (7.2kV, 100A) ? 218A4298P100
    Air - Bolted (7.2kV, 180A) ? 218A4298P180
    Air - Bolted (7.2kV, 360A) ? 218A4298P360
    Vac. - Bolted (7.2kV, 70A) ? 55A212943P70
    Vac. - Bolted (7.2kV, 100A) ? 55A212943P100
    Vac. - Bolted (7.2kV, 180A) ? 55A212943P180
    Vac. - Bolted (7.2kV, 360A) ? 55A212943P360
    Motor Control Centers—Medium Voltage
    Frequently Requested Limitamp Renewal Parts
    CR194 and CR7160
    Renewal Parts (continued)
    Limitamp Type Product
    Part Debion CR194 CR7160 Number
    Air or Vac Clip, 7.2kv, 70A ? ? 9F60LJE503
    Air or Vac Clip, 7.2kv, 130A ? ? 9F60LJE504
    Air or Vac Clip, 7.2kv, 170A ? ? 9F60LJE506
    R Rated Fuses1 Air or Vac Clip, 7.2kv, 200A ? ? 9F60LJE509
    Air or Vac Clip, 7.2kv, 230A ? ? 9F60LJE512
    Air or Vac Clip, 7.2kv, 390A ? ? 9F60MJE518
    Air or Vac Clip, 7.2kv, 450A ? ? 9F60MJE524
    0.75kVA 2400 to 230/115 Vac ? 573A350P86
    0.75kVA 4160 to 230/115 Vac ? 573A350P87 Control 2kVA 2400 to 230/115 Vac ? ? 573A350P44 Power 2kVA 4160 to 230/115 Vac ? ? 573A350P45 Transber 3kVA 4160 to 230/115 Vac ? ? 573A350P53
    3kVA 2400 to 230/115 Vac ? ? 573A350P54
    1 Amp (Use with .75kVA) ? ? CSC#A480T1E-1
    Primary Fuses 3 Amp (Use with 2kVA) ? ? CSC#A480T3E-1
    4 Amp (Use with 3kVA) ? ? CSC#A480T4E-1
    Repl. Bottles Refer to Factory
    Vacuum Contactors Refer to Factory ? ?
    This is a partial listing of GE's medium voltage power fuse offering. GE offers current limiting fuses for a large variety of applications, including full range fuses, potential
    transber fuses, motor starters, capacitor fuses, supports, disconnect switches, and a variety of fuse clips and live parts.
    For more inbation, please contact your local GE distributor, or local GE Consumer & Industrial sales representative. Our catalog (GEP-9013B),
    as well as other application and selection inbation are also available at www.geelectrical.com. If you need further assistance you may contact our
    customer service group at 1-800-821-4873 (US only).
    1GO-P001 for all R-Rated Fuses on this page only.
    Limitamp Parts Publications List
    Model Debion Number
    Instructions (One-High) 400A GEH-5305
    CR194 Instructions (Two-High) 400A GEH-6263
    Renewal Parts 400A DEF-002
    Instructions 800A GEH-5396
    CR7160 Air Break Instructions and Maintenance GEH-3091
    Renewal Parts GEF-4630
    CR-193 Vac. Contactor Maintenance GEH-5306
    Renewal Parts GEF-8016
    Instructions and Maintenance GEH-3102
    Air Break Contactor (IC2814 and IC302) Renewal Parts 400A GEF-4551
    Renewal Parts 700A GEF-4576
    CR7160 Drawout Vac. Contactors Instructions and Maintenance GEH-4989
    Renewal Parts GEF-8017
    Load Break Switch (IC1074) Instructions and Maintenance GEH-4268
    Prices and data subject
    to change without notice
    3-20 Aftermarket Catalog www.geelectrical.com
    Motor Control Centers
    Motor Control Centers
    Prices and data subject Aftermarket Catalog www.geelectrical.com 3-21
    to change without notice
    Motor Control Centers
    GE CR 7069 Synchronous Motor Control Field Panels
    GE CR 7069 Synchronous Motor Control Field Panels
    Designed to replace existing synchronous motor exciters for GE or other manufacture
    models, GE Synchronous field panels include state of the art digital controls, long
    lasting SCR switching devices, communications and many optional features. High
    quality hardware, solid experience with synchronous motor controls and GE installation
    service will ensure high reliability, better controls, enduring productivity and quick pay
    back on upgrade investments. GE Field Panels can be provided fully assembled in their
    own enclosures for quicker installation and hook up, or as kits that GE Engineering
    Services, OEMs or other integrators may install into existing enclosures.
    GE Limitamp Synchronous Field Panels are offered for both brush and brushless
    synchronous motors. Both types of field panels are equipped with the GE Multilin? SPM
    solid-state synchronous field application and protection module. The SPM replaces older
    discrete devices such as DC current and voltage relays, DC meters, etc. More compact
    and reliable, the SPM controller provides digital synchronous motor control and
    protection functions including:
    —Stator squirrel-cage type starting protection
    —Power factor and pull-out running protection
    —Field application control that maximizes pull-in torque (for brush-type machines only)
    —Digital displays of motor running line current and power factor are featured along with
    a keypad for entering set-point beters.
    —Available options include field loss protection, exciter voltage check protection, field
    amps display, exciter volts display, incomplete sequence protection, and power factor
    regulation when used with compatible SCR type variable field exciters.
    —Digital displays and motor status and electronic communications
    CR7069-A3 Brush, Collector-ring, type Synchronous Motor Field Panels
    The GE CR7069-A3 field panel interconnects with a separate motor controller or circuit
    breaker motor feeder to provide the complete control necessary to control and protect a
    collector-ring (brush-type) synchronous motor.
    Basic features
    NEMA 1 (standard) indoor floor mounted enclosure
    —GE Multilin? SPM drawout relay with the following standard features:
    —Most favorable angle field application
    —Graduated squirrel-cage protection
    —Power factor/pull-out protection
    —Selectable ride-thru or re-synch feature
    —Loader relay output
    —Motor AC line amps display
    —Motor running power factor display
    —Field programmable set-points by keypad
    —Field amps display
    —Exciter volts display
    —Incomplete sequence protection
    —Field current loss protection
    —Field winding over-temperature protection
    —MODBUS RTU RS485 communication feature
    —Field application and discharge contactor
    —Field discharge resistor (separaby shipped for top-of-panel mounting)
    —Interface provisions for remote motor controller or circuit breaker motor feeder wired
    to terminal board.
    Contact your local GE sales or service
    representative for pricing and availability.
    Motor Control Centers
    3-22 Aftermarket Catalog www.geelectrical.com Prices and data subject
    to change without notice
    CR7069-B3 Brushless Synchronous Motor Field Panels
    The GE CR7069-B3 field panel interconnects with a separate motor controller or circuit
    breaker motor feeder to provide the control necessary to control and protect a brushless
    synchronous motor.
    —NEMA 1 (standard) indoor floor mounted enclosure (60”H x 32”W x 30”D)
    —GE Multilin? SPM drawout relay with the following standard features:
    —Locked rotor protection
    —Power factor/pull-out protection
    —Selectable ride-thru or re-synch feature
    —Settable time exciter field application output
    —Loader relay output
    —Motor AC line amps display
    —Motor running power factor display
    —Field programmable set-points by keypad
    —Exciter field amps display
    —Exciter volts display
    —Exciter field current loss protection
    —Exciter field winding over-temperature protection
    —MODBUS RTU RS485 communication feature
    —Variable autotransber and rectifier for max. 7 ADC, 125 VDC rated exciter
    field. Manual adjustment of the autotransber is available from front of the
    enclosure door.
    —Motor exciter application relay
    —Interface provisions for remote motor controller or circuit breaker motor feeder wired
    to terminal board.
    Contact your local GE sales or service representative for pricing and availability.
    Motor Control Centers
    GE CR 7069 Synchronous Motor Control Field Panels
    Section 4: Switchboards and Power Panels
    Table of Contents
    Switchboards and Power Panels
    Prices and data subject Aftermarket Catalog www.geelectrical.com 4-1
    to change without notice
    Spectra? Series Panelboards...................................................................4-2
    Replacement Boxes and Fronts........................................................4-2
    Renewal Parts ...........................................................................................4-5
    Switchboards and Panelboards
    Spectra? Series Switchboards and Panelboards ........................4-10
    Renewal Parts.........................................................................................4-10
    Renewal Parts, Accessories .........................................................4-16
    Renewal Parts, Interiors, Boxes and Fronts..........................4-17
    Type SCP Plus..........................................................................................4-18
    Renewal Parts, Enclosure Options, Mounting
    Hardware, and Spare Parts..............................................................4-18
    Renewal Parts, Type CCB and QMR Panelboards..................4-19
    Reference Publications ................................................................4-22
    This catalog contains replacement parts, retrofits, accessories,
    and older generation products. For current generation products,
    please see the GE BuyLog? or Control Catalog.
    Switchboards and Power Panels
    4-2 Aftermarket Catalog www.geelectrical.com Prices and data subject
    to change without notice
    Spectra? Series Panelboards
    Replacement Boxes and Fronts. Order from the Customer Service Center
    Type APB NEMA 1 Enclosure
    Interior Product
    Width Height X-Height Modification Number
    11.50"D, Std Gauge APB2765AS
    18X 11.50"D, Painted/Heavy Gauge APB2765ASP
    14.25"D, Std Gauge APB2765A
    14.25"D, Painted/Heavy Gauge APB2765AP
    11.50"D, Std Gauge APB2765BS
    65" 23X 11.50"D, Painted/Heavy Gauge APB2765BSP
    14.25"D, Std Gauge APB2765B
    14.25"D, Painted/Heavy Gauge APB2765BP
    11.50"D, Std Gauge APB2765CS
    27" 28X 11.50"D, Painted/Heavy Gauge APB2765CSP
    14.25"D, Std Gauge APB2765C
    14.25"D, Painted/Heavy Gauge APB2765CP
    11.50"D, Std Gauge APB2775S
    75" 28X 11.50"D, Painted/Heavy Gauge APB2775SP
    14.25"D, Std Gauge APB2775
    14.25"D, Painted/Heavy Gauge APB2775P
    11.50"D, Std Gauge APB2789S
    89" 33X, 38X 11.50"D, Painted/Heavy Gauge APB2789SP
    14.25"D, Std Gauge APB2789
    14.25"D, Painted/Heavy Gauge APB2789P
    11.50"D, Std Gauge APB3165A
    18X 11.50"D, Painted/Heavy Gauge APB3165AP
    14.25"D, Std Gauge APB3165AD
    14.25"D, Painted/Heavy Gauge APB3165ADP
    11.50"D, Std Gauge APB3165B
    65" 23X 11.50"D, Painted/Heavy Gauge APB3165BP
    14.25"D, Std Gauge APB3165BD
    14.25"D, Painted/Heavy Gauge APB3165BDP
    11.50"D, Std Gauge APB3165C
    28X 11.50"D, Painted/Heavy Gauge APB3165CP
    14.25"D, Std Gauge APB3165CD
    14.25"D, Painted/Heavy Gauge APB3165CDP
    11.50"D, Std Gauge APB3175
    31" 75" 23X, 28X 11.50"D, Painted/Heavy Gauge APB3175P
    14.25"D, Std Gauge APB3175D
    14.25"D, Painted/Heavy Gauge APB3175DP
    11.50"D, Std Gauge APB3189
    89" 33X, 38X 11.50"D, Painted/Heavy Gauge APB3189P
    14.25"D, Std Gauge APB3189D
    14.25"D, Painted/Heavy Gauge APB3189DP
    11.50"D, Std Gauge APB3196A
    38X, 43X 11.50"D, Painted/Heavy Gauge APB3196AP
    14.25"D, Std Gauge APB3196AD
    96" 14.25"D, Painted/Heavy Gauge APB3196ADP
    11.50"D, Std Gauge APB3196B
    48X 11.50"D, Painted/Heavy Gauge APB3196BP
    14.25"D, Std Gauge APB3196BD
    14.25"D, Painted/Heavy Gauge APB3196BDP
    Type APB NEMA 1 Enclosure (Continued)
    Interior Product
    Width Height X-Height Modification Number
    11.50"D, Std Gauge APB3665
    65 18X, 23X, 11.50"D, Painted/Heavy Gauge APB3665P
    28X 16.25"D, Std Gauge APB3665D
    16.25"D, Painted/Heavy Gauge APB3665DP
    11.50"D, Std Gauge APB3675
    75" 23X, 28X 11.50"D, Painted/Heavy Gauge APB3675P
    16.25"D, Std Gauge APB3675D
    36" 16.25"D, Painted/Heavy Gauge APB3675DP
    11.50"D, Std Gauge APB3689
    89" 33X, 38X 11.50"D, Painted/Heavy Gauge APB3689P
    16.25"D, Std Gauge APB3689D
    16.25"D, Painted/Heavy Gauge APB3689DP
    11.50"D, Std Gauge APB3696
    96" 38X, 43X, 11.50"D, Painted/Heavy Gauge APB3696P
    48X 16.25"D, Std Gauge APB3696D
    16.25"D, Painted/Heavy Gauge APB3696DP
    11.50"D, Std Gauge APB4065
    65" 18X, 23X 11.50"D, Painted/Heavy Gauge APB4065P
    14.25"D, Std Gauge APB4065D
    14.25"D, Painted/Heavy Gauge APB4065PD
    11.50"D, Std Gauge APB4075
    75" 23X, 28X 11.50"D, Painted/Heavy Gauge APB4075P
    14.25"D, Std Gauge APB4075D
    40" 14.25"D, Painted/Heavy Gauge APB4075DP
    11.50"D, Std Gauge APB4089
    89" 33X, 38X 11.50"D, Painted/Heavy Gauge APB4089P
    14.25"D, Std Gauge APB4089D
    14.25"D, Painted/Heavy Gauge APB4089DP
    11.50"D, Std Gauge APB4096
    96" 38X, 43X, 11.50"D, Painted/Heavy Gauge APB4096P
    48X 14.25"D, Std Gauge APB4096D
    14.25"D, Painted/Heavy Gauge APB4096DP
    11.50"D, Std Gauge APB4465
    65" 18X, 23X 11.50"D, Painted/Heavy Gauge APB4465P
    16.25"D, Std Gauge APB4465D
    16.25"D, Painted/Heavy Gauge APB4465DP
    11.50"D, Std Gauge APB4475
    75" 23X, 28X 11.50"D, Painted/Heavy Gauge APB4475P
    16.25"D, Std Gauge APB4475D
    44" 16.25"D, Painted/Heavy Gauge APB4475DP
    11.50"D, Std Gauge APB4489
    89" 33X, 38X 11.50"D, Painted/Heavy Gauge APB4489P
    16.25"D, Std Gauge APB4489D
    16.25"D, Painted/Heavy Gauge APB4489DP
    11.50"D, Std Gauge APB4496
    96" 38X, 43X, 11.50"D, Painted/Heavy Gauge APB4496P
    48X 16.25"D, Std Gauge APB4496D
    16.25"D, Painted/Heavy Gauge APB4496DP
    Switchboards and Power Panels
    Prices and data subject Aftermarket Catalog www.geelectrical.com 4-3
    to change without notice
    Spectra? Series Panelboards
    Replacement Boxes and Fronts. Order from the Customer Service Center
    Compression Lugs
    Main Lugs, Neutral Lugs and Fusible Switches
    Type APB NEMA 3R and 12 Enclosures
    Width Depth Height X-Height1 Product Number2
    18X APB(D,R)276518(B,T)
    65" 23X APB(D,R)276523(B,T)
    27" 14.25" 28X APB(D,R)276528(B,T)
    75" 28X APB(D,R)277528(B,T)
    89" 33X APB(D,R)278933(B,T)
    38X APB(D,R)278938(B,T)
    18X APB(D,R)316518(B,T)
    65" 23X APB(D,R)316523(B,T)
    28X APB(D,R)316528(B,T)
    31" 14.25" 23X APB(D,R)317523E(B,T)
    75" 23X GF APB(D,R)317523E(B,T)
    28X APB(D,R)317528(B,T)
    89" 33X APB(D,R)318933(B,T)
    38X APB(D,R)318938(B,T)
    18X APB(D,R)366518(B,T)
    65" 23X APB(D,R)366523E(B,T)
    28X APB(D,R)366528(B,T)
    36" 16.25" 23X APB(D,R)367523E(B,T)
    75" 23X DM APB(D,R)367523E(B,T)
    28X APB(D,R)367528(B,T)
    89" 33X APB(D,R)368933(B,T)
    38X APB(D,R)368938(B,T)
    65" 18X APB(D,R)406518(B,T)
    23X APB(D,R)406523(B,T)
    40" 14.25" 23X APB(D,R)407523E(B,T)
    75" 23X DM APB(D,R)407523E(B,T)
    28X APB(D,R)407528(B,T)
    65" 18X APB(D,R)446518(B,T)
    23X APB(D,R)446523(B,T)
    44" 16.25" 23X APB(D,R)447523(B,T)
    75" 23X DM APB(D,R)447523E(B,T)
    28X APB(D,R)447528(B,T)
    1GF = Ground Fault
    DM = Dual Main, Ground Fault, 200% Neutral
    2(D,R) D = NEMA 12
    R = NEMA 3R
    (B,T) B = Bottom Feed
    T = Top Feed
    250A 400A 600A 800A 1200A
    緯軒機電865.00 緯軒機電965.00 緯軒機電1195.00 緯軒機電1527.00 緯軒機電1820.00
    List Price Each, GO-101
    List Price Each
    List Price Each
    Debion GO-101
    #12 1/0 緯軒機電20.00 500 kcmil 緯軒機電59.00
    2/0-300 kcmil 緯軒機電39.00 600-750 kcmil 緯軒機電81.00
    200% Neutral
    Provides second neutral assembly of equal amperage rating.
    Switchboards and Power Panels
    4-4 Aftermarket Catalog www.geelectrical.com Prices and data subject
    to change without notice
    Spectra? Series Panelboards
    EY, QB
    T(H)E, SE, FC, FE
    T(H)J, SF
    T(H)J, SF
    SG, FG
    EY, QB
    T(H)E, SE, FC, FE
    T(H)J, SF
    SG, FG
    SG, FG
    T(H)K, SK
    FE J
    Breaker Side Gutter Space
    27 31 36 40 44
    A 7.88 9.88 12.38 14.38 16.38
    B 5.75 7.75 10.25 12.25 14.25
    C 5.63 7.63 10.13 12.13 14.13
    D N/A 5.50 8 10 12
    E N/A N /A 6.38
    Breaker not available at time of printing
    8.38 10.38
     F 8.88 10.88 13.38 15.38 17.38
     G 8.13 10.13 12.63 14.63 16.63
     H N/A N /A N/A 12.63 14.63
    Letter Reference
    Enclosure Width
    AND ± .250 Single mounted devices as branch or main
    Breakers are arranged, as a standard and if not specified, with
    largest and highest amperage closest to main incoming and the
    smallest, lowest amperage furthest from the main incoming. The
    spaces, if any, will follow after the breakers. All main breakers are
    mounted horizontally and incoming lugs are, as a standard and if
    not specified, always oriented to the left gutter regardless if top
    or bottom feed. If 2 or more large branch breakers (SK, SG single
    mounted) are supplied with the board then the factory will start
    the first breaker with the lugs to the right and the second breaker
    with lugs to left and will continue staggering them until all have
    been installed. If any further clarification is needed, please contact
    your local GE representative.
    1 緯軒機電28.00
    2 緯軒機電56.00
    3 緯軒機電83.00
    4 緯軒機電111.00
    5 緯軒機電139.00
    6 緯軒機電167.00
    7 緯軒機電194.00
    8 緯軒機電223.00
    10 緯軒機電278.00
    19 緯軒機電527.00
    List Price Adder
    ADS Fusible Switches
    (Available in Plug-in only)
    Remove Dual and Feed-thru Lugs (added to main lugs) Adder for
    space only
    UL Class Amp Rating Availability
    H 30-600 No Charge-Specify on order
    J 30-600 No Charge-Specify on order
    K 30-600 No Charge-Specify on order
    Optional Fuse Clips
    Switchboards and Power Panels
    Prices and data subject Aftermarket Catalog www.geelectrical.com 4-5
    to change without notice
    Spectra? Series Panelboards
    Renewal Parts
    Main Lug
    Front (4 pc)
    Note: Incoming conduit b
     should be in top or bottom
     ends of enclosure. Must avoid
     conduit entrances that would
     interfere with ground and
     neutral assembly b.
    Side Filler Plate
    Full Filler Plate
    Fusible Switch (one side blank)
    Fusible Switch (Branch)
    Box Interior Neutral
    Fig. 1.1 Fig. 1.2
    Modular Concept. Order all components from Customer Service Center
    Fig. 1.1 is a front view of a typical Spectra? Series fusible panelboard.
    Fig. 1.2 is also a front view, but with the front (4 piece trim), all fusible switches, and all filler plates removed.
    Switchboards and Power Panels
    4-6 Aftermarket Catalog www.geelectrical.com Prices and data subject
    to change without notice
    Spectra? Series Panelboards
    Renewal Parts
    Circuit Breaker Sizing
    2P 2P
    2P 2P
    3P 3P
    3P 3P
    2P 2P
    2P 2P
    3P 3P
    3P 3P
    3P 3P
    3P 3P
    3P 3P
    2P or 3P
    27" W
    TEY, THLC1,
    THED, SE-Frame,
    FC (FE Future)
    TQD, THQD,
    TEB, TED
    (FE Future)
    THLC2, THLC4
    TJD, TJJ, TJK,
    SF-Frame, TFJ,
    SF-Frame Double,
    FC (FE Future),
    Branch Adjacent
    to Switch
    SF-Frame Single,
    Branch or Main
    Adjacent to Switch
    THLC2, THLC4
    TKM, THKM,
    TJD, TJJ, TJK,
    31" W
    36" W
    40" W
    44" W
    2P or 3P
    2P or 3P
    2P or 3P
    2P or 3P
    2P or 3P
    2P or 3P
    Switchboards and Power Panels
    Prices and data subject Aftermarket Catalog www.geelectrical.com 4-7
    to change without notice
    Spectra? Series Panelboards
    Renewal Parts
    Product Number Structure
    Panelboard Interior – Type APN
    Panelboard Interior – Type APNB
    Panelboard Box – Type APB
    Panelboard Front – Type APF
    Example: APNB 38 06 U B4
    “X” Hgt of
    18 = 18X
    23 = 23X
    28 = 28X
    33 = 33X
    38 = 38X
    43 = 43X
    48 = 48X
    53 = 53X
    Ampere Rating
    02 = 200A
    04 = 400A
    06 = 600A
    08 = 800A
    12 = 1200A
    Interior Type
    U = Unassembled
    Modification Code
    Blank = Standard
     (Aluminum Bus)
    B4 = Copper Bus
     (100A/sq in.)
    Example: APF 89 38
    65 = 65"
    75 = 75"
    89 = 89"
    96 = 96"
    “X” Hgt of
    18 = 18X
    23 = 23X
    28 = 28X
    33 = 33X
    38 = 38X
    43 = 43X
    48 = 48X
    53 = 53X
    Modification Code
    Blank = For Std Box (36" wide)
    S = For Slim Box (27" wide)
    W = For Wide Box (44" wide)
    E = Extra Line Gutter Space for
     Dual Main Neutral
    N = Nonvented Front
     (for 250A only)
    Example: APB 36 89
    27 = 27"
    36 = 36"
    44 = 44"
    65 = 65"
    75 = 75"
    89 = 89"
    96 = 96"
    Modification Code
    Blank = Any box except APB2765
    A = For APB2765 with 18X interior
    B = For APB2765 with 23X interior
    C = For APB2765 with 28X interior
    Example: APN 38 06 U B4
    “X” Hgt of
    18 = 18X
    23 = 23X
    28 = 28X
    33 = 33X
    38 = 38X
    43 = 43X
    48 = 48X
    53 = 53X
    Ampere Rating
    02 = 200A
    04 = 400A
    06 = 600A
    08 = 800A
    12 = 1200A
    Interior Type
    U = Unassembled
    Modification Code
    Blank = Standard
     (Aluminum Bus)
    B4 = Copper Bus
     (100A/sq in.)
    Switchboards and Power Panels
    4-8 Aftermarket Catalog www.geelectrical.com Prices and data subject
    to change without notice
    Spectra? Series Panelboards
    Renewal Parts
    Product Number Structure (Continued)
    Main Lug Module – Type AMB
    Disconnect Switches – Type ADS
    Circuit Breaker Mounting Modules – Type AMC
    Example: AMB 3 600 S FP
    No. of
    3 = 3 poles
    Ampere Rating
    250 = 200A
    400 = 400A
    600 = 600A
    800 = 800A
    120 = 1200A
    Modification Code
    Blank = 6X Module with
     Mech Lugs
    S = 4X Module with
     Mech Lugs
    C = 6X Module with
     Compression Lugs
    D = Dual Main Lug
    Accessory Code
    FP = With Filler Plate Kit
     (cover plates)
    MA = Mechanical Al/Cu Rated
    Example: AMC 6 EB S FP
    No. of Total CB Poles
    on Module Breaker Frames
    EY = TEY
     SEH, SEL, SEP
    FDB = FC
    FEB = FE Future
     SFH, SFL, SFP
     TJ4V, TJL4V
    LB = TLB4, THLC2, THLC4
    GB or GM = SGD, SGH, SGL, SGP
    FGB = FG
    KM = TKM, THKM, TK4V, TKL4V,
     SKH, SKL, SKP
    FB = FB
    Unit Type
    Blank = Std.
    S = Special Type to allow
     TFL, SE and SF to be
     mounted adjacent to
     a switch
    6 = 6 poles
     (3-pole breakers,
     double branched)
    4 = 4 poles
     (2-pole breakers,
     double branched)
    3 = 3 poles
     (3-pole breakers,
     single branched)
    2 = 2 poles
     (2-pole breakers,
     single branched)
    Accessory Code
    FP = With Filler Plate Kit
     (full b plates with
     cutouts for handles,
    Example: ADS 3 200 D FP
    No. of
    2 = 2 poles
    3 = 3 poles
    Ampere Rating
    030 = 30A
    060 = 60A
    100 = 100A
    200 = 200A
    400 = 400A
    600 = 600A
    800 = 800A
    120 = 1200A
    Voltage Rating
    2 = 240V
    6 = 600V
    Unit Type
    D = Double Unit
     with 2 switches
    S = Single Switch
     in a Double Unit
    B = Single Branch Unit
    M = Main Switch
    K = Expansion Kit
     (switch only . . .
     no module)
    Fuse Type
    H = Class H,
     R, or K
    T = Class T
    J = Class J
    L = Class L
    Accessory Code
    FP = With Filler
     Plate Kit
     (side fillers)
    Switchboards and Power Panels
    Prices and data subject Aftermarket Catalog www.geelectrical.com 4-9
    to change without notice
    Spectra? Series Panelboards
    Renewal Parts
    Bolt-on Strap Kits – Type AMCB
    Neutral Kits – Type ANK
    Equipment Ground Kits – Type AEG
    NEMA 1 Box Extensions - Type APB1
    Example: AEG 21 S
    No. of
    Modification Code
    Blank = Std (bonded)
    S = Insulated/Isolated
    Example: ANK 800 D
    250 = 250A
    400 = 400A
    600 = 600A
    800 = 800A
    100 = 1000A
    120 = 1200A
    Modification Code
    Blank = Std (single main)
    D = Dual Main
    GF = Ground Fault Only
    Example: AMCB 6 EB B FP
    C/B Frame
    EB = SE, TEB, T(H)ED
    EY = TEY
    FDB = FC
    FE = FEB Future
    FJ = SF
    G = SG
    FG = FGB
    K = SK, T(H)KM
    LB = THLC2,4
    QD = T(H)QD
    SE = SE, THED
    Blank = Main or Branch
    B = Branch Only
    M = Main Only
    Accessory Code
    FP = With Filler
     Plate Kit
     (full b
     plates with
     cutouts for
     handles, etc)
    Example: APB 27 E
    Extension Depth
    E = 12H, 11.5D, 31/36/40/44W
     12H, 14.25D, 27W
    ED = 12H, 14.25D, 31/40W
     12H, 16.25D, 36/44W
    ES = 12H, 11.5D, 27W
    1Note: Available in SPEEDI under “EXT” code on modifications screen. Also available by product number through ONE STOP.
    Switchboards and Power Panels
    4-10 Aftermarket Catalog www.geelectrical.com Prices and data subject
    to change without notice
    Switchboards and Panelboards
    Spectra? Series Switchboards and Panelboards
    Renewal Parts
    Mounting Hardware. Order from the Customer Service Center
    Product Features
    —Use to mount main or branch circuit breakers into panelboard. Breakers bolt on to the mounting modules.
    —FP suffix indicates that all AFP filler plates, with cutouts for handles, are included to fit all applicable box bs. On double branch modules,
    filler plates to cover any unused breaker poles are also included.
    —Circuit breakers not included in module price.
    —Includes all necessary hardware.
    Circuit Breaker Mounting Modules Plug-In Spectra? 3-pole
    Mounting Maximum Breaker Breaker X Filler Plate Kit Box Product List Price
    Arrangement Amperage Frame Height Product Number Width Range Number GO-139C
    Double Branch 100 THQB or THHQB 3X AFP3QBD 27", 31", 36" 40", 44" AMC6QBFP 緯軒機電263.00
    Double Branch 100 TEY 3X AFP3EYD 27", 31", 36" 40", 44" AMC6EYFP 緯軒機電263.00
    Double Branch 100 FCS, FCV, FCN, FCH or FCL 3X AFP3FDD 27", 31", 36", 40", 44" AMC6FDBFP 緯軒機電263.00
    Double Branch 150 TEB, TED, THED, SEDA 3X AFP3SED 27", 31", 36" 40", 44" AMC6EBFP 緯軒機電263.00
    Double Branch 225 TQD or THQD 3X AFP3QDD 27", 31", 36" 40", 44" AMC6QDFP 緯軒機電263.00
    Double Branch 225 TFJ or TFK or THFK 3X AFP3TFD 31", 36", 40", 44" AMC6FJFPTF 緯軒機電649.00
    Double Branch 250 SFHA or SFLA or SFPA 3X AFP3SFD 31", 36", 40" 44" AMC6FJFP1 緯軒機電649.00
    Double Branch 400 TJD or TJJ 6X AFP6TJD 44" AMC6JKFP 緯軒機電1234.00
    Double Branch 600 TJK or THJK 6X AFP6TJD 44" AMC6JKFP 緯軒機電1234.00
    Double Branch 600 FGL, FGN, FGH or FGP 4X AFP4FGD 40", 44" AMC6FGBFP 緯軒機電1234.00
    Double Branch 600 SGDA or SGHA or SGLA or SGPA 4X AFP4SGD 40", 44" AMC6GBFP2 緯軒機電1234.00
    Double Branch Adjacent to Switch 100 FCS, FCV, FCN, FCH or FCL 4X AFP4FDD 36", 44" AMC6FDSPF 緯軒機電263.00
    Double Branch Adjacent to Switch 150 SEDA or SEHA or SELA or SEPA 4X AFP4SED 36", 44" AMC6EBSFP 緯軒機電263.00
    Double Branch Adjacent to Switch 250 SFHA or SFLA or SFPA 4X AFP4SFD 36", 44" AMC6FLSFP 緯軒機電772.00
    Single Branch or Main 225 TFJ or TFK or THFK 3X AFP3TFS 27", 31", 36", 40", 44" AMC3FJFPTF 緯軒機電649.00
    Single Branch or Main 250 SFHA or SFLA or SFPA 3X AFP3SFS 27", 31", 36", 40", 44" AMC3FJFP1 緯軒機電649.00
    Single Branch or Main 400 TJD or TJJ 6X AFP6TJS 27", 31", 36", 40", 44" AMC3JKFP 緯軒機電1234.00
    Single Branch or Main 600 TJK or THJK 6X AFP6TJS 27", 31", 36", 40", 44" AMC3JKFP 緯軒機電1234.00
    Single Branch or Main 600 FGV, FGN, FGH or FGP 4X AFP4FGS 27", 31", 36", 40", 44" AMC3FGMFP 緯軒機電1234.00
    Single Branch or Main 600 SGDA or SGHA or SGLA or SGPA 4X AFP4SGS 27", 31", 36", 40", 44" AMC3GMFP 緯軒機電1234.00
    Single Branch or Main 1200 TKM or THKM or SKHA or SKLA 6X AFP6SKS 40", 44" AMC3KMFP 緯軒機電1545.00
    Single Branch or Main 1200 SKPA 6X AFP6SKS 44" AMC3KMFP 緯軒機電1545.00
    Single Branch or Main 250 SFHA or SFLA or SFPA 4X AFP4SFS 36", 44" AMC3FLSFP 緯軒機電772.00
    Adjacent to Switch
    Circuit Breaker Mounting Modules Plug-In Spectra? 2-pole
    Mounting Maximum Breaker Breaker X Filler Plate Kit Box Product List Price
    Arrangement Amperage Frame Height Product Number Width Range Number GO-139C
    Double Branch 100 THQB or THHQB 3X AFP3QBD 27", 31", 36" 40", 44" AMC6QBFP 緯軒機電263.00
    Double Branch 100 TEY 3X AFP3EYD 27", 31", 36" 40", 44" AMC6EYFP 緯軒機電263.00
    Double Branch 100 FCS, FCV, FCN, FCH or FCL 3X AFP3FDD 27", 31", 36", 40", 44" AMC4FDBFP 緯軒機電263.00
    Double Branch 150 TEB or TED 3X AFP2TED 27", 31", 36" 40", 44" AMC4EBFP 緯軒機電263.00
    Double Branch 150 SEDA or SEHA or SELA or SEPA, THED 3X AFP3SED 27", 31", 36" 40", 44" AMC4SEFP 緯軒機電263.00
    Double Branch 225 TQD or THQD 2X AFP2QDD 27", 31", 36" 40", 44" AMC4QDFP 緯軒機電263.00
    Double Branch 225 TFJ or TFK or THFK 3X AFP3TFD 31", 36", 40", 44" AMC4FJFPTF 緯軒機電649.00
    Double Branch 250 SFHA or SFLA or SFPA 3X AFP3SFD 31", 36", 40" 44" AMC4FJFP1 緯軒機電649.00
    Double Branch 400 TJD or TJJ 6X AFP6TJD 44" AMC4JKFP 緯軒機電1234.00
    Double Branch 600 TJK or THJK 6X AFP6TJD 44" AMC4JKFP 緯軒機電1234.00
    Double Branch 600 FGV, FGN, FGH or FGP 4X AFP4FGD 40", 44" AMC4FGBFP 緯軒機電1234.00
    Double Branch 600 SGDA or SGHA or SGLA or SGPA 4X AFP4SGD 40", 44" AMC4GBFP2 緯軒機電1234.00
    Double Branch Adjacent to Switch 100 FCS, FCV, FCN, FCH or FCL 4X AFP4FDD 36", 44" AMC4FDSFP 緯軒機電263.00
    Double Branch Adjacent to Switch 150 SEDA or SEHA or SELA or SEPA 4X AFP4SED 36", 44" AMC4EBSFP 緯軒機電263.00
    Double Branch Adjacent to Switch 250 SFHA or SFLA or SFPA 4X AFP4SFD 36", 44" AMC4FLSFP 緯軒機電772.00
    Single Branch or Main 225 TFJ or TFK or THFK 3X AFP3TFS 27", 31", 36", 40", 44" AMC2FJFPTF 緯軒機電649.00
    Single Branch or Main 250 SFHA or SFLA or SFPA 3X AFP3SFS 27", 31", 36", 40", 44" AMC2FJFP1 緯軒機電649.00
    Single Branch or Main 400 TJD or TJJ 6X AFP6TJS 27", 31", 36", 40", 44" AMC2JKFP 緯軒機電1254.90
    Single Branch or Main 600 TJK or THJK 6X AFP6TJS 27", 31", 36", 40", 44" AMC2JKFP 緯軒機電1254.90
    Single Branch or Main 600 FGV, FGN, FGH or FGP 4X AFP4FGS 27", 31", 36", 40", 44" AMC2FGMFP 緯軒機電1234.00
    Single Branch or Main 600 SGDA or SGHA or SGLA or SGPA 4X AFP4SGS 27", 31", 36", 40", 44" AMC2GMFP 緯軒機電1234.00
    Single Branch or Main 1200 TKM or THKM or SKHA or SKLA 6X AFP6SKS 40", 44" AMC2KMFP 緯軒機電1545.00
    Single Branch or Main 1200 SKPA 6X AFP6SKS 44" AMC2KMFP 緯軒機電1545.00
    Single Branch or 250 SFHA or SFLA or SFPA 4X AFP4SFS 36", 44" AMC2FLSFP 緯軒機電772.00
    Main Adjacent to Switch
    1SE and SF breakers located adjacent to a fusible switch, PCU or TVSS require mounting modules suitable for mounting “Adjacent to Switch.”
    SGDA circuit breaker rated 400 amps maximum.
    2THLC 1/2/4 breaker no longer available.
    Note: 1X = 1 3/8" vertical panel space.
    Switchboards and Power Panels
    Prices and data subject Aftermarket Catalog www.geelectrical.com 4-11
    to change without notice
    Switchboards and Panelboards
    Spectra? Series Switchboards and Panelboards
    Renewal Parts
    Mounting Hardware. Order from the Customer Service Center
    Product Features
    —Module includes fusible switch and panelboard mounting connectors. Fuses not included.
    —Class R Fuse Clip Kit (for field installation) included with all switches that accept Class R Fuses.
    —FP suffix indicates that all AFP filler plates are included to fit applicable box bs.
    Branch Switch Modules Plug-In Spectra? 240 Volts 3-pole
    Mounting Fuse Switch X Side Filler Plate Box Width Product List Price
    Arrangement Type Amperes Height Kit Part Number Range Number GO-139B
    Double Branch-2 switches H, R, or K 30 4X AFP4X 36", 44" ADS32030HDFP 緯軒機電572.00
    Double Branch-2 switches H, R, or K 60 4X AFP4X 36", 44" ADS32060HDFP 緯軒機電572.00
    Double Branch-2 switches H, R, or K 100 5X AFP5X 36", 44" ADS32100HDFP 緯軒機電772.00
    Double Branch-2 switches T 100 7X AFP7T 36", 44" ADS32100TDFP 緯軒機電729.00
    Double Branch-2 switches H, R, or K 200 7X AFP7X2 44" ADS32200HDFP 緯軒機電1832.00
    Double Branch-2 switches T 200 7X AFP7T 36", 44" ADS32200TDFP 緯軒機電1832.00
    Double Branch-switch plus space H, R, or K 30 4X AFP4X 36", 44" ADS32030HSFP 緯軒機電286.00
    Double Branch-switch plus space H, R, or K 60 4X AFP4X 36", 44" ADS32060HSFP 緯軒機電286.00
    Double Branch-switch plus space H, R, or K 100 5X AFP5X 36", 44" ADS32100HSFP 緯軒機電386.00
    Single Branch H, R, or K 200 7X AFP7X 36", 44" ADS32200HBFP 緯軒機電916.00
    Single Branch H, R, or K 400 10X AFP10X 44" ADS32400HBFP 緯軒機電2035.00
    Single Branch T 400 10X AFP10T 36", 44" ADS32400TBFP 緯軒機電2084.00
    Single Branch H, R, or K 600 10X AFP10X 44" ADS32600HBFP 緯軒機電2841.00
    Single Branch T 600 10X AFP10T 36", 44" ADS32600TBFP 緯軒機電2854.00
    Branch Switch Modules Plug-In Spectra? 240 Volts 2-pole
    Mounting Fuse Switch X Side Filler Plate Box Width Product List Price
    Arrangement Type Amperes Height Kit Part Number Range Number GO-139B
    Double Branch-2 switches H, R, or K 30 4X AFP4X 36", 44" ADS22030HDFP 緯軒機電462.00
    Double Branch-2 switches H, R, or K 60 4X AFP4X 36", 44" ADS22060HDFP 緯軒機電462.00
    Double Branch-2 switches T 100 7X AFP7T 36", 44" ADS32100TDFP 緯軒機電729.00
    Double Branch-2 switches H, R, or K 100 5X AFP5X 36", 44" ADS22100HDFP 緯軒機電649.00
    Double Branch-2 switches H, R, or K 200 7X AFP7X2 44" ADS22200HDFP 緯軒機電1414.00
    Double Branch-2 switches T 200 7X AFP7T 36", 44" ADS22200TD 緯軒機電1365.00
    Double Branch-switch plus space H, R, or K 30 4X AFP4X 36", 44" ADS22030HSFP 緯軒機電231.00
    Double Branch-switch plus space H, R, or K 60 4X AFP4X 36", 44" ADS22060HSFP 緯軒機電202.00
    Double Branch-switch plus space H, R, or K 100 5X AFP5X 36", 44" ADS22100HSFP 緯軒機電324.00
    Single Branch H, R, or K 200 7X AFP7X 36", 44" ADS22200HBFP 緯軒機電683.00
    Single Branch T 200 7X AFP7X 36", 44" ADS22200TS 緯軒機電683.00
    Single Branch H, R, or K 400 10X AFP10X 44" ADS22400HBFP 緯軒機電1427.00
    Single Branch T 400 10X AFP10T 36", 44" ADS22400TBFP 緯軒機電1433.00
    Single Branch H, R, or K 600 10X AFP10X 44" ADS22600HBFP 緯軒機電2355.00
    Single Branch T 600 10X AFP10T 36", 44" ADS22600TBFP 緯軒機電2201.00
    Note: 1X = 1 3/8" vertical panel space
    Switchboards and Power Panels
    4-12 Aftermarket Catalog www.geelectrical.com Prices and data subject
    to change without notice
    Switchboards and Panelboards
    Spectra? Series Switchboards and Panelboards
    Renewal Parts
    Mounting Hardware. Order from the Customer Service Center
    Product Features
    —Module includes fusible switch and panelboard mounting connectors. Fuses not included.
    —Class R Fuse Clip Kit (for field installation) included with all switches that accept Class R Fuses.
    —FP suffix indicates that all AFP filler plates are included to fit applicable box bs.
    Branch Switch Modules Plug-In Spectra? 600 Volts 3-pole
    Mounting Fuse Switch X Side Filler Plate Box Width Product List Price
    Arrangement Type Amperes Height Kit Part Number Range Number GO-139B
    Double Branch-2 switches H, R, J, or K 30 4X AFP4X 36", 44" ADS36030HDFP 緯軒機電738.00
    Double Branch-2 switches H, R, J, or K 60 5X AFP5X 36", 44" ADS36060HDFP 緯軒機電738.00
    Double Branch-2 switches H, R, J, or K 100 5X AFP5X 36", 44" ADS36100HDFP 緯軒機電1111.00
    Double Branch-2 switches H, R, or K 200 7X AFP7X2 44" ADS36200HDFP 緯軒機電2319.00
    Double Branch-2 switches J 200 7X AFP7T 36", 44" ADS36200JDFP 緯軒機電2319.00
    Double Branch-switch plus space H, R, J, or K 30 4X AFP4X 36", 44" ADS36030HSFP 緯軒機電369.00
    Double Branch-switch plus space H, R, J, or K 60 5X AFP5X 36", 44" ADS36060HSFP 緯軒機電369.00
    Double Branch-switch plus space H, R, J, or K 100 5X AFP5X 36", 44" ADS36100HSFP 緯軒機電555.00
    Single Branch H, R, or K 200 7X AFP7X 36", 44" ADS36200HBFP 緯軒機電1160.00
    Single Branch H, R, or K 400 10X AFP10X 44" ADS36400HBFP 緯軒機電2639.00
    Single Branch J 400 10X AFP10T 36", 44" ADS36400JBFP 緯軒機電2639.00
    Single Branch T 400 10X AFP10T 36", 44" ADS36400TBFP 緯軒機電2639.00
    Single Branch H, R, or K 600 10X AFP10X 44" ADS36600HBFP 緯軒機電3112.00
    Single Branch J 600 10X AFP10T 36", 44" ADS36600JBFP 緯軒機電3125.00
    Single Branch T 600 10X AFP10T 36", 44" ADS36600TBFP 緯軒機電3125.00
    Single Branch L 800 19X AFP19X 44" ADS36800LBFP 緯軒機電5149.00
    Single Branch L 1200 19X AFP19X 44" ADS36120LBFP 緯軒機電5514.00
    Branch Switch Modules Plug-In Spectra? 600 Volts 2-pole
    Mounting Fuse Switch X Side Filler Plate Box Width Product List Price
    Arrangement Type Amperes Height Kit Part Number Range Number GO-139B
    Double Branch-2 switches H, R, J, or K 30 4X AFP4X 36", 44" ADS26030HDFP 緯軒機電636.00
    Double Branch-2 switches H, R, J, or K 60 5X AFP5X 36", 44" ADS26060HDFP 緯軒機電636.00
    Double Branch-2 switches H, R, J, or K 100 5X AFP5X 36", 44" ADS26100HDFP 緯軒機電895.00
    Double Branch-2 switches T 100 7X N/A ADS26100TDFP 緯軒機電871.00
    Double Branch-2 switches H, R, or K 200 7X AFP7X2 44" ADS26200HDFP 緯軒機電1950.00
    Double Branch-2 switches J 200 7X AFP7T 36", 44" ADS26200JDFP 緯軒機電2319.00
    Double Branch-switch plus space H, R, J, or K 30 4X AFP4X 36", 44" ADS26030HSFP 緯軒機電318.00
    Double Branch-switch plus space H, R, J, or K 60 5X AFP5X 36", 44" ADS26060HSFP 緯軒機電318.00
    Double Branch-switch plus space H, R, J, or K 100 5X AFP5X 36", 44" ADS26100HSFP 緯軒機電447.00
    Single Branch H, R, or K 200 7X AFP7X 36", 44" ADS26200HBFP 緯軒機電895.00
    Single Branch J 200 7X AFP7X 36" ADS26200JSFP 緯軒機電1789.00
    Single Branch H, R, or K 400 10X AFP10X 44" ADS26400HBFP 緯軒機電2025.00
    Single Branch J 400 10X AFP10T 36", 44" ADS26400JBFP 緯軒機電1963.00
    Single Branch T 400 10X AFP10T 36", 44" ADS26400TBFP 緯軒機電1963.00
    Single Branch H, R, or K 600 10X AFP10X 44" ADS26600HBFP 緯軒機電2701.00
    Single Branch J 600 10X AFP10T 36", 44" ADS26600JBFP 緯軒機電2483.00
    Single Branch T 600 10X AFP10T 36", 44" ADS26600TBFP 緯軒機電2483.00
    Single Branch L 800 19X AFP19X 44" ADS26800LBFP 緯軒機電4217.00
    Single Branch L 1200 19X AFP19X 44" ADS26120LBFP 緯軒機電4590.00
    Note: 1X = 1 3/8" vertical space
    Switchboards and Power Panels
    Prices and data subject Aftermarket Catalog www.geelectrical.com 4-13
    to change without notice
    Switchboards and Panelboards
    Spectra? Series Switchboards and Panelboards
    Renewal Parts
    Mounting Hardware, Order from the Customer Service Center
    Mounting Hardware With Filler Plate, Straps and Brackets Bolt-On Spectra?
    Mounting kit with filler plate includes hardware straps, brackets and filler plate.
    Filler plate kit includes filler plate and associated hardware only.
    Product List Price
    Mounting Arrangement Breaker Frame Number of Poles Box Width Range X Height Number GO-134B
    Dual Mounted TEB, TED 2-pole 27"-44" 2X AMCB4EBFP 緯軒機電263.00
    Dual Mounted TEY 2-pole 27"-44" 3X AMCB4EYFP 緯軒機電263.00
    Dual Mounted FCS, FCV, FCN, FCH or FCL 2-pole 27", 31", 36", 40", 44" 3X AMCB4FDBFP 緯軒機電263.00
    Dual Mounted TQD, THQD 2-pole 27"-44" 2X AMCB4QDFP 緯軒機電263.00
    Dual Mounted THED, SED, SEH, SEL, SEP 2-pole 27"-44" 3X AMCB4SEFP 緯軒機電263.00
    Dual Mounted TEB, TED, THED, 3-pole 27"-44" 3X AMCB6EBFP 緯軒機電263.00
    Dual Mounted TEY 3-pole 27"-44" 3X AMCB6EYFP 緯軒機電263.00
    Dual Mounted FCS, FCV, FCN, FCH or FCL 3-pole 27", 31", 36", 40", 44" 3X AMCB6FDBFP 緯軒機電263.00
    Dual Mounted TQD, THQD 3-pole 27"-44" 3X AMCB6QDFP 緯軒機電263.00
    Dual Mounted SFH, SFL, SFP 2-pole 31"-44" 3X AMCB4FJFP 緯軒機電649.00
    Dual Mounted SFH, SFL, SFP 3-pole 31"-44" 3X AMCB6FJFP 緯軒機電649.00
    Dual Mounted TFJ, TFK, THFK 2-pole 36"-44" 2X AMCB4FJFPTF 緯軒機電649.00
    Dual Mounted TFJ, TFK, THFK 3-pole 36"-44" 3X AMCB6FJFPTF 緯軒機電649.00
    Dual Mounted FGV, FGN, FGH or FGP 2-pole 40", 44" 4X AMCB4FGBFP 緯軒機電1234.00
    Dual Mounted SGH, SGL, SGP 2-pole 40"-44" 4X AMCB4GBFP 緯軒機電1234.00
    Dual Mounted FGV, FGN, FGH or FGP 3-pole 40", 44" 4X AMCB6FGBFP 緯軒機電1234.00
    Dual Mounted SGH, SGL, SGP 3-pole 40"-44" 4X AMCB6GBFP 緯軒機電1234.00
    Single Mounted SFH, SFL, SFP 2-pole 27"-44" 3X AMCB2FJFP 緯軒機電649.00
    Single Mounted TFJ, TFK, THFK 2-pole 27"-44" 3X AMCB2FJFPTF 緯軒機電649.00
    Single Mounted FGV, FGN, FGH or FGP 2-pole 27", 31", 36", 40", 44" 4X AMCB2FGMFP 緯軒機電1234.00
    Single Mounted SGH, SGL, SGP 2-pole 27"-44" 4X AMCB2GMFP 緯軒機電1234.00
    Single Mounted SFH, SFL, SFP 3-pole 27"-44" 3X AMCB3FJFP 緯軒機電649.00
    Single Mounted TFJ, TFK, THFK 3-pole 27"-44" 3X AMCB3FJFPTF 緯軒機電649.00
    Single Mounted FGV, FGN, FGH or FGP 3-pole 27", 31", 36", 40", 44" 4X AMCB3FGMFP 緯軒機電1234.00
    Single Mounted SGH, SGL, SGP 3-pole 27"-44" 4X AMCB3GMFP 緯軒機電1234.00
    Single Mounted SKP 2-pole 27"-44" 6X AMCB3LBFP 緯軒機電772.00
    Single Mounted SKH, SKL, SKP, TKM, THKM 2-pole 40"-44" 6X AMCB2KMFP 緯軒機電1545.00
    Single Mounted SKH, SKL, SKP, TKM, THKM 3-pole 40"-44" 6X AMCB3KMFP 緯軒機電1545.00
    Filler Plates Bolt-On Spectra?
    Filler plate kit includes filler plate and associated hardware only.
    Product List Price
    Mounting Arrangement Breaker Frame Number of Poles Box Width Range X Height Number GO-139C
    Dual Mounted TQD, THQD 2-pole 27"-44" 2X AFP2QDD 緯軒機電55.00
    Dual Mounted TEB, TED 2-pole 27"-44" 2X AFP2TED 緯軒機電55.00
    Dual Mounted TEY 2-, 3-pole 27"-44" 3X AFP3EYD 緯軒機電55.00
    Dual Mounted TQD, THQD 3-pole 27"-44" 3X AFP3QDD 緯軒機電55.00
    Dual Mounted TEB, TED, THED, 2-, 3-pole 27"-44" 3X AFP3SED 緯軒機電55.00
    Dual Mounted SFH, SFL, SFP 2-, 3-pole 31"-44" 3X AFP3SFD 緯軒機電55.00
    Dual Mounted TFJ, TFK, THFK 2-, 3-pole 36"-44" 2X, 3X AFP3TFD 緯軒機電55.00
    Dual Mounted FGV, FGN, FGH or FGP 3-pole 40", 44" 4X AFP4FGD 緯軒機電55.00
    Dual Mounted SGH, SGL, SGP 2-, 3-pole 40"-44" 4X AFP4SGD 緯軒機電55.00
    Single Mounted SFH, SFL, SFP 2-, 3-pole 27"-44" 3X AFP3SFS 緯軒機電55.00
    Single Mounted TFJ, TFK, THFK 2-, 3-pole 27"-44" 3X AFP3TFS 緯軒機電55.00
    Single Mounted FGV, FGN, FGH or FGP 2-, 3-pole 27", 31", 36", 40", 44" 4X AFP4FGS 緯軒機電55.00
    Single Mounted SGH, SGL, SGP 2-, 3-pole 27"-44" 4X AFP4SGS 緯軒機電55.00
    Single Mounted SKP 2-pole 27"-44" 6X AFP5LCS 緯軒機電55.00
    Single Mounted SKP, SKH, SKL, TKM, THKM 3-pole 44"-44" 6X AFP6SKS 緯軒機電55.00
    Notes: 1X = 1 3/8" vertical space. THLC 1/2/4 breaker no longer available.
    Switchboards and Power Panels
    4-14 Aftermarket Catalog www.geelectrical.com Prices and data subject
    to change without notice
    Switchboards and Panelboards
    Spectra? Series Switchboards and Panelboards
    Renewal Parts
    Order from the Customer Service Center
    Filler Plates Plug-In or Bolt-On Spectra?
    Use to cover unused spaces.
    Includes filler plate support brackets and hardware.
    Space Switchboard Product List Price
    X Height1 Box Width Range Section Widths Number GO-103C
    1X 27", 31" 35 APP1S 緯軒機電61.50
    2X 27", 31" 35 APP2S 緯軒機電61.50
    3X 27", 31" 35 APP3S 緯軒機電61.50
    4X 27", 31" 35 APP4S 緯軒機電61.50
    5X 27", 31" 35 APP5S 緯軒機電61.50
    6X 27", 31" 35 APP6S 緯軒機電61.50
    1X 36", 40" 40 APP1 緯軒機電61.50
    2X 36", 40" 40 APP2 緯軒機電61.50
    3X 36", 40" 40 APP3 緯軒機電61.50
    4X 36", 40" 40 APP4 緯軒機電61.50
    5X 36", 40" 40 APP5 緯軒機電61.50
    6X 36", 40" 40 APP6 緯軒機電61.50
    1X 44" 45 APP1W 緯軒機電61.50
    2X 44" 45 APP2W 緯軒機電61.50
    3X 44" 45 APP3W 緯軒機電61.50
    4X 44" 45 APP4W 緯軒機電61.50
    5X 44" 45 APP5W 緯軒機電61.50
    6X 44" 45 APP6W 緯軒機電61.50
    1 X-height: 1X = 1 3/8"
    Mounting Hardware Plug-In or Bolt-On Spectra? ADS Switch
    Replacement Load Base Kits
    Includes load base, clips and lugs.
    for Load Base Load Base Load Base - Load Base Product List Price
    Part Number Ampere Rating No. of Poles Voltage Number GO-139B
    ADS22030HD – – – 331A1519G1 緯軒機電67.00
    ADS32030HD – – – 331A1519G2 緯軒機電92.00
    ADS322060HD – – – 331A1519G3 緯軒機電65.00
    ADS32060HD – – – 331A1519G4 緯軒機電92.00
    ADS26030HD – – – 331A1519G5 緯軒機電65.00
    ADS36030HD – – – 331A1519G6 緯軒機電92.00
    ADS26060HD – – – 331A1519G7 緯軒機電101.00
    ADS36060HD – – – 331A1519G8 緯軒機電223.00
    ADS36200JD – – – 331A1519G12 緯軒機電398.00
    ADS26200JD – – – 331A1519G16 緯軒機電271.00
    ADS36200JM – – – 331A1519G20 緯軒機電396.00
    ADS26200JM – – – 331A1519G22 緯軒機電271.00
    – 100A 2-pole 240V & 600V 331A1519G9 緯軒機電83.00
    – 100A 3-pole 240V & 600V 331A1519G10 緯軒機電196.00
    – 100A 3-pole 240V & 600V 331A1519G14 緯軒機電101.00
    – 100A 2-pole 240V & 600V 331A1519G18 緯軒機電74.00
    – 200A 3-pole 240V & 600V 331A1519G11 緯軒機電112.00
    – 200A 2-pole 240V & 600V 331A1519G13 緯軒機電105.00
    – 200A 2-pole 240V & 600V 331A1519G15 緯軒機電80.50
    – 200A 2-pole 240V & 600V 331A1519G17 緯軒機電76.00
    – 200A 3-pole 240V & 600V 331A1519G19 緯軒機電112.00
    – 200A 2-pole 240V & 600V 331A1519G21 緯軒機電80.50
    – 400A 2-pole 240V & 600V 331A1545G1 緯軒機電227.00
    – 400A 3-pole 240V & 600V 331A1545G3 緯軒機電366.00
    – 400A 2-pole 240V & 600V 331A1545G5 緯軒機電569.00
    – 400A 3-pole 240V & 600V 331A1545G7 緯軒機電569.00
    – 600A 2-pole 240V & 600V 331A1545G2 緯軒機電229.00
    – 600A 3-pole 240V & 600V 331A1545G4 緯軒機電370.00
  • 免責聲明:以上所展示的信息由企業(yè)自行提供,內(nèi)容的真實性、準確性和合法性由發(fā)布企業(yè)負責,本網(wǎng)對此不承擔任何保證責任。我們原則 上建議您選擇本網(wǎng)高級會員或VIP會員。