All devices UL Listed for factory or field installation except where noted.
Components: Parts
Prices and data subject Aftermarket Catalog 1-27
to change without notice
Lug Adapter Kits
Kits pre-mount to bus structure allowing cabling or bussing to be completed prior to
breaker mounting. Accepts either lugs or crimp-type connector terminals. Kit includes
adapter and hardware for either a three-pole line-side, or a three-pole load-side connection.
(Lugs not included).
Circuit Breaker Max Rating Product Lug Max. Cables Wire Range List Price
Envelope Size (Amperes) (Amperes) Number Per Kit Per Pole kcmil Cu/AI GO-245B
400 TPLUG106 1 1 (2) #2 2-600 緯軒機電18.50
600 TPLUG206 1 2 (2) #2 2-600 緯軒機電27.50 800 800 TPLUG308 1 3 (3) 300-750 緯軒機電32.00
800 TPLUG1084 1 3 3/0-800 緯軒機電23.00
1600 800 TPLUG1084 1 6 3/0-800 緯軒機電23.00
1600 TPLUG408 1 4 500-800 緯軒機電39.00
2000 TPLUG1084 1 6 3/0-800 緯軒機電23.00
2000 800 TSLUG08 9 3 3/0-800 緯軒機電274.00
1200 TSLUG12 12 4 3/0-800 緯軒機電296.00
1600 TSLUG16 15 5 3/0-800 緯軒機電345.00
2000 TSLUG20 18 6 3/0-800 緯軒機電383.00
3000 2500 TSLUG25 21 7 3/0-800 緯軒機電418.00
3000 TSLUG30 27 9 3/0-800 緯軒機電630.00
4000 4000 TSLUG40 27 9 3/0-800 緯軒機電1045.00
4For use with adapter kit only. See table above.
Frame Product Suitable for List Price
Rating (Amperes) Number use with up to: GO-245B
3 TPLUG108 Lugs or
800 TPLUGA08 3 crimp Lugs1 per pole 緯軒機電78.50
6 TPLUG108 lugs or
1600 TPLUGA162 6 crimp Lugs1 per pole 緯軒機電389.00
6 TPLUG108 Lugs or
2000 SPLUGA203 6 crimp Lugs1 per pole 緯軒機電487.00
1Anderson No. VCEL-075-12H1 or equivalent
2T-Studs - TP16FCA - included with adapter
3T-Studs - SP20FCA - included with adapter
Lug Kits
Kits accept Cu/AI wire and are suitable for direct mounting to the breaker. When ordering
Type TPLUG kits, order one kit per line or load pole. Example: A complete set of lugs
for the line side of an 800A frame, 400A trip breaker would be Qty 3-TPLUG106 lugs.
When ordering TSLUG kits order one kit per line or load side; TSLUG kits require use of
T-studs. Example: A complete set of lugs for a 3000A frame, 2500A trip breaker would be
Qty 1-TSLUG25. T-Studs would also be required.
2000 Ampere Power Break? II breaker with
SPLUGA20 lug adapter kit and 18 lugs
Type TPLUG206
Type TPLUG408
Type TPLUG308
Type TSLUG20
Insulated Case Circuit Breakers
Power Break? II Circuit Breaker Accessories
Stationary Breaker Mounting Kits
All devices UL Listed for factory or field installation except where noted.
Components: Parts
1-28 Aftermarket Catalog Prices and data subject
to change without notice
T-studs mount directly to the breaker, and can be rotated for either vertical or horizontal
bus connection. 4000 ampere T-studs are for vertical bus bars only. Product number
includes one stud. Both copper and aluminum T-studs are tin-plated.
Factory Installed Field Installable List Price
Product Number Product Number GO-245B
T-Studs—Front Connected Breaker
Circuit Breaker Max. Rating List Price
Frame Size (Amperes) (Amperes) Product Number GO-245B
800 800 SP08FCA1 緯軒機電36.00
800 800 SP08FCC2 緯軒機電36.00
2000 800-2000 SP20FCA1 緯軒機電49.00
2000 800-2000 SP20FCC2 緯軒機電49.00
2500 2000 SPS20FCA1 緯軒機電48.75
2500 2500 SPS25FCC2 緯軒機電51.50
3000 3000 SPS30FCC2 緯軒機電181.50
4000 4000 SPS40FCC2 緯軒機電240.50
4000 4000 SPS40LFCC2,3 緯軒機電395.00
T-Studs—Back Connected Breaker
Circuit Breaker Max. Rating List Price
Frame Size (Amperes) (Amperes) Product Number GO-245B
2500 2000 SPS20BCA1,4 緯軒機電48.75
2500 2500 SPS25BCC2,4 緯軒機電51.50
3000 3000 2,5 緯軒機電181.50
3Extra long stud. Alternate with SPS40FCC for ease of installation.
4Six T-studs at no charge when ordered with breaker
5Supplied with integral T-stud
2000A Breaker with "T" Studs Mounted
Insulated Case Circuit Breakers
Power Break? II Circuit Breaker Accessories
Stationary Breaker Mounting Kits, Wall Mounted Enclosures, Floor Mounted Enclosures
All devices UL Listed for factory or field installation except where noted.
Components: Parts
Prices and data subject Aftermarket Catalog 1-29
to change without notice
MicroVersaTrip? Portable Test Kit
The test kit product number TVRMS2 is a portable, battery-powered,
test kit which provides for trip unit health checks and functional
trip and no-trip tests. It also provides defeat of the
ground-fault function and can be used in conjunction with highcurrent
test equipment. The test kit can be used to provide +24V
power to the trip unit for cold set-up and viewing of trip targets.
This test kit is for use with RMS-9, Epic, MicroVersaTrip? Plus and
MicroVersaTrip? PM trip units. The kit uses six rechargeable ni-cad
or standard alkaline "D" cells supplied by the customer. Kit can
also be powered by 120 Vac source.
List Price
Debion Product Number GO-245B
Portable Test Kit TVRMS2 緯軒機電3000.00
MicroVersaTrip? Portable Power Pack
The handheld MicroVersaTrip? portable battery pack provides
an independent power source for Enhanced MicroVersaTrip? Plus
and MicroVersaTrip? PM trip units as an alternative to the TVRMS2
test set. The power pack is used to power up the trip unit to set or
adjust trip set points when the breaker is on the bench or otherwise
not powered up. It connects to the trip unit through
the rating plug test jack. It requires three (3) standard 9 Vdc
alkaline batteries (not included).
List Price
Debion Product Number GO-245B
MicroVersaTrip? Plus and PM
Portable Power Pack TVPBP 緯軒機電75.00
POWER LEADER? Power Supplies
Power supply for furnishing 24Vdc control power for
MicroVersaTrip? Plus and PM trip units.
System Requirements Product List Price
Debion (price separaby) Number G0-104A
1.5 ampere power supply
Price one PLPS4G01 for
each line-up. 45 trip units Input power, 100VA
and 100 ft. maximum. (85-265Vac or 100-370Vdc) PLPS4G01 緯軒機電1250.00
POWER LEADER? Voltage Conditioner
Conditions and scales 120Vac to 1.76 Vac for use by the trip unit
for voltage sensing. Provides transient protection. Voltage conditioners
require isolation PTs.
System Requirements Product List Price
Debion (price separaby) Number G0-104A
Supplies isolated bus
voltage signal to One set of 3 voltage conditioners
MicroVersaTrip? PM required for each voltage sensing 緯軒機電200.00
trip units. b. PTs also required. PLVC1G01 per set
Neutral Current Sensors1
Circuit Breaker Neutral Sensor
Breaker Frame Sensor Rating Rating or Tap Product List Price
(Amperes) (Amperes) Settings (Amperes) Number GO-245B
200 200 TSVG302 緯軒機電266.00
800 400 400/200 TSVG304A 緯軒機電266.00
400 600/3002 TSVG306A 緯軒機電266.00
800-1600 800 800/400 TSVG308A 緯軒機電266.00
1000 800/4002 TSVG808A 緯軒機電266.00
1600 1000 1000/500 TSVG810A 緯軒機電266.00
1600 1200/6002 TSVG812A 緯軒機電266.00
1600 1600/1000 TSVG816A 緯軒機電266.00
2000 2000 2000/1000 TSVG820A 緯軒機電266.00
1000 800/4002 TSVG808A 緯軒機電266.00
1000 1000/500 TSVG810A 緯軒機電266.00
1000 1200/6002 TSVG812A 緯軒機電266.00
3000 1000 1600/10002 TSVG816A 緯軒機電266.00
2000 2000/1200 TSVG820A 緯軒機電266.00
2500 2500/1800 TSVG825A 緯軒機電266.00
3000 3000/2400 TSVG830A 緯軒機電266.00
4000 4000 4000/3000 TSVG940A 緯軒機電266.00
1Match neutral current sensor rating (or tap setting) to circuit breaker sensor rating.
2For use with multiple source ground fault protection schemes. Rating does not
match MicroVersaTrip? Plus or PM frame sensor.
Neutral Current Sensor
Rating Plug Removal Tool
List Price
Product Number GO-135S
TRTOOL 緯軒機電12.00
Instructions GEH-6492
Instructions GEH-5946
Insulated Case Circuit Breakers
Power Break? II Circuit Breaker Accessories
Neutral Current Sensors and POWER LEADER Accessories
Components: Parts
1-30 Aftermarket Catalog Prices and data subject
to change without notice
—Draw-outs through 4000 amperes are UL Listed, 100% rated
—Modular design for simplified installation—6 basic sizes—800, 1600, 2000, 2500,
3000, 4000—5 inch pole centers
—Screw racking mechanism provides positive racking motion
—Self aligning primary and secondary disconnects
—Four b draw-out—engaged, test, disengaged, fully withdrawn—
simplifies system testing and inspection
—Breaker b indicator bly shows breaker b
—Provisions for padlocking breaker in test or disengaged b
—Mechanical interlock logic prevents movement of a closed breaker
—Suitable for reverse feeding
The draw-out assembly consists of a substructure housing unit designed as a compact
self-supporting unit and a draw-out breaker which must be ordered separaby. The
substructure contains mounting holes, self-supporting male plugs and extendable rails,
and can be ordered separaby for installation in your switchboard or enclosure.
The Power Break? II draw-out breaker is a self-contained, heavy-duty assembly designed
to offer simplified breaker inspection without de-energizing the main bus structure.
The draw-out breaker comes complete with racking mechanism drive, wheels, primary
and secondary disconnects and cooperating interlock systems.
Accessories such as dead-front shutters, by-pass switches (b switches), and
padlock devices are available and field installable.
OEM Substructures
Substructures are available for both standard and Hi-Break Power Break? II breakers.
Holes are provided for bolting on a shelf or supports. Holes are also provided in the primary
stabs for bolting to busbars or terminal lugs. Substructure secondary disconnects
are ordered and priced separaby. Order Hi-Break substructures for use with Power
Break? II switches.
Frame Rating Standard Break List Price Hi-Break List Price
(Amperes) Product Number GO-245B Product Number GO-245B
800 SPSDOS08 緯軒機電671.00 SPHDOS08 緯軒機電724.00
1600 SPSDOS16 緯軒機電1300.00 SPHDOS16 緯軒機電1403.00
2000 SPSDOS20 緯軒機電1892.00 SPHDOS20 緯軒機電2040.00
2500 SPSDOS25 緯軒機電2048.00 SPHDOS25 緯軒機電2207.00
3000 SPSDOS30 緯軒機電2739.00 SPHDOS30 緯軒機電2951.00
4000 SPSDOS40 緯軒機電6916.00 SPHDOS40 緯軒機電7455.00
List Price
Location Product Number GO-245B
Substructure SPDOSD36S 緯軒機電283.00
Breaker1 SPDOSD36B 緯軒機電283.00
1Order for replacement only. Included and factory wired with draw-out breaker.
Draw-out Breaker in Substructure
1600-ampere substructure for
standard break breaker
Secondary Disconnect for Draw-out Breakers
Control wiring is connected through draw-out secondary disconnects in the "TEST" and
"CONNECTED" bs only. Up to 72 control circuits are possible through 36 b
plug-style secondary disconnect blocks factory mounted to each side of draw-out
breakers. One substructure disconnect (SPDOSD36S) must be ordered for each breaker
when accessories or communications are used. When auxiliary switches are used along
with any other electrical accessory or communications, two disconnects must be ordered.
Insulated Case Circuit Breakers
Power Break? II Circuit Breaker Accessories
Draw-out Breaker Accessories
Components: Parts
Prices and data subject Aftermarket Catalog 1-31
to change without notice
Racking Tool
The racking tool is a drive wrench with a square 1/2" socket
that engages the racking mechanism of the draw-out breaker.
One racking tool is supplied with every five draw-out breakers
at no charge.
List Price
Frame Rating Product Number GO-245B
All TDORT 緯軒機電70.00
Mechanical Interlocks
Mechanical interlocks provide the same function as the walking
beam accessory for stationary breakers, except they are used
with two draw-out breakers: mounted on common compartment
centerline, in either the same vertical section or adjacent vertical
List Price
Envelope Size Product Number GO-245B
800-2000 SPDOWB20 緯軒機電1310.00
2500-4000 SPDOWB40 緯軒機電1310.00
Rail Kit
This field installable rail kit may be used to shorten the two
standard OEM substructure rails by 3-1/2 inches.
List Price
Product Number GO-245B
SPRAILS 緯軒機電310.00
Position Switch
Provides positive indication when the draw-out breaker or switch
primary contact fingers have been fully withdrawn from the main
bus connections. Switch contacts change state only after the
primary fingers are fully disconnected when the breaker is being
moved from the CONNECTED b through the TEST b
and into the DISCONNECTED b.
May be used as part of a safety interlocking system in addition
to the visual indicator on the draw-out substructure. The Position
Switch accessory does not indicate either the TEST or CONNECTED
b. The switch assembly mounts on the stationary frame
and the actuator mounts to the carriage. Switch contacts are
rated at 10A at 600 Vac, 0.75A at 125 Vdc, and 0.25A at 250 Vdc.
Number of List Price
Switch Elements Product Number GO-245B
2 NO/2 NC SDOPS2L 緯軒機電177.00
4 NO/4 NC SDOPS4L 緯軒機電256.00
6 NO/6 NC SDOPS6L 緯軒機電336.00
Shutter Kit
This field installable kit provides shutters used to prevent unintentional
contact with potentially live primary disconnect stabs when
a breaker is racked out of an energized switchboard compartment.
List Price
Frame Rating Product Number GO-245B
800-2000A SPDSS20 緯軒機電501.00
3000A SPDSS30 緯軒機電501.00
4000A SPDSS40 緯軒機電501.00
By-Pass Switch
Provides positive indication that the draw-out breaker or switch
primary contact fingers are fully connected to the main bus in the
substructure. Switch contacts change states only after the primary
fingers are fully connected when the breaker is being
moved from the DISCONNECTED b through the TEST b
and into the CONNECTED b.
May be used to provide control circuit continuity or downstream
signaling that the draw-out breaker is connected in addition to
the visual b indicator on the draw-out substructure. The
By-pass switch accessory does not indicate either the TEST or
DISCONNECTED b. The switch assembly mounts on the stationary
frame and the actuator mounts to the carriage. Switch
contacts are rated at 10A at 600 Vac, 0.75A at 125 Vdc, and
0.25A at 250 Vdc.
Number of List Price
Switch Elements Product Number GO-245B
2 NO/2 NC TDOBP2L 緯軒機電177.00
4 NO/4 NC TDOBP4L 緯軒機電256.00
6 NO/6 NC TDOBP6L 緯軒機電336.00
Racking Padlock Provision
The racking padlock provides a means for the user to prevent racking
tool engagement, thereby preventing movement of the breaker
List Price
Frame Rating Product Number GO-245B
All TDOPC 緯軒機電46.00
Lifting Bar
The lifting bar provides a means of safely lifting a draw-out circuit
breaker. A chain hook can be attached to the central hole in the
lifting bar or a 1" diameter black iron pipe can be put through the
two holes above the hooks, allowing two people to carry the
breaker below waist level from either side of the breaker.
One lifting bar is supplied with every five draw-out breakers at
no charge.
List Price
Frame Rating Product Number GO-245B
All TDOLB 緯軒機電104.00
Insulated Case Circuit Breakers
Power Break? II Circuit Breaker Accessories
Draw-out Breakers and Accessories
All devices UL Listed for factory or field installation except where noted.
Components: Parts
1-32 Aftermarket Catalog Prices and data subject
to change without notice
Neutral Current (800: 1 ratio) Sensors
Inside Core Thermal Rating Weight Product List Price
Dimensions Construction (Amperes) (Lbs.) Number GO-142
2.5” Dia. Solid 1600 3 TGS0002 緯軒機電460.00
5” Dia. Solid 2500 4 TGS0005 緯軒機電731.00
8” Dia. Solid 3000 7 TGS0008 緯軒機電856.00
4” x 8” Split 4000 15 TGS0408 緯軒機電1439.00
8” x 8” Split 4000 25 TGS0808 緯軒機電1482.00
Neutral Current Sensor - Solid
Neutral Current Sensor - Split
Disconnect Switches and Operating Mechanisms
High-Pressure Contact Switch
With Integral Ground Fault Devices, 800-4000 Amperes, 600 Vac Max., UL File. No. E-51827
Components: Parts
Prices and data subject Aftermarket Catalog 1-33
to change without notice
Field Installed Lugs Kits 800-1600 Ampere
Switches–Direct Mounting
Field installed only. Kits consist of lugs and hardware for direct
mounting to switch terminal straps (multiple-hole tang lugs) or lugs
for mounting to 800 ampere terminal adapter kit. Order three kits
for three-pole line or load end. For 1600-ampere, copper conductors
must be used.
Ampere Rating Accessory Wire Range Product List Price
Type Cu/Al Number GO-145A
800A Lug Kit Line (3) 300-750 THPCLUG308 緯軒機電63.50 & Lug Kit Load
1200A, 1600A Lug Kit Line (4) 500-800 kcmil TPLUG408 緯軒機電39.001
1200A, 1600A Lug Kit Load (4) 500-800 kcmil THPCLUG408 緯軒機電77.50
Field Installed Lugs Kits 2000-4000 Ampere
Switches–Direct Mounting
Field installed only. To terminate line and load cables, must be
used in conjunction with bus-connection adapter on page 7-20 (T
Studs). Each lug kit includes lugs, straps and hardware for threephase
line or load connections. Each cable lug accommodates
1–3/0 Cu or 250 kcmil Al to 800 kcmil Cu-Al. Accepts Anderson
VersaCrimp when lugs are removed from straps.
No. of Lugs per Pole Product List Price
Ampere Rating Line or Load End Number GO-245B
2000A 6 TSLUG20 緯軒機電383.00
2500A 7 TSLUG25 緯軒機電418.00
3000A 9 TSLUG30 緯軒機電630.00
4000A 11 TSLUG40 緯軒機電1045.00
Field Installed T Studs
Field installed only. May be used to adapt line and load terminals
of switch to vertical or horizontal bus arrangements. Three
required for line or load connections on three-phase bus. Accepts
either lugs, bolts, or Anderson VCEL VersaCrimp.
Basic Switch Product List Price
Rating (Amperes) Number GO-145A
800 THPC08FCA2 緯軒機電71.00
1200-1600 TP16FCA 緯軒機電113.00
2000 TS20FCA 緯軒機電113.00
2500 TS25FCA 緯軒機電119.00
3000 TS30FCA 緯軒機電418.00
4000 (5)TS40FCA 緯軒機電562.00
4000 (1)TS40LFCA3 緯軒機電789.00
2For vertical bussing only.
3For center pole, line terminal.
Disconnect Switches and Operating Mechanisms
High-Pressure Contact Switch
Accessories, UL Listed
Section 2: Switchgear
Table of Contents
Prices and data subject Aftermarket Catalog 2-1
to change without notice
History/Timeline .............................................................................2-2
Low Voltage Power and DC Circuit Breakers .............................2-3
Gerapid High Speed DC Circuit Breakers ..........................................2-3
AK and AKR Low Voltage Power
Circuit Breakers.........................................................................................2-4
Trip Unit Conversion Kits...........................................................................2-5
Overview – EnbliGuard? TU and ProTrip?
Conversion Kits.....................................................................................2-5
ProTrip? Trip Unit Conversion Kits Selection Guide ...............2-7
ProTrip? Rating Plugs.........................................................................2-11
EnbliGuard? TU Trip Unit Conversion
Kits Selection Guide.........................................................................2-12
EnbliGuard? TU Trip Rating Plugs................................................2-16
EnbliGuard? TU Trip Unit Conversion Kit
Accessories and Hardware..........................................................2-17
Trip Unit Conversion Kit Accessories ...........................................2-18
Electrically Operated Racking Device .............................................2-20
Technical Specifications.....................................................................2-21
Reference Publications............................................................................2-22
Asbestos Free Arc Quencher Replacement Kits..........................2-23
This catalog contains replacement parts, retrofits, accessories,
and older generation products. For current generation products,
please see the GE BuyLog? or Control Catalog.
2-2 Aftermarket Catalog Prices and data subject
to change without notice
Low Voltage Power and DC Circuit Breakers
Low Voltage Switchgear History/Timeline
GE Low Voltage Switchgear History/Timeline
1930’s-50 AE/AL Manufactured from 1930’s(?) to the early 1950’s
1951-75 AKD
AK = Power Circuit Breaker Equipment
D = Drawout circuit breaker construction
Manufactured 1951 - 1975, all bolted copper bus design, all breakers drawout, AK-1, 2, 3 - 15 / 25 / 50 / 75 / 100.
4000A max bus rating, 4 levels of bus, ring bus used in all feeder sections, main bus has provisions for future extension,
sections in outdoor construction did not line up in the front, indoor construction has extended frames to allow
the fronts of the sections to align. Indoor depths 49” (225 / 600A breakers), 59” (1600A breakers), 63” (3200 / 4000A
breakers). Breakers had ratcheting drawout mechanism – open door drawout. Painted ANSI 61 light gray, manufactured
in Philadelphia 1951 - mid-60’s, Bbington mid-60’s - 1975. Breaker compartment was a welded assembly,
equipment frame was bolted. Breaker boxes were stacked to make a vertical section with equipment frame around
the breaker boxes. No bus compartment barriers, open bus design. Ring silver plating on bolted connections.
1951-60’s AKS Stationary version of AKD, manufactured 1951 - 60’s
1960-77 AKD-5 Manufactured 1960 - 1977, aluminum bus with “flash-butt welded” copper to aluminum at bolted connections.
AK-2A, 3A -25 / 50 / T50 / 75 / 100 (“A” signifies AKD-5 drawout). Pull-lanyard drawout mechanism on early
design, replaced by single jackscrew mechanism and then replaced by double jack-screw mechanism. Closed-door
drawout with inner house breaker compartment. 60” deep frame with 18” extension option. Outdoor protected
aisle uses 60” deep indoor frame. Two bus levels available, ring bus used at 4000A. Welded / riveted frame, bus
compartment barriers, line/load separation barriers on mains and ties, isolation barriers on transber transitions,
copper runbacks on feeder breakers, ring silver plating on copper, aluminum bus unplated (welded connections).
Painted sand gray (beige), some instrument doors painted blue. AKR-30/50 in 22” wide sections introduced
in AKD-5 construction in early -70’s.
1977-81 AKD-6 Manufactured in Salisbury, NC 1977 - 1981. Some AKD-5 construction built in Salisbury ’75 - ’77 and nameplated
as AKD-6. No flash-butt welded aluminum to copper. Aluminum bus is tin plated and bolted at shipping splits (welded
everywhere else). Copper bus design has ring silver plating at bolted joints. Introduced AKR-75 / 100. Stab-and-finger
connections on 3200 and 4000A breakers versus round primary disconnect on AKD-5. Uses inner-house drawout breaker
compartment. Tuning fork primary disconnect (extrusion) on 800 - 2000A breaker compartments. Copper feeder breaker
runbacks. 60” deep frames with 18” optional rear extension. Painted ANSI 61 light gray. Breakers have ECS or SST trip units.
1981- AKD-8 Manufactured 1981 to present. Model 1 & 2 has extruded vertical bus. Model 2 introduced in 1983 to accommodate
present automated wiring programs and harness routing. Model 3 introduced in 1991 using flat bar vertical bus. Breakers use
MicroVersa Trip 9, RMS9, EPIC, MVT Plus, MVT PM trip units. Aluminum bus removed from design in 1996 in favor of standard
tin-plated copper bus (silver plating optional). Field convertible space compartment design added to allow empty
compartments to be modified to functioning breaker compartment without modifications to vertical bus.
1998- AKD-10 Introduced March 1998 as the successor to AKD-8. Manufactured along with AKD-8 for 1998 and 1999. Uses only
present WavePro low voltage power circuit breakers. Same dimensions as AKD-8. Only changes from AKD-8 are in the front breaker
compartment — new drawout rails, breaker door, secondary disconnects instrument panel. No need for Remote Display
for trip unit since WavePro breaker has trip unit in the escutcheon. AKD-10 can match & line-up with AKD-8 without a transition
(for indoor and outdoor construction). Same bus structure, frame, options, layouts and breaker stacking as AKD-8.
2005- Enblisys Introduced October 2005 as a new platb for low voltage switchgear. Uses non-automatic EnbliGuard
present breakers (similar to WavePro except no current sensors, no trip unit, and limited accessories). Enblisys uses redundant
components for highest reliability and maximum up-time. Redundant CPU’s perb all protection, metering, control,
and monitoring functions. Other redundant components of the system include 2 UPS’s, 2 network communication
switches for internal communication, 2 control power throwover relays, 2 control power sources (120vAC). Each breaker
cubicle is provided with an EnbliGuard Messenger, which is the interface between the CPU’s and the circuit breaker
operating mechanisms. The Messenger perbs A/D and D/A conversions plus provides back-up overcurrent proteciton
for the breaker if all control power and communications are lost.
Equipment construction is the same as AKD-10 switchgear (frame, bussing, drawout cubicles, etc). Enblisys does
not replace AKD-10. Both product lines are currently being produced.
Prices and data subject Aftermarket Catalog 2-3
to change without notice
Low Voltage Power and DC Circuit Breakers
Gerapid High Speed DC Circuit Breakers
Technical Data for Rectifier Circuit Breaker Models 8007R and 10007R
Breaker type Gerapid 8007R Gerapid 1007R
Arc chute type 1x2 1x3 1x2 1x3
Rated current In/A 6,000 6,000 8,000 8,000
Rated operating voltage Ue/V 800 1,200 800 1,200
Rated insulation voltage Ui/V 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000
120 min./A 7,200 7,200 9,600 9,600
Short time current 2 min./A 8,000 8,000 16,000 16,000
20 sec./A 12,000 12,000 24,000 24,000
Mechanical endurance ops. 10,0001 10,0001 10,0001 10,0001
Total weight approx. kg 220 220 220 220
1With regular maintenance 100,000 ops.
Figure 3. Gerapid 8007R and 10007R Rectifier CB, 1X2 Arc Chute, 800VDC
(Dimensions in mm)
2-4 Aftermarket Catalog Prices and data subject
to change without notice
Low Voltage Power and DC Circuit Breakers
AK and AKR Low Voltage Power Circuit Breakers
New AK and AKR low voltage power circuit breakers are available for replacement and
retrofill needs. The following circuit breakers are available:
AK Circuit Breaker
AC Voltage Rating Frame Size Short-circuit Ratings — RMS Symmetrical KA
60 Hertz Breaker Type (Amps) With Instantaneous Trip Without Instantaneous Trip
AK-25 600 22 22
600 AK-50 1600 42 42
AK-50H 1600 65 65
AK-25 600 30 22
480 AK-50 1600 50 50
AK-50H 1600 65 65
AK-25 600 42 22
240 AK-50 1600 65 50
AK-50H 1600 85 65
AKR Circuit Breaker
AC Voltage Rating Frame Size Short-circuit Ratings — RMS Symmetrical KA
50/60 Hertz Breaker Type (Amps) With Instantaneous Trip Without Instantaneous Trip
AKR-30 800 30 30
AKR-30H 800 42 42
600 AKR-50 1600 42 42
AKR-50H 1600 65 65
AKRT-50H 2000 65 65
AKR-75 3200 65 65
AKR-100 4000 85 85
AKR-30 800 30 30
AKR-30H 800 42 42
480 AKR-50 1600 50 50
AKR-50H 1600 65 65
AKRT-50H 2000 65 65
AKR-75 3200 65 65
AKR-100 4000 85 85
AKR-30 800 42 30
AKR-30H 800 50 42
240 AKR-50 1600 65 50
AKR-50H 1600 65 65
AKRT-50H 2000 65 65
AKR-75 3200 85 65
AKR-100 4000 130 85
Contact your local GE sales representative for price and delivery. Be prepared to provide full
nameplate data from your existing low voltage switchgear lineup.
AK-25 Breaker
AKR-30H Breaker
Prices and data subject Aftermarket Catalog 2-5
to change without notice
AK-25 Breaker with EnbliGuard? TU Trip Unit
Low Voltage Power and DC Circuit Breakers
Trip Unit Conversion Kits
EnbliGuard? TU Conversion Kits
GE offers a complete line of trip unit upgrade kits for low voltage
power circuit breakers manufactured by GE, as well as by
Westinghouse, I-T-E, and Allis-Chalmers. These conversion kits
contain everything necessary to convert an old-style electromechanical
or solid-state trip unit to today's latest electronic,
digital technology—including the addition of metering, protective
relay, waveb capture, RELT, and communication functions.
All conversion kits designed by GE are tested to ANSI C37.59
standards for each breaker type so customers have the
assurance of safe, reliable operation.
Features and Benefits–All Kits
—Kit includes everything needed in one compact package
—Full-range of interchangeable rating plugs
—Trip targets for quick identification of overload, short circuit,
and ground fault trips
—Sealable, see-through cover to prevent unauthorized access to
trip unit settings
—Portable Trip Unit Test Kits; GTUTK20 and TVRMS2
—Eliminate costly downtime due to nuisance tripping
—Improved power system coordination and protection
—Extend life and function of existing breakers and low voltage
EnbliGuard? TU Conversion Kits
—True RMS sensing with a sampling rate of 48 samples per cycle
with the ability to Waveb capture 4 cycles prior and 4 cycles
after an event
—Long Time, Short Time, and Instantaneous Standard on all trip
units. S and I switchable on ANSI breakers
—Large backlit LCD screen, view all currents on one screen
—Trip settings and trip target inbation stored in non-volatile
—On-board lithium battery (field replaceable) for cold set-up and
reading trip targets
—Status and Event Log, view the last 10 events
—Health Status LED and Thermal Memory
—Comm port for interface with set-up software and to download
—Optional metering, relaying, communications, ZSI - I, ground
fault (trip & alarm), and fused shaped curves
—Plug and Play with previous generation of RMS9, EPIC, MVT and
Enhanced MVT Trip Units
ProTrip? Conversion Kits
—Cost-effective upgrade with standard adjustable long time,
short time, instantaneous, and defeatable ground fault functions
—Simple-to-use rotary switches for selecting the trip unit pickup
and delay settings
—True RMS sensing with sampling rate of 48 times per cycle
per phase - accurate waveb measurements through the
11th harmonic
—Standard target module with individual LEDs for overload pickup,
overload trip, short circuit trip, ground fault trip, and target
module battery monitor
Everything You Need in One Package
ProTrip? and EnbliGuard? TU conversion kits for the breakers
listed in the following pages are shipped complete with detailed
installation instructions and everything needed for fast and easy
trip unit conversions.
—Digital solid-state trip with quick disconnect
—Direct-acting flux shift trip actuator with automatic reset
—Epoxy encapsulated high-accuracy current sensors
—Interchangeable rating plug (order separaby)
—Specially designed mounting hardware and wire harnesses for
each breaker frame
2-6 Aftermarket Catalog Prices and data subject
to change without notice
Low Voltage Power and DC Circuit Breakers
Trip Unit Conversion Kits
EnbliGuard? TU Trip Unit
EnbliGuard? TU Conversion Kits—
Upgrade your low-voltage equipment with
electronic trip unit technology.
Normal wear and tear of aging electro-mechanical trip devices
on low-voltage circuit breakers increases susceptibility to loss of
calibration that can subsequently jeopardize electrical power
system coordination, protection and reliability.
GE has channeled its decades of circuit breaker trip system
experience into the development of the EnbliGuard? TU Trip Unit.
The EnbliGuard? TU builds on the past trip units by incorporating
advance algorithms that enable Arc Flash protection and
Selectivity at the same time.
ANSI C37.59 design verification tested to ensure safe, reliable
operation, these kits are designed to extend the life of your
mechanically sound breaker and…
—Eliminate costly downtime due to nuisance tripping. Improves
on past trip units with a Waveb Recognition Instantaneous
—Improve electrical power system coordination and protection
—Permit easy upgrades to communicating Power Management
Control Systems (PMCS), open Modbus RTU protocol
—Enable the implementation of RELT and Zone Selective Interlock
Instantaneous to reduce Arc Flash Energy Levels.
Standard Features
—Flexible Time Current Settings
2T Long Time, Long Time Delay
—Short Time, Short Time Delay, 3 Short Time I2T Slopes
—Waveb Recognition Instantaneous
—Large Backlit LCD Screen1
—Date and Time1
—Breaker Status Indication
—Universal Rating Plugs
—Status and Event Log (10 Events)
—LED Health Status Indicator1
—Set-up Software
—I/O – 1 Input and 1 Output1
—Thermal Memory, Battery Back-up
—Common Interface across all versions
—Internal/External Ground Fault Trip or Alarm with 4 curves to
select from (I2T, I4T, SGF, Definite Time Slope)1
—Switchable Ground Fault Trip / Alarm (not UL Listed)
—Fused Long Time Curves (I4T)
—Modbus Open RTU Communications1
—Waveb Capture – Enables Harmonic analysis
—Full-function Metering1
—Protective Relaying1
—Zone Selective Interlock – GF, S, I1
—RELT – Reduce Energy Let Through1
—RELT and Ground Fault Alarm Harness Kits
—Test Set GTUTK20
Test Kit – GTUTK20
Arc Flash and Selectivity at the same time
The EnbliGuard? TU Trip Unit offers optimum circuit protection
and optimum system reliability simultaneously with little or no
compromise to either of these critical functions. Reliability and arc
flash protection, in one package, at the same time, all the time.
Algorithms enabling arc flash protection and selectivity
—RELT – Reduced Energy Let Through
—Zone Selective Interlocking – Instantaneous (ZSI-I)
—Waveb Recognition Instantaneous – Coordinate with Current
Limiting Devices and reduces Nuisance Trips
—Flexible Time Current Curves – Create the shape you need
Reliability – Health Status
—Non-volatile memory with continuous self-testing microprocessor
—Health Status LED indicates Normal Operation, Errors, Pick-up, Trip
—External Power Not Required with Long Life Lithium Battery
—Positive setpoint recognition, values flash until saved
Plug and Play
—Same Form, Fit, Function as the popular MicroVersaTrip? Trip
Unit. Easily upgrade an existing converted breaker1
Optional Full-function metering including
—current (Amps, kAmps)
—voltage (Ph-Ph, Ph-N)
—energy (kWh, MWh, GWh)
—real power (kW, MW)
—total power (kVA, MVA)
—frequency (Hz)
—demand (avg. kW, MW) and peak demand
Optional protective relaying functions include
—voltage unbalance
—current unbalance
—power reversal
—power direction setup
1Note: Some options require 24VDC, additional hardware to enable Metering,
Relaying, RELT, ZSI, Modbus to be added to the Breaker, Equipment Cubicle,
and Equipment Sections.
Prices and data subject Aftermarket Catalog 2-7
to change without notice
Low Voltage Power and DC Circuit Breakers
ProTrip? Trip Unit Conversion Kit Selection Guide
For GE Circuit Breakers
Product Number Structure
PK115 3 F 01 08 D
3 Wire-3
4 Wire-4
Sensor Type
Fixed CTs-F
For converting AK-2 version breakers and newer, not applicable for AK-1 or AKR
Breakers equipped with older style open fuse lockout devices (OFLO), must be
retrofitted with newer style OFLO device prior to conversion process.
Order replacement OFLO kits as follows: AKU-50 - order OFLO kit #121C287OG2,
AK-75 - order OFLO kit #121C287OG3, AK-100 - order OFLO kit #121C287OG4
Contact the factory for stationary breaker applications
Trip Functions
Trip Unit Functions
LSIGX- Long Time, Short Time/INST.
and Switchable Ground Fault (off)
Not Approved for a UL Listed Breaker
Sensor Rating
150A- 01
225A- 02
600A- 06
800A- 08
1600A- 16
2000A- 20
3000A- 30
4000A- 40
Sensor Rating Selection
Frame Breaker Product Numbers Sensors
225 AK-1-15, AK-15 150A, 225A
600 AK-1-25, AK-25, AKU-25 150A, 225A, 600A
AK-1-50, AK-50, AKU-50,
AKS-50, AKSU-50
2000 AKT-50, AKST-50 2000A
3000 AK-75 3000A
4000 AK-100 4000A
1600 800A, 1600A
ProTrip? Conversion Kits
List Price
Frame Size (Amps) Breaker Model Wiring Sensor Rating Product Number GO-104P
225 AK-1-15 3 Wire 150A PK115D3F0108 緯軒機電2550.00
225 AK-1-15 3 Wire 225A PK115D3F0208 緯軒機電2550.00
225 AK-1-15 4 Wire 150A PK115D4F0108 緯軒機電2775.00
225 AK-1-15 4 Wire 225A PK115D4F0208 緯軒機電2775.00
225 AK-15 3 Wire 150A PKO15D3F0108 緯軒機電2550.00
225 AK-15 3 Wire 225A PKO15D3F0208 緯軒機電2550.00
225 AK-15 4 Wire 150A PKO15D4F0108 緯軒機電2775.00
225 AK-15 4 Wire 225A PKO15D4F0208 緯軒機電2775.00
600 AK-1-25 3 Wire 150A PK125D3F0108 緯軒機電2550.00
600 AK-1-25 3 Wire 225A PK125D3F0208 緯軒機電2550.00
600 AK-1-25 3 Wire 600A PK125D3F0608 緯軒機電2550.00
600 AK-1-25 4 Wire 150A PK125D4F0108 緯軒機電2775.00
600 AK-1-25 4 Wire 225A PK125D4F0208 緯軒機電2775.00
600 AK-1-25 4 Wire 600A PK125D4F0608 緯軒機電2775.00
600 AK-25, AKU-25 3 Wire 150A PKO25D3F0108 緯軒機電2550.00
600 AK-25, AKU-25 3 Wire 225A PKO25D3F0208 緯軒機電2550.00
600 AK-25, AKU-25 3 Wire 600A PKO25D3F0608 緯軒機電2550.00
600 AK-25, AKU-25 4 Wire 150A PKO25D4F0108 緯軒機電2775.00
600 AK-25, AKU-25 4 Wire 225A PKO25D4F0208 緯軒機電2775.00
600 AK-25, AKU-25 4 Wire 600A PKO25D4F0608 緯軒機電2775.00
1600 AK-1-50 3 Wire 800A PK150D3F0808 緯軒機電2800.00
1600 AK-1-50 3 Wire 1600A PK150D3F1608 緯軒機電2800.00
1600 AK-1-50 4 Wire 800A PK150D4F0808 緯軒機電3025.00
1600 AK-1-50 4 Wire 1600A PK150D4F1608 緯軒機電3025.00
1600 AK-50, AKU-50, AKT-50, AKS-50, AKSU-50, AKST-50 3 Wire 800A PKO50D3F0808 緯軒機電2800.00
1600 AK-50, AKU-50, AKT-50, AKS-50, AKSU-50, AKST-50 3 Wire 1600A PKO50D3F1608 緯軒機電2800.00
1600 AK-50, AKU-50, AKT-50, AKS-50, AKSU-50, AKST-50 3 Wire 2000A PKO50D3F2008 緯軒機電2800.00
1600 AK-50, AKU-50, AKT-50, AKS-50, AKSU-50, AKST-50 4 Wire 800A PKO50D4F0808 緯軒機電3025.00
1600 AK-50, AKU-50, AKT-50, AKS-50, AKSU-50, AKST-50 4 Wire 1600A PKO50D4F1608 緯軒機電3025.00
1600 AK-50, AKU-50, AKT-50, AKS-50, AKSU-50, AKST-50 4 Wire 2000A PKO50D4F2008 緯軒機電3025.00
3000 AK-75 3 Wire 3000A PKO75D3F3008 緯軒機電2800.00
3000 AK-75 4 Wire 3000A PKO75D4F3008 緯軒機電3025.00
4000 AK-100 3 Wire 4000A PKO10D3F4008 緯軒機電3050.00
4000 AK-100 4 Wire 4000A PKO10D4F4008 緯軒機電3275.00
Conversion kits come standard with a rating plug that matches the current sensor. For rating plugs with different values, price and order separaby. See page 2-11.
2-8 Aftermarket Catalog Prices and data subject
to change without notice
Low Voltage Power and DC Circuit Breakers
ProTrip? Trip Unit Conversion Kit Selection Guide
For *I-T-E Circuit Breakers
Product Number Structure
PIK22 D 3 F 02 08
K1600 (black)
KD0N1600 (black)
K1600 (red)
KD0N1600 (red)
3 Wire-3
4 Wire-4
Sensor Type
Fixed CTs-F
Applicable to breakers originally equipped with either electro-mechanical
trip devices or with solid state trip devices ("S" version breakers).
Only applicable to breakers originally equipped with rectangular shaped
primary disconnect assemblies.
Only applicable to breakers originally equipped with circular shaped
primary disconnect assemblies.
Trip Functions
Trip Unit Functions
LSIGX- Long Time, Short Time/INST.
and Switchable Ground Fault (off)
Not Approved for a UL Listed Breaker
Sensor Rating
150A- 01
225A- 02
400A- 04
600A- 06
800A- 08
1600A- 16
Sensor Rating Selection
Frame Breaker Product Numbers Sensors
225 K225 150A, 225A
600 K600, KD0N600 150A, 225A, 600A
800 K800, KD0N800 150A, 400A, 800A
K1600 (black),
1600 KD0N1600 (black), 800A, 1600A
K1600 (red), KD0N1600 (red)
ProTrip? Conversion Kits
List Price
Frame Size (Amps) Breaker Model Wiring Sensor Rating Product Number GO-104P
225 K225 3 Wire 150A PIK22D3F0108 緯軒機電2450.00
225 K225 3 Wire 225A PIK22D3F0208 緯軒機電2450.00
225 K225 4 Wire 150A PIK22D4F0108 緯軒機電2675.00
225 K225 4 Wire 225A PIK22D4F0208 緯軒機電2675.00
600 K600, KDON600 3 Wire 150A PIK60D3F0108 緯軒機電2350.00
600 K600, KDON600 3 Wire 225A PIK60D3F0208 緯軒機電2350.00
600 K600, KDON600 3 Wire 600A PIK60D3F0608 緯軒機電2350.00
600 K600, KDON600 4 Wire 150A PIK60D4F0108 緯軒機電2575.00
600 K600, KDON600 4 Wire 225A PIK60D4F0208 緯軒機電2575.00
600 K600, KDON600 4 Wire 600A PIK60D4F0608 緯軒機電2575.00
800 K800, KDON800 3 Wire 150A PIK80D3F0108 緯軒機電2350.00
800 K800, KDON800 3 Wire 400A PIK80D3F0408 緯軒機電2350.00
800 K800, KDON800 3 Wire 800A PIK80D3F0808 緯軒機電2350.00
800 K800, KDON800 4 Wire 150A PIK80D4F0108 緯軒機電2575.00
800 K800, KDON800 4 Wire 400A PIK80D4F0408 緯軒機電2575.00
800 K800, KDON800 4 Wire 800A PIK80D4F0808 緯軒機電2575.00
1600 K1600 (black), KDON1600 (black) 3 Wire 800A PIK1BD3F0808 緯軒機電2700.00
1600 K1600 (black), KDON1600 (black) 3 Wire 1600A PIK1BD3F1608 緯軒機電2700.00
1600 K1600 (black), KDON1600 (black) 4 Wire 800A PIK1BD4F0808 緯軒機電2925.00
1600 K1600 (black), KDON1600 (black) 4 Wire 1600A PIK1BD4F1608 緯軒機電2925.00
1600 K1600 (red) 3 Wire 800A PIK16D3F0808 緯軒機電2700.00
1600 K1600 (red) 3 Wire 1600A PIK16D3F1608 緯軒機電2700.00
1600 K1600 (red) 4 Wire 800A PIK16D4F0808 緯軒機電2925.00
1600 K1600 (red) 4 Wire 1600A PIK16D4F1608 緯軒機電2925.00
1600 KDON1600 (red) 3 Wire 800A PIKN1D3F0808 緯軒機電2700.00
1600 KDON1600 (red) 3 Wire 1600A PIKN1D3F1608 緯軒機電2700.00
1600 KDON1600 (red) 4 Wire 800A PIKN1D4F0808 緯軒機電2925.00
1600 KDON1600 (red) 4 Wire 1600A PIKN1D4F1608 緯軒機電2925.00
Conversion kits come standard with a rating plug that matches the current sensor. For rating plugs with different values, price and order separaby. See page 2-11.
*I-T-E is a registered trademark of Siemens Energy and Automation, Inc.
Prices and data subject Aftermarket Catalog 2-9
to change without notice
Low Voltage Power and DC Circuit Breakers
ProTrip? Trip Unit Conversion Kit Selection Guide
For *Allis-Chalmers Circuit Breakers
Product Number Structure
PSL6B 3 F 02 08 D
LA-600 (blue)
LAF-600 (blue)
LA-600 (gold)
LAF-600 (gold)
LA-800 (gold)
LAF-800 (gold)
LA-1600 (blue)
LAF-1600 (blue)
LA-1600 (gold)
LAF-1600 (gold)
3 Wire-3
4 Wire-4
Sensor Type
Fixed CTs-F
Trip Functions
Trip Unit Functions
LSIGX- Long Time, Short Time/INST.
and Switchable Ground Fault (off)
Not Approved for a UL Listed Breaker
Sensor Rating
150A- 01
225A- 02
400A- 04
600A- 06
800A- 08
1600A- 16
Sensor Rating Selection
Frame Breaker Product Numbers Sensors
LA-600 (blue), LAF-600 (blue)
LA-600 (gold), LAF-600 (gold)
LA-800 (gold), LAF-800 (gold)
LA-1600 (blue), LAF-1600 (blue)
LA-1600 (gold), LAF-1600 (gold)
150A, 225A, 600A
150A, 400A, 800A
800A, 1600A
ProTrip? Conversion Kits
List Price
Frame Size (Amps) Breaker Model Wiring Sensor Rating Product Number GO-104P
600 LA-600 (blue), LAF-600 (blue) 3 Wire 150A PSL6BD3F0108 緯軒機電2350.00
600 LA-600 (blue), LAF-600 (blue) 3 Wire 225A PSL6BD3F0208 緯軒機電2350.00
600 LA-600 (blue), LAF-600 (blue) 3 Wire 600A PSL6BD3F0608 緯軒機電2350.00
600 LA-600 (blue), LAF-600 (blue) 4 Wire 150A PSL6BD4F0108 緯軒機電2575.00
600 LA-600 (blue), LAF-600 (blue) 4 Wire 225A PSL6BD4F0208 緯軒機電2575.00
600 LA-600 (blue), LAF-600 (blue) 4 Wire 600A PSL6BD4F0608 緯軒機電2575.00
600 LA-600 (gold), LAF-600 (gold) 3 Wire 150A PSL6GD3F0108 緯軒機電2350.00
600 LA-600 (gold), LAF-600 (gold) 3 Wire 225A PSL6GD3F0208 緯軒機電2350.00
600 LA-600 (gold), LAF-600 (gold) 3 Wire 600A PSL6GD3F0608 緯軒機電2350.00
600 LA-600 (gold), LAF-600 (gold) 4 Wire 150A PSL6GD4F0108 緯軒機電2575.00
600 LA-600 (gold), LAF-600 (gold) 4 Wire 225A PSL6GD4F0208 緯軒機電2575.00
600 LA-600 (gold), LAF-600 (gold) 4 Wire 600A PSL6GD4F0608 緯軒機電2575.00
800 LA-800 (gold) 3 Wire 150A PSL80D3F0108 緯軒機電2500.00
800 LA-800 (gold) 3 Wire 400A PSL80D3F0408 緯軒機電2500.00
800 LA-800 (gold) 3 Wire 800A PSL80D3F0808 緯軒機電2500.00
800 LA-800 (gold) 4 Wire 150A PSL80D4F0108 緯軒機電2725.00
800 LA-800 (gold) 4 Wire 400A PSL80D4F0408 緯軒機電2725.00
800 LA-800 (gold) 4 Wire 800A PSL80D4F0808 緯軒機電2725.00
1600 LA-1600 (blue), LAF-1600 (blue) 3 Wire 800A PSL1BD3F0808 緯軒機電2700.00
1600 LA-1600 (blue), LAF-1600 (blue) 3 Wire 1600A PSL1BD3F1608 緯軒機電2700.00
1600 LA-1600 (blue), LAF-1600 (blue) 4 Wire 800A PSL1BD4F0808 緯軒機電2925.00
1600 LA-1600 (blue), LAF-1600 (blue) 4 Wire 1600A PSL1BD4F1608 緯軒機電2925.00
1600 LA-1600 (gold), LAF-1600 (gold) 3 Wire 800A PSL1GD3F0808 緯軒機電2700.00
1600 LA-1600 (gold), LAF-1600 (gold) 3 Wire 1600A PSL1GD3F1608 緯軒機電2700.00
1600 LA-1600 (gold), LAF-1600 (gold) 4 Wire 800A PSL1GD4F0808 緯軒機電2925.00
1600 LA-1600 (gold), LAF-1600 (gold) 4 Wire 1600A PSL1GD4F1608 緯軒機電2925.00
Conversion kits come standard with a rating plug that matches the current sensor. For rating plugs with different values, price and order separaby. See page 2-11.
*Allis-Chalmers is a trademark of Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Company Corporation.
2-10 Aftermarket Catalog Prices and data subject
to change without notice
Low Voltage Power and DC Circuit Breakers
ProTrip? Trip Unit Conversion Kit Selection Guide
For *Westinghouse Circuit Breakers
Product Number Structure
PDB15 3 F 02 08 D
DB15, DBL15- PDB15
DB25, DBL25- PDB25
DB50, DBL50- PDB50
DB75- PDB75
DB100- PDB10
3 Wire-3
4 Wire-4
Sensor Type
Fixed CTs-F
Trip Functions
Trip Unit Functions
LSIGX- Long Time, Short Time/INST.
and Switchable Ground Fault (off)
Not Approved for a UL Listed Breaker
Sensor Rating
150A- 01
225A- 02
600A- 06
800A- 08
1600A- 16
3000A- 30
4000A- 40
Sensor Rating Selection
Frame Breaker Product Numbers Sensors
225 DB15, DBL15 150A, 225A
600 DB25, DBL25 225A, 600A
1600 DB50, DBL50 800A,1600A
3000 DB75 3000A
4000 DB100 4000A
ProTrip? Conversion Kits
List Price
Frame Size (Amps) Breaker Model Wiring Sensor Rating Product Number GO-104P
225 DB15, DBL15 3 Wire 150A PDB15D3F0108 緯軒機電2250.00
225 DB15, DBL15 3 Wire 225A PDB15D3F0208 緯軒機電2250.00
225 DB15, DBL15 4 Wire 150A PDB15D4F0108 緯軒機電2475.00
225 DB15, DBL15 4 Wire 225A PDB15D4F0208 緯軒機電2475.00
600 DB25, DBL25 3 Wire 150A PDB25D3F0108 緯軒機電2350.00
600 DB25, DBL25 3 Wire 225A PDB25D3F0208 緯軒機電2350.00
600 DB25, DBL25 3 Wire 600A PDB25D3F0608 緯軒機電2350.00
600 DB25, DBL25 4 Wire 150A PDB25D4F0108 緯軒機電2575.00
600 DB25, DBL25 4 Wire 225A PDB25D4F0208 緯軒機電2575.00
600 DB25, DBL25 4 Wire 600A PDB25D4F0608 緯軒機電2575.00
1600 DB50, DBL50 3 Wire 800A PDB50D3F0808 緯軒機電2350.00
1600 DB50, DBL50 3 Wire 1600A PDB50D3F1608 緯軒機電2350.00
1600 DB50, DBL50 4 Wire 800A PDB50D4F0808 緯軒機電2575.00
1600 DB50, DBL50 4 Wire 1600A PDB50D4F1608 緯軒機電2575.00
3000 DB75 3 Wire 3000A PDB75D3F3008 緯軒機電2600.00
3000 DB75 4 Wire 3000A PDB75D4F3008 緯軒機電2825.00
4000 DB100 3 Wire 4000A PDB10D3F4008 緯軒機電2850.00
4000 DB100 4 Wire 4000A PDB10D4F4008 緯軒機電3075.00
Conversion kits come standard with a rating plug that matches the current sensor. For rating plugs with different values, price and order separaby. See page 2-11.
*Westinghouse is a trademark of Westinghouse Electric Corporation.
Prices and data subject Aftermarket Catalog 2-11
to change without notice
*I-T-E is a registered trademark of Siemens Energy and Automation, Inc.
*Westinghouse is a trademark of Westinghouse Electric Corporation.
*Allis-Chalmers is a trademark of Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Company Corporation.
Low Voltage Power and DC Circuit Breakers
ProTrip? Rating Plugs
ProTrip? conversion kits come standard with a rating plug that
matches the current sensor. For rating plugs with different values,
price and order separaby.
Rating Plug
Reference Publications
ProTrip? Trip Unit Conversion Kits for
GE Power Circuit Breakers - Fact Sheet DET-228
ProTrip? Trip Unit Conversion Kits for
*Westinghouse Power Circuit Breakers - Fact Sheet DET-230
ProTrip? Trip Unit Conversion Kits for
*Allis-Chalmers Power Circuit Breakers - Fact Sheet DET-231
ProTrip? Trip Unit Conversion Kits for
*I-T-E Power Circuit Breakers - Fact Sheet DET-229
Rating Plugs
List Price
Frame Size (Amps) Sensor Rating (Amps) Current Rating (Amps) Current Range (Amps) Product Number GO-104P
225|600|800 150 80 40-88 PT1C80GFD 緯軒機電149.00
225|600|800 150 100 50-110 PT1C100GFD 緯軒機電149.00
225|600|800 150 125 63-138 PT1C125GFD 緯軒機電149.00
225|600|800 150 150 75-165 PT1C150GFD1 緯軒機電149.00
225|600|800 225 150 75-165 PT225C150GFD 緯軒機電149.00
225|600|800 225 225 113-248 PT225C225GFD1 緯軒機電149.00
600 600 300 150-330 PT6C300GFD 緯軒機電149.00
600 600 400 200-440 PT6C400GFD 緯軒機電149.00
600 600 450 225-495 PT6C450GFD 緯軒機電149.00
600 600 500 250-550 PT6C500GFD 緯軒機電149.00
600 600 600 300-660 PT6C600GFD1 緯軒機電149.00
800 400 200 100-220 PT4C200GFD 緯軒機電149.00
800 400 225 113-248 PT4C225GFD 緯軒機電149.00
800 400 250 125-275 PT4C250GFD 緯軒機電149.00
800 400 300 150-330 PT4C300GFD 緯軒機電149.00
800 400 400 200-440 PT4C400GFD1 緯軒機電149.00
800|1600 800 400 200-440 PT8C400GFD 緯軒機電149.00
800|1600 800 450 225-495 PT8C450GFD 緯軒機電149.00
800|1600 800 500 250-550 PT8C500GFD 緯軒機電149.00
800|1600 800 600 300-660 PT8C600GFD 緯軒機電149.00
800|1600 800 700 350-770 PT8C700GFD 緯軒機電149.00
800|1600 800 800 400-880 PT8C800GFD1 緯軒機電149.00
1600 1600 800 400-880 PT16C800GFD 緯軒機電149.00
1600 1600 1000 500-1100 PT16C1000GFD 緯軒機電149.00
1600 1600 1100 550-1210 PT16C1100GFD 緯軒機電149.00
1600 1600 1200 600-1320 PT16C1200GFD 緯軒機電149.00
1600 1600 1600 800-1760 PT16C1600GFD 緯軒機電149.00
2000 2000 1000 500-1100 PT20C1000GFD 緯軒機電149.00
2000 2000 1200 600-1320 PT20C1200GFD 緯軒機電149.00
2000 2000 1500 750-1650 PT20C1500GFD 緯軒機電149.00
2000 2000 1600 800-1760 PT20C1600GFD 緯軒機電149.00
2000 2000 2000 1000-2200 PT20C2000GFD 緯軒機電149.00
3000 3000 1200 600-1320 PT30C1200GFD 緯軒機電149.00
3000 3000 1600 800-1760 PT30C1600GFD 緯軒機電149.00
3000 3000 2000 1000-2200 PT30C2000GFD 緯軒機電149.00
3000 3000 2500 1250-2750 PT30C2500GFD 緯軒機電149.00
3000 3000 3000 1500-3300 PT30C3000GFD1 緯軒機電149.00
4000 4000 1600 800-1760 PT40C1600GFD 緯軒機電149.00
4000 4000 2000 1000-2200 PT40C2000GFD 緯軒機電149.00
4000 4000 2500 1250-2750 PT40C2500GFD 緯軒機電149.00
4000 4000 3000 1500-3300 PT40C3000GFD 緯軒機電149.00
4000 4000 3600 1800-3960 PT40C3600GFD 緯軒機電149.00
4000 4000 4000 2000-4000 PT40C4000GFD1 緯軒機電149.00
Rating Plug furnished with conversion kit.
Note: Long Time pickup range is 0.5-1.1 times the rating plug value. 1.1 setting allows the breaker to carry 100% of the rating plug current value, not to exceed the
continuous current (frame) rating of the breaker.
2-12 Aftermarket Catalog Prices and data subject
to change without notice
Low Voltage Power and DC Circuit Breakers
EnbliGuard? TU Trip Unit
Conversion Kits Selection Guide
Sensor Rating Selection
AKO25 C 3 F 06 04 A
AK-1-15 = AK115
AK-15 = AKO151
AK-1-25 = AK125
AKU-25 = AKO251
AKR-30H = AKR30
AK-1-50 = AK150
AKT-50 = AKO501
AKRT-50H = AKR504
AK-753 = AKO755
AKR-75 = AKR755
AK-1003 = AKO105
AKR-100 = AKR105
AKW-100 = AKW105
DB-15 = ADB15
DK-15 = ADK159
DBL-25 = ADB25
DK-25 = ADK259
DSL-206 = ADS06
DA-50 = ADA509
DBL-50 = ADB50
DS-416 = ADS16 DSL-416
DS-420 = ADS20
DS-532 = ADS539
DA-75 = ADA759
DB-75 = ADB75
DS-632 = ADS32
DA-100 = ADA109
DB-100 = ADB10
DS-840 = ADS409
GE ***Westinghouse25 *Allis-Chalmers25 **I-T-E25
LA = ASL259
LA-25A = ASL2A9
LA-600(Blue) = ASL6B17,18
LAF-600(Blue) = ASL6B17,18,19
LA-600(Gold) = ASL6G18,20
LAF-600(Gold) = ASL6G18,19,20
LA-50(800A) = ASL589,21
LA-800 = ASL8018,20
LAF-800 = ASL8018,19,20
RL-800 = ASR80
RLX-800 = ASR80
RLE-800 = ASR80
LA-50(1600A) = ASL519,22
LA-50(1600A) = ASL529,23
LA-1600(Blue) = ASL1B17,18
LAF-1600(Blue) = ASL1B17,18,19
LA-1600(Gold) = ASL1G18,20
LAF-1600(Gold) = ASL1G18,19,20
RL-1600 = ASR16
RLX-1600 = ASR16
RLE-1600 = ASR16
RL-2000 = ASR09
LA-75 = ASL759
LA-3000 = ASL309,18
LA-3200(Blue) = ASL3B9,
LA-3200(Gold) = ASL3G9,18,20
RL-3200 = ASR329
LA-4000(Blue) = ASL4B9,17,18
LA-4000(Gold) = ASL4G9,18,20
RL-4000 = ASR409
KA = AIKA210,11
K-225 = AIK22
KB (bl) = AIKBM12
KB (slate drawout) = AIKBS12
KB (slate stationary) = AIKBX12
KDON-600 = AIK60
KC (800A) = AIKC810,12,14
K-800 = AIK80 KDON-800
KC (1600A) = AIKC110,12,13
K-1600 (red) = AIK1615
K-1600 (black) = AIK1B15
KDON-1600 (black)
KDON-1600 (red) = AIKN1
K-2000 = AIK20
KD = AIKD316
K-3000 = AIK30
KE = AIKE416
K-4000 = AIK40
Blue = Blue-gray breaker with plastic escutcheon
Gold = Gold breaker with bl escutcheon
Frame Sensors
Breaker Catalog Numbers
GE *Allis-Chalmers **I-T-E ***Westinghouse
225 150 AK-1-15, AK-15 Sensor rating not available. KA, KA-225 DB-15, DK-15 225
AK-1-25, AK-25, AKU-25
— — —
225 LA-25, LA-25A, LA-600,
LAF-600 KB, K-600, KDON-600 DB-25, DBL-25, DK-25 600
150 AKR-30, AKR-30H, AKRU-30,
LA-50 (800A Version), LA-800, LAF-800,
RL-800, RLE-800, RLX-800
KC (800A Version),
K-800, KDON-800 400 DS-206, DSL-206
800 AK-1-50, AK-50, AKU-50, AKS-50,
AKSU-50, AKR-50, AKR-50H,
AKRU-50, AKJ-50, AKJ-50H
LA-50 (1600A Version),
LA-1600, LAF-1600, RL-1600,
RLE-1600, RLX-1600
KC (1600A Version),
K-1600, KDON-1600
DA-50, DB-50, DBL-50,
DS-416, DSL-416 1600
2000 2000 AKT-50, AKST-50, AKRT-50,
AKRT-50H, AKJT-50, AKJT-50H RL-2000 K-2000 DS-420
3000 3000 AK-75 LA-75, LA-3000 KD, K-3000 DA-75, DB-75
3200 3200 AKR-75 LA-3200, RL-3200 — DS-632
4000 4000 AK-100, AKR-100, AKW-100 LA-4000, RL-4000 KE, LG, K-4000 DA-100, DB-100, DS-840
*Allis-Chalmers is a trademark of Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Company Corporation.
**I-T-E is a registered trademark of Siemens Energy and Automation, Inc.
***Westinghouse is a trademark of Westinghouse Electric Corporation.
Prices and data subject Aftermarket Catalog 2-13
to change without notice
Low Voltage Power and DC Circuit Breakers
EnbliGuard? TU Trip Unit
Conversion Kits Selection Guide
1For converting AK-2 version breakers and newer, not applicable for AK-1 or AKR.
2AKR30S Instantaneous Is Non-Switchable and the Non-Switchable High Range
Instantaneous max is 22KA. LSH and LSHG Are Only Available on AKR30S.
3Breakers equipped with older style open fuse lockout devices (OFLO), must be
retrofitted with newer style OFLO device prior to conversion process. Order
replacement OFLO kits as follows: AKU-50 - order OFLO Kit #121C2870G2,
AK-75 - order OFLO kit #121C2870G3, AK-100 - order OFLO kit #121C2870G4.
4Not applicable for converting breakers equipped with Power Sensor - contact
5Contact the factory for stationary breaker applications.
6Only applicable to trip units with ground fault.
7Available only for MicroVersaTrip RMS-9 type AKR breakers equipped with fixed
current sensors.
8Not available on AK-75 breaker frames.
9Contact factory for availability.
10Not applicable for slate version breakers.
11Left pole accessories must be removed or relocated.
12Right pole accessories must be removed or relocated.
131600-amp version of the KC breaker.
14800-amp version of the KC breaker.
15Order for red or black insulator as applicable.
16Not applicable to fixed mounted breakers.
17Only applicable for blue-gray color version breakers.
18Applicable to both “A” and “B” version breakers.
19Applicable to both nameplated versions of integral fused breakers
(i.e., LA-600F and LAF-600).
20Only applicable for gold color version breakers.
21800-amp version of the LA-50 breaker.
22Only applicable for the 1600-amp, 6-pole primary disconnect version of
the LA-50 breaker.
23Only applicable for 1600-amp, 12 pole primary disconnect version of the
LA-50 breaker.
24Requires 24VDC control power.
25Existing Allis-Chalmers, I-T-E and Westinghouse bell alarms will not work
with EnbliGuard TU..
C = Generation
3 Wire = 3
4 Wire6 = 4
Sensor Type
F = Fixed CTs
Sensor Ratings
150A = 01
225A = 02
400A = 04
600A = 06
800A = 08
1600A = 16
2000A = 20
3000A = 30
3200A8 = 32
4000A = 40
150A No CTs7 = XA
400A No CTs7 = XC
800A No CTs7 = XE
1600A No CTs7 = XF
2000A No CTs7 = XG
3200A No CTs7,8 = XI
4000A No CTs7 = XJ
Trip Functions
04 = LSI2
05 = LSIG2
11 = LSH2
12 = LSHG2
Adv. Options
A = Ammeter
B = Ammeter + RELT24
C = Advanced Metering, Relaying,
Waveb Capture, Modbus Comm,
Trip Unit Functions
LSI = Long Time, Short Time (Switchable),
& Instantaneous (Switchable)
LSIG = LSI & Ground Fault Trip
LSIGDA = LSIG with Switchable Ground
Fault Alarm (not UL Listed)
LSH = Long Time, Short Time (Switchable),
High Range Instantaneous
(Non-Switchable) Up to 22KA
(AKR30S Only)2
LSHG = LSH & Ground Fault Trip
(AKR30S Only)2
ZSI – Instantaneous is available.
Contact factory.
RELT (Reduced Energy Let Through) –
Order RELT Switch Kit GTURSK separaby
Kits Without Sensors
For kits ordered without sensors, deduct 緯軒機電200.00 from the list price of
the kit with sensors. Please refer to the sensor rating column above for
the appropriate “X” sensor code.
Zone Selective Interlock
For Zone Selective Interlock (ZSI) Short Time, Ground Fault and
Instantaneous, add 緯軒機電550.00 to the list price. (Also requires purchase of
ZSI module TIM1 [120 VAC control voltage], list price 緯軒機電402.00, GO-245B.)
Reference Publications
EnbliGuard? TU Conversion Kit Brochure DET-722
EnbliGuard? TU Conversion Kit Supplemental Instructions DEH-3456
EnbliGuard? TU Trip Unit Installation/Instruction Manual DEH-4567
EnbliGuard? TU Test Set - GTUTK20 DEH-4568A
GE AK-1-15, AK-1-25 GEH-6466
GE AK-1-50 DEH-40027
GE AK-15, AK, AKU-25, AKR-30S, AKRU-30S GEH-5967
GE AKR-30,30H, AKRU-30, AKR-50, AKJ-50 Series GEH-5966
GE AK-100, AK,U,T,S,SU,ST-50, AK-75 GEH-5965
GE AKR-100, AKR-75, AKW-100 GEH-5964
Westinghouse DB-15 GEH-6318
Westinghouse DB-25, DBL-25 (225A), DB-50, DBL-50 GEH-6319
Westinghouse DS-206, DSL-206, DS416, DSL-416, DS-420, DS-632 DEH-023
Westinghouse DB-100 (4000A), DB-75 (3000A) GEH-6320
ITE K-1600 (red), K, KDON-1600 Black, K-2000, K-225, K-600,
KDON-600, K-800, KDON-800, KDON-1600 (red) GEH-6294
ITE KC (1600A), KC (800A) GEH-6433
ITE KB (Metal), KB (Slate Drawout), KB (Slate Fixed) GEH-6295
ITE K-3000, K-4000 DEH-133
ITE KD-3000, KE-4000 DEH-40019
Allis Chalmers LA, LAF - 1600 (BLUE), LA, LAF-600 (BLUE) DEH-40008
Allis Chalmers LA, LAF - 1600 (GOLD), LA, LAF-600 (GOLD), LA, LAF-800,
RL, RLX, RLE-1600 & 800 DEH-40009A
Note: Conversion Kit Pricing tables are located on pages 2-14
through 2-16.
2-14 Aftermarket Catalog Prices and data subject
to change without notice
Low Voltage Power and DC Circuit Breakers
EnbliGuard? TU Trip Unit
Conversion Kits Selection Guide
For GE Power Circuit Breakers
EnbliGuard? TU Trip Unit Conversion Kits for 3-Phase, 3-Wire, List Price, GO-104G
LSI1 (04) LSIG1 (05) LSIGDA (09)
Breaker Ammeter All Advanced Ammeter All Advanced Ammeter All Advanced
Frame Amps Model Ammeter (A) + RELT (B) Options (C) Ammeter (A) + RELT (B) Options (C) Ammeter (A) + RELT (B) Options (C)
225 AK115
600 AK125 緯軒機電2520.00 緯軒機電2820.00 緯軒機電4920.00 緯軒機電3000.00 緯軒機電3300.00 緯軒機電5400.00 緯軒機電3620.00 緯軒機電3920.00 緯軒機電6020.00
800 AKR30 緯軒機電2620.00 緯軒機電2920.00 緯軒機電5040.00 緯軒機電3100.00 緯軒機電3400.00 緯軒機電5520.00 緯軒機電3720.00 緯軒機電4020.00 緯軒機電6140.00
AKR3S1 ———
1600 AKO50 緯軒機電2620.00 緯軒機電2920.00 緯軒機電5040.00 緯軒機電3100.00 緯軒機電3400.00 緯軒機電5520.00 緯軒機電3720.00 緯軒機電4020.00 緯軒機電6140.00
2000 AKO50
3000 AKO75
3200 AKR75 緯軒機電2720.00 緯軒機電3020.00 緯軒機電5140.00 緯軒機電3200.00 緯軒機電3500.00 緯軒機電5620.00 緯軒機電3820.00 緯軒機電4120.00 緯軒機電6240.00
4000 AKR10
1For AK30S breakers (AKR3S), LSH and LSHG List Pricing is the same as LSI and LSIG, respectively.
For GE Power Circuit Breakers
EnbliGuard? TU Trip Unit Conversion Kits for 3-Phase, 4-Wire, List Price, GO-104G
LSI LSIG1 (04) LSIGDA (09)
Breaker Ammeter All Advanced Ammeter All Advanced Ammeter All Advanced
Frame Amps Model Ammeter (A) + RELT (B) Options (C) Ammeter (A) + RELT (B) Options (C) Ammeter (A) + RELT (B) Options (C)
225 AK115
600 AK125 — — — 緯軒機電3275.00 緯軒機電3575.00 緯軒機電5675.00 緯軒機電3895.00 緯軒機電4195.00 緯軒機電6295.00
800 AKR30 — — — 緯軒機電3375.00 緯軒機電3675.00 緯軒機電5795.00 緯軒機電3995.00 緯軒機電4295.00 緯軒機電6415.00 AKR3S1
1600 AKO50 — — — 緯軒機電3375.00 緯軒機電3675.00 緯軒機電5795.00 緯軒機電3995.00 緯軒機電4295.00 緯軒機電6415.00
2000 AKO50
3000 AKO75 — — — 緯軒機電3475.00 緯軒機電3775.00 緯軒機電5895.00 緯軒機電4095.00 緯軒機電4395.00 緯軒機電6515.00 3200 AKR75
4000 AKR10
1For AK30S breakers (AKR3S), LSH and LSHG List Pricing is the same as LSI and LSIG, respectively.
For *Allis-Chalmers Power Circuit Breakers
EnbliGuard? TU Trip Unit Conversion Kits for 3-Phase, 3-Wire, List Price, GO-104G
LSI (04) LSIG (05) LSIGDA (09)
Breaker2 Ammeter All Advanced Ammeter All Advanced Ammeter All Advanced
Frame Amps Model Ammeter (A) + RELT (B) Options (C) Ammeter (A) + RELT (B) Options (C) Ammeter (A) + RELT (B) Options (C)
600 ASL6B 緯軒機電2960.00 緯軒機電3260.00 緯軒機電5360.00 緯軒機電3440.00 緯軒機電3740.00 緯軒機電5840.00 緯軒機電4060.00 緯軒機電4360.00 緯軒機電6460.00 ASL6G
800 ASL80
ASL1B 緯軒機電3060.00 緯軒機電3360.00 緯軒機電5460.00 緯軒機電3540.00 緯軒機電3840.00 緯軒機電5940.00 緯軒機電4160.00 緯軒機電4460.00 緯軒機電6560.00
1600 ASL1G
2Contact Factory for Pricing and Availability on Breaker Models not listed.
*Allis-Chalmers is a trademark of Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Company Corporation.
Pricing for EnbliGuard? TU are determined by the Frame Rating,
Breaker Model, 3 or 4 wire, Trip Functions, and Advanced Features.
(Example: Items highlighted in bold AKO25 C 3 F 06 04 A)
Prices and data subject Aftermarket Catalog 2-15
to change without notice
Low Voltage Power and DC Circuit Breakers
EnbliGuard? TU Trip Unit
Conversion Kits Selection Guide
For *Allis-Chalmers Power Circuit Breakers
EnbliGuard? TU Trip Unit Conversion Kits for 3-Phase, 4-Wire, List Price, GO-104G
Breaker2 Ammeter All Advanced Ammeter All Advanced Ammeter All Advanced
Frame Amps Model Ammeter (A) + RELT (B) Options (C) Ammeter (A) + RELT (B) Options (C) Ammeter (A) + RELT (B) Options (C)
600 ASL6B — — — 緯軒機電3715.00 緯軒機電4015.00 緯軒機電6115.00 緯軒機電4335.00 緯軒機電4635.00 緯軒機電6735.00 ASL6G
800 ASL80
ASL1B — — — 緯軒機電3815.00 緯軒機電4115.00 緯軒機電6215.00 緯軒機電4435.00 緯軒機電4735.00 緯軒機電6835.00
1600 ASL1G
For **I-T-E Power Circuit Breakers
EnbliGuard? TU Trip Unit Conversion Kits for 3-Phase, 3-Wire, List Price, GO-104G
LSI (04) LSIG (05) LSIGDA (09)
Breaker2 Ammeter All Advanced Ammeter All Advanced Ammeter All Advanced
Frame Amps Model Ammeter (A) + RELT (B) Options (C) Ammeter (A) + RELT (B) Options (C) Ammeter (A) + RELT (B) Options (C)
225 AIKA2
AIKBS 緯軒機電2720.00 緯軒機電3020.00 緯軒機電5140.00 緯軒機電3200.00 緯軒機電3500.00 緯軒機電5620.00 緯軒機電3820.00 緯軒機電4120.00 緯軒機電6240.00
800 AIKC8
AIK16 緯軒機電2820.00 緯軒機電3120.00 緯軒機電5240.00 緯軒機電3300.00 緯軒機電3600.00 緯軒機電5720.00 緯軒機電3920.00 緯軒機電4220.00 緯軒機電6340.00
1600 AIK1B
2000 AIK20 緯軒機電2920.00 緯軒機電3220.00 緯軒機電5340.00 緯軒機電3400.00 緯軒機電3700.00 緯軒機電5820.00 緯軒機電4020.00 緯軒機電4320.00 緯軒機電6440.00
3000 AIK30 緯軒機電4120.00 緯軒機電4420.00 緯軒機電6540.00 緯軒機電4600.00 緯軒機電5100.00 緯軒機電7020.00 緯軒機電5220.00 緯軒機電5520.00 緯軒機電7640.00 4000 AIK40
For **I-T-E Power Circuit Breakers
EnbliGuard? TU Trip Unit Conversion Kits for 3-Phase, 4-Wire, List Price, GO-104G
Breaker2 Ammeter All Advanced Ammeter All Advanced Ammeter All Advanced
Frame Amps Model Ammeter (A) + RELT (B) Options (C) Ammeter (A) + RELT (B) Options (C) Ammeter (A) + RELT (B) Options (C)
225 AIKA2
600 AIKBS — — — 緯軒機電3475.00 緯軒機電3775.00 緯軒機電5895.00 緯軒機電4095.00 緯軒機電4395.00 緯軒機電6515.00
800 AIKC8
1600 AIK16 — — — 緯軒機電3575.00 緯軒機電3875.00 緯軒機電5995.00 緯軒機電4195.00 緯軒機電4495.00 緯軒機電6615.00
2000 AIK20 — — — 緯軒機電3675.00 緯軒機電3975.00 緯軒機電6095.00 緯軒機電4295.00 緯軒機電4595.00 緯軒機電6715.00
3000 AIK30
4000 AIKE4 — — — 緯軒機電4875.00 緯軒機電5375.00 緯軒機電7295.00 緯軒機電5495.00 緯軒機電5795.00 緯軒機電7915.00
2Contact Factory for Pricing and Availability on Breaker Models not listed.
*Allis-Chalmers is a trademark of Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Company Corporation.
**I-T-E is a registered trademark of Siemens Energy and Automation, Inc.
2-16 Aftermarket Catalog Prices and data subject
to change without notice
Low Voltage Power and DC Circuit Breakers
EnbliGuard? TU Trip Unit
Conversion Kits Selection Guide
For *Westinghouse Power Circuit Breakers
EnbliGuard? TU Trip Unit Conversion Kits for 3-Phase, 3-Wire, List Price, GO-104
LSI (04) LSIG (05) LSIGDA (09)
Breaker1 Ammeter All Advanced Ammeter All Advanced Ammeter All Advanced
Frame Amps Model Ammeter (A) + RELT (B) Options (C) Ammeter (A) + RELT (B) Options (C) Ammeter (A) + RELT (B) Options (C)
225 ADB15 緯軒機電2520.00 緯軒機電2820.00 緯軒機電4920.00 緯軒機電3000.00 緯軒機電3300.00 緯軒機電5400.00 緯軒機電3620.00 緯軒機電3920.00 緯軒機電6020.00 600 ADB25
800 ADS06
1600 ADB50 緯軒機電3060.00 緯軒機電3360.00 緯軒機電5460.00 緯軒機電3540.00 緯軒機電3840.00 緯軒機電5940.00 緯軒機電4160.00 緯軒機電4460.00 緯軒機電6560.00
2000 ADS20
3000 ADB75 緯軒機電3260.00 緯軒機電3560.00 緯軒機電5660.00 緯軒機電3740.00 緯軒機電4040.00 緯軒機電6140.00 緯軒機電4360.00 緯軒機電4660.00 緯軒機電6760.00 3200 ADS32
4000 ADB10
For *Westinghouse Power Circuit Breakers
EnbliGuard? TU Trip Unit Conversion Kits for 3-Phase, 4-Wire, List Price, GO-104G
Breaker1 Ammeter All Advanced Ammeter All Advanced Ammeter All Advanced
Frame Amps Model Ammeter (A) + RELT (B) Options (C) Ammeter (A) + RELT (B) Options (C) Ammeter (A) + RELT (B) Options (C)
225 ADB15 — — — 緯軒機電3275.00 緯軒機電3575.00 緯軒機電5675.00 緯軒機電3895.00 緯軒機電4195.00 緯軒機電6295.00 600 ADB25
800 ADS06
1600 ADB50 — — — 緯軒機電3815.00 緯軒機電4115.00 緯軒機電6215.00 緯軒機電4435.00 緯軒機電4735.00 緯軒機電6835.00
2000 ADS20
3000 ADB75 — — — 緯軒機電4015.00 緯軒機電4315.00 緯軒機電6415.00 緯軒機電4635.00 緯軒機電4935.00 緯軒機電7035.00 3200 ADS32
4000 ADB10
1Contact Factory for Pricing and Availability on Breaker Models not listed.
*Westinghouse is a trademark of Westinghouse Electric Corporation.
EnbliGuard? TU Trip Rating Plug Specifications
May Be Used With
Trip Plug Plug Minimum Maximum List Price
Product Number Rating Sensor Sensor GO-329R
GTP0060U0101 60A2 150A4 150A4 緯軒機電130.00
GTP0080U0101 80A2 150A4 150A5 緯軒機電130.00
GTP0100U0103 100A3 150A4 225A5 緯軒機電130.00
GTP0125U0103 125A2 150A4 225A5 緯軒機電130.00
GTP0150U0104 150A 150A4 400A 緯軒機電130.00
GTP0200U0204 200A 200A5 400A 緯軒機電130.00
GTP0225U0306 225A 225A 600A 緯軒機電130.00
GTP0250U0407 250A 400A 630A6 緯軒機電130.00
GTP0300U0408 300A 400A 800A 緯軒機電130.00
GTP0350U0408 350A 400A 800A 緯軒機電130.00
GTP0400U0410 400A 400A 1000A 緯軒機電130.00
GTP0450U0612 450A 600A 1200A 緯軒機電130.00
GTP0500U0613 500A 600A 1250A6 緯軒機電130.00
GTP0600U0616 600A 600A 1600A 緯軒機電130.00
GTP0700U0816 700A 800A 1600A 緯軒機電130.00
GTP0750U0820 750A 800A 2000A 緯軒機電130.00
GTP0800U0820 800A 800A 2000A 緯軒機電130.00
GTP0900U1020 900A 1000A 2000A 緯軒機電130.00
GTP1000U1025 1000A 1000A 2500A 緯軒機電130.00
GTP1100U1225 1100A 1200A 2500A 緯軒機電130.00
GTP1200U1232 1200A 1200A 3200A 緯軒機電130.00
GTP1500U1640 1500A 1600A 4000A 緯軒機電130.00
GTP1600U1640 1600A 1600A 4000A 緯軒機電130.00
GTP1900U2050 1900A 2000A 5000A 緯軒機電130.00
GTP2000U2050 2000A 2000A 5000A 緯軒機電130.00
GTP2200U2550 2200A 2500A 5000A 緯軒機電130.00
GTP2400U2564 2400A 2500A 6400A6 緯軒機電130.00
GTP2500U2564 2500A 2500A 6400A6 緯軒機電130.00
GTP3000U3064 3000A 3000A 6400A6 緯軒機電130.00
GTP3200U3264 3200A 3200A 6400A6 緯軒機電130.00
GTP3600U4064 3600A 4000A 6400A6 緯軒機電130.00
GTP4000U4064 4000A 4000A 6400A6 緯軒機電130.00
GTP5000U5064 5000A 5000A 6400A6 緯軒機電130.00
GTP6000U6064 6000A 6000A 6400A6 緯軒機電130.00
2WavePro and AKR only. EnbliGuard? G min. trip plug is 150A.
3PowerBreak only. EnbliGuard? G min. trip plug is 150A.
4WavePro and AKR only. EnbliGuard? G min. sensor is 400A.
5PowerBreak only. EnbliGuard? G min. sensor is 400A.
6IEC only sensor, UL equivalents are 600A.
Prices and data subject Aftermarket Catalog 2-17
to change without notice
Low Voltage Power and DC Circuit Breakers
EnbliGuard? TU Trip Unit
Conversion Kit Accessories and Hardware
Conversion Kit Accessories and Hardware
Debion Product Number List Price GO Schedule
4 wire RELT & Ground Fault Alarm Harness kit. Used to add RELT or Ground Fault Alarm to an existing MVT
installation in combination with an EnbliGuard? TU. Harness comes with Breaker and Cubicle side, 8 feet
of wire, terminal block, and RELT Labels1 GTURHA 緯軒機電150.00 GO-104G
4 wire RELT & Ground Fault Alarm Harness kit. Used to add RELT or Ground Fault Alarm to an existing MVT
installation in combination with an EnbliGuard? TU. Harness comes with Breaker and Cubicle side, 8 feet of
wire, terminal block, and RELT Labels. Includes 9 Pin Harness for 24VDC, Communications, and Voltage Source. GTURHB 緯軒機電200.00 GO-104G
RELT Switch Kit: Includes the following: RELT Switch, Lockable cover, contacts, wire harness, warning labels GTURSK 緯軒機電485.00 GO-104G
Zone Selective Interlock Module TIM1 緯軒機電402.00 GO-245B
Power Leader Voltage Conditioners – Supplies isolated bus voltage signal to EnbliGuard? TU trip units PLVC1G01 緯軒機電200.00/set GO-104A
Power Leader Power Supply 1.5A power supply. Qty 15 trip units may be powered from a single power supply PLPS4G01 緯軒機電1250.00 GO-104A
GE Portable Test Kit – Used for testing phase currents, Ground Fault, disabling Ground fault, RELT, Trip Breaker GTUTK20 緯軒機電3000.00 GO-245B
Rating Plug Removal Tool TRTOOL 緯軒機電12.00 GO-135S
Set-up Software GTUSS 緯軒機電200.00 GO-329R
1RELT and Ground Fault Alarm require 24VDC. If 24VDC cable is required order GTURHB
EnbliGuard? TU Trip Units are compatible with MicroVersaTrip?, RMS9, EPIC RMS9, MicroVersaTrip? Plus and PM,
Enhanced MicroVersaTrip? Plus and PM Trip Units models.
Coming Soon:
Power Break? II in a Power Break? I (fixed and drawout)
EnbliGuard? G in AKD-5, AKD-6, AKD-8 switchgear line-ups
Contact factory for availability and options
2-18 Aftermarket Catalog Prices and data subject
to change without notice
Low Voltage Power and DC Circuit Breakers Trip Unit
Optional Remote Display—Features
—Provides safe, convenient closed-door access to breaker
metering, status and setup functions
—Available for use with either MicroVersaTrip? Plus or
MicroVersaTrip? PM trip units
—Rugged plastic NEMA Type 1 enclosure with LCD and keypad
—Mounts easily on outside of breaker compartment door
—Sealable, b LEXAN protective cover over display and "Enter"
key prohibits unauthorized trip setting changes
—Connects to breaker trip unit via 20-pin plug-in cable for fast
—Breaker trip unit operates independently if cable is disconnected
Optional Remote Display
Target Module
GE Trip Unit Portable Test Set
Optional Remote Display (for MicroVersaTrip?)
List Price
Accessory Type Product Number GO-104B
Remote Display w/ 6’ Cable REMDIS1 緯軒機電350.00
Replacement Cable REMDIS2 緯軒機電35.00
Target Module (for ProTrip?)
All ProTrip? conversion kits come with a target module.
Order another only for renewal purposes.
List Price
Product Number GO-104P
TARGET02P 緯軒機電285.00
GE Trip Unit Portable Test Set (for MicroVersaTrip? and ProTrip?)
Allows for self-tests and functioning trip/no trip tests. Operates on
batteries (not included) or 120 VAC source.
List Price
Product Number GO-245B
TVRMS2 緯軒機電3000.00
EnbliGuard? TU Test Set
Allows for self-tests and functioning trip/no trip tests. Operates on
batteries (not included) or 120 VAC source.
List Price
Product Number GO-245B
GTUTK20 緯軒機電3000.00
EnbliGuard? TU Test Set
Prices and data subject Aftermarket Catalog 2-19
to change without notice
Low Voltage Power and DC Circuit Breakers Trip Unit
POWER LEADER? Power Supply
The POWER LEADER? power supply provides 24Vdc control power to MicroVersaTrip? PM trips units used on WavePro low voltage
power circuit breakers. The control power is required for the trip unit’s communication and protective relay functions.
List Price System Requirements
Debion Product Number GO-104A (Not included with power supply)
1.5A power supply. PLPS4G01 緯軒機電1250.00 Input power, 100VA
Maximum wire length from power supply (85-265 Vac or 100-370 Vdc)
to trip device is 100 feet. A maximum of 45 trip
units may be powered from a single power supply.
POWER LEADER? Voltage Conditioner
Conditions and scales 120Vac to 1.76Vac for use by the trip unit for voltage sensing. Provides transient protection. Requires isolation
PTs with 120 volt secondary. Supports up to 15 trip units at a maximum distance of 20 feet. Required for PM trip units only.
List Price System Requirements
Debion Product Number GO-104A (Not included with voltage conditioners)
Supplies isolated bus voltage signal PLVC1G01 緯軒機電200.00/set One set of 3 voltage conditioners required
to MicroVersaTrip? PM trip units. for each sensing b. PTs also required.
MicroVersaTrip? Portable Power Pack
The MicroVersaTrip? Portable Battery Pack is a maintenance power source used to power up trip units for setting or adjusting trip set
points or for reading trip targets when the trip unit is not otherwise energized. It is a redundant power source to the onboard battery
supplied with the Enhanced MicroVersaTrip? Plus and PM (5-button keypad) trip units. The portable battery pack connects to the trip
unit through the rating plug test jack. It requires three (3) standard 9Vdc alkaline batteries (not included).
List Price
Debion Product Number GO-245A
MicroVersaTrip? Portable Power Pack TVPBP 緯軒機電75.00
MicroVersaTrip? and EnbliGuard? Rating Plug Removal Tool
List Price
Debion Product Number GO-135S
MicroVersaTrip? and EnbliGuard? Rating Plug Removal Tool TRTOOL 緯軒機電12.00
2-20 Aftermarket Catalog Prices and data subject
to change without notice
Low Voltage Power and DC Circuit Breakers
Electrically Operated Racking Device
The electrically operated racking device allows maintenance
personnel the ability to be up to 30 feet away from a draw-out
breaker during the racking operation. This was typically only an
option with medium voltage switchgear. Now, GE offers this as an
option with low voltage switchgear.
The electric motor is operated using convenient 115V AC power
with a plug-in power cord. The gearbox is easily attached to the
front of the breaker with a sliding latch connection.
The low voltage racking devices can be used with any WavePro or
EnbliGuard? breaker. Large frame WavePro breakers (3200 Amp
and above)1 require an accessory kit and a retrofit door to
accommodate the device.
Allowing the user to be physically removed from the breaker
racking mechanics during operation provides a peace of mind
not usually available in a low voltage application.
1Manufactured before 9/1/05.
Easy and Safe Operation
A push of the button on a handheld
remote operator draws the breaker out
with a 115V AC motor in the gear box.
Another push of the button racks the
breaker back into place.
Prices and data subject Aftermarket Catalog 2-21
to change without notice
Low Voltage Power and DC Circuit Breakers
Electrically Operated Racking Device
Technical Specifications
Remote operation through a cable-connected handheld control
—Permits control of gearbox and racking motor from remote
b, allowing the user to be remote from the breaker during
the racking procedure.
—Cable allows user to be up to 30 feet away from the breaker
and away from the arc flash center.
—Allows user to determine their b based on room layout.
—Simple start switch push button in handheld box.
Portable gearbox with full operator control
—Allows the user to easily move a draw-out circuit breaker
between CONNECT and DISCONNECT bs.
—Can be used with WavePro or EnbliGuard? breakers in
Enblisys?, AKD-10 or Power Break? switchboard line-ups (with
WavePro breakers).
—Motor directional switch for IN/OUT racking control.
—Circuit breaker reset toggle switch for control power.
Racking Device
—Electrically powered with 115V AC power (4 foot cord).
—Sliding latch allowing device to be easily attached to front of
breakers (WavePro or EnbliGuard?).
Retrofits (Product shipped before June 2005)
—Small Frame (800 - 2000 Amp) WavePro breakers accept the
Racking Device without modification.
—Existing Large Frame (3200 - 5000 Amp) WavePro breakers
compatible by simply replacing the cubicle door.
—All EnbliGuard? breakers accept the Racking Device without
Racking Devices
Product Number Debion
WPEGRRLV Remote Racking Device
WPEGRRMODL Large Frame Breaker
Modification Kit (3200-5000 Amp)
Retrofit Doors for Large Frame WavePro
Product Number Debion
WPEGRRLFDR 3200/4000 Amp WavePro
WPEGRRLFDRDI 3200/4000 Amp WavePro
with defeatable interlock
WPEGRR50DR 5000 Amp WavePro
WPEGRR50DRDI 5000 Amp WavePro
with defeatable interlock
Breaker Cover
Latch Opening
AC Plug
Circuit Breaker - Reset Toggle Switch
IN/OUT Directional Toggle Switch
30 Foot Cable
Start Switch - Push Button
Handheld Control Box
Square Drive
- Coupling to Breaker
Sliding Latch
Gear Motor Housing
2-22 Aftermarket Catalog Prices and data subject
to change without notice
Low Voltage Power and DC Circuit Breakers
Reference Publications
General Installation and Maintenance
Publication Number Publication Name
DEH-136 WavePro Small Frame Maintenance Manual, WP-08-20
DEH-137 WavePro Large Frame Maintenance Manual, WP-32-50
DEH-178 User’s Guide - MicroVersaTrip? Plus/PM Trip Units
DEH-179 User’s Guide - Power+ Trip Unit
GEH-5945 Power Leader? Recommended Power Supplies
GEH-5946 Power Leader? Voltage Conditioner
DEJ-001 Portable Battery Power Pack
GEK-64467 Zone Selective Interlock Module
DEH-134 WavePro Small Frame User’s Manual, WP-08-20
DEH-135 WavePro Large Frame User’s Manual, WP-32-50
GEK-97367A User’s Guide TVRMS2 Programmer Portable Test Set
DEF-004 WavePro Small Frame (800-2000A) Renewal Parts Guide
DEF-005 WavePro Large Frame (3200-5000A) Renewal Parts Guide
DES-001 WavePro Time-Current Curves (LSI)
DES-002 WavePro Time-Current Curves (GF)
DES-026 WavePro Time-Current Curves (Special GF)
DET-167 WavePro Breaker Application Guide
DEP-080 WavePro Selection and Pricing Guide
DEE-194 WavePro User Publications Summary—WavePro
Breakers and AKD-10 Switchgear
Prices and data subject Aftermarket Catalog 2-23
to change without notice
Low Voltage Power and DC Circuit Breakers
Asbestos Free Arc Quencher Replacement Kits
GE’s Asbestos Free Arc Quencher Replacement Kits are designed
to replace asbestos plate style arc quenchers on AK and early
AKR power circuit breakers with reliable, proven steel plate style
arc quenchers used on modern AKR breakers. The kits have been
ANSI C37.59 tested for dielectric and short circuit ensuring breaker
perbance to original specifications. On most AK series
breakers, no modifications are needed to install the arc quencher
replacement kit. Installation is typically done in less than one
hour (see Installation Instructions GEH-6464). Asbestos Free Arc
Quencher replacement kits are shipped complete with detailed
installation instructions and everything you need for fast and
easy arc quencher replacement:
—Asbestos free bl plate or ceramic arc quenchers
—Contact guides and arc runners (when required)
—Asbestos free replacement barriers (when required)
—All required mounting hardware
Product Number Selection
Reference Publications
Asbestos Free Arc Quencher Replacement Kits DET-096
Installation Instructions GEH-6464
Arc Quenchers Replacement Kit
Model Application
For Asbestos Removal G1
Renewal Kit for G2
Ceramic Arc Quenchers
AKO25 1,2,3
AKR3S 1,2
AKO50 2,3
AKD50 4
AKR10 2
AKO75 2,3
AKR75 2
AKO10 2,3
AQR1 Arc Quencher Replacement Kit
Generation 1
1Kits contain replacement barriers only, arc quenchers do not contain asbestos.
2G2 kits are not available for these breakers, please contact the factory for individual replacement arc quenchers.
3Does not apply to AK-1 series breakers.
4These kits are for use on breakers used in AKD and AKD-5 switchgear and substructures.
Price Selection
Select the desired product number from the above chart. Match
the product prefix with the product number in the first column of
the pricing table. Select the application column that matches the
product suffix chosen. The price is found in the intersecting box.
G1 G2
AKO25AQR1 緯軒機電800.00 —
AKR3SAQR1 緯軒機電800.00 —
AKR30AQR1 緯軒機電2000.00 緯軒機電2000.00
AKR3HAQR1 緯軒機電2300.00 緯軒機電2300.00
AKO50AQR1 緯軒機電2350.00 —
AKR50AQR1 緯軒機電2000.00 緯軒機電2000.00
AKR5HAQR1 緯軒機電2300.00 緯軒機電2300.00
AKD50AQR1 緯軒機電2000.00 緯軒機電2000.00
AKD5HAQR1 緯軒機電2300.00 緯軒機電2300.00
AKO75AQR1 緯軒機電2900.00 —
AKR75AQR1 緯軒機電2700.00 —
AKO10AQR1 緯軒機電3600.00 —
AKR10AQR1 緯軒機電3250.00 —
Product Number
List Price, GO-104B
2-24 Aftermarket Catalog Prices and data subject
to change without notice
Section 3: Motor Control Centers
Table of Contents
Motor Control Centers
Prices and data subject Aftermarket Catalog 3-1
to change without notice
History/Timeline ...........................................................................3-2
Motor Control Centers - Low Voltage
EVOLUTION SERIES E9000?, Key Benefits ......................................3-4
Short/Mid Cycle Program ......................................................................3-5
Renewal Parts
EVOLUTION SERIES E9000? ..............................................................3-6
GE Fastrac Program MCC Units Quick Selection Guide
CR8000, Spectra?..................................................................................3-7
Renewal Parts
7700-Line, 8000-Line & Spectra? Series .................................3-12
Motor Control Centers - Medium Voltage
2400-7200 volts..................................................................................3-15
Main Contactor Replacements
and Conversions ...........................................................................3-18
Renewal Parts - CR194 and CR7160 ........................................3-19
GE CR 7069 Synchronous Motor Control
Field Panels ............................................................................3-21
EVOLUTION SERIES E9000?/Spectra?/8000 Low Voltage Motor
Control Centers
Product References:
Engineered Products Catalog Section 10
Application and Selection Guide E9000 DET291A
Application and Selection Guide Spectra/8000 GET6729
Motor Control Center Units (Starters and Feeders)
GE Fastrac Program: 1 week
Product References:
Engineered Products Catalog Section 10
DE-415 Quick Selection Software (3 1/2" diskette)
Fastrac items are listed in red type.
This catalog contains replacement parts, retrofits, accessories,
and older generation products. For current generation products,
please see the GE BuyLog? or Control Catalog.
Motor Control Centers
3-2 Aftermarket Catalog Prices and data subject
to change without notice
Medium Voltage History/Timeline
1949 1st oil-immersed contactor & fuse starter, 54”W x 60”D
1955 1st front-connected, roll-out Air Break starter
1960 1st fully drawout medium voltage starter
1966 Swing-open contactor, 3-high construction introduced
1972 700 Amp contactor, 2-high contactor design, SPM
1980 Hybrid 400 Amp vacuum contactor introduced
1985 Vacuum Limitamp, uSPM for synchronous motors
1994 CR194 2-high stationary introduction
1995 CR194 2-high drawout introduction
2000 400A Soft Starter
2002 800A Soft Starter
2003 3000A Bus
2007 CR194 1-high UL drawout introduction
Motor Control Centers
The Evolution to E9000
Low Voltage Transbers History/Timeline
1948 CR7097 Schenectady NY
1952 IC7092 Salem VA
DA7093 & 7098 Seattle, WA./San Leandro, CA.
DA7092 North Hollywood
DA7093 Norwood, OH.
1960 7700 Line
1975 2700 Line
1980 8000 Line
2003 Evolution Series E9000
This catalog contains replacement parts, retrofits, accessories,
and older generation products. For current generation products,
please see the GE BuyLog? or Control Catalog.
Motor Control Centers
Prices and data subject Aftermarket Catalog 3-3
to change without notice
Motor Control Centers—Low Voltage
GE Motor Control Centers
GE motor control centers offer an ideal means of quickly providing
centralized motor control and other related control equipment.
A pre-engineered version of the GE motor control center is available
at short-cycle and mid-cycle shipment. The product scope
available is more limited than with normal cycle shipments, and
includes certain combination starter units, feeder units, distribution
transbers, lighting panels, relaying panels, programmable
controllers and other miscellaneous devices to be installed in a
single, floor-mounted enclosure and fed from a common
enclosed horizontal and vertical bus system.
Each GE motor control center vertical section is constructed of
0.090-inch (13-gauge) steel which is subjected to a special corrosion-resistant
zinc-phosphate treatment followed by a powder
paint process using ANSI-61 light gray alkyd-enamel paint. Each
section houses the horizontal and vertical bus, horizontal and
vertical wireways and the compartmentalized individual control
units. Standard unit construction is Class I Type B wiring1. Factory
assembled, wired and tested units are mounted in each vertical
section, and sections are easily bolted together to b a motor
control center line-up. The entire line-up is then powered by a
single incoming-line connection.
Standard UL labeled NEMA 1 enclosure contains 600-ampere,
three-phase, copper tin-plated horizontal main bus, 300-ampere,
three-phase, copper tin-plated vertical bus and is braced to
withstand a fault current of 65,000 rms symmetrical. Each vertical
section must be priced to include 72 inches of vertical space
units consisting of starters, feeders, transbers, panels, incoming
terminal boards and/or enclosure spaces for future units.
1Typical diagrams can be found in the Application and Selection Guide for DET291
Section “L”.
Motor Control Centers
3-4 Aftermarket Catalog Prices and data subject
to change without notice
Motor Control Centers—Low Voltage
GE Motor Control Centers
EVOLUTION SERIES E9000? Key Benefits
—No Hot bus rework up to 600A
—Hi-Visible Trip Indication
—Door and unit interlocks
—UBC Seismic Zone 4 Standard
—Six Sigma Designed
—6" reduction—Sz 3, 5
—6" to 36" reduction VFD’s
—6" Size 1 FVNR
—6" 150A Feeder
—12" 250A Feeder
—36" Size 5 Plug-In, two in a section
—300VA CPT—No additional Space
—Plug In Buckets to Size 5
—Plug In Feeders to 600A
—Easy Unit Insertion/Removal
—Snap-In Shelves
—Easily Quoted… Fastrac MCCs
—Manufacturing Flexibility
—450 Hp VFD’s
—500 Hp SSS
—250A and 600A Stabs
—TVSS 65-200K Surge Current
—Automatic Transfer Switches to 1200A
Motor Control Centers
Prices and data subject Aftermarket Catalog 3-5
to change without notice
Motor Control Centers—Low Voltage
GE Motor Control Centers
Short/Mid Cycle Program
The Evolution SC/MC is a pre-engineered, factory assembled, fully
tested motor control center that contains all the standard features
of the Evolution motor control center, including some
All sections and units will be UL labeled where possible. Refer to
Company if labeling is critical.
Please contact your distributor or GE for scope, pricing, and
No changes are allowed to Evolution SC/MC bill-ofmaterial
after order entry.
Highlights of the Evolution SC/MC Program:
I Structure (20-inch wide is standard)
—13- or 20-inch deep
—Back-to-back mounting (20-inch deep only)
—NEMA 1 gasket, 2, 12, 3R non-walk-in
—24-inch wide enclosures
—Corner section enclosures
—Special enclosures
—Engraved nameplates (optional)
—Addition of “Field Installed Kits”
II Bus Systems
—Voltage: 208, 240, 480, 575 volts
—3-phase, 3-wire, or 3-phase, 4-wire
—Main bus: 600, 800, 1000, 1200 ampere
—Vertical bus: 300, 450, 600 ampere, section-by-section
—Optional ground bus: 300, 375, 600 ampere
—Neutral bus: 300, 400, 600, 800, 1000 ampere
—Optional silver plating
—Back-to-back construction (rear vertical bus)
—“Vertical Bus Plugs” installed in unused stab openings
III Incoming Line
—600 amperes with 18 inches of pull space
—Circuit breakers thru 1200 amperes
—Fusible switches thru 600 amperes
IV Feeders and Mains
—Feeders—800-ampere Spectra
—Feeders—600-ampere fused switch
—Main—1200-ampere Spectra
—Shunt trip and UV release
V Combination Starter Units
—Control Power Transber (CPT) (optional)
—“Extra” auxiliary interlocks (optional)
—Line-to-line control
—Line-to-neutral control
—Separate control power or common CPT
—FVNR—Size 1 thru 6
—FVR—Size 1 thru 4
—RVNR—Size 2 thru 5
—2S2W—Size 1 thru 4
—2S1W—Size 1 thru 4
—NEMA Type 1B wiring
—Interlocks mounted on circuit breaker and
fusible switch (optional)
Motor Control Centers
3-6 Aftermarket Catalog Prices and data subject
to change without notice
Motor Control Centers—Low Voltage
Frequently Requested Motor Control Center Renewal Parts
Renewal Parts List Price
Part Debion Product Number GO-11GM
Size 1 Standard O/L 9000RSG1 緯軒機電87.00
Size 1 Electronic O/L 9000RSG2 緯軒機電87.00
O/L Reset Assembly Size 2,5 Standard O/L 9000RSG3 緯軒機電87.00
Size 2,5 Electronic O/L 9000RSG4 緯軒機電87.00
Size 3,4 Standard O/L 9000RSG5 緯軒機電87.00
Size 3,4 Electronic O/L 9000RSG6 緯軒機電87.00
Door Hinges Door Hinges 190B1013P1 緯軒機電9.00
Power Pull Apart Terminal Block 50A 190B1691G1 緯軒機電84.00
Terminal Block Din Rail Assembly 18 Points Max 190B2070G6 緯軒機電309.00
Terminal Blocks Terminal Block Din Rail Assembly 18 Points Max w/ TB 190B2070G12 緯軒機電534.00
Control TB 30A Male and Female 190B1692G1 緯軒機電45.00
Wireway Covers Top 12" with hinges 110C1440G1 緯軒機電170.00 Wireway Covers Wireway Covers Top 18" with hinges 110C1440G2 緯軒機電204.00
CPT 150VA, 480/120 Size 1 and 2 w/o Fuse Block 9T58K0504G37 緯軒機電310.001
Control Power Transbers CPT 300VA, 480/120 Size 1 and 2 With Fuse Block 9T58K0507G38 緯軒機電390.001
CPT 100VA, 480/120 Size 1 1/2X, Size 5 W/O Fuse Block MIC#B100-2989-5 緯軒機電240.00
Standard Shelf 110C1059P1 緯軒機電144.00
Shelf Grounding Bracket 270A1343G1 緯軒機電18.00
Miscellaneous Bus Shutter Assembly 110C1783G1 緯軒機電346.00
Vertical Bus Stab Covers 190B1215P1 緯軒機電9.00
Wireway Knock Out Panel 190B1014P1 緯軒機電12.00
Shelf Support - 72" High 110C1010G11 緯軒機電310.00
Circuit Breaker/Starter Handles E and F Frame CB Vertical Handle Only 190B1704G1 緯軒機電120.00
E and F Frame CB Horizontal Handle Only 190B1704G2 緯軒機電120.00
6" EK06 緯軒機電120.002
12" EK12 緯軒機電240.002
18" EK18 緯軒機電490.00
Filler Kits 24" EK24 緯軒機電505.00
(Includes Shelf and Grounding Bracket) 30" EK30 緯軒機電575.00
36" EK36 緯軒機電610.00
42" EK42 緯軒機電640.00
48" EK48 緯軒機電680.00
Rear Cover Only 190B1007P9 緯軒機電114.00
Rear Doors Only Rear Hinge Door Top Only 110C1466G9 緯軒機電132.00
Rear Hinge Door Bottom Only 110C1466G21 緯軒機電132.00
Rear Hinge Mounting Bracket (2 Per Section) 110C1464P1 緯軒機電14.00
6" High 110C1163G1 緯軒機電260.00
12" High 110C1163G2 緯軒機電332.80
18" High 110C1163G3 緯軒機電353.60
24" High 110C1163G4 緯軒機電374.40
30" High 110C1163G5 緯軒機電396.00
Wire Trough Doors (4") 36" High 110C1163G6 緯軒機電416.00
42" High 110C1163G7 緯軒機電426.40
48" High 110C1163G8 緯軒機電426.40
54" High 110C1163G9 緯軒機電457.60
60" High 110C1163G10 緯軒機電478.40
66" High 110C1163G11 緯軒機電499.20
72" High 110C1163G12 緯軒機電572.00
Muffin Fan 120V Only MUFFINFANG1 緯軒機電376.00
Cooling Fans Tarzan Fan Only RMC#020169 緯軒機電1245.50
Case Fan Assembly 110C1556G1 緯軒機電4012.00
N3R Fan Assemblies Refer to Factory N/A
6" 110C1240KKG1 緯軒機電166.00
12" 110C1240KKG2 緯軒機電208.00
18" 110C1240KKG3 緯軒機電240.00
Blank Unit Door 24" 110C1240KKG4 緯軒機電250.00
30" 110C1240KKG5 緯軒機電312.00
36" 110C1240KKG6 緯軒機電343.20
42" 110C1240KKG7 緯軒機電374.40
48" 110C1240KKG8 緯軒機電416.00
6 Unit Device Plate Only 110C1039P100 緯軒機電30.00
Pilot Device Bracket 3 Unit Device Plate Only 110C1089P100 緯軒機電30.00
Bracket 190B1662P1 緯軒機電16.00
600Amp Bus 110C1735G1SM 緯軒機電170.00
Splice Kits 800Amp Bus 110C1735G4SM 緯軒機電250.00
(Evolution to Evolution N1, N12 Only) 1200Amp Bus 110C1735G7SM 緯軒機電280.00
(Standard Tin Only) 2000Amp Bus 110C1735G12SM 緯軒機電700.00
2500Amp Bus 110C1735G13SM 緯軒機電1700.00
50Amp CSC#A50QS50 緯軒機電70.00
60Amp CSC#A50QS60 緯軒機電70.00
Optional Semiconductor 80Amp CSC#A50QS80 緯軒機電70.00
Soft Start Fuses 100Amp CSC#A50QS100 緯軒機電90.00
200Amp CSC#A50QS200 緯軒機電140.00
225Amp CSC#A50QS225 緯軒機電140.00
350Amp CSC#A50QS350 緯軒機電150.00
Motor Control Centers Parts Publications List
Model Debion Number
EVOLUTION SERIES E9000? Installation GEH 40472
Motor Control Centers
Prices and data subject Aftermarket Catalog 3-7
to change without notice
Motor Control Centers—Low Voltage
GE Fastrac Program—MCC Units Quick Selection Guide
This Quick Selection Guide covers Control Center starters and
feeders, including full and reduced voltage, reversing and nonreversing,
two-speed single and dual winding starters, in sizes
1-5. For other units, see the Engineered Products Catalog,
Section 10.
Motor Control Starter Units
For each of the following steps, find the option—MCC type, starter
type, size, disconnect, control power, pilot lights, etc.— that meets
the need. Transfer the corresponding product number digit(s) to
the product number box(es) and the price, if applicable, to the
appropriate price box.
When you have finished, you will have built a complete product
number and established the price elements that add up to the
complete list price, GO-100MZ.
Select Motor Control Center Type
Select motor control center type. Transfer the product number
digits to the box marked in the product number line. There is no
price component to MCC type selection.
Select Starter Type and Size
Find the starter type required. Transfer the product number digits
to the boxes marked in the product number line and the price
to the box marked in the price line.
Starter Type Size Product Number Digits Price
Solid State
MCC Type Product Number Digit
CR8000 M
Spectra? S
All Fastrac units have the following as standard:
A. NEMA 12 gasketing, except SS Starter and VFD’s
B. Isolated N.O. overload alarm contact (not wired to TB)
C. Auxiliary. contacts wired to the TB as noted below:
FVNR and RVNR Starters—(1) N.O. (1) N.C.
FVR and 2S Starters—(1) N.O. per contactor
VFD Pricing
Size Horsepower VFD Price Size Horsepower VFD Price
1/2 緯軒機電13300.00 7 1/2 緯軒機電19595.00
3/4 緯軒機電13300.00 10 緯軒機電22505.00
1 緯軒機電13300.00 15 緯軒機電30560.00
1 1/2 緯軒機電13625.00 20 緯軒機電35625.00
2 緯軒機電13625.00 25 緯軒機電41515.00
3 緯軒機電14095.00
5 緯軒機電15930.00 30 緯軒機電47965.00
Size 1
Size 1
Size 2
Size 3
Motor Control Centers
3-8 Aftermarket Catalog Prices and data subject
to change without notice
Motor Control Centers—Low Voltage
GE Fastrac Program—MCC Units Quick Selection Guide
Select Starter Disconnect
Use the first table to identify desired disconnect device. (Note that
these are for basic applications; see publication GET-6728 for
CR8000/Spectra? for more inbation.) Then, from the second
table select starter disconnect. Transfer the product number digit
to the box marked in the product number line and the price to
the box marked in the price line.
Select Control Power
Standard control power transber (CPT) ratings are adequate to
handle the starter-coil current and three pilot lights. If additional
burdens are expected, larger transbers should be specified
from among those shown in the first table below. From the second
table below, select the control power desired. Transfer the
product number digit to the box marked in the product number
line and the price to the box marked in the price line. Product
number digit 1 is for 100VA CPT.
緯軒機電235.00 緯軒機電310.00 緯軒機電150.00 — —
TECL 緯軒機電1045.00 緯軒機電1155.00 緯軒機電1185.00 緯軒機電1225.00 —
FSW-R F 緯軒機電125.00 緯軒機電175.00 緯軒機電575.00 緯軒機電1075.00 緯軒機電2115.00
——— 緯軒機電850.00 —
TEC 緯軒機電345.00 緯軒機電405.00 緯軒機電235.00 緯軒機電160.00 —
FSW-J2 R 緯軒機電125.00 緯軒機電175.00 緯軒機電575.00 緯軒機電1075.00 緯軒機電2115.00
THEDL S 緯軒機電1045.00 緯軒機電1155.00 緯軒機電1185.00 — —
Spectra? – 65
Mag Only1 U 緯軒機電770.00 緯軒機電850.00 緯軒機電730.00 緯軒機電780.00 緯軒機電840.00
Spectra? – 100
Mag Only V 緯軒機電1045.00 緯軒機電1155.00 緯軒機電1185.00 緯軒機電1225.00 緯軒機電1300.00
Spectra? – 65
Thermal Mag1 W 緯軒機電770.00 緯軒機電850.00 緯軒機電730.00 緯軒機電780.00 緯軒機電855.00
Spectra? – 100
Thermal Mag X 緯軒機電1045.00 緯軒機電1155.00 緯軒機電1185.00 緯軒機電1225.00 緯軒機電1350.00
2 J time delay.
Device Digit
Product Price by Starter Size
125KAIC @ 575V.
Std. CPT 1 緯軒機電370.00 緯軒機電390.00 緯軒機電415.00 緯軒機電430.00 緯軒機電585.00
Oversize 2
緯軒機電390.00 ————
Line-to-Line 緯軒機電145.00 緯軒機電145.00 緯軒機電145.00 緯軒機電145.00 緯軒機電145.00
5 緯軒機電225.00 緯軒機電225.00 緯軒機電225.00 緯軒機電225.00 緯軒機電225.00
(120 Vac)
Price by Starter Size
Starter Type and Size CPT Std. VA Oversize VA
All Size 1 60 150
All Size 2 150 —
All Size 3 300 —
All Size 4 300 —
All Size 5 100 —
230V 460V 575V
TEC THED 25 25 22
Spectra? - 65k Spectra? - 65k 65 65 25
Spectra? -100k Spectra? - 100k 100 100 —
TECL THEDL 100 — —
TEC THFK 18 25 25
Spectra? - 65k Spectra? - 65k 65 65 25
Spectra? - 100k Spectra? - 100k 100 100 —
Spectra? - 65K Spectra? - 65K 65 65 65
Spectra? - 100K Spectra? - 100K 100 100 100
Short Circuit Rating
1, 2, 3
Mag Only
Circuit Breaker
Thermal Mag
Circuit Breaker
Motor Control Centers
Prices and data subject Aftermarket Catalog 3-9
to change without notice
Motor Control Centers—Low Voltage
GE Fastrac Program—MCC Units Quick Selection Guide
Select Pilot Devices
Select pilot devices desired by starter type. See Pilot Devices
table below. Transfer the product number digits to the boxes
marked in the product number line and the price to the box
marked in the price line.
Horsepower Product Number Digits Product Number Digits Horsepower
1/4 .25 15 015
1/3 .33 20 020
3/8 .38 25 025
1/2 .50 30 030
3/4 .75 40 040
1 001 50 050
1 1/2 1.5 60 060
2 002 75 075
3 003 100 100
5 005 125 125
7 1/2 7.5 150 150
10 010 200 200
Select Overload Relay
Select overload relay type. Transfer the product number digits to
the box marked in the product number line and the price to the
box marked in the price line.
Select Control Terminal Board
Select control disconnect terminal board. Transfer the product
number digits to the box marked in the product number line.
There is no price component to control terminal board selection.
Select Horsepower
Select horsepower. Transfer the product number digits to the
boxes marked in the product number line. Note that some
product number digits consist of a decimal point. There is no
price component to horsepower selection.
Control Disconnect Terminal Board Product Number Digit
Standard High-Density H
Split 3-point w/o Disconnect N
Relay Type Product Number Digit Price
Standard 1 緯軒機電120.00
Ambient Compensated 2
Solid State 緯軒機電415.00
Starter Type Pilot Device Product Number Digits Price
NONE NN* 緯軒機電0.00
RED LGT STD AE* 緯軒機電155.00
RED/GREEN LGT STD AS* 緯軒機電310.00
HAND/OFF/AUTO (H/O/A) SW. AN* 緯軒機電175.00
H/O/A SW. RED LGT STD AB* 緯軒機電330.00
H/O/A SW. RED LGT PTT AP 緯軒機電425.00
H/O/A SW. R/G LGT STD AC* 緯軒機電485.00
H/O/A SW. R/G LGT PTT AQ 緯軒機電675.00
STOP/START PB BN* 緯軒機電145.00
OFF/ON SW. GN* 緯軒機電120.00
OFF/ON SW. RED LGT STD GB* 緯軒機電275.00
OFF/ON SW. RED LGT PTT GP 緯軒機電370.00
OFF/ON SW. R/G LGT STD GC* 緯軒機電430.00
OFF/ON SW. R/G LGT PTT GQ 緯軒機電620.00
NONE NN 緯軒機電0.00
R/A/G LGT STD CG 緯軒機電465.00
R/A/G LGT PTT CT 緯軒機電750.00
FWD/REV/STOP PB CN 緯軒機電215.00
FWD/OFF/REV SW DN 緯軒機電175.00
NONE NN 緯軒機電0.00
R/A/G LGT STD EG 緯軒機電465.00
R/A/G LGT PTT ET 緯軒機電750.00
F/S/O/A SW R/A LGT STD FB 緯軒機電535.00
F/S/O/A SW R/A LGT PTT FP 緯軒機電725.00
F/S/O/A SW R/A/G LGT STD FC 緯軒機電690.00
F/S/O/A SW R/A/G LGT PTT FQ 緯軒機電975.00
2S1W &
Starter Type Pilot Device Product Number Digits Price
Key Pad VP NC
Key Pad & Speed Adj. Pot VQ 緯軒機電75.00
Key Pad & HOA VR 緯軒機電1005.00
Key Pad & Speed Adj. Pot & HOA VS 緯軒機電1080.00
Key Pad & HOA & Red/Green PL VT 緯軒機電1315.00
Key Pad & Speed Adj. Pot &
Red/Green PL VU 緯軒機電385.00
Key Pad & Speed Adj. Pot & HOA &
Red/Green PL VW 緯軒機電1390.00
Speed Drive
Select Pilot Devices (continued)
Motor Control Centers
3-10 Aftermarket Catalog Prices and data subject
to change without notice
Motor Control Centers—Low Voltage
GE Fastrac Program—MCC Units Quick Selection Guide
Select System Voltage
Select system voltage. Transfer the product number digit to the
box marked in the product number line. There is no price
component to system voltage selection.
OEM Fastrac Units
Fastrac units designed for OEM use are engineered and built with
the same components and layout as the standard Fastrac units.
Power wiring is provided: however, to allow the maximum flexibility
for OEM users, no control wiring is provided.
Product numbers are the same as the standard Fastrac units
with the addition of two additional suffix letters, XX.
Voltage Product Number Digit
480V 60 Hz A
208V 60 Hz B
240V 60 Hz C
575V 60 Hz D
380V 50 Hz E
緯軒機電 0 + + 緯軒機電
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
緯軒機電 + 緯軒機電
3 4
+ 緯軒機電 + 緯軒機電
5 6
+ 緯軒機電 0 + 緯軒機電 0
7 8
+ 緯軒機電 0 + = 緯軒機電 緯軒機電 0
9 10
Standard Fastrac Unit MA1U1AB1H010A
OEM Fastrac Unit MA1U1AB1H010AXX
Motor Control Centers
Prices and data subject Aftermarket Catalog 3-11
to change without notice
Motor Control Centers—Low Voltage
GE Fastrac Program—MCC Units Quick Selection Guide
Motor Control Feeder Units
For each of the following steps, find the option—MCC type, disconnect
type, amp rating, feeder devices—that meets the need.
Transfer the corresponding product number digits to the product
number boxes for either the standard or OEM extended feeder
unit. When you have finished, you will have built a complete product
number. There are no price components to the first three
steps; the complete list price, GO-100MZ, is that shown in the
Step table.
Select Motor Control Center Type
Select motor control center type. Transfer the product number
digit to the box marked in the product number line. There is no
price component to MCC type selection.
Select Feeder Disconnect Type
Select disconnect type. Transfer the product number digits to the
boxes marked in the product number line. There is no price
component for disconnect type selection.
Select Amp Rating
Select amp rating for either circuit breaker trip or Class R fuse.
Transfer the product number digits to the boxes marked in the
product number line. There is no price component for amp rating
Select Feeder Device
Select feeder device from one of the following two tables. Transfer
the product number digits to the boxes marked in the product
number line for either the standard or OEM extended feeder unit.
The price shown is the total list price, GO-100MZ, for your feeder unit.
Standard Feeder Units
Select System Voltage
Select system voltage. Transfer the product number digit to
the box marked in the product number line. There is no price
component to system voltage selection.
Standard Feeder Unit Product Number
Device 240 480 600
THED 100 30 25 18 6 HED6 緯軒機電1400.00
THEDL 100 100 100 100 6 EDL6 緯軒機電2900.00
100 30 25 18 12 HED1 緯軒機電1700.00
150 30 25 18 12 THED 緯軒機電1900.00
100 65 65 25 6
SEL6 緯軒機電2650.00
100 65 65 25 12
SEL2 緯軒機電2950.00
100 100 100 N/A SEP6 緯軒機電2900.00
100 100 100 N/A SEP2 緯軒機電3200.00
SFLT 3 250 65 65 25 12 SFLT 緯軒機電7550.00
SFPT3 250 100 100 N/A
SFPT 緯軒機電8300.00
THFK4 225 30 25 18 12 THFK 緯軒機電2500.00
30 100 100 100 6 QM36 緯軒機電1200.00
30 100 100 100 12 QMR3 緯軒機電1500.00
60 100 100 100 6 QM66 緯軒機電1300.00
60 100 100 100 12 QMR6 緯軒機電1600.00
100 100 100 QMR1 緯軒機電1900.00
200 100 100 100 24 QMR2 緯軒機電3100.00
Short Circuit
Rating KA Volts
2150A unit is 18" high.
3Max. trip is 225A and unit is 18" high.
4CR8000 only.
160 & 80 Amp Trip not available on THED.
Voltage Product Number Digit
480V 60 Hz A
208V 60 Hz B
240V 60 Hz C
575V 60 Hz D
380V 50 Hz E
1 2 3 4 5
Type Voltage Product Number Digits
Circuit Breaker — FB
Fusible Switch-R 208/240V FR
Fusible Switch-R 480/600V FS
Fusible Switch-J 480/600V FJ
MCC Type Product Number Digit
CR8000 M
Spectra? S
Amps Product Number Digits Product Number Digits Amps
15 015 110 110
20 020 125 125
30 030 150 150
40 040 175 175
50 050 200 200
60 060 225 225
70 070 250 250
80 080 400 400
90 090 600 600
100 100 — —
Motor Control Centers
3-12 Aftermarket Catalog Prices and data subject
to change without notice
Motor Control Centers—Low Voltage
Frequently Requested Motor Control Center Renewal Parts
7700-Line, 8000-Line and Spectra? Series
Renewal Parts
MCC Type List Price
Parts Debion 7700 8000 Spectra Product Number GO-11GM
Shelf-Standard X X X 68J210383BBXXXXXXY 緯軒機電144.00
Vertical Bus Parts Shelf Support X X X 117B5044P2 緯軒機電18.00
Bus Shutter Assembly X X X 204B4153BVG1 緯軒機電228.00
Door Latch X X X 169C6386DMG2 緯軒機電12.00
Cooling Fans Muffin Fan X X X 272A5509SDP1 緯軒機電376.00
Tarzan Fan X X X RMC#020169 緯軒機電640.00
6" x 20" X X X 204B4127G19 緯軒機電160.00
Wireway Covers 12" x 20" X X X 204B4127G20 緯軒機電200.00
18" x 20" X X X 204B4127G21 緯軒機電240.00
Size 1 All X X 204B4142BDG1 緯軒機電58.00
Size 1 All X 116C8961G1 緯軒機電58.00
Size 2 All X 116C8961G2 緯軒機電58.00
Size 2 FVNR X X 204B4142BDG2 緯軒機電58.00
Size 2 FVR - 2 Speed X X 204B4142BDG3 緯軒機電58.00 O/L Reset Assy Size 3 & 4 All X 116C8961G32 緯軒機電58.00
Size 3 & 4 FVNR-FVR-2 Speed X X 204B4142BDG42 緯軒機電58.00
Size 3 & 4 RVNR X X 204B4142BDG52 緯軒機電58.00
Size 5 All X 116C8961G5 緯軒機電58.00
Size 5 All X X 204B4142BDG6 緯軒機電58.00
60VA (With Fuse Block) X X X 302A3600YDP201 緯軒機電380.00
Control Power Transber 150VA (With Fuse Block) X X X 302A3600YDP204 緯軒機電620.00
300VA (With Fuse Block) X X X 302A3600YDP207 緯軒機電786.00
300VA (No Fuse Block) X X X 302A3600YDP7 緯軒機電774.00
Male - 3 Point X X 75B132504G701 緯軒機電56.00 Standard TB Female - 3 Point X X 204B4153APG1 緯軒機電48.00
Male - 3 Point X X 75B132504G701 緯軒機電56.00
Power TB Female - Size 1 & 2 - 3 Point (w/lugs) X X 204B4153APG2 緯軒機電56.00
Size 3 - 3 Point X X 204B4050WDG5 緯軒機電380.00
Size 4 - 3 Point X X 204B4050WDG1 緯軒機電440.00
High Density TB 6 Point-Control X X CR151KPP56F 緯軒機電46.00
6" High X 273A7764G61 緯軒機電744.00
12" High X 273A7764G121 緯軒機電800.00
18" High X 273A7764G181 緯軒機電872.00
Filler Kit - 7700 Line 24" High X 273A7764G241 緯軒機電952.00
30" High X 273A7764G301 緯軒機電1032.00
36" High X 273A7764G361 緯軒機電560.00
42" High X 273A7764G421 緯軒機電600.00
48" High X 273A7764G481 緯軒機電640.00
6" High X 204B4145AMG11 緯軒機電336.00
12" High X 204B4145AMG21 緯軒機電384.00
18" High X 204B4145AMG31 緯軒機電392.00
24" High X 204B4145AMG41 緯軒機電404.00 Filler Kit - 8000 Line 30" High X 204B4145AMG51 緯軒機電460.00
36" High X 204B4145AMG61 緯軒機電488.00
42" High X 204B4145AMG71 緯軒機電512.00
48" High X 204B4145AMG81 緯軒機電544.00
6" High X 68J210397DAXX06XXB 緯軒機電256.00
12" High X 68J210397DAXX12XXB 緯軒機電320.00
18" High X 68J210397DAXX18XXB 緯軒機電184.00
24" High X 68J210397DAXX24XXB 緯軒機電192.00 Blank Spectra? Door 30" High X 68J210397DAXX30XXB 緯軒機電480.00
36" High X 68J210397DAXX36XXB 緯軒機電264.00
42" High X 68J210397DAXX42XXB 緯軒機電288.00
48" High X 68J210397DAXX48XXB 緯軒機電320.00
6" High X 272A5650BVP9 緯軒機電40.00
12" High X 272A5650BVP10 緯軒機電22.00
18" High X 272A5650BVP11 緯軒機電24.00
24" High X 272A5650BVP12 緯軒機電28.00 Spectra? Fill Strip 30" High X 272A5650BVP13 緯軒機電36.00
36" High X 272A5650BVP14 緯軒機電44.00
42" High X 272A5650BVP15 緯軒機電52.00
48" High X 272A5650BVP16 緯軒機電64.00
Left X X 117B5027P2 緯軒機電6.00
Right X X 117B5027P3 緯軒機電6.00 Door Hinges Spectra Hinge X 204B4145FZP1 緯軒機電12.00
Spectra Hinge Pin X 273A7728TLP1 緯軒機電4.00
20" Wide X X X 68J210375DB2090XXB 緯軒機電288.00 Rear Doors 24" Wide X X X 68J210375DB2490XXB 緯軒機電368.00
20" Wide X X X 68J120323LE0102AAB3 緯軒機電520.00 Rear Covers 24" Wide X X X 68J120323XA0102AAB3 緯軒機電552.00
1Includes blank door, shelf, shelf support and hinged filler strip.
2O/L types. Refer to factory
3Flat covers for 13" MCC
Motor Control Centers
Prices and data subject Aftermarket Catalog 3-13
to change without notice
Motor Control Centers—Low Voltage
Frequently Requested Motor Control Center Renewal Parts
7700-Line, 8000-Line and Spectra? Series
Renewal Parts (continued)
MCC Type List Price
Parts Debion 7700 8000 Spectra Product Number GO-11GM
6" High X X 68J210375CB2006XXB4 緯軒機電200.00
12" High X X 68J210375CB2012XXB4 緯軒機電256.00
24" High X X 68J210375CB2024XXB4 緯軒機電288.00
30" High X X 68J210375CB2030XXB4 緯軒機電304.00
36" High X X 68J210375CB2036XXB4 緯軒機電320.00
42" High X X 68J210375CB2042XXB4 緯軒機電328.00
48" High X X 68J210375CB2048XXB4 緯軒機電336.00
54" High X X 68J210375CB2054XXB4 緯軒機電352.00
60" High X X 68J210375CB2060XXB4 緯軒機電368.00
66" High X X 68J210375CB2066XXB4 緯軒機電384.00
72" High X X 68J210375CB2072XXB4 緯軒機電440.00
18" High X 68J210375SCB2018XXB4 緯軒機電272.00 Wire Trough Doors 6" High X 68J210397AC2006XXB4 緯軒機電200.00
12" High X 68J210397AC2012XXB4 緯軒機電256.00
18" High X 68J210397AC2018XXB4 緯軒機電272.00
24" High X 68J210397AC2024XXB4 緯軒機電288.00
30" High X 68J210397AC2030XXB4 緯軒機電304.00
36" High X 68J210397AC2036XXB4 緯軒機電320.00
42" High X 68J210397AC2042XXB4 緯軒機電328.00
48" High X 68J210397AC2048XXB4 緯軒機電336.00
54" High X 68J210397AC2054XXB4 緯軒機電352.00
60" High X 68J210397AC2060XXB4 緯軒機電368.00
66" High X 68J210397AC2066XXB4 緯軒機電384.00
72" High X 68J210397AC2072XXB4 緯軒機電440.00
40 Amp Other CSC#A50P40 緯軒機電156.00
60 Amp Other CSC#A50P60 緯軒機電102.00
Semiconductor Fuses for Drives 100 Amp Other CSC#A50P100 緯軒機電156.00
175 Amp Other CSC#A50P175 緯軒機電156.00
200 Amp Other CSC#A50P200 緯軒機電164.00
300 Amp Other CSC#A50P300 緯軒機電240.00
1000 Amp Other CSC#A50P1000 緯軒機電384.00
1200 Amp Other CSC#A50P1200 緯軒機電384.00
1600 Amp Other CSC#A50P1600 緯軒機電404.00
60 Amp Other CSC#A50QS60 緯軒機電46.00
100 Amp Other CSC#A50QS100 緯軒機電46.00
Semiconductor Fuses for Soft Starters 150 Amp Other CSC#A50QS150 緯軒機電72.00
175 Amp Other CSC#A50QS175 緯軒機電72.00
225 Amp Other CSC#A50QS225 緯軒機電90.00
250 Amp Other CSC#A50QS250 緯軒機電90.00
300 Amp Other CSC#A50QS300 緯軒機電96.00
350 Amp Other CSC#A50QS350 緯軒機電100.00
600 Amp Other CSC#A50QS600 緯軒機電120.00
Signal Conditioners Single Other ACT#4380-2000 緯軒機電2420.00
Double Other ACT#4390 緯軒機電3300.00
General Other Refer to Factory
Relays CR7 Other Refer to Factory
ITI Other Refer to Factory
MCRA Other Refer to Factory
4Product Numbers shown are for 7700 and 8000 line – 20" wide sections. If wider than 20" substitute section b into product number eg/24"W x 6"H use
Motor Control Center Parts Publications List
Model Debion Number
7700 Line Shelf-Standard GEH 2614
Renewal Parts GEH 4629
8800 Line Installation GEH 4961
Renewal Parts GEH 4630
Motor Control Centers
3-14 Aftermarket Catalog Prices and data subject
to change without notice
Motor Control Centers—Low Voltage
Frequently Requested Motor Control Center Renewal Parts
7700-Line, 8000-Line and Spectra? Series
Buckets and Associated Parts – Individual Parts
List Price
Bucket Type Individual Part Type NEMA Size Height (in.) MCC Type Product Number GO-11GM
1 12" Other 204B4054G10 緯軒機電1800.00 Disconnect 2 12" Other 204B4054G26 緯軒機電2040.00
3 30" Other 204B4054G62 緯軒機電2360.00 Fused Switch N/A 4 42" Other 204B4056G15 緯軒機電4112.00
1 12" Other 8000L8G2 緯軒機電120.00 Stab Harness 2 12" Other 8000L8G8 緯軒機電120.00
4 30" Spectra 8000L4G47 緯軒機電450.00
Stab Harness 3 24" Spectra 8000L4G48 緯軒機電454.00
N/A N/A Spectra 8000L8G21 緯軒機電120.00
1 12" Spectra CR306C002ACET 緯軒機電1080.00
N/A N/A Spectra CR306D002LVH 緯軒機電1480.00 Starter 3 24" Spectra CR306E002LVH 緯軒機電1774.00
4 30" Spectra CR306F002LVH 緯軒機電3996.00
1 12" Spectra CSC#ATMR1/2 緯軒機電22.00
CPT Fuse Primary 2 12" Spectra CSC#ATMR1 緯軒機電22.00
4 30" Spectra CSC#ATMR2 緯軒機電22.00
Spectra? Circuit Breaker 2 12" Spectra CSC#TR1-6/10R 緯軒機電32.00
CPT Fuse Secondary 4 30" Spectra CSC#TR3-2/10R 緯軒機電32.00
1 12" Spectra CSC#TR6/10R 緯軒機電32.00
1 12" Spectra SELA36AI0007 緯軒機電530.001
2 12" Spectra SELA36AI0030 緯軒機電530.001
Disconnect 3 24" Spectra SELA36AI0100 緯軒機電754.001
4 30" Spectra SFLA36AI0250 緯軒機電1297.001
3 24" Spectra SRPE100A70 緯軒機電106.002
2 12" Spectra SRPE30A25 緯軒機電106.002
Rating Plug 1 12" Spectra SRPE7A3 緯軒機電106.002
4 30" Spectra SRPF250A150 緯軒機電106.002
Buckets and Associated Parts – Complete Bucket
List Price
Bucket Type NEMA Size Horsepower Height (in.) MCC Type Product Number GO-100MZ
1/4 12" Other MA1F1AB2J.25A 緯軒機電2980.00
1/3 12" Other MA1F1AB2J.33A 緯軒機電2980.00
3/8 12" Other MA1F1AB2J.38A 緯軒機電2980.00
1/2 12" Other MA1F1AB2J.50A 緯軒機電2980.00
3/4 12" Other MA1F1AB2J.75A 緯軒機電2980.00
1 1 12" Other MA1F1AB2J001A 緯軒機電2980.00
2 12" Other MA1F1AB2J002A 緯軒機電2980.00
3 12" Other MA1F1AB2J003A 緯軒機電2980.00
5 12" Other MA1F1AB2J005A 緯軒機電2980.00
10 12" Other MA1F1AB2J010A 緯軒機電2980.00
Fused Switch 1 1/2 12" Other MA1F1AB2J1.5A 緯軒機電2980.00
7 1/2 12" Other MA1F1AB2J7.5A 緯軒機電2980.00
15 12" Other MA2F1AB2J015A 緯軒機電3250.00
2 20 12" Other MA2F1AB2J020A 緯軒機電3250.00
25 12" Other MA2F1AB2J025A 緯軒機電3250.00
30 30" Other MA3F1AB2J030A 緯軒機電5310.00
3 40 30" Other MA3F1AB2J040A 緯軒機電5310.00
50 30" Other MA3F1AB2J050A 緯軒機電5310.00
60 42" Other MA4F1AB2J060A 緯軒機電7110.00
4 75 42" Other MA4F1AB2J075A 緯軒機電7110.00
100 42" Other MA4F1AB2J100A 緯軒機電7110.00
1/4 12" Spectra MA1U1AB2J.25A 緯軒機電3625.00
1/3 12" Spectra MA1U1AB2J.33A 緯軒機電3625.00
3/8 12" Spectra MA1U1AB2J.38A 緯軒機電3625.00
1/2 12" Spectra MA1U1AB2J.50A 緯軒機電3625.00
3/4 12" Spectra MA1U1AB2J.75A 緯軒機電3625.00
1 12" Spectra MA1U1AB2J001A 緯軒機電3625.00 1 2 12" Spectra MA1U1AB2J002A 緯軒機電3625.00
3 12" Spectra MA1U1AB2J003A 緯軒機電3625.00
5 12" Spectra MA1U1AB2J005A 緯軒機電3625.00
10 12" Spectra MA1U1AB2J010A 緯軒機電3625.00
Spectra? Circuit Breaker 1 1/2 12" Spectra MA1U1AB2J1.5A 緯軒機電3625.00
7 1/2 12" Spectra MA1U1AB2J7.5A 緯軒機電3625.00
15 12" Spectra MA2U1AB2J015A 緯軒機電3935.00
2 20 12" Spectra MA2U1AB2J020A 緯軒機電3935.00
25 12" Spectra MA2U1AB2J025A 緯軒機電3935.00
30 24" Spectra MA3U1AB2J030A 緯軒機電5465.00
3 40 24" Spectra MA3U1AB2J040A 緯軒機電5465.00
50 24" Spectra MA3U1AB2J050A 緯軒機電5465.00
60 30" Spectra MA4U1AB2J060A 緯軒機電6815.00
4 75 30" Spectra MA4U1AB2J075A 緯軒機電6815.00
100 30" Spectra MA4U1AB2J100A 緯軒機電6815.00
Motor Control Centers
Prices and data subject Aftermarket Catalog 3-15
to change without notice
The GE Limitamp motor control center provides an economical
means of centralizing motor starters and related control
equipment. It permits motor control starters, feeders, isolator
switches, distribution transbers, interlocking relays,
programmable control, metering and other miscellaneous devices
to be obtained in a single floor-mounted structural assembly fed
from a common enclosed main bus.
Limitamp motor control centers are constructed of standardized
heavy gauge vertical sections housing vertical and horizontal
buses and compartmented starters. Sections are bolted together
to b a single line-up assembly. The entire center may be
powered by incoming line connection at a single point. When
requested and possible, Limitamp motor control centers bear
UL section and unit labels.
Limitamp Control is designed to meet NEMA ICS 3, Part 2 and
UL 347 requirements. Various enclosure types and constructions
are available and there is a broad selection of modifications for
complete control and protection of motors used on modern powerutilization
systems with high available short-circuit currents.
This program is limited and restricted. Please contact your
distributor or GE for scope, pricing, and ordering.
Product Features
—Visible blade disconnect switch
—Proven, high reliability vacuum contactors (2 million operations)
—Quick-make / quick-break disconnect switch
—Modular, flexible enclosure construction
—Extensive protective relays from GE Multilin?
—Epoxy insulated bus available
—Drawout and stationary contactors
—1 high and 2 high arrangements
—UL / cUL available on most units
—Large isolated low voltage compartment
—No rear access required
—Matching line-up with all existing Limitamp installed equipment
Starter Types
—FVNR Full voltage non-reversing
(induction and synchronous)
—RVAT Reduced voltage autotransber
—RVPR Reduced voltage primary reactor
—FVR Full voltage reversing
—2S1W Two-speed, one winding
—2S2W Two-speed, two winding
—MVSS Medium voltage solid state
—Feeders Transber feeders
Construction Options
—Main bus: 1200A, 2000A, 3600A
—System voltages: 2400V, 3300V, 3600V, 4160V, 4800V,
6600V, 7200V
—Contactor sizes: 400A, 800A
—Enclosure types: NEMA 1, 1A, 2, 3R, 12
—Bus bracing: 50 KA symmetrical
Motor Control Centers—Medium Voltage
2400-7200 Volts
Limitamp Medium Voltage Motor Control
Product References:
Engineered Products Catalog Section 11
Application and Selection Guide GET-6840
Motor Control Centers
3-16 Aftermarket Catalog Prices and data subject
to change without notice
Key Product Specifications
Main AC Horizontal Bus Ratings
—1200A, 2000A (1950A non-ventilated), or 3600A
(2800 non-vented)
—50 kA rms sym short circuit
—Tin or silver plating available
—Epoxy insulation available
—Matching line-up with all existing Limitamps
(including Air Break)
Typical Current Ratings (amps) 2 HI only
—Vented: 360 top/400 bottom
—Non-vented: 320 top/320 bottom
Interrupting Ratings
Class E1 mVA 25 at 2.5kV
50 at 5.0kV
75 at 7.2kV
Class E2 mVA
2400 volts 200
3600 volts 300
4160 volts 350
4800 volts 400
7200 volts 600
Contactor Ratings—CR193B and CR193D (400A)
Short-time current (amps)
30 seconds 2400
1 second 6000
Impulse withstand (kV) 60
Dielectric strength (kV) 1 minute 18.2
Switching frequency (ops/hour) 360
Mechanical life (ops) 2,000,000
Electrical life (ops) 1,000,000
Closing time (max. ms) 350
Opening time (max. ms)
switched at coil 50
Pick-up voltage (% of rated) 85% max.
Drop out voltage (% of rated) 10%-65%
Control voltage (volts) requires
rectification 110/115 AC
Control circuit burden (VA)
Closing 175
Hold-in 30
Contactor weight 75 lbs. (35 kg)
Standards applicable UL 347
NEMA ICS 3, Part 2
Publication References for Limitamp Equipment
Motor Control Centers—Medium Voltage
2400-7200 Volts
Publication Debion Stocking Location
GEH-6263 2-high Maintenance Instructions Bloomington1
GEH-5305 1-high Maintenance Instructions Bloomington1
GET-6840 Selection & Application Bloomington1
DET-064 Advertising Brochure Bloomington1
GEH-5396 800 Amp 1-high Maintenance Bloomington1
GEF-8016 Contactor Renewal Parts Mebane
GEH-5306 Contactor Maintenance Instructions Bloomington1
GES-5000 Power Fuse Curves Bloomington1
GEP-1260 Control Catalog—Covers Full Line of Products Bloomington1
GEA-10877 CR104P Push Buttons and Pilot Lights Bloomington1
GEH-4115 CR120B AC Relays Bloomington1
GEH-4120 CR120B Latched Relays Bloomington1
GEH-6248 CR4 Control and Timing Relay Bloomington1
CR194 Vacuum Design
General Purpose Controls
Pilot Devices
Relays and Timers
DEA-328 Medium Voltage Soft Starters Bloomington1
GEH-5475 C-2000 Mini-Contactors Control Relays Bloomington1
1601-0057 Multilin 469 GE Multilin?
1601-0077 Multilin 369 GE Multilin?
1601-0025 Multilin 269 GE Multilin?
1601-0013 Multilin 269+ GE Multilin?
1601-0060 Multilin 239+ GE Multilin?
GEH-6302 Power Leader? EPM, User's Guide Bloomington1
GEH-5892 Power Leader?, User's Guide Bloomington1
1Ordering address on BuyLog? page 22-1.
Motor Control Centers
Prices and data subject Aftermarket Catalog 3-17
to change without notice
Motor Control Centers—Medium Voltage
2400-7200 Volts
Limitamp Product Scope
Max. Fault
Max. Current
Rating (Amps) Main Bus Rating1 Enclosure Size2 Power Fuse
Relays3 Potential
One High
One High
CR194 400A5
Vacuum Stationary
Control (FVNR)
(induction motor or
transber loads
50 kA rms sym.
4.80 kV (fused)
360A vented
320A non-vented