廠家直銷MHYAV 20X2X1/0.8通信電纜
◎ 商用級-CM級(垂直Vertial Tray Flame ) 這是 UL中商用級電纜(General Pure Cable),適用為UL1581。實驗規(guī)定在垂直8英尺高的支架上敷設(shè)多條試樣,用規(guī)定的20KW帶狀噴燈(70,000BTU/Hr)20分鐘。合格為火焰不可蔓延到電纜的上端并自行熄滅。UL1581和IEC60332-3C類似,只是敷設(shè)電纜根數(shù)不同。商用級電纜沒有煙霧濃度規(guī)范,一般僅應(yīng)用于同一樓層的水平走線,不應(yīng)用于樓層的垂直布線上。
ZR-BPGGPP2 硅橡膠絕緣和護套銅絲編織銅帶繞包屏蔽耐高溫變頻電力電纜。
It was Tim’s custom whenever he heard company approaching his place of abode to meet them at the threshold. Upon this occasion, as usual, he was ready to bestow the hospitalities of his establishment, but the manner of his receiving was neither urbane nor graceful. His front door was suddenly opened and an unwelcome guest unceremoniously thrust upon the hospitality of the unsuspecting Tim, who was wholly unprepared for such a visitor. It was his first experience with a Saurian. He had never seen one before, and it took only a second for him to make up his mind to pass the act of non-intercourse. He scampered to his pole and climbed to his platb at the top, where, during the next twenty-four 103 hours, he remained an anxious and frightened observer.
KFF 氟塑料絕緣氟塑料護套控制電纜。
DJYPV 聚乙烯絕緣組屏蔽聚氯乙烯護套電子計算機用電纜。
用途:本產(chǎn)品供交流額定電壓500V或直流電壓1000V及以下配電裝置中電器,儀表接線之用。 產(chǎn)品使用特性:電纜導體的長期允許工作溫度應(yīng)不超過70℃。敷設(shè)時電纜的溫度應(yīng)不低于0℃,敷設(shè)時彎曲半徑應(yīng)不小于電纜外徑的10倍。有鎧裝層或銅帶屏蔽結(jié)構(gòu)的電纜,應(yīng)不小于電纜外徑的12倍。 產(chǎn)品:GB9330.2-88《聚氯絕緣和護套控制電纜》
執(zhí)行:GB/T 9330-2008,阻燃電纜還應(yīng)符合IEC337-8的技術(shù)條件。
other s besides that of the English Queen. The approaches made to Elizabeth by the brothers de Valois, or rather by their intriguing mother, Catharine de Medici, he been related somewhat fully, mainly from the documents in the National Library in Paris, by the Count de la Ferrière,1 and the recent publication of the Spanish State Papers at Simancas of the reign of Elizabeth by the Record Office,2 puts us into session of a vast quantity of hitherto unused material of the highest interest, especially with regard to the matrimonial overtures made by Philip II. and the princes of the house of Austria; whilst the full text of the extraordinary private letters to and from the Queen in relation to the Alen?on match, 1579–82, printed by the Historical5 MSS. Commission from the Hatfield Papers, affords an opportunity of the greatest value for criticising the by-play in this curious comedy. From these sources, from the Walsingham Papers from the French diplomatic correspondence, from the Foreign, Domestic, and Venetian Calendars of State Papers, and from the various contemporary and later chroniclers of the times, it is proed to construct a consecutive narr