前輪后擋泥板 左右,前輪后擋泥板支架 左下踏步 左右,駕駛室后鎖栓 左,駕駛室舉升杠 ,消煙器總成及抱帶2根 柴油濾芯 前橋減震器 左右缸蓋罩 油箱浮子 前橋減震器下支架 左水箱膠蹲 前弓支架 增壓機 駕駛室前支座 左駕駛室前減震下支座 左右轉向機支架 駕駛室后龍門架總成 水箱 中冷風圈 冷凝器總成 冷凝器鋁管 2根下踏步支架 左及上段離合器油管 換擋拉線 2根換擋氣管 紅黑前剎車氣管 保險杠支架 左右保險杠總成 大燈 原廠進氣連接管 紅管增壓機連接卡子 5個轉向機油管 進出一套順拉桿總成 前翻轉杠車頂罩后左導流上板 車頂罩后右導流上板 車頂罩右導流板上下支架 車頂后內飾 車頂罩內左飾板燈 車頂罩內右飾板燈 車頂內飾左鋁壓條 車頂內飾右鋁壓條 車頂罩后左燈 車頂罩后右燈 車頂罩前左示寬燈 車頂罩前右示寬燈 車頂導流罩 導流罩支架 天窗內框飾板 車頂內罩左音響喇叭 車頂內罩右音響喇叭駕駛室前懸置減震器左前輪后擋泥板左右大燈總成霧燈總成左下腳踏板前保險杠左下腳踏板護罩右側中、下腳踏板右側上腳踏板護罩右側下腳踏板罩
SAIC-IVECO HONGYAN commercial Vehicle Co.,LTD. cab manufacturers reminded:Cab manufacturer, cab assembly manufacturer, cab accessories,IVECOGENLYON,IVECOKINGKAN.
Sales Tel: 008613886887367,008615629997778, company switchboard: 0086-722-3336655,0086-722-3336566, company fax: 0086-722-3336566,
The supply of accessories: Hongyan Jieshi sunshade (CAB), Jie Shi Hongyan cab, Hongyan new diamond accessories, Hongyan new Roland cab accessories, old King Kong Hongyan cab accessories, Hongyan jieka cab accessories, Hongyan Jieshi cab accessories, Hongyan Jieshi cab front panel, Hongyan Jie the lion front panel, Hongyan Jieshi cab accessories, Hongyan Jieshi cab corners, Hong Yanjie the lion corners, Hongyan Jieshi accessories, Hongyan Jie Shi Hongyan new diamond cab, fog lights, Hongyan Jieshi cab accessories Hongyan new diamond sunshade, Hongyan Xinjin just leaves board, Hongyan new King Kong mixer truck driving room, Hongyan new diamond headlights, Hongyan new King Kong New bumpers, new King Kong Hongyan cab. Hongyan cab: www.zvolvo.com, 31 cab: www.3336655.com. Our company is a research and development, production and sales of professional institutions. In one of the main business. Saic-iveco Hongyan Hongyan Jie lion. New diamond. Diamond. The new old Hongyan Hongyan. Roland Sany. Dongfeng series. Shaanqi series. Cab assembly. Shell. Sheet bl. Inside and outside decoration and frame assembly etc. the whole car accessories.
Since the establishment. This has always been the spirit of "tree brand integrity. Only boutique" principle. And strive to become the China Zui, according to the integrity of Zui, one of the influential heavy truck parts manufacturer. Our company has excellent production equipment. Experienced technical team, advanced production technology, perfect service system of products sold throughout the country. We have been adhering to the "quality is the fundamental enterprise development. The production of products from each detail. Each product will strive to excellence.
Production and sales of SAIC Hongyan Automobile Series accessories: diamond, diamond, new and old red lion, jieka Jie, new Roland series cab assembly, cab parts, bumpers. Headlights. Angle. Sunshade panel.. mirror. The door assembly. Decorative plate of the car. The dashboard. Instrument. Machine direction. Filter assembly. Wiper. The wiper bage rod. The windshield Jieshi appearance all interior parts, welcome new and old customer call! We will make you satisfied with warm service!
Global sales hotline: 0086-722-3336655. 0086-722-3336566,008613886887367,008615629997778.
To purchase Hongyan products, please contact the Sales Department of the company:
Sales Hotline: 008613886887367; 008615629997778.
Sales Manager: Zhou manager.
Sales Department: 0086-722-3336655; 0086-722-3336566.
Business QQ:252502723.
Company mailbox: zhouhu518@163.com
WeChat public number: AA3336655.
WeChat personal number: 178468348.
Fax: 0086-722-3336566.