
供應霍尼韋爾 1309A0042
供應霍尼韋爾 1309A0042
上架日期:2018-01-23 10:33:58
產(chǎn)地: 1309A0042
    Cikkszám Megnevezés Denomination Adatlap Data sheet
    002825 Transzbátor, 230 V -> 110 V Transber, 220 V -> 110 V részletek details
    002826 IIZUKA DENKI transzbátor IIZUKA DENKI transber részletek details
    002827 TOYOGIKEN TRT-B-1KN transzbátor TOYOGIKEN TRT-B-1KN transber részletek details
    002828 NSK EXC20A330A00-04 XY asztal vezérl? NSK EXC20A330A00-04 XY table controller részletek details
    002829 Adapter, vegyes Power adapter, miscellaneous részletek details
    002837 KYOWA WGI-300C er?sít? KYOWA WGI-300C instrumentation amplifier részletek details
    002838 TEKTRONIX P6046 árammér? fej TEKTRONIX P6046 differential probe részletek details
    002839 SCHOTT KL200 ESD mikroszkóp fényforrás SCHOTT KL200 ESD microscope light source részletek details
    002840 DELVO 7325 elektromos csavarhúzó DELVO 7325 electric screwdriver részletek details
    002841 DELVO 7335 elektromos csavarhúzó DELVO 7335 electric screwdriver részletek details
    002842 DELVO 7339 elektromos csavarhúzó DELVO 7339 electric screwdriver részletek details
    002843 DELVO 7331 elektromos csavarhúzó DELVO 7331 electric screwdriver részletek details
    002848 DENSEI DELVO DLC1213-GG elektromos csavarhúzó vezérl? DENSEI DELVO DLC1213-GG electric screwdriver controller részletek details
    002852 Mikroszkóp fényforrás, vegyes Microscope light source, miscellaneous részletek details
    002889 Kéz szárító Hand dryer részletek details
    002891 PILZ relé, vegyes PILZ relay, miscellaneous részletek details
    002892 F?kapcsoló Main switch részletek details
    002894 Végálláskapcsoló Limit switch részletek details
    002895 CANON KP-1M lézer enkóder motor CANON KP-1M laser encoder motor részletek details
    002900 NMB 2406ML-09W B19 ventilátor NMB 2406ML-09W B19 ventilating fan részletek details
    002904 PILZ relé, vegyes PILZ relay, miscellaneous részletek details
    002908 Kábelcsatorna szerelvény Cable duct fixture részletek details
    002919 Bontott armatúra részletek  
    002920 Bontott armatúra részletek  
    002922 LAPPKABEL ?LFLEX 110/05 4 eres kábel LAPPKABEL ?LFLEX 110/05 cable részletek detailsModels we typically have available in stock for timely service and shipment include:

    1YL 162.786-328    hella
    FMI51-A2BGGJA1A1A    E+H
    RESK5207.0    ROSS
    10x26+1SE 1960 N/mm2-20mm  (L=202m)    casar
    GAI12LM71X    parker
    GAI06LM71X    parker
    RLSW4R/140  D-42489  24VAC/DC0.1-15M/S    SEIKOM
    6ES7 142-1BD22-0XB0    SEIKOM
    GEL2010XN1024ACROS    L+BGrand Parkway Segments H & I-1 Final Environmental Impact Statement
    SH 99: US 59 (N)/I-69 to I-10 (E) Montgomery, Harris, Liberty, and Chambers Counties, Texas
    Chapter 10 – Distribution List 10-1
    CHAPTER 10

    Cooperating and Participating Agency
    Copies Sent
    Federal Agencies
    Office of the Secretary
    U.S. Department of Agriculture
    1400 Independence Avenue, S.W.
    Washington, D.C. 20250
    1 FHWA
    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
    Office of Federal Activities
    EIS Filing Section
     e-filing FHWA
    Dwayne Johnson
    U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
    P.O. Box 1229
    Galveston, Texas 77553
    1 1 FHWA
    Shelia H. Perine
    Field Environmental Officer
    HUD – New Orleans Field Office
    500 Poydras Street, 9th Floor
    New Orleans, LA 70130
    1 1 FHWA
    Director, Office of Environmental Policy and Compliance
    U.S. Department of the Interior
    Main Interior Building (MS 2342)
    1849 C Street, N.W.
    Washington, D.C. 20240
    1 17 FHWA
    Division Administrator
    Federal Highway Administration
    300 East 8th Street, Room 826
    Austin, Texas 78701
    1 3 FHWA
    Ruth Rentch
    Office of Project Development and Environmental Review
    Federal Highway Administration
    1200 New Jersey Avenue, S.E.
    Washington, DC 20590
     1 FHWA
    Michael Jansky
    USEPA Region 6
    1445 Ross Avenue, Suite 1200
    Dallas, TX 75202-2733
    1 4 FHWA 
    Grand Parkway Segments H & I-1 Final Environmental Impact Statement
    SH 99: US 59 (N)/I-69 to I-10 (E) Montgomery, Harris, Liberty, and Chambers Counties, Texas
    Chapter 10 – Distribution List 10-2
    Cooperating and Participating Agency
    Copies Sent
    Federal Railroad Administration
    Office of Economic Analysis (RRP-32)
    400 Seventh Street, SW
    Washington, D.C. 20590
    1 FHWA
    State Agencies
    Terri Dedhia
    Texas Department of Transportation-Houston District
    7600 Washington Ave.
    Houston, Texas 77007
     1 TxDOT
    Julia Ragsdale
    Texas Department of Transportation-ENV
    125 E. 11th Street
    Austin, Texas 78701-2483
    2 2 ENV
    Governor’s Office of Budget & Planning
    P.O. Box 12428
    Austin, Texas 78711
     1 ENV
    Ms. Holly Brightwell (MC 206)
    Texas Council of Environmental Quality
    Mobile Source Programs Team
    P.O. Box 13087
    Austin, Texas 78711-3087
     1 ENV
    Ms. Tangelia Neimann
    Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
    Intergovernmental Relations, MC 119
    P. O. Box 13087
    Austin, Texas 78711-3087
     1 ENV
    Ms. Kathy Boydston
    Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
    Resource Protection Division,
    Environmental Assessment Branch
    4200 Smith School Road
    Austin, Texas 78744
    2 2 ENV
    Mr. Mark Wolfe
    Executive Director
    Texas Historical Commission
    P.O. Box 12276
    Austin, Texas 78711
     1 ENV
    Cory Taylor, P.E.
    Texas Department of Transportation-Liberty Area Office
    209 Layl Drive
    Liberty, TX 77575
    1 TxDOT 
    Grand Parkway Segments H & I-1 Final Environmental Impact Statement
    SH 99: US 59 (N)/I-69 to I-10 (E) Montgomery, Harris, Liberty, and Chambers Counties, Texas
    Chapter 10 – Distribution List 10-3
    Cooperating and Participating Agency
    Copies Sent
    Tucker Ferguson, P.E.
    Texas Department of Transportation-Beaumont District
    8350 Eastex Freeway
    Beaumont, Texas 77708-1701
    1 TxDOT
    City of Houston Library
    500 McKinney St.
    Houston, Texas 77002
    1 SE
    Liberty Municipal Library
    1710 Sam Houston Avenue
    Liberty, Texas 77575
    1 SE
    R.B. Tullis Library
    21569 US Hwy. 59
    New Caney, Texas 77357
    1 SE
    West Chambers Library
    P.O. Box 1289
    Mont Belvieu, Texas 77580
    1 SE
    Jones Public Library
    801 S. Cleveland Street, Suite A
    Dayton, Texas 77535
    1 SE
    Sterling Municipal Library
    1 Mary Elizabeth Wilbanks Ave.
    Baytown, Texas 77520
    1 SE
    Elected Officials
    Gary Nelson
    Commissioner, Pct. 3, Chambers County
    P.O. Box 1948, Mont Belvieu, Texas 77580 1 GPA
    Jimmy Sylvia
    County Judge, Chambers County
    P.O. Box 939, Anahuac, Texas 77514 1 GPA
    Stephen H. DonCarlos
    Mayor, City of Baytown
    P.O. Box 424, Baytown, Texas 77522 1 GPA
    Felix J. Skarpa
    Mayor, City of Dayton
    117 Cook Street
    Dayton, Texas 77535
     1 GPA 
    Grand Parkway Segments H & I-1 Final Environmental Impact Statement
    SH 99: US 59 (N)/I-69 to I-10 (E) Montgomery, Harris, Liberty, and Chambers Counties, Texas
    Chapter 10 – Distribution List 10-4
    Cooperating and Participating Agency
    Copies Sent
    Jerry Ham
    Mayor, City of Dayton Lakes
    P.O. Box 1476
    Dayton, Texas 77535
     1 GPA
    Annise D. Parker
    Mayor, City of Houston
    P.O. Box 1562
    Houston, Texas 77251
     1 GPA
    Keegan Johnson
    Mayor, City of Kenefick
    Route 5, Box 525-A
    Dayton, Texas 77535
     1 GPA
    Carl Pickett
    Mayor, City of Liberty
    1829 Sam Houston
    Liberty, Texas 77575
     1 GPA
    Nick Dixon
    Mayor, City of Mont Belvieu
    P.O. Box 1048
    Mont Belvieu, Texas 77580
     1 GPA
    Frank Joseph Landry
    Mayor, City of Old River-Winfree
    P.O. Box 1169
    Mont Belvieu, Texas 77580
     1 GPA
    Mayor, City of Patton Village
    16940 Main Street
    Patton Village, Texas 77372-5403
     1 GPA
    T.W. Garrett
    Mayor, City of Plum Grove
    P.O. Box 1358
    Splendora, Texas 77372-1358
     1 GPA
    Ray Ricks, Jr.
    Mayor, City of Roman Forest
    2430 Roman Forest Boulevard
    New Caney, Texas 77357-3133
     1 GPA
    Dorothy Welch
    Mayor, City of Splendora
    P.O. Box 1087
    Splendora, Texas 77372
     1 GPA 
    Grand Parkway Segments H & I-1 Final Environmental Impact Statement
    SH 99: US 59 (N)/I-69 to I-10 (E) Montgomery, Harris, Liberty, and Chambers Counties, Texas
    Chapter 10 – Distribution List 10-5
    Cooperating and Participating Agency
    Copies Sent
    Johnny Wolfe
    City of Woodbranch Village
    P.O. Box 804, New Caney, Texas 77357
     1 GPA
    Ed Emmett
    County Judge, Harris County
    1001 Preston Suite 911
    Houston, Texas 77002
     1 GPA
    R. Jack Cagle
    Commissioner, Pct. 4, Harris County
    1001 Preston, Suite 950
    Houston, Texas 77002
     1 GPA
    Jack Morman
    Commissioner, Pct. 2, Harris County
    1001 Preston , Suite 950
    Houston, Texas 77002
     1 GPA
    Norman Brown
    Commissioner, Pct. 4, Liberty County
    P.O. Box 88
    Dayton, Texas 77535
     1 GPA
    Mike McCarty
    Commissioner, Pct. 1, Liberty County
    1923 Sam Houston, Suite 201
    Liberty, Texas 77575
     1 GPA
    Charlotte Key Warner
    Commissioner, Pct. 2, Liberty County
    P.O. Box 77
    Hardin, Texas 77561
     1 GPA
    Eddie Lowery
    Commissioner, Pct. 3, Liberty County
    1923 Sam Houston, Suite 201
    Liberty, Texas 77575
     1 GPA
    Craig McNair
    County Judge, Liberty County
    1923 Sam Houston, Suite 201
    Liberty, Texas 77575
     1 GPA
    Ed Rinehart
    Commissioner, Pct. 4, Montgomery County
    P.O. Box 84
    New Caney, Texas 77357
     1 GPA
    Alan Sadler
    County Judge, Montgomery County
    501 North Thompson, Suite 401
    Conroe, Texas 77301
     1 GPA 
    Grand Parkway Segments H & I-1 Final Environmental Impact Statement
    SH 99: US 59 (N)/I-69 to I-10 (E) Montgomery, Harris, Liberty, and Chambers Counties, Texas
    Chapter 10 – Distribution List 10-6
    Cooperating and Participating Agency
    Copies Sent
    Dan Huberty
    Texas House of Representatives, Dist. 127
    4501 Magnolia Cove, Suite 201
    Kingwood, Texas 77345
     1 GPA
    Wayne Smith
    Texas House of Representatives, Dist. 128
    909 Decker Drive, Suite 104
    Baytown, Texas 77520
     1 GPA
    Brandon Creighton
    Texas House of Representatives, Dist. 16
    326 1/2 N. Main Street, Suite 110
    Conroe, Texas 77301
     1 GPA
    John Otto
    Texas House of Representatives, Dist. 18
    P.O. Box 965
    Dayton, Texas 77535
     1 GPA
    Craig Eiland
    Texas House of Representatives, Dist. 23
    9702 E.F. Lowery Expressway
    Texas City, Texas 77591
     1 GPA
    Texas State Senate, District 4
    2441 High Timbers, Suite 400
    The Woodlands, Texas 77380
     1 GPA
    John Whitmire
    Texas State Senate, District 15
    803 Yale Street
    Houston, Texas 77007
     1 GPA
    Joan Huffman
    Texas State Senate, District 17
    P.O. Box 541774
    Houston, Texas 77254
     1 GPA
    Ted Poe
    U.S. House of Representatives, Dist. 2
    1801 Kingwood Drive, Suite 240
    Kingwood, Texas 77339
     1 GPA
    Steve Stockman
    U.S. House of Representatives, Dist. 36
    907 E. Houston Street
    Cleveland, Texas 77327
     1 GPA
    Kevin Brady
    U.S. House of Representatives, Dist. 8
    200 River Pointe Drive, Suite 304
    Conroe, Texas 77304
     1 GPA 
    Grand Parkway Segments H & I-1 Final Environmental Impact Statement
    SH 99: US 59 (N)/I-69 to I-10 (E) Montgomery, Harris, Liberty, and Chambers Counties, Texas
    Chapter 10 – Distribution List 10-7
    Cooperating and Participating Agency
    Copies Sent
    John Cornyn
    U.S. Senate
    5300 Memorial Drive, Suite 980
    Houston, Texas 77007
     1 GPA
    Ted Cruz
    U.S. Senate
    808 Travis Street, Suite 1420
    Houston, Texas 77002
     1 GPA
    Organizations and Other Participating Agencies
    Sierra Club Houston Group
    Mr. Brandt Mannchen
    5431 Carew
    Houston, Texas 77096
    1 1 GPA
    Mr. Alan Clark
    Houston-Galveston Area Council
    Transportation Planning
    P.O. Box 22777
    Houston, Texas 77227-2777
     1 GPA
    Mr. George Greanias
    Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County
    P.O. Box 61429
    Houston, Texas 77208-1429
     1 GPA
    Mary Beth Stengler
    General Manager, Chambers - Liberty Counties Navigation District
    P.O. Box 518
    Anahuac, Texas 77514
     1 GPA
    Bobby Hall
    Engineer, Chambers County
    P. O. Drawer H
    Anahuac, Texas 77514
     1 GPA
    Joe Turner
    Director, City of Houston Parks & Recreation
    2999 South Wayside
    Houston, Texas 77023
     1 GPA
    Mario C. Diaz
    Director of Aviation, Houston Airport System
    P.O. Box 1562, Houston, Texas 77251
     1 GPA
    Peter W. Key
    Director, Harris County Toll Road Authority
    7701 Wilshire Place Drive
    Houston, Texas 77040
     1 GPA 
    Grand Parkway Segments H & I-1 Final Environmental Impact Statement
    SH 99: US 59 (N)/I-69 to I-10 (E) Montgomery, Harris, Liberty, and Chambers Counties, Texas
    Chapter 10 – Distribution List 10-8
    Cooperating and Participating Agency
    Copies Sent
    Dr. James M. Nance
    Acting Director, Office of the Laboratory Director
    Cikkszám Megnevezés Denomination Adatlap Data sheet
    002825 Transzbátor, 230 V -> 110 V Transber, 220 V -> 110 V részletek details
    002826 IIZUKA DENKI transzbátor IIZUKA DENKI transber részletek details
    002827 TOYOGIKEN TRT-B-1KN transzbátor TOYOGIKEN TRT-B-1KN transber részletek details
    002828 NSK EXC20A330A00-04 XY asztal vezérl? NSK EXC20A330A00-04 XY table controller részletek details
    002829 Adapter, vegyes Power adapter, miscellaneous részletek details
    002837 KYOWA WGI-300C er?sít? KYOWA WGI-300C instrumentation amplifier részletek details
    002838 TEKTRONIX P6046 árammér? fej TEKTRONIX P6046 differential probe részletek details
    002839 SCHOTT KL200 ESD mikroszkóp fényforrás SCHOTT KL200 ESD microscope light source részletek details
    002840 DELVO 7325 elektromos csavarhúzó DELVO 7325 electric screwdriver részletek details
    002841 DELVO 7335 elektromos csavarhúzó DELVO 7335 electric screwdriver részletek details
    002842 DELVO 7339 elektromos csavarhúzó DELVO 7339 electric screwdriver részletek details
    002843 DELVO 7331 elektromos csavarhúzó DELVO 7331 electric screwdriver részletek details
    002848 DENSEI DELVO DLC1213-GG elektromos csavarhúzó vezérl? DENSEI DELVO DLC1213-GG electric screwdriver controller részletek details
    002852 Mikroszkóp fényforrás, vegyes Microscope light source, miscellaneous részletek details
    002889 Kéz szárító Hand dryer részletek details
    002891 PILZ relé, vegyes PILZ relay, miscellaneous részletek details
    002892 F?kapcsoló Main switch részletek details
    002894 Végálláskapcsoló Limit switch részletek details
    002895 CANON KP-1M lézer enkóder motor CANON KP-1M laser encoder motor részletek details
    002900 NMB 2406ML-09W B19 ventilátor NMB 2406ML-09W B19 ventilating fan részletek details
    002904 PILZ relé, vegyes PILZ relay, miscellaneous részletek details
    002908 Kábelcsatorna szerelvény Cable duct fixture részletek details
    002919 Bontott armatúra részletek  
    002920 Bontott armatúra részletek  
    002922 LAPPKABEL ?LFLEX 110/05 4 eres kábel LAPPKABEL ?LFLEX 110/05 cable részletek detailsModels we typically have available in stock for timely service and shipment include:

    1YL 162.786-328    hella
    FMI51-A2BGGJA1A1A    E+H
    RESK5207.0    ROSS
    10x26+1SE 1960 N/mm2-20mm  (L=202m)    casar
    GAI12LM71X    parker
    GAI06LM71X    parker
    RLSW4R/140  D-42489  24VAC/DC0.1-15M/S    SEIKOM
    6ES7 142-1BD22-0XB0    SEIKOM
    GEL2010XN1024ACROS    L+BGrand Parkway Segments H & I-1 Final Environmental Impact Statement
    SH 99: US 59 (N)/I-69 to I-10 (E) Montgomery, Harris, Liberty, and Chambers Counties, Texas
    Chapter 10 – Distribution List 10-1
    CHAPTER 10

    Cooperating and Participating Agency
    Copies Sent
    Federal Agencies
    Office of the Secretary
    U.S. Department of Agriculture
    1400 Independence Avenue, S.W.
    Washington, D.C. 20250
    1 FHWA
    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
    Office of Federal Activities
    EIS Filing Section
     e-filing FHWA
    Dwayne Johnson
    U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
    P.O. Box 1229
    Galveston, Texas 77553
    1 1 FHWA
    Shelia H. Perine
    Field Environmental Officer
    HUD – New Orleans Field Office
    500 Poydras Street, 9th Floor
    New Orleans, LA 70130
    1 1 FHWA
    Director, Office of Environmental Policy and Compliance
    U.S. Department of the Interior
    Main Interior Building (MS 2342)
    1849 C Street, N.W.
    Washington, D.C. 20240
    1 17 FHWA
    Division Administrator
    Federal Highway Administration
    300 East 8th Street, Room 826
    Austin, Texas 78701
    1 3 FHWA
    Ruth Rentch
    Office of Project Development and Environmental Review
    Federal Highway Administration
    1200 New Jersey Avenue, S.E.
    Washington, DC 20590
     1 FHWA
    Michael Jansky
    USEPA Region 6
    1445 Ross Avenue, Suite 1200
    Dallas, TX 75202-2733
    1 4 FHWA 
    Grand Parkway Segments H & I-1 Final Environmental Impact Statement
    SH 99: US 59 (N)/I-69 to I-10 (E) Montgomery, Harris, Liberty, and Chambers Counties, Texas
    Chapter 10 – Distribution List 10-2
    Cooperating and Participating Agency
    Copies Sent
    Federal Railroad Administration
    Office of Economic Analysis (RRP-32)
    400 Seventh Street, SW
    Washington, D.C. 20590
    1 FHWA
    State Agencies
    Terri Dedhia
    Texas Department of Transportation-Houston District
    7600 Washington Ave.
    Houston, Texas 77007
     1 TxDOT
    Julia Ragsdale
    Texas Department of Transportation-ENV
    125 E. 11th Street
    Austin, Texas 78701-2483
    2 2 ENV
    Governor’s Office of Budget & Planning
    P.O. Box 12428
    Austin, Texas 78711
     1 ENV
    Ms. Holly Brightwell (MC 206)
    Texas Council of Environmental Quality
    Mobile Source Programs Team
    P.O. Box 13087
    Austin, Texas 78711-3087
     1 ENV
    Ms. Tangelia Neimann
    Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
    Intergovernmental Relations, MC 119
    P. O. Box 13087
    Austin, Texas 78711-3087
     1 ENV
    Ms. Kathy Boydston
    Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
    Resource Protection Division,
    Environmental Assessment Branch
    4200 Smith School Road
    Austin, Texas 78744
    2 2 ENV
    Mr. Mark Wolfe
    Executive Director
    Texas Historical Commission
    P.O. Box 12276
    Austin, Texas 78711
     1 ENV
    Cory Taylor, P.E.
    Texas Department of Transportation-Liberty Area Office
    209 Layl Drive
    Liberty, TX 77575
    1 TxDOT 
    Grand Parkway Segments H & I-1 Final Environmental Impact Statement
    SH 99: US 59 (N)/I-69 to I-10 (E) Montgomery, Harris, Liberty, and Chambers Counties, Texas
    Chapter 10 – Distribution List 10-3
    Cooperating and Participating Agency
    Copies Sent
    Tucker Ferguson, P.E.
    Texas Department of Transportation-Beaumont District
    8350 Eastex Freeway
    Beaumont, Texas 77708-1701
    1 TxDOT
    City of Houston Library
    500 McKinney St.
    Houston, Texas 77002
    1 SE
    Liberty Municipal Library
    1710 Sam Houston Avenue
    Liberty, Texas 77575
    1 SE
    R.B. Tullis Library
    21569 US Hwy. 59
    New Caney, Texas 77357
    1 SE
    West Chambers Library
    P.O. Box 1289
    Mont Belvieu, Texas 77580
    1 SE
    Jones Public Library
    801 S. Cleveland Street, Suite A
    Dayton, Texas 77535
    1 SE
    Sterling Municipal Library
    1 Mary Elizabeth Wilbanks Ave.
    Baytown, Texas 77520
    1 SE
    Elected Officials
    Gary Nelson
    Commissioner, Pct. 3, Chambers County
    P.O. Box 1948, Mont Belvieu, Texas 77580 1 GPA
    Jimmy Sylvia
    County Judge, Chambers County
    P.O. Box 939, Anahuac, Texas 77514 1 GPA
    Stephen H. DonCarlos
    Mayor, City of Baytown
    P.O. Box 424, Baytown, Texas 77522 1 GPA
    Felix J. Skarpa
    Mayor, City of Dayton
    117 Cook Street
    Dayton, Texas 77535
     1 GPA 
    Grand Parkway Segments H & I-1 Final Environmental Impact Statement
    SH 99: US 59 (N)/I-69 to I-10 (E) Montgomery, Harris, Liberty, and Chambers Counties, Texas
    Chapter 10 – Distribution List 10-4
    Cooperating and Participating Agency
    Copies Sent
    Jerry Ham
    Mayor, City of Dayton Lakes
    P.O. Box 1476
    Dayton, Texas 77535
     1 GPA
    Annise D. Parker
    Mayor, City of Houston
    P.O. Box 1562
    Houston, Texas 77251
     1 GPA
    Keegan Johnson
    Mayor, City of Kenefick
    Route 5, Box 525-A
    Dayton, Texas 77535
     1 GPA
    Carl Pickett
    Mayor, City of Liberty
    1829 Sam Houston
    Liberty, Texas 77575
     1 GPA
    Nick Dixon
    Mayor, City of Mont Belvieu
    P.O. Box 1048
    Mont Belvieu, Texas 77580
     1 GPA
    Frank Joseph Landry
    Mayor, City of Old River-Winfree
    P.O. Box 1169
    Mont Belvieu, Texas 77580
     1 GPA
    Mayor, City of Patton Village
    16940 Main Street
    Patton Village, Texas 77372-5403
     1 GPA
    T.W. Garrett
    Mayor, City of Plum Grove
    P.O. Box 1358
    Splendora, Texas 77372-1358
     1 GPA
    Ray Ricks, Jr.
    Mayor, City of Roman Forest
    2430 Roman Forest Boulevard
    New Caney, Texas 77357-3133
     1 GPA
    Dorothy Welch
    Mayor, City of Splendora
    P.O. Box 1087
    Splendora, Texas 77372
     1 GPA 
    Grand Parkway Segments H & I-1 Final Environmental Impact Statement
    SH 99: US 59 (N)/I-69 to I-10 (E) Montgomery, Harris, Liberty, and Chambers Counties, Texas
    Chapter 10 – Distribution List 10-5
    Cooperating and Participating Agency
    Copies Sent
    Johnny Wolfe
    City of Woodbranch Village
    P.O. Box 804, New Caney, Texas 77357
     1 GPA
    Ed Emmett
    County Judge, Harris County
    1001 Preston Suite 911
    Houston, Texas 77002
     1 GPA
    R. Jack Cagle
    Commissioner, Pct. 4, Harris County
    1001 Preston, Suite 950
    Houston, Texas 77002
     1 GPA
    Jack Morman
    Commissioner, Pct. 2, Harris County
    1001 Preston , Suite 950
    Houston, Texas 77002
     1 GPA
    Norman Brown
    Commissioner, Pct. 4, Liberty County
    P.O. Box 88
    Dayton, Texas 77535
     1 GPA
    Mike McCarty
    Commissioner, Pct. 1, Liberty County
    1923 Sam Houston, Suite 201
    Liberty, Texas 77575
     1 GPA
    Charlotte Key Warner
    Commissioner, Pct. 2, Liberty County
    P.O. Box 77
    Hardin, Texas 77561
     1 GPA
    Eddie Lowery
    Commissioner, Pct. 3, Liberty County
    1923 Sam Houston, Suite 201
    Liberty, Texas 77575
     1 GPA
    Craig McNair
    County Judge, Liberty County
    1923 Sam Houston, Suite 201
    Liberty, Texas 77575
     1 GPA
    Ed Rinehart
    Commissioner, Pct. 4, Montgomery County
    P.O. Box 84
    New Caney, Texas 77357
     1 GPA
    Alan Sadler
    County Judge, Montgomery County
    501 North Thompson, Suite 401
    Conroe, Texas 77301
     1 GPA 
    Grand Parkway Segments H & I-1 Final Environmental Impact Statement
    SH 99: US 59 (N)/I-69 to I-10 (E) Montgomery, Harris, Liberty, and Chambers Counties, Texas
    Chapter 10 – Distribution List 10-6
    Cooperating and Participating Agency
    Copies Sent
    Dan Huberty
    Texas House of Representatives, Dist. 127
    4501 Magnolia Cove, Suite 201
    Kingwood, Texas 77345
     1 GPA
    Wayne Smith
    Texas House of Representatives, Dist. 128
    909 Decker Drive, Suite 104
    Baytown, Texas 77520
     1 GPA
    Brandon Creighton
    Texas House of Representatives, Dist. 16
    326 1/2 N. Main Street, Suite 110
    Conroe, Texas 77301
     1 GPA
    John Otto
    Texas House of Representatives, Dist. 18
    P.O. Box 965
    Dayton, Texas 77535
     1 GPA
    Craig Eiland
    Texas House of Representatives, Dist. 23
    9702 E.F. Lowery Expressway
    Texas City, Texas 77591
     1 GPA
    Texas State Senate, District 4
    2441 High Timbers, Suite 400
    The Woodlands, Texas 77380
     1 GPA
    John Whitmire
    Texas State Senate, District 15
    803 Yale Street
    Houston, Texas 77007
     1 GPA
    Joan Huffman
    Texas State Senate, District 17
    P.O. Box 541774
    Houston, Texas 77254
     1 GPA
    Ted Poe
    U.S. House of Representatives, Dist. 2
    1801 Kingwood Drive, Suite 240
    Kingwood, Texas 77339
     1 GPA
    Steve Stockman
    U.S. House of Representatives, Dist. 36
    907 E. Houston Street
    Cleveland, Texas 77327
     1 GPA
    Kevin Brady
    U.S. House of Representatives, Dist. 8
    200 River Pointe Drive, Suite 304
    Conroe, Texas 77304
     1 GPA 
    Grand Parkway Segments H & I-1 Final Environmental Impact Statement
    SH 99: US 59 (N)/I-69 to I-10 (E) Montgomery, Harris, Liberty, and Chambers Counties, Texas
    Chapter 10 – Distribution List 10-7
    Cooperating and Participating Agency
    Copies Sent
    John Cornyn
    U.S. Senate
    5300 Memorial Drive, Suite 980
    Houston, Texas 77007
     1 GPA
    Ted Cruz
    U.S. Senate
    808 Travis Street, Suite 1420
    Houston, Texas 77002
     1 GPA
    Organizations and Other Participating Agencies
    Sierra Club Houston Group
    Mr. Brandt Mannchen
    5431 Carew
    Houston, Texas 77096
    1 1 GPA
    Mr. Alan Clark
    Houston-Galveston Area Council
    Transportation Planning
    P.O. Box 22777
    Houston, Texas 77227-2777
     1 GPA
    Mr. George Greanias
    Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County
    P.O. Box 61429
    Houston, Texas 77208-1429
     1 GPA
    Mary Beth Stengler
    General Manager, Chambers - Liberty Counties Navigation District
    P.O. Box 518
    Anahuac, Texas 77514
     1 GPA
    Bobby Hall
    Engineer, Chambers County
    P. O. Drawer H
    Anahuac, Texas 77514
     1 GPA
    Joe Turner
    Director, City of Houston Parks & Recreation
    2999 South Wayside
    Houston, Texas 77023
     1 GPA
    Mario C. Diaz
    Director of Aviation, Houston Airport System
    P.O. Box 1562, Houston, Texas 77251
     1 GPA
    Peter W. Key
    Director, Harris County Toll Road Authority
    7701 Wilshire Place Drive
    Houston, Texas 77040
     1 GPA 
    Grand Parkway Segments H & I-1 Final Environmental Impact Statement
    SH 99: US 59 (N)/I-69 to I-10 (E) Montgomery, Harris, Liberty, and Chambers Counties, Texas
    Chapter 10 – Distribution List 10-8
    Cooperating and Participating Agency
    Copies Sent
    Dr. James M. Nance
    Acting Director, Office of the Laboratory Director
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