
供應 Rees-40102-102-Pushbutton-40102102-Pa
供應 Rees-40102-102-Pushbutton-40102102-Pa
上架日期:2018-01-22 10:50:54
產(chǎn)地: Rees-40102-102
    for top-quality, reliable service.
    ? 18-month limited warranty on entire drive
    ? Repairs based on the original factory designs
    ? Automatic replacement of components with high failure rate,
    regardless of condition
    ? GE engineering support
    ? Factory-developed testing procedures and fixtures
    ? Diagnostic test equipment certified to national standards
    ? Automated test equipment ensures consistent,
    high-quality service
    ? On-site installation and start-up services available 
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    Services and Spare Parts
    Drive Services
    Features & Benefits Repair & Return Remanufacturing Services Remanufactured Units
    Limited 18-Month Warranty – Entire Drive ?? ?
    Immediate Shipment (Based on Availability) ?
    10-Day Cycle
    Emergency Services Available ?
    20-Day Cycle
    Emergency Services Available ?
    Proactive Replacement of Parts
    Glass-Bead Diodes, Electrolytic Capacitors ?? ?
    Cabling/Wire Harness ? ?
    SCRs, Fuses ? ?
    Complete Disassembly, Cleaning, Repainting ? ?
    Flat Rate Pricing, Including Parts and Labor ?? ?
    Testing with Factory Approved Procedures ?? ?
    To learn more about this offering, contact your GE Energy sales
    representative or visit gepower.com 
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    Services and Spare Parts
    Start-up & Commissioning Services
    GE Energy’s Start-up & Commissioning Services provide the people
    and knowledge to complete the job right and on schedule.
    Proper start-up and commissioning of power distribution and
    control equipment is vital to the long-term health of an electrical
    system. Improper installation and commissioning are the leading
    causes of premature failures. With GE Energy’s Start-up &
    Commissioning Services, you can be assured that your equipment
    has been installed properly and meets the factory standards for
    operation. Why trust your equipment with anyone other than GE?
    Features and Benefits
    Proven Experience
    ? Minimized early-term failures and lower total cost of ownership
    ? As the original equipment manufacturer, GE is uniquely
    bed to address any concerns or issues that arise
    ? GE Energy’s service engineers have “hands on” experience with
    commissioned equipment, as well as access to GE and TM GE
    design engineers at the manufacturing facility
    Six Sigma Quality
    ? Start-up personnel use standard practices, developed through
    Six Sigma processes, to ensure consistent quality across all
    product lines
    ? Test procedures perbed according to factory specifications
    ensure optimal equipment perbance, across all designed
    operating ranges
    ? Comprehensive, accurate testing, analysis and troubleshooting
    via innovative test equipment
    Simple, Convenient Interface
    ? Single-source provider for start-up and commissioning
    of GE equipment
    EHS Commitment
    ? GE’s commitment to Environmental Health & Safety is
    proven by the outstanding safety perbance of our field
    service organization
    Single-Source Provider for the Start-Up
    and Commissioning of Your GE Equipment
    GE Energy’s Start-up & Commissioning Services include a series
    of checks and tests perbed on new equipment to ensure
    proper installation and functionality. The specific tasks vary by
    product line to ensure that all equipment conbs to GE and TM
    GE factory standards. Optional services can include verifying
    interb with auxiliary systems prior to energization.
    GE Energy can provide quality products, strong project
    management capabilities, broad service offerings and a
    history of recognized success in power, automation, and
    drives and control systems. 
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    Services and Spare Parts
    Start-up & Commissioning Services
    Equipment Serviced
    Power Delivery*
    ? Transbers – Dry Type
    ? Transbers – Liquid Filled
    ? Medium Voltage Switches
    ? Medium Voltage Vacuum Circuit Breakers
    ? Medium Voltage Starters
    ? Switchgear
    ? Low Voltage Circuit Breakers
    ? Switchboards
    ? Automatic Transfer Switches
    ? Relays and Meters
    ? Motor Control Centers
    Drives and Controls
    ? DC 2000
    ? Innovation Series? Drive Systems
    ? Dura-Bilt 5i MV
    ? TMdrive-10?
    ? TMdrive-70?
    ? TMdrive-DC?
    ? AF-300?
    ? AV/DV-300?
    Local Presence Backed by the
    Power of a Global GE Organization
    With over 1,300 service engineers and technicians bly, GE is
    uniquely bed to provide you with the knowledge, experience,
    and skills for the full range of your industrial service needs.
    From system design to maintenance and outage support, GE has
    the resources and capabilities to assure that you are maximizing
    your equipment's perbance and reliability.
    For more inbation, please visit www.gepower.com or call us at
    1-888-GE4-Serv or 540-378-3280.
    * An additional 12 months of standard warranty is provided free of charge, when GE provides
    start-up & commissioning of GE power delivery equipment.
    Innovation Series is a trademark of General Electric Company, USA TMdrive-10 is a trademark of
    TMEIC Corporation. TMdrive-70 is a trademark of TMEIC Corporation. TMdrive-DC is a trademark of
    TMEIC Corporation. AF-300 is a trademark of GE Fuji Drives USA, Inc. AV-300 and DV-300 are trademarks
    of General Electric Company, USA.
    Services and Spare Parts
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    to change without notice
    Services and Spare Parts
    Power Systems Studies
    A well-designed power system is the backbone of all industrial
    and utility facilities. A GE power system study provides customers
    with the inbation necessary to upgrade and maintain their
    power delivery infrastructure. The results focus on reducing
    operating costs, improving efficiency, increasing reliability and
    improving system maintainability. Our engineering experts
    specialize in:
    ? Utility
    ? Oil & Gas
    ? Automotive
    ? Chemical
    ? Metals
    ? Cement
    ? Pulp & Paper
    ? Commercial
    Industry Expertise
    Power systems engineering is one of the oldest and most fundamental
    services provided by GE. Our power system engineers
    have unprecedented expertise gained from over 100 years of
    working with a wide range of customers and utilizing pioneering
    GE engineers have direct access to GE product design teams
    who maintain expertise in the intricate details of power system
    Delivering Value
    ? Increase operating reliability
    ? Evaluate impact of adding new equipment
    ? Reduce operating costs
    ? Optimize system upgrades
    ? Identify source of failures
    Systems Studies Offered
    Short Circuit Study
    Your country’s electric code may require that all short circuit
    interrupting devices have capabilities beyond the ratings imposed
    by the power system. GE Energy’s short circuit study can provide
    inbation to help determine if the interrupting capacities of the
    power system’s components provide adequate protection. The
    short circuit study calculates the short circuit capacity at designated
    bs within the power delivery infrastructure. This data
    may also be utilized to select equipment ratings and may serve
    as the basis for a protective device coordination study and an
    arc-flash hazard analysis.
    Load Flow and Power Factor Study
    Utilizing proven mathematical models, GE’s load flow study
    determines how the electrical system will perb during normal
    and emergency operating conditions, providing the inbation
    needed to:
    ? Optimize circuit usage
    ? Develop practical voltage profiles
    ? Minimize kW and kVar losses
    ? Develop equipment specification guidelines
    ? Identify transber tap settings
    Additionally, the power factor study calculates the reactive load
    compensation required to achieve and sustain a given reactive
    voltage level and to maintain a specific power factor.
    Consider GE’s load flow study for the following:
    ? Facilitating conceptual design
    ? Identifying corrective bs when components are
    overloaded or voltage perbance is inadequate
    ? Determining the power factor correction to increase system
    capacity and lower utility bills
    ? Determining the operational impact of potential contingencies
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    Power Systems Studies
    Arc-Flash Hazard Analysis
    GE's comprehensive arc-flash hazard analysis is designed to
    help ensure employee safety against dangers associated with
    the release of energy caused by an electrical arc. Key elements
    of an arc-flash hazard analysis are:
    ? Determining the required level of personal protective
    equipment (PPE)
    ? Communicating PPE and safe approach distances to
    exposed energized equipment through an effective warning
    label system
    Protective Device Coordination Study
    You can help ensure ongoing, reliable operation during a fault
    by periodically buating the protective devices in your power
    system. The goal of a protective device coordination study is to
    assure the system is capable of bing a fault in the minimum
    amount of time possible, while minimizing the impact to the
    power system. A protective device coordination study also may
    include recommendations for revisions of the types of protective
    devices for improved protection.
    Harmonic Analysis
    Harmonic analysis has become more important due to the
    application of AC & DC adjustable speed drives, converters
    and other equipment that produce harmonic distortions. These
    non-linear loads generate harmonic currents that interact with
    system impedances. These interbs may result in equipment
    malfunction and/or damage to the power system.
    A GE harmonic study analyzes the system and recommends
    corrective measures, which include the design of filters or traps
    to absorb harmonic currents generated by non-linear loads.
    Conceptual Design Study
    The purpose of a conceptual design study is to develop a
    roadmap for building and maintaining an optimum power system
    that serves present and future plant operating needs. Conceptual
    design studies often include a comprehensive review of the existing
    system with a b understanding of future requirements.
    A key component of a conceptual design study is the ability of
    the engineer to understand existing conditions, future needs and
    equipment and system capabilities. A combination of load flow,
    motor starting, short circuit, protective device coordination and
    stability study techniques will be employed to complete the
    design study.
    Motor Starting Study
    The motor starting study analyzes the motor, the motor load and
    the connected power system through the range of operation.
    Recommendations on motor starting bs are provided.
    Impact Load Study
    An impact load study can model the system to determine
    whether the impact load may be added to the existing system
    without causing detrimental operating effects due to voltage
    and frequency fluctuations.
    Power System Automation Study
    As an extension of a conceptual design, protective device
    coordination, and load and power factor studies, the power
    system automation study focuses on developing solutions
    to operating issues in existing or planned power systems.
    It recommends electronic and control technologies that
    provide productivity enhancing solutions.
    Diagnostic Study
    A diagnostic study provides an engineering review to determine
    the root cause of power system failure. The power systems
    studies GE Energy offers are tailored to meet the needs of the
    individual facility and customer. Each study involves the collection
    of data and inbation. GE employs the most advanced tools,
    processes and procedures to obtain inbation. The end result
    is a bal, comprehensive report outlining study findings and
    recommended bs.
    For more inbation, contact your local GE Energy office or call
    1-888-GE4-Serv or 540-378-3280.
    ?2006, General Electric Company. All rights reserved. The contents of this document are the
    property of General Electric Company. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in
    any b or by any means, except as permitted in written license agreement with General Electric
    Company. General Electric Company has made every reasonable attempt to ensure the completeness
    and accuracy of this document. However, the inbation contained in this document is
    subject to change without notice, and does not represent a commitment on the part of General
    Electric Company. The GE logo is a registered trademark of General Electric Company.
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    Services and Spare Parts
    Arc-Flash Hazard Study
    Addressing NFPA 70E, Standard
    for Electrical Safety in the Workplace
    Helping Secure Employee Safety
    GE's comprehensive arc-flash hazard study, designed to assist in
    addressing the recommendations of the National Fire Protection
    Association’s (NFPA) Standard 70E, helps ensure employee safety
    against dangers associated with the release of energy caused
    by an electrical arc. Key elements of an arc-flash hazard safety
    program are:
    ? Calculating the NFPA-based level of personal protective
    equipment (PPE)
    ? Communicating PPE and approach distance from a
    prospective arc source through a warning label system
    Mitigating Arc-Flash Hazard Risk
    In addition to risking employee safety, failure to address NFPA
    70E can lead to significant financial loss through extended
    litigation, increased insurance costs and regulatory fines. OSHA
    has cited several companies under the General Duty Clause.
    You can help mitigate this risk with a comprehensive arc-flash
    hazard study by GE Energy.
    Equipped with Experience
    With over 100 years experience in analyzing power systems,
    GE has plant knowledge that supports the detection of arc-flash
    hazards throughout your systems. GE employs only proven data
    collection bs, detailed calculations and thorough softwarebased
    analysis to identify the calculated incident energy and
    NFPA-based PPE for each potential hazard.
    Excessive PPE can itself be a safety hazard. To help calculate the
    precise NFPA-based PPE category, GE recommends concurrently
    conducting short circuit and protective device coordination studies.
    This approach enables a more comprehensive analysis than
    using the existing protective device settings and short circuit
    data. Using a single source experienced in perbing all three
    studies helps to ensure consistency in results, identify compound
    hazards and limit duplication.
    Detailed Labeling
    Constructing detailed and
    durable warning labels is
    critical to fulfilling the
    National Electrical Code's
    requirement for field marking
    potential arc-flash hazards.
    GE's robust labels
    include both the arc-flash
    hazard and shock hazard
    boundaries as well as the
    appropriate combined level of PPE.
    Arc-Flash Hazard Analysis employs industry standard practices:
    ? Electric Arc Hazard Exposure (OSHA 29 CFR 1910.269)
    ? Flash and Shock Hazard Analysis [NFPA 70E-2009, 110.8(B)(1)]
    ? Personal Protective Clothing and Equipment for Arc-Flash
    Hazards [NFPA 70E-2009, 130.3(B); Table 130.7(C)(11)]
    ? Prescribed Equations for Incident Energy and Arc-Flash
    Boundary Calculations (IEEE Std. 1584-2002: and 1584a-2004)
    ? Field Marking of Arc-Flash Hazards [NFPA 70-2008, 110.16;
    NFPA 70E-2009, 130.3(C)]
    ? Work Permits to Work on Energized Parts [NFPA 70E-2009,
    Benefits Include:
    ? Improves employee safety against electrical arcs
    ? Calculates incident energy levels and IEEE-based flash
    protection boundary
    ? Addresses arc-flash issues within NFPA 70E
    ? Provides required field marking through detailed warning
    labels to communicate:
    — NFPA-based PPE class
    — IEEE-based safe approach distances
    Achieving Results
    Results of GE's arc-flash hazard study provide the calculated
    IEEE-based incident energy and arc-flash protection boundary
    with the corresponding NFPA-based PPE class for each system
    b. Warning labels and work permits can be created using
    these results. The various safe approach boundaries are
    described in NFPA 70E2

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    Arc-Flash Hazard Study
    Flash Protection
    An approach limit,
    at a distance from
    an exposed live
    part, within which
    a person could
    receive a seconddegree
    burn if an
    electrical arc-flash
    were to occur.
    Shock Protection Boundaries:
    Limited Approach Boundary
    An approach limit at a distance from an exposed live part
    within which a shock hazard exists.
    Restricted Approach Boundary
    An approach limit at a distance from an exposed live part within
    which there is an increased risk of shock, due to electrical arc
    over combined with inadvertent movement, for personnel
    working in close proximity to the live part.
    Prohibited Approach Boundary
    An approach limit at a distance from an exposed live part within
    which work is considered the same as making contact with
    the live part.
    Required Clothing Class
    In accordance with NFPA 70E guidelines, the calculated incident
    energy provided by GE's arc-flash hazard study, will identify the
    appropriate PPE class for each system b, through the use
    of the following NFPA 70E table.
    From NFPA 70E 2009 Edition
    Note: Arc rating is defined in Article 100 and can be either ATPV or EBT. ATPV is defined in
    ASTM F 1959, Standard Test Method for Determining the Arc Thermal Perbance Value
    of Materials for Clothing, as the incident energy on a material or a multilayer system of
    materials that results in a 50% probability that sufficient heat transfer through the tested
    specimen is predicted to cause the onset of a second-degree skin burn injury based on the
    Stoll curve, cal/cm2. EBT is defined in ASTM F 1959 as the incident energy on a material or
    material system that results in a 50% probability of breakopen. Arc rating is reported as
    either ATPV or EBT, whichever is the lower value.
    Accurate Results
    For consistency of results, limited
    duplication and lower overall PPE
    recommendations, GE recommends
    that the short-circuit and
    coordination studies be completed
    concurrently with the arc-flash
    hazard study:
    ? Short Circuit Study – Calculates
    three-phase bolted faults
    ? Protective Device Coordination
    Study – Uses equipment
    settings to determine devices'
    opening times
    For more inbation, contact your local GE Energy office or call 1-888-GE4-Serv or 540-378-3280.
    ?2009, General Electric Company. All rights reserved. The contents of this document are the property of General Electric Company. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any b or by any means, except
    as permitted in written license agreement with General Electric Company. General Electric Company has made every reasonable attempt to ensure the completeness and accuracy of this document. However, the inbation
    contained in this document is subject to change without notice, and does not represent a commitment on the part of General Electric Company. The GE logo is a registered trademark of General Electric Company.
    1) Reprinted with permission from 2008 National Electrical Code? Handbook, Copyright ?2007, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA 02269.
    2) Reprinted with permission from NFPA 70E, Standard for Electrical Safety In the Workplace 2009 Edition, Copyright ? 2008, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA 02269. National Electric Code and
    NEC are registered trademarks of the National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA.
    This reprinted material is not the complete and official b of the NFPA on the referenced subject, which is represented only by the standard in its entirety.
    TABLE 130.7(C)(11) Protective Clothing Characteristics
    Required Min Arc
    Hazard/Risk Rating of PPE
    Category Clothing Debion [J/cm2 (cal/cm2)]
    0 Nonmelting, flammable materials (i.e., N/A
    untreated cotton, wool, rayon, or silk, or
    blends of these materials) with a fabric
    weight at least 4.5 oz/yd2
    1 Arc-rated FR shirt and FR pants or 16.74 (4)
    FR coverall
    2 Arc-rated FR shirt and FR pants 33.47 (8)
    or FR coverall
    3 Arc-rated FR shirt and pants or 104.6 (25)
    FR coverall, and arc flash suit selected
    so that the system arc rating meets the
    required minimum
    4 Arc-rated FR shirt and pants or 167.36 (40)
    FR coverall, and arc flash suit selected
    so that the system arc rating meets the
    required minimum
    NEC Handbook Exhibit 110.7
    Electrical worker clothed in
    personal protective equipment
    (PPE) appropriate for the hazard
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    Services and Spare Parts
    Customer Training
    Drives and Controls
    AC/DC2000 Drive Hardware
    Recommended Duration: 3 Days
    This course is designed for maintenance personnel who configure
    and maintain the AC/DC2000 drive. Topics include drive application,
    drive power components, circuit cards and their debive
    operation, elementaries, SCR, IGBT and related inbation. The
    keypad operation will be covered extensively as a means of
    troubleshooting and interrogating the drive. The Control System
    Toolbox software is not necessary in this course and will not
    be taught.
    Prerequisite: Electrical experience/education
    AF-300E?, AF-300 G11? and AF-300 P11?
    Recommended Duration: 2 Days
    This course is for original equipment manufacturers and end
    users who need to implement basic drive configuration and the
    drive start-up procedures. Topics include keypad programming,
    hardware overview, applications, startup and troubleshooting.
    Prerequisite: None
    AC/DC2000 Drive Software Tools
    Recommended Duration: 4 1/2 Days
    This course is designed for maintenance and engineering personnel
    to understand how to use the features of the Control System
    Toolbox running under the Windows system, which applies to
    the AC/DC2000 drive in order to operate, maintain and trouble -
    shoot the drive. Topics include AC/DC2000 overview, AC/DC2000
    hardware, terminology, block diagram, I/O programming, serial
    monitor commands, trending and circular lists.
    Prerequisite: Electrical experience/education and familiarity
    with Windows?
    AV-300?, AV-300i? and DV-300? Drives
    Recommended Duration: 4 Days
    This course is designed for engineering and maintenance personnel
    who configure, setup, install and maintain the AV and DV
    drive. Topics include motor theory, drive power components, configuration
    and keypad operation. The drive software to set up,
    tune and maintain the drive will also be presented.
    Prerequisite: Electrical experience/education and familiarity
    with Windows?
    DC-300? Adjustable Speed Drive
    Recommended Duration: 3 1/2 Days This course is designed
    for engineering and maintenance personnel who install, tune-up,
    maintain and troubleshoot the DC-300 Drive. Topics include DC
    motor theory, drive power components, keypad operation, interface
    signals, feedback calibration, tune-up and troubleshooting.
    Assignments include component identification, operation, calibration
    and tune-up.
    Prerequisite: Electrical experience/education
    DC Innovation Series Drive
    Recommended Duration: 3 1/2 Days
    This course is designed for maintenance personnel who configure,
    maintain and troubleshoot the DC Innovation drives. Topics
    include retrofit modifications, I/O configuration, signal interface,
    drive circuit cards and their debive operation. The keypad
    operation will be covered as a means of troubleshooting and
    interrogating the drive. The Control System Toolbox software
    will also be covered.
    Prerequisite: Electrical experience/education and familiarity
    with Windows?
    Dura-Bilt 5i MV? Drive
    Recommended Duration: 3 1/2 Days
    This course is designed for engineering and maintenance
    personnel who configure, set up, install and maintain the
    Dura-Bilt 5i medium voltage drive. Topics include AC motor
    theory, power components, configuration and keypad operation.
    The Control System Toolbox software will be used to set up and
    maintain the drive. Assignments include hardware identification,
    programming I/O and working with the regulator patterns.
    Prerequisite: Electrical experience/education and familiarity
    with Windows?
    Innovation Series? Controller
    Recommended Duration: 4 1/2 Days
    This course is for engineering and maintenance personnel who
    are responsible for configuring, maintaining or troubleshooting
    a system that includes the Innovation Series Controller with or
    without the operator's console. Through a series of lectures the
    student will learn to use the many functions and features of
    the controller, including software changes, I/O modifications using
    Genius? blocks, trending, diagnostics and troubleshooting techniques
    using the Control System Toolbox. The student will feel
    confident in using these tools for monitoring and diagnosing of
    a system. Choose this course to learn the basics of the Innovation
    Series Controller (UC2000).
    Prerequisite: Electrical experience/education and familiarity
    with Windows?
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    Customer Training
    Drives and Controls
    Innovation Series Low Voltage Drive
    Recommended Duration: 3 1/2 Days
    This course is designed for engineering and maintenance personnel
    who configure, set up, install and maintain the low voltage
    AC drive. Topics include AC motor theory, drive power components
    configuration and keypad operation. The Control System
    Toolbox software used to set up, tune and maintain the drive will
    also be presented. Laboratory assignments include hardware
    identification, programming I/O, startup wizards and changing
    the regulator patterns via keypad and Control System Toolbox.
    Prerequisite: Electrical experience/education and familiarity
    with Windows?
    Innovation Series Low Voltage Drive System
    Recommended Duration: 4 1/2 days
    This is a system level course for engineering and maintenance
    personnel who are responsible for configuring, maintaining or
    troubleshooting a system that includes the Innovation Series
    Controller and Low Voltage Innovation drives. This is a practical
    “how to” course on the essentials developed for Innovation Series
    Drive Systems.
    Prerequisite: Electrical experience/education and familiarity
    with Windows?
    Innovation Series Medium Voltage Drive Type GP
    Recommended Duration: 3 Days
    This course is designed for engineering and maintenance personnel
    who configure, set up, install and maintain the AC drive.
    Topics include AC motor theory, drive power components (IGBT),
    configuration and keypad operation. The Control System Toolbox
    software will be used to set up, tune and maintain the drive.
    Assignments will include hardware identification, programming
    I/O, start-up wizards (fiber-optic, cell test, etc.) and changing the
    regulator patterns via the keypad and Control System Toolbox.
    Prerequisite: Electrical experience/education and familiarity
    with Windows?
    Innovation Series Medium Voltage Drive Type SP
    Recommended Duration: 4 Days
    The course is designed for engineering and maintenance personnel
    who configure, set up, install, and maintain AC drives.
    Assignments will include hardware identification, programming
    I/O, startup wizards (fiber-optic, cell test, etc.) and changing the
    regulator patterns via Keypad and Control System Toolbox. At the
    completion of this course, students will be familiar with the following:
    Hardware Configuration of the Drive (VME Rack with circuit
    cards), Liquid Cooling Operation, Source and Inverter Bridges
    (Power Conversion Theory), DDI (Keypad), Bus Charging Sequence,
    Fault Retrib and Diagnostic, Maintenance and Troubleshooting,
    Control System Toolbox, Utilizing the Drives Pattern, including:
    a. Trend Recorder (Real Time Trending); b. Capture Buffer
    (Background Trending).
    Prerequisite: Electrical experience/education and familiarity
    with Windows?
    LCI Drives (Innovation Series)
    for Fan, Pump and Compressor Applications
    Recommended Duration: 3 Days
    This course is designed for engineering and maintenance personnel
    who configure, set up, install and maintain the LCI drive.
    Topics include synchronous AC motor theory, drive power components
    (SCR, line filters and snubbers) and the water-cooled system.
    The AFE Datapanel/90-30 and/or VersaMax? configuration
    will be used and Innovation Series controller interfacing components
    will be discussed. The HyperTerminal? monitor mode to set
    up, tune and maintain the drive will also be presented.
    Assignments include hardware identification, programming
    DACs and circular list.
    Prerequisite: Electrical experience/education and familiarity
    with Windows?
    LCI Second Generation (pre-1997: has door-mounted printer)
    Recommended Duration: 3 Days
    This course is designed for engineering and maintenance personnel
    who configure, set up, install and maintain the LCI drive.
    Topics include synchronous AC motor theory, drive power components
    (SCR, line filters and snubbers), the water-cooled system
    and door-mounted printer operation. The monitor modes to set
    up, tune and maintain the drive will also be presented.
    Assignments include hardware identification, programming DACs
    and circular list.
    Prerequisite: Electrical experience/education
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    Services and Spare Parts
    Customer Training
    Drives and Controls
    LEOPACK?-DC Drive
    Recommended Duration: 4 Days
    This course is designed for engineering and maintenance personnel
    who configure, set up, install and maintain the LEOPAK - Wi.
    Assignments include hardware identification, programming I/O
    and working with the regulator patterns. At the completion of this
    course, students will be familiar with the following: Power
    Conversion Theory, DC Motor Theory, Keypad Operation, Reading
    Elementary Diagrams (Toshiba Format), Drive Hardware Overview,
    Toshiba WW Tool –1. Communications; 2. Up/Dnloading Files; 3.
    Assigning D/A Ports; 4. Trace Back Feature; 5. Regulator
    Diagrams; 6. Tune-up of Drive.
    Prerequisite: Electrical experience/education and familiarity
    with Windows?
    Programmable Controls Series 90-70 and 90-30
    Recommended Duration: 4 1/2 Days
    This course is for engineers and electricians responsible for maintaining
    Series 90-70 and/or Series 90-30 controls. Topics include
    90-70 and 90-30 hardware overview, comparisons between 90-
    70 and 90-30, ladder logic programming, troubleshooting and
    Prerequisite: Familiarity with relay logic
    TM Drive-10
    Recommended Duration: 4 Days
    This course is designed for engineering and maintenance personnel
    who configure, and maintain the Toshiba 250 Wi, TM-P10
    source and inverter. Assignments include hardware identification,
    programming I/O and working with the regulator patterns using
    the Control System Toolbox. At the completion of this course, students
    will be familiar with the following: Power Conversion
    Theory, AC Induction Motor Theory, Elementary Diagram Reading,
    Use of the GE Control System Tool Box - 1. Identifying and correcting
    faults; 2. Working with the pattern; 3. Utilizing the Trend
    Recorder Functions - a. Real-time Recording; b. Triggered Realtime
    Recording; c. Capture Buffer; d. Keypad Functions
    Prerequisite: Electrical experience/education and familiarity
    with Windows?
    TM-DC? Drive
    Recommended Duration: 4 Days
    This course is designed for engineering and maintenance personnel
    who configure setup, install and maintain the TM-DC? drives.
    Assignments include, hardware identification, diagnostics and
    beter review, programming I/O, tune up and working with
    the regulator patterns through the Control System Toolbox.
    Prerequisite: Electrical experience/education and familiarity
    with Windows?
    Motors, Power Converters and Drives
    Recommended Duration: 4 1/2 Days
    This course is designed for engineers and technicians responsible
    for drive systems. It includes detailed operational inbation on
    standard AC and DC motors, semiconductor operation (diodes,
    SCRs, GTOs, IGCTs, IGBTs, and IEGTs), applications, dc converters
    and PWM/SCR/GTO inverters. The course includes an introduction
    to the principles of operation and the laws of physics that apply
    to fans, pumps and compressors.
    Prerequisite: None
    Services and Spare Parts
    7-20 Aftermarket Catalog www.geelectrical.com Prices and data subject
    to change without notice
    Services and Spare Parts
    Customer Training
    Power Equipment and Power Management
    Industrial Power Systems Engineering and Device Coordination
    Recommended Duration: 4 1/2 Days
    This course is designed for electrical engineers responsible for
    industrial or commercial power systems planning, designs for
    reliability and overall system perbance. Course includes shortcircuit
    currents, over-voltages, power systems planning, protective
    relaying, voltage control, equipment and system grounding,
    power factor improvement, switchgear selection, protective
    device coordination and workshop exercises.
    Prerequisite: Electrical engineering experience/
    education recommended
    Low Voltage Switchgear, AKD 5, 6, 8 and 10
    Recommended Duration: 4 Days
    This course is designed for personnel responsible for maintenance,
    testing and troubleshooting power circuit breakers,
    protective relays, breaker trip devices and switchgear panels.
    Topics include switchgear construction, switchgear diagrams,
    trip devices, low voltage power circuit breakers, testing,
    and maintenance.
    Prerequisite: None
    Medium Voltage Circuit Breakers and Contactors
    Recommended Duration: 4 1/2 Days
    This course is designed for personnel responsible for maintenance,
    testing and troubleshooting power circuit breakers, contactors,
    protective relays, trip devices and switchgear panels.
    Primary equipment covered are Power-Vac breakers, MagneBlast
    breakers and Limitamp contactors including both air and
    vacuum type contactors. Lecture topics include switchgear
    diagrams, breaker control, switchgear enclosures, protective
    relays, testing, maintenance and operation of medium voltage
    induction and synchronous motor starters.
    Prerequisite: None
    Power Transbers
    Recommended Duration: 2 Days
    Detailed course on transber maintenance and testing. Topics
    include transber theory, insulating liquid testing, accessories,
    transber types, transber filling, maintenance and testing,
    types of insulating liquids, oil preservation systems.
    Prerequisite: None
    Power Transbers, Power Converters and System Harmonics
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