凝土的可塑性和強度,且有阻滯作用,即推遲混凝土的開始與終究凝聚時期,例如添加0.15%的葡萄糖酸鈉,可將混凝土的初凝聚時間延伸10倍以上,也就是將混凝土的可塑時間從幾小時延伸至幾天,而不影響其牢度。Industrial glucose is used as water reducer and retarder in concrete engineering. Its water reducing, plasticizing and retardin

g effects are remarkable. It can greatly advance the workability of concrete, reduce the loss of slump and the late strength of forward concrete.聚合氯化鋁在水處理領(lǐng)域具有獨特的優(yōu)勢。
ensation period of concrete. For example, adding 0.15% sodium gluconate can extend the initial condensation time of concrete by more than 10 times, that is to say, it can delay the beginning and final condensation period of concrete. The plasticity time of concrete is extended from several hours to several days without affecting its fastness.
水泥中添加必定數(shù)量葡萄糖粉后,可添加混凝土的可塑性和強度,且有阻滯作用,即推遲混凝土的開始與終究凝聚時期,例如添加0.15%的葡萄糖粉,可將混凝土的初凝聚時間延伸10倍以上,也就是將混凝土的可塑時間從幾小時延伸至幾天,而不影響其牢度。可塑性與推遲開始凝聚時間在混凝土作業(yè)中是非常重要的問題,如在高溫度季節(jié)施工及大型的工程作業(yè)中,推遲開始凝聚時間則是個難題,葡萄糖粉可圓滿解決這個問題。別的高溫時膠接油井是比較困難的,添加了葡萄糖粉后的混凝土在170℃高溫下,在幾個小時內(nèi)可塑,因此也能圓滿解決上述問題。因此葡萄糖粉作為水泥摻合劑在國外已許多使用于重要的建筑工程,如中東的許多橋梁工程中。但是我們國內(nèi)在這方面使用也還未太廣泛,據(jù)說有在造紙廢水中提煉纖維素磺酸鈉,其作用與葡萄糖粉根本是不可相提并論的。The plasticity and strength
can be added to the wastewater treatment solution in Hohhot?
The amount of polyacrylamide used by polyacrylamide manufacturers to treat a ton of wastewater is usually 7-10 grams, usually 2-4 gram象的根本原因是聚合氯化鋁在水處理領(lǐng)域具有獨特的優(yōu)勢。
聚合氯化鋁PAC處理后的水鋁含量很低,這也是目前PAC在飲用水處理中最常用的主要因素之一。此外,優(yōu)質(zhì)飲用水級PAC使處理后的水更加安全。聚合氯化鋁且腐蝕性較小。在實際生產(chǎn)和使用中,操作簡單,水處理效率高。聚合氯化鋁結(jié)合各種特性已成為主s. The main difference is that the quality of PAM is not the same, or the way of adding it is not right, otherwise the product is not matched with the type of wastewater. The quantity of polyacrylamide with good quality is less, and the amount of polyacrylamide with minor addition is slightly more. The specific point is about 1-3 grams. Hohhot City accords with the general municipal wastewater. The industrial wastewater is slightly higher, about 3-6 grams, and the highest 10 grams are also available.nd polyacrylamide should be poured into the tank at a unib speed, not too much at one time. Otherwise, fish eyes and other phenomena will occur.
我們的回答只是個大概和預(yù)算,具體多少還 是要根據(jù)具體的實物來測算。技術(shù)會配成0.1~0.5%溶液,然后小試確定工程用量,聚丙烯酰胺的污水處理1200-1500萬千分之四配每噸用7-10克味精、啤酒廠 層渣、廢水等。我們從上面看出,除 one ton of polyacrylamide solution is between 8000-12000 yuan. Let's calculate the cost of one ton of polyacrylamide solution according to 10000 yuan. The cost is 10 yuan. Then how much polyacrylamide anion solution is needed to treat one ton of sewage? According to many experiments and the basic situation of each manufacturer Each ton of sewage needs less solution, 2-3kg more solution, 3-5kg. If the equipment is suitable and does not waste, the cost of treatment will be less than 1 yuan, as low as 0.3-0.5 yuan. If the sand field chooses natural sedimentation and does not use filter press to reduce the cost, the cost of treatment of one ton of sewage will be about 0.1 yuan, so this cost price is acceptable to all bosses
Welcome all the owners of the sand washing field to call us for consultation. Henan anjiajing environmental protection polyacrylamide improved free trial sample sending service contact number: 15838356978 18838138890
了廠家?guī)兔x購聚丙烯酰胺,自己在使用時候,要注意聚丙烯酰胺的使用方法。我們只要簡單的記住以 下幾點。要有溶藥設(shè)備。在溶解的時候濃度設(shè)定不要超過千分之五。如果設(shè)備是很簡易的溶藥罐的話,要注意在人工加藥時,要先加20%罐體積的水,然后聚丙烯酰胺和水同時進罐,并且聚丙烯酰胺要勻速的向里面傾倒,不要一次性加的太多。否則會產(chǎn)生魚眼等現(xiàn)象