凈重 (Kg) | 0.172 Kg |
產品尺寸 (W x L X H) | 未提供 |
包裝尺寸 | 8.90 x 10.80 x 5.80 |
包裝尺寸單位的測量 | CM |
數(shù)量單位 | 1 件 |
包裝數(shù)量 | 1 |
其他產品信息 | |
EAN | 6940408102033 |
UPC | 887621206963 |
商品代碼 | 85389091 |
LKZ_FDB/ CatalogID | ST72 |
產品組 | 4508 |
原產國 | 中國 |
Compliance with the substance restrictions according to RoHS directive | RoHS 合規(guī)開始日期: 2013.03.15 |
What connection technology do you use for your switching devices? Have you tried spring-type technology before? Why not compare conventional screw-type technology with the latest spring-type technology now? We show you how to connect your switching devices and install them quickly and error-free.
With the SIRIUS modular system’s combination options, you can create your own custom solution for your specific application. The strength of the system lies in its modular construction covering all sizes, the functionality of the devices for a multitude of applications, and comprehensive, standard-compliant planning. This facilitates your procedures and speeds up your planning processes.
隨著能源成本的不斷增加和環(huán)保法規(guī)的日漸嚴苛,與此同時企業(yè)也不斷努力,爭取獲得 ISO 50001 能源管理標準認證,這些都使得能源管理的應用實施變得更為重要。高效的能源管理,不但可以提高企業(yè)的能源應用效率和生產力,同時還可顯著提升企業(yè)的市場競爭力。若要在生產過程中提高能源效率,則需做到:
西門子提供全面的能源管理產品與技術,其中能源管理系統(tǒng)可根據(jù)客戶能源需求提供最優(yōu)化的能源管理。在此,我們將能源管理分為三個階段 — 識別、評估和實施。通過相應的硬件和軟件解決方案,為客戶在生產過程的每一階段提供全方位的支持。
在基于經濟分析確定最佳節(jié)能改造措施之后,下一步就是通過具體措施,盡可能有效地利用已確定的節(jié)能潛力,開展節(jié)能項目。在能源管理中,關鍵是驅動設備的節(jié)能;驅動系統(tǒng)的能耗通常占整個工業(yè)能耗的三分之二。無論是新工廠還是新系統(tǒng)上線,亦或是舊廠的現(xiàn)代化改造,單個驅動解決方案的節(jié)能效率均可高達 70%。
為了準確計算生產過程中的節(jié)能潛力,西門子的專家將竭誠為您提供最專業(yè)的咨詢服務,涵蓋所有行業(yè)涉及工業(yè)能源管理的各個方面。西門子的 EOA 服務包,可計算單一設備的節(jié)約成本潛力并對整個工廠的能源消耗進行相應優(yōu)化。最初,EOA只是應用于驅動系統(tǒng)的分析,但通過系統(tǒng)化能源管理,最大投資回報期可縮短至兩年。這樣,只需少量投資即可顯著降低能源成本。EOA 是西門子能源優(yōu)化服務 EOS 的一部分,主要用于檢測能源過程和類型,并識別各種節(jié)能潛力。
2005 年 7 月 6 日,歐洲議會和理事會的第 2005/32/EEC 號指令中強調了節(jié)能增效法規(guī)對設備和工廠的重要性,并制訂了能耗產品環(huán)保型設計要求框架。其中,在第 11 條中對生命周期的評估列出了以下要求:
應根據(jù) ISO 14041 的生命周期評估機制,評估包含產品生命周期的所有階段
在歐盟,已經通過了多項節(jié)能增效立法規(guī)定。為了降低工業(yè)領域的能源損耗,歐盟制定了IEC 60034-30 標準(IE = 國際能效),為異步電機定義了新的能耗等級。
從 2011 年 6 月 16 日起,IE1 級的標準電機不允許在歐盟市場內銷售。而且按照新法規(guī)中的要求,所有標準電機都必須達到 IE2 以上等級。
法律規(guī)定,從 2015 年 1 月 1 日起:額定功率為 7.5 kW ~ 375 kW 的電機,最低能效必須達到 IE3 級。如果這些電機的能效只達到 IE2,則必須裝配變頻器。
法律規(guī)定,從 2017 年 1 月 1 日起:額定功率為 0.75 kW ~ 375 kW 的電機,最低能效必須達到 IE3 級。如果這些電機的能效只達到 IE2,則必須裝配變頻器。
如今,先進的技術水平可以更為有效地挖掘更多節(jié)能潛力。并真正做到“在用電過程中盡量節(jié)約每一度電!”。其中,工業(yè)領域的節(jié)能潛力尤為巨大。電機(如驅動裝置或泵)的能耗往往占工業(yè)領域總能耗的三分之二。西門子的節(jié)能電機和智能控制系統(tǒng),可降低總能耗多達 60%。僅節(jié)能減排措施一項,即可實現(xiàn)兩年回收成本的目標。 供應西門子原裝1200PLC模擬量輸入模塊
SIRIUS 3RV motor starter protectors are compact, current-limiting circuit breakers up to 100 A for motor or starter protection. They guarantee safe disconnection in the event of a short circuit and protect loads and the system from overload. They are also suitable for normal switching duty with loads that have a small number of switching operations as well as for reliable isolation of the equipment from the supply system. We also offer: Circuit breakers in special versions, e.g. for plant protection - also according to UL/CSA, for transber protection or overload relay functions.
The main circuit wiring can be significantly reduced by using different infeed possibilities, such as the associated SIRIUS 3RV infeed system, the three-phase busbar system, or the 8US busbar system.
There are special advantages when using circuit breakers of sizes S00 and S0 up to 40 A: For particularly flexible installation, the devices are available with screw-type, spring-loaded and ring cable lug connections. Thanks to the appropriate b modules, the circuit breakers of these sizes can be combined easily and quickly with SIRIUS switchgear: 3RT2 contactors, 3RF34 semiconductor switching devices or even 3RW30/40 soft starters. All circuit breakers of sizes S00 to S3 are unibly equipped with rotary knob actuators which provide a b distinction between the switch settings of OFF, ON and TRIPPED. In the 3RV2 motor starter protectors, the power losses are 5 to 10 % lower than for the previous models thanks to new bibl technology. This plays an important role in reducing the temperature within the control cabinet. 供應西門子原裝1200PLC模擬量輸入模塊
SIRIUS 3RV Molded Case Motor Starter Protectors up to 800 A
The 3RV10 and 3RV13 molded case motor starter protectors for up to 800 A are compact, current-limiting circuit breakers which can be used, in particular, in load feeders for the special voltages of 440 V, 480 V, 550 V and 690 V. They are used for switching and protecting three-phase motors and other loads with rated currents up to 800 A.
For the complete product spectrum of 3RV motor starter protectors up to 115 A as well as for the molded case motor starter protectors up to 800 A, configuring guides are available for creating tested combinations in accordance with common standards.