Zyb 8018HS BKB085 14% Glass reinforced toughened heat stabilizedblack nylon 66 resin Zyb 8018HS NC010 14% Glass reinforcedtoughened heat stabilized nylon 66 resin Zyb 80G33HS1L BK104 33%Glass fiber reinforced, heat stabilized black polyamide 66 resinZyb 80G33HS1L NC010 33% Glass fiber reinforced heat stabilizedpolyamide 66 resin Zyb 80G33L NC010 33% Glass fiber reinforcedpolyamide 66 resin with outstanding impact Zyb 70G33HS1L NC01033% Glass fiber reinforced, heat stabilized polyamide 612 resinZyb 70G33L BK031 33% Glass fiber reinforced, black polyamide 612resin for injection molding Zyb 70G33L NC010 33% Glass fiberreinforced, polyamide 612 resin for injection molding Zyb 70G43LBK031 43% Glass fiber reinforced, black polyamide 612 resin forinjection molding Zyb 70G43L NC010 43% Glass fiber reinforcedpolyamide 612 resin for injection molding Zyb MT409AHS BK010Medium Toughened, high perbance, heat stabilized Zyb ST801NC010A Super Tough, high perbance Zyb ST801AHS BK010 SuperTough, high perbance Zyb ST801AHS NC010 Super Tough, highperbance polyamide 66 resin. Zyb ST801AW BK195 Super Tough,weatherable, easy flow and processing friendly Zyb ST801AW NC010Super Tough, high perbance polyamide 66 resin.