弘昇焊材 白藥皮銀焊條 粉色銀焊條 藍(lán)藥皮焊條 藥皮銀焊條銅磷釬料中的含銀釬料
型號:L204銀焊條 15銀焊絲 L204銀釬料 L207銀焊料 材質(zhì):銀
焊芯直徑:0.8-3.0(mm) mm 品牌:斯米克 類型:銀焊條
藥皮性質(zhì):酸性焊條 直徑:0.8-3.0(mm) mm 長度:500(mm) mm
焊接電流:60-120(A) A 電流幅度:60-120(A) A 工作溫度:600(℃) ℃
適用范圍:主要用于銅及銅合金、鋼的釬焊。 產(chǎn)地:河北 硬度HRC:40
供應(yīng)L204銀焊條 15銀焊絲 L204銀釬料 L207銀焊料
含銀30白色藥皮銀焊條Ag30%粉色銀焊條Ag30CuSn藍(lán)藥皮焊條1.6-2.0藥皮銀焊條/帶皮銀焊條銀基合金焊條特性說明:銀焊條是一種以銀或銀基固深體的焊條,具有優(yōu)良的工藝性能,不高的溶點、 良好的潤濕性和填滿間隙的能力,并且強度高、塑性好,導(dǎo)電性和耐蝕性優(yōu)良,可以用 來釬焊除鋁、鎂及其他低熔點金屬以外的所有黑色和有色金屬。
HAG-45B斯米克銀焊條廠家代理批發(fā)銷售上海斯米克銀焊條 HAG-20BCd銀焊條斯米克銀焊條價格批發(fā)廠家銀焊料主要包括:銀焊條、銀焊絲、銀焊環(huán)、銀焊片、銀焊膏、銀焊粉焊劑說明:我公司銀焊料流動性好,價格便宜,工藝性能優(yōu)良;具有不高的溶點,良好的潤濕性和填滿間隙的能力,并且接頭強度高、塑性好,導(dǎo)電性和耐蝕性優(yōu)良,可以用來釬焊除鋁、鎂及其他低熔點金屬以外的所有黑色和有色金屬。形狀有條狀、絲狀、環(huán)狀、粉狀、膏狀、非晶太等,廣泛的應(yīng)用于機電、電子、家電、五金、汽配、化工、航空航天等工業(yè)制造領(lǐng)域。銀焊料產(chǎn)品特點:流動性好,價格便宜,工藝性能優(yōu)良;2、具有不高的熔點、良好的濕潤性和填滿間隙的能力;3、接頭強度高、塑性好、導(dǎo)電性和耐腐蝕性優(yōu)良;4、釬焊銅及銀有自釬性,可不用釬劑。適用于接觸焊、氣體火焰焊、高頻釬焊及某些爐中釬焊,釬焊接頭具有較好的強度及導(dǎo)電性。銀基釬料牌號及性能一、銀銅磷釬料(℃)二、銀銅鋅釬料(環(huán)保型)(℃)(AWS)三、含鎘銀釬料(℃)Zn:余量Zn:余量四、規(guī)格及包裝
1、 銀基釬料:(即銀焊條、銀焊絲、銀焊帶、銀焊片、銀焊粉、銀焊膏)5%銀焊條HL205,10%銀焊條HL301,15%銀焊條HL204,25%銀焊條HL302,45%銀焊條HL303,50%銀焊條HL304,Ag60銀釬料等。
2、 耐磨焊材:磨具焊條、閥門焊條、碳化鎢焊條、鈷基焊條、鈷基焊絲、耐磨焊絲、堆焊藥芯焊絲等。
HAG-25BSn,含銀25%,等同于美標(biāo)AWS BAg-37,是銀、銅、鋅、錫合金,熔點低于HAg-25B,提高了潤濕性和填充性。可焊銅、鋼等材料。熔點680-780攝氏度。
HAG-30B,含銀30%,等同于美標(biāo)AWS BAg-20,國標(biāo)BAg30CuZn ,是銀、銅、鋅合金,熔點稍高,接頭有較好韌性,可釬焊銅、銅合金、鋼等材料。熔點677-766攝氏度。
HAG-35B,含銀35%,等同于美標(biāo)AWS BAg-35,是銀、銅、鋅合金,中等熔化溫度,接頭有較好韌性,可釬焊銅、銅合金、鋼等材料。熔點621-732攝氏度。
HAG-40BNi,含銀40%,是銀、銅、鋅、鎳合金,等同于美標(biāo)AWS BAg-4,具有較好的抗蝕性、適用于不銹鋼的焊接和鎳基合金及炭化鎢的焊接,熔點670-780攝氏度。
Category |
Trade- |
Equivalent to China Standard |
Characteristics & application |
Equivalent to AWS |
Hard-surfacing 硬 面
D 667 |
EDZCr-B-15 |
HRc≥48. Resistance to wear, gas corrosion and oxidation. Hardfacing of blast furnace hopper and cracker part. |
D 802 |
EDCoCr-A-03 |
HRc38-47. Resistance to heat, wear and corrosion. Hardfacing of high temperature part such as the edge of thermo-cutter. |
ECoCr-A |
D 812 |
EDCoCr-B-03 |
HRc45-50. Resistance to heat, wear and corrosion. Hardfacing of high temperature part such as internal-combustion engine valve. |
ECoCr-B |
D 822 |
HRc≥53. Resistance to Wear and heat, bad shock resistance. Hardfacing of rotating blade wheel of boiler. |
D 832 |
EDCoCr-C-03 |
HRc≥50. Wear and heat resistance. Hardfacing of high temperature part such as hot-rolling guided way. |
ECoCr-C |
D 842 |
EDCoCr-D-03 |
HRc28-38. Corrosion and thermo-fatigue resistance, work harding. Hardfacing of hot forging die. |
Cast iron
鐵 |
Z 308 |
Pure nickel, excellent general properties. Used to weld thin cast iron part and repair welding machined surface, such as guided way of machine tool. |
ENi-Cl |
Z 408 |
Iron nickel, high strength and excellent ductility. Repair welding of important gray cast iron and nodular cast iron, such as cylinder cap. |
ENiFe-Cl |
Z 508 |
EZNiCu-1 |
Copper nickel, good and bad crack resistance. Repair welding of sand hole and gray cast iron machined surface subject to no load. |
ENiCu-B |
Copper alloys
金 |
Cu 107 |
Red copper, atmosphere and sea water corrosion and excellent electric conductivity. Welding of red copper such as electrical copper row. |
ECu |
Cu 207 |
ECuSi |
Silicon bronze, corrosion resistance and high strength. Welding of copper, silicon bronze and brass. |
ECuSi |
Cu 227 |
ECuSnB |
Tin phosphor bronze, corrosion resistance and high strength. Welding of copper, silicon bronze and brass. |
ECuSn-C |
Cu 237 |
ECuAl |
Aluminum bronze, wear and corrosion and high strength. Welding or surfacing of copper alloys. |
ECuAl-A2 |
Aluminum alloys
鋁 合 金 |
Al 109 |
TAl |
Pure aluminum, excellent corrosion resistance and middle strength. Welding of pure aluminum. |
E1100 |
Al 209 |
TAlSi |
Silicon aluminum, good crack resistance and wide range of usage. Welding of aluminum alloys other than aluminum magnesium alloys. |
E4043 |
Al 309 |
TAMn |
Manganese aluminum, corrosion resistance and high strength. Welding of aluminum alloys. |
E3003 |
Nickel alloys 鎳合金 |
Ni 102 |
ENi-1 |
Pure nickel. Welding and surfacing of nickel and nickel to steel. |
ENi-1 |
Ni 207 |
ENiCu-7 |
Copper nickel. Welding and surfacing of copper nickel and copper nickel to steel. |
ENiCu-7 |
Category 類 別 |
Trade 牌 號 |
Chemical comb 主要成份(%) |
Characteristics & application 特性和用途 |
Equivalent to AWS 相當(dāng)AWS |
焊 |
S 101 |
C3 Cr28 Ni4 |
HRc48-54. Resistance to wear, gas corrosion and oxidation. Hardfacing of bucket tooth and case pump. |
S 111 |
C1 Cr29 W5 |
HRc38-47. Resistance to wear and corrosion at high-temperature. Hardfacing of high temperature and pressure valve. |
ECoCr-A |
S 112 |
C1.5 Cr29 W8 |
HRc45-50. Resistance to wear and corrosion at high-temperature. Hardfacing of valve and hot-rolling pass. |
ECoCr-B |
S 113 |
C2.5 Cr30 W17 |
HRc≥55. Wear and heat resistance at high temperature, bad shock resistance. Hardfacing of screw charging carriage. |
S 114 |
C2.5 Cr30 W12 |
HRc≥53. Wear and heat resistance at high temperature, bad shock resistance. Hardfacing of three-cone bit. |
ECoCr-C |
Copper alloys
金 |
S 201 |
Sn1 Si0.3Mn0.3 |
Good mechanical properties and crack resistance. Gas welding and argon arc welding of red copper. |
ERCu |
S 211 |
Si3 Mn1 |
Good mechanical properties. Argon arc welding of copper alloys and MIG brazing of steel. |
ERCuSi-Al |
S 212 |
Sn5 Cu Rem. |
Wear resistance. Argon arc welding of copper alloys and surfacing of steel. |
ERCuSn-A |
S 213 |
Sn8 Cu Rem. |
Wear resistance. Argon arc welding of copper alloys and surfacing of steel. |
ERCuSn-C |
S 214 |
Al7.5 Cu Rem. |
Wear and corrosion resistance. Argon arc welding of copper alloys and surfacing of steel. |
ERCuAl-A1 |
S 215 |
Al9 Cu Rem. |
Wear and corrosion resistance. Argon arc welding of copper alloys and surfacing of steel. |
ERCuAl-A2 |
S 221 |
Cu60 Sn1 Si0.3 |
Melting point is about 890℃. Gas welding and carbon arc welding of brass, also braze welding of copper, steel and cast iron. |
S 221F |
Cu60 Sn1 Si 0.3 |
S221 welding rod coated with flux. |
S 222 |
Cu58Sn0.9Si0.1 |
Melting point is about 880℃. Gas welding and carbon arc welding of brass, also braze welding of copper, steel and cast iron. |
RBCuZn-C |
S 222F |
Cu58Sn0.9Si0.1 |
S222 welding rod coated with flux. |
RBCuZn-C |
S 223 |
Cu59 Sn0.6 |
Melting point is about 900℃. Braze welding of copper, steel and cast iron. |
RBCuZn-A |
S 224 |
Cu62 Si0.5 |
Melting point is about 905℃. Gas welding and carbon arc welding of brass, also braze welding of copper, steel and cast iron. |
Copper 銅
金 |
S 225 |
Cu48 Ni10 |
Melting point is about 935℃ and high strength. Braze welding of steel, nickel and carbide alloys. |
RBCuZn-D |
S 225F |
Cu48 Ni10 |
S225 welding rod coated with flux. |
RBCuZn-D |
S 226 |
Cu60 Sn0.3 |
Melting point is about 900℃. Gas welding of brass, also braze welding of copper, steel and cast iron. |
S 227 |
Cu58Sn0.9Ni0.5 |
Melting point is about 880℃. Gas welding and carbon arc welding of brass, also braze welding of copper, steel and cast iron. |
RBCuZn-B |
S 229 |
Cu55 Ni6 Mn4 |
Melting point is about 920℃, high strength. Braze welding of steel, nickel and hard carbide. |
Aluminum alloys
金 |
S 301 |
Al≥99.5 |
Good ductility and corrosion resistance. Gas welding and argon arc welding of pure aluminum. |
ER1100 |
S 311 |
Si5 Al Rem. |
Corrosion resistance, wide range of usage. Gas welding and argon arc welding of aluminum alloys other than high magnesium alloys. |
ER4043 |
S 321 |
Mn1.3 Al Rem. |
Good corrosion resistance, weldability and ductility. Gas welding and argon arc welding of aluminum alloys. |
S 331 |
Mg5 Mn0.4 |
Corrosion resistance and high strength. Argon arc welding of aluminum alloys. |
ER5183 |
品名 牌號 國標(biāo) 美標(biāo)
2%銀焊條 HL209 BCu91PAg BCuP-6
5%銀焊條 HL205 BCu89PAg BCuP-3
10%銀焊條 HL301 BAg10CuZn
15%銀焊條 HL204 BCu80AgP BCuP-5
18%銀焊條 HL309 BAg18CuZnSn
25%銀焊條 HL302 BAg25CuZn BAg-37
30%銀焊條 HL310 BAg30CuZnSn
30%銀焊條 HL318 BAg30CuZnCd BAg-2a
30%銀焊條 HL323 BAg30CuZnSn
35%銀焊條 HL314 BAg35CuZnCd BAg-2
38%銀焊條 HL326 BAg38CuZnSn BAg-34
40%銀焊條 HL312 BAg40CuZnCdNi
40%銀焊條 HL322 BAg40CuZnSnNi
45%銀焊條 HL303 BAg45CuZn BAg-5
45%銀焊條 HL311 BAg45CuZnCd BAg-1
45%銀焊條 HL325 BAg45CuZnSn BAg-36
49%銀焊條 HL316 BAg49CuZnMnNi BAg-22
50%銀焊條 HL304 BAg50CuZn BAg-6
50%銀焊條 HL305 BAg50Cu
50%銀焊條 HL324 BAg50CuZnSnNi
50%銀焊條 HL313 BAg50CuZnCd BAg-1a
50%銀焊條 HL315 BAg50CuZnCdNi BAg-3
56%銀焊條 HL321 BAg56CuZnSn BAg-7
56%銀焊條 HL317 BAg56CuNi
60%銀焊條 BAg60CuZn BAg-18
65%銀焊條 HL306 BAg65CuZn
72%銀焊條 HL308 BAg72Cu BAg-8
85%銀焊條 HL320 BAg85Mn
94%銀焊條 BAg94Al