
WIKA 516.11 516.12 絕壓表 波登管或膜盒式
WIKA 516.11 516.12 絕壓表 波登管或膜盒式
上架日期:2013-09-13 15:03:55

    WIKA 516.11 516.12 絕壓表 波登管或膜盒式 標準型 80表圓,

    AbsoIute Pressure Gauges
    Compact Design
    With Capsule Element • Model 516.11
    With Bourdon Tube • Model 516.12

       Service intended
        Measurement of absolute pressure excluding the effect of barometric pressure variation.
        Suitable for all clean and dry gaseous media that will not attack copper alloy and aluminium parts.

        Small compact design, varied possibility for installation, WIKA trade pattern DT-GM 87 10 226 Variable pressure entry

       Nominal size
        80 mm

       Accuracy class per EN 837-3 /6

       Scale ranges per EN 837-3 /5
        Model 516.11: 0 ... 16 to 0 ... 1000 mbar absolute pressure
        Model 516.12: 0 ... 1.6 to 0 ... 16 bar absolute pressure.

       Working pressure
        Steady: full scale value
        Fluctuating: 0.9 x full scale value

       Overpressure safety
        Model 516.11: 1 bar absolute (atmospheric pressure) with all scale ranges
        Model 516.12: full scale value

       Operating temperature
        Ambient: -20 ... +60 °C
        Medium: +70 °C maximum

       Temperature error
        Additional error when temperature of the pressure element deviates from +20 °C
        Rising temperature: +0.3%/10 K of true scale value
        Falling temperature: -0.3%/10 K of true scale value

       Degree of protection
        IP 66 per EN 60 529 / IEC 529

       Standard features
        Pressure connection (exposed to pressure medium)
        Threaded entry per EN 837-1 /7.3
        G E female

       Pressure element (exposed to pressure medium)
        Model 516.11: Material Cu-alloy
        Model 516.12: Material stainless steel
        The pressure element is evacuated and constitutes pressure datum


       Movement (exposed to pressure medium)
        Material: Cu-alloy

       Dial (exposed to pressure medium)
        White aluminium with black lettering

       Pointer (exposed to pressure medium)
        Black aluminium pointer


       Zero adjustment
        Adjusting provisions at case back (model 516.11)

       Case (exposed to pressure medium)
        Black aluminium. Case retains process pressure

       Window (exposed to pressure medium)
        Instrument glass

       Sealing rings (exposed to pressure medium)
        NBR (Buna rubber)

       Bezel ring
        Black aluminium

       Gauge mounting
        Requires mounting by means of rigid tailpipes, optionally threaded studs at case back.
        Panel mounting or surface mounting rings optionally available

       Optional extras
        Other pressure connection
        Mounting studs with bracket
        Panel mounting ring
        Surface mounting ring
        Male thread pressure entry
        Pressure entry with miniature flange DN 10/16 to DIN 28 403
        Radial pressure entry other than bottom

       Operating principle
        - The case machined from solid aluminium bar retaines the system pressure, whereas the pressure element of either the capsule or the bourdon tube type constitutes the zero pressure datum.
        - The particularly shaped capsule fully collapses to provide over-pressure safety independent of the scale range.
        - Any pressure applied is measured against the sealed pres sure datum to exclude the effect of ambient pressure variation.


        Standard version


       Ordering inbation
        Model / Nominal size / Scale range / Size and b of connection / Optional extras required



    歡迎致電咨詢訂購WIKA 516.11 516.12 絕壓表 波登管或膜盒式 標準型 80表圓,

    電話:010-51669912 56291930 15910733293


    QQ:823377546 1491421115 2636968574


    公司官網:http://www.zoriver.cn      http://www.zoriver.com.cn

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