ARATO 接頭 3/4”,316 /
The PR 1000 i a cloed loop electronic preure regulator with an integrated high perbance olume booter (5000 Nl/min @ 6 bar power tage7, able to conert a ariable analog or digital b ignal (current, oltage, eypad, R-232) into a proportiional pneumatic output and maintain with preciion a required downtream preure. Equipped with an 8 bit microcontroller, it can proce ignal and command, carry out complex function and eaily interface with other control/monitor ytem ia erial R-232, perfectly integrating in application which had required more elaborate and expenie ytem up till now. The compact and functional deign, oerall perbance and reliability mae for an effortlr integration in any adanced pneumatic ytem that require an actie component quuicly adaptable to any pecific requirement. The b ignal, which could be analog (0-5 , 0-10 , 4-20 mA) or digital (erial R-232, eypad/diplay), i proceed by the microcontroller and conerted into a proportional preure output (0-7 bar or optional 0-12 bar) by uing PWM (Pule Width Modulation) controlled high-peed olenoid ale for feed and exhaut function. An integrated preure enor continuouly monitor the output preure of the PR 1000 proiding a feedbac to the controller that compare thi alue to the deired etpoint, which i et by the b ignal. Thu any ariation of the output preure can be quicly and preciely compenated in order to maintain the requeted downtream preure. Thi cloed loop ytem ha a reb time of le than 5 m. In addition, the PR 1000 may upply an analog output in proportion to the downtrea preure.
The PR 100 ia aailable in two baic erion:
? PR 100A Equipped with analog/digital b interface (0-5 , 0-10 , 4-20 mA*, R-232) and tatu led.
? PR 100D equipped with analog/digital b interface (0-5 , 0-10 , 4-20 mA*, R-232), eypad/diplay uer interface, tatu led.
Pneumatic olenoid ale MATRIX mechatronic