銆€銆€涓婃捣姊撹伆姗�(j墨)闆昏ō(sh猫)鍌欐湁闄愬叕鍙�!姝¤繋渚�(l谩i)闆讳締(l谩i)鍑芥唇璜囧悎浣� 鑱�(li谩n)绯讳汉锛氬悜鍏堢敓 鎵嬫(j墨)锛�18321538193
銆€銆€闆昏┍锛�021-69125702 浼佹キ(y猫)QQ锛�2355818229 Email: 2355818229@zcjd-sh.com
銆€銆€鍌崇湡锛�021-61294745 闆昏┍绻佸繖鏅�(sh铆)鎴栬€呮垜涓嶅湪杈﹀叕瀹ゆ檪(sh铆)璜�(q菒ng)鎾ユ墦鎵嬫(j墨)
銆€銆€閮电法锛�201803 鍦板潃锛氫笂娴峰競鍢夊畾鍗€(q奴)寮垫帠璺�333铏�(h脿o)818瀹�(涓婃捣闆诲瓙鍟嗗煄)
銆€銆€闆荤簻閫f帴锛� 鍦撳舰铻烘摪鎺ュ彛(姝愭(bi膩o))M8銆丮12銆丮16銆丮23銆�7/8",妯�(bi膩o)閰嶇殑绺界窔鎺ュ彛(鎺ュ彛閬�(d谩)鍒癐P67闃茶(h霉)绛夌礆(j铆))
銆€銆€闆荤闁ユ帴鍙o細FORM A(18mm),B(10mm),C(11mm),CI(9.4mm) 娉細鎷櫉(h脿o)鍏�(n猫i)鐐洪嚌鑵抽枔璺�锛岄仼鍚堝悇绋帴鍙i鍨�
銆€銆€M8鍒嗙窔鐩掞細 Extra8: 闆欐帓4璺�锛�8璺�锛�10璺�(3閲�/4閲� 鍙伕)
銆€銆€MVP8 : 鍠帓4璺�锛�6璺�锛�8璺�锛�10璺�
銆€銆€M12鍒嗙窔鐩掞細Extra8: 缍�(j墨ng)婵�(j矛)鍨� IP67闃茶(h霉)
銆€銆€MVP12 : 鏅€氬瀷 PNP鍜孨PN椤炲瀷鍙伕锛孖P67闃茶(h霉)
銆€銆€MVP12 :閲戝爆鍨� 閲戝爆鏉愯唱(zh矛) 鎶楅渿鍕�(d貌ng)鎬ц兘寮�(qi谩ng)锛岄槻姝㈤潨闆诲拰澶栭儴骞叉摼锛岄仼鍚堝悇椤炴儭鍔g挵(hu谩n)澧� 125V AC/DC 鎴� 24V DC 鍙伕
銆€銆€10535 4048879029216 MEF EMC-Filter 3-phase 1-stage
銆€銆€10537 4048879029209 MEF EMC-Filter 3-phase 1-stage
銆€銆€10538 4048879029193 MEF EMC-Filter 3-phase 1-stage
銆€銆€10539 4048879029186 MEF EMC-Filter 3-phase 1-stage
銆€銆€10550 4048879029179 MEF EMC-Filter 3-phase 2-stage
銆€銆€10551 4048879029162 MEF EMC-Filter 3-phase 2-stage
銆€銆€10552 4048879029155 MEF EMC-Filter 3-phase 2-stage
銆€銆€10553 4048879029148 MEF EMC-Filter 3-phase 2-stage
銆€銆€10554 4048879029131 MEF EMC-Filter 3-phase 2-stage
銆€銆€10555 4048879029124 MEF EMC-Filter 3-phase 2-stage
銆€銆€10556 4048879029117 MEF EMC-Filter 3-phase 2-stage
銆€銆€10571 4048879029100 MEF EMC-Filter 3-phase 1-stage with neutral
銆€銆€10572 4048879029094 MEF EMC-Filter 3-phase 1-stage with neutral
銆€銆€10574 4048879029087 MEF EMC-Filter 3-phase 1-stage with neutral
銆€銆€10575 4048879029070 MEF EMC-Filter 3-phase 1-stage with neutral
銆€銆€10577 4048879029063 MEF EMC-Filter 3-phase 1-stage with neutral
銆€銆€10578 4048879029056 MEF EMC-Filter 3-phase 1-stage with neutral
銆€銆€10600 4048879029049 FEF EMI-Filter, 3-phase
銆€銆€10601 4048879029032 FEF EMI-Filter, 3-phase
銆€銆€10602 4048879029025 FEF EMI-Filter, 3-phase
銆€銆€11004 4048879278652 M12 male straight with cable
銆€銆€11006 4048879278638 M12 male angular / MSUD valve b BI 11mm 0掳
銆€銆€11007 4048879278621 M12 male angular / MSUD valve b BI 11mm 0掳
銆€銆€11113 4048879333238 M12 male straight 4pol./ M12 female straight 8pol.
銆€銆€12219 4048879277914 MSUD valve BF CI 9,4mm with free cable end
銆€銆€12220 4048879277907 MSUD valve BF CI 9,4mm with free cable end
銆€銆€12221 4048879277891 MSUD valve BF CI 9,4mm with free cable end
銆€銆€12225 4048879277884 MSUD valve BF C 8,0mm with free cable end
銆€銆€12226 4048879277877 MSUD valve BF C 8,0mm with free cable end
銆€銆€12227 4048879277860 MSUD valve BF C 8,0mm with free cable end