Most of the current front-end engineering teachers are of scientific background.Although they can't compare with the authentic server-side development students,they can also write a lot of business logic of the server-side layer.At present,many companies are doing BFF layer to meet these demands,but they still cannot get rid of the block of operation and maintenance and machine distribution.With the gradual implementation of serverless,the code of BFF layer will get rid of complex problems such as operation and maintenance,machine alb, the same time,the front-end students will probably write this part of the code,and the server-end students will focus on the implementation of the middle platb system.In terms of business,trial and error cost of business will also be greatly reduced.
5g brings about the interconnection of everything,which will bring a variety of scenarios different from inbligent computers and ordinary PCs.VR,wearable devices,onboard systems,inbligent projection,inbligent interb,etc.will bring the web into a variety of vertical fields,which also means that the front end will have more space.I believe that with the large-scale business of 5g,a number of new Internet giants will be born.