
發(fā)布者:shywdz  發(fā)布時間:2021-08-19 17:35:19


開關(guān)電源1606-XLS480EE1606-XLS180B AC or DC Input 12 to 15VDC Out 180W PS
1606-XLS240E Power Supply XLS 240 W Power Supply
1606-XLS240EA AC or DC Input 12 to 15VDC Out 240W PS
1606-XLS240EC Power Supply XLS 240 W Power Supply
1606-XLS240E-D XLS 10 Amp Power Supply
1606-XLS240F AC or DC Input 48 to 56VDC Out 240W PS
1606-XLS240F-D XLS 5 Amp Power Supply
1606-XLS240K AC or DC Input 28 to 32VDC Out 240W PS
1606-XLS240-UPS 1606 Power Supply
1606-XLS240-UPSC 1606 Power Supply
1606-XLS240-UPSD 24VDC In 12 and 22VDC Out UPS Pwr Module
1606-XLS240-UPSE Power Supplies
1606-XLS480E Power Supply XLS 480 W Power Supply
1606-XLS480E-3 Power Supply XLS 480 W Power Supply
1606-XLS480E-3C Power Supply XLS 480 W Power Supply
1606-XLS480EA AC or DC Input 24 to 28VDC Out 480W PS
1606-XLS480EC AC or DC In 24 to 28VDC Out 480W CC PS
1606-XLS480E-D Power Supply XLS 480 W Power Supply
1606-XLS480EE 200 to 240VAC In 24 to 28VDC Out 480W PS
1606-XLS480F 200 to 240VAC In 48 to 56VDC Out 480W PS
1606-XLS480F-3 480VAC 600VDC In 48 to 56VDC Out 480W PS
1606-XLS480G AC or DC Input 36 to 42VDC Out 480W PS
1606-XLS480G-3 36-42V Dc 480 Watt Power Supply
1606-XLS480-UPS XLS 20Amp DC UPS
1606-XLS80E Power Supply XLS 80 W Power Supply
1606-XLS960E XLE 40 Amp Power Supply
1606-XLS960E-3 380 to 480VAC In 24 to 28VDC Out 960W PS
1606-XLS960EE 200 to 240VAC In 24 to 28VDC Out 960W PS
1606-XLS960F XLS 20 Amp Power Supply
1606-XLS960F-3 380 to 480VAC In 48 to 54VDC Out 960W PS
1606-XLS960FE 200 to 240VAC In 48 to 56VDC Out 960W PS
1606-XLSBAT1 1606 7 Ah UPS Battery Power Supply
1606-XLSBAT2 1606 26 Ah UPS Battery Power Supply
1606-XLSBAT5 1606 5 Ah UPS Battery Power Supply
1606-XLSBATASSY1 1606 Power Supply
1606-XLSBATASSY2 1606 Power Supply
1606-XLSBATASSY3 DC UPS Battery Assembly
1606-XLSBATASSY4 DC UPS Battery Assembly
1606-XLSBATBR1 1606 Power Supply
1606-XLSBATBR2 1606 Power Supply
1606-XLSBUFFER24 24VDC In 22 to 27VDC Out 480W USPS PS
1606-XLSBUFFER48 Power Supply 48V DC Buffer Module
1606-XLSCAP24-12 XLS Buffer Module
1606-XLSCAP24-6 XLS Buffer Module
1606-XLSDNET4 1606 XLS 4 A DeviceNet Psy Power Supply
1606-XLSDNET8 1606 XLS 8 A DeviceNet Psy Power Supply
1606-XLSRED 1606 XLS Redundancy Module Power Supply
1606-XLSRED40 Bulletin 1606 40A Redundancy Module
1606-XLSRED40HE XLS Redundancy Module
1606-XLSRED40HF XLS Redundancy Module
1606-XLSRED80 Bulletin 1606 80A Redundancy Module
1606-XLSRED80HE XLS Redundancy Module
1606-XLSREDS40HE XLS Redundancy Module


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