
ABB C2SS2-10B-11
發(fā)布者:weixuan  發(fā)布時(shí)間:2024-05-13 10:03:04

Workpiece weight 6000/8000 kg
Vertical machining centre HAAS VF-4DHE CNC

X 1270 mm
Y 508 mm
Z 635 mm
Spindle rev   

Horizontal boring machine SKODA W200T – y:4000, x:17000 mm – CNC Siemens 840C, incl  rotary table

spindle dia 200 mm
taper ISO60-hidraulic
X 2 x 8500 mm = 17000 mm
Y 4000 mm
W 1990 mm
machine weight  85000 kg
rotary table 4000 x 3700mm/50 tons
CNC  Siemens 840C

Portal milling machine TOS FREP 16/12 - 8500 X 1500 - 4 x MILLING HEADS

table width 1500 mm
table length 85000 mm

Table milling machine TOS KUKRIM FSS80 CNC Heidenhain TNC530, incl  universal head

Heidenhain TNC530 
 universal head 
2011-new drives and spindle 
2020-new bearings and hidraulic system 
Table 800x3000 mm
z 1000 mm
spindle taper ISO 50
machine weight1 15000 kg



Universal cilindrical grinding machine TOS BHU32A/1000

Swing over bed  320 mm
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