HILCO Nickel Iron is high strength basic coated electrode for repair, construction and production welding all cast commercial iron grades including grey, malleable, nodular and phosphorous (P > 0,02%) cast iron. The electrode is designed for all positional welding and easy to use with little skill required. The electrode deposits a high-grade nickel-iron weld metal: ideal for highly restrained or thick walled work pieces including applications where toughness and crack resistance is important. Both weld metal and transition zone are easily machine able using cutting tools.
Hilco Nickel Iron焊條是高強堿性鑄鐵焊條,用于維修、施工和生產(chǎn)焊接所有鑄鐵,包括灰口鑄鐵、可鍛鑄鐵、球墨鑄鐵和含磷(P>0,02%)鑄鐵。易于使用,適用于全位置焊接。該款焊條熔敷高等級鎳鐵焊縫金屬:非常適合高度約束或厚壁工件,包括韌性和抗裂性都很重要的應用。焊縫金屬和過渡區(qū)都可以使用切削工具輕松加工。
Base materials to be welded:
? Lamellar grey cast irons GG10 to GG40
? Malleable cast irons GTS35-GTS 65, GTW35-GTW65
? Nodular cast irons GGG40-GGG70
? Joining and repairing
? Dissimilar joining cast iron to steel
?可鍛鑄鐵GTS35-GTS 65、GTW35-GTW65
Typical All Weld Metal Chemical Analysis (%)
C |
Mn |
Si |
Ni |
Fe |
1.1 |
0.95 |
1.2 |
54 |
42 |
Typical All Weld Metal Mechanical Properties(As Welded)
Tensile Strength抗拉強度: 500 N/mm2
0.2% Yield Strength屈服強度 350 N/mm2
Elongation延伸率: 12%
Hardness硬度: 170 HB
Sizes Available and Recommended Amperages
直徑(mm) |
2.5 |
3.2 |
4.0 |
長度(mm) |
300 |
350 |
350 |
重量(kg)/1000pcs |
15.9/62.8 |
31.3/31.9 |
47.4/20.9 |
電流(A) |
60-80 |
70-100 |
95-130 |
Current電流:AC/DC (±)
Related Specification參考標準:AWS A5.15 ENiFe-CI
EN ISO 1071: E C Ni Fe-1 1