
R4 DGPS Sensor 7000 109-140直供瑞典原裝SAAB組合導(dǎo)航系統(tǒng)
發(fā)布者:txj52888  發(fā)布時(shí)間:2023-04-25 13:03:45

R4 DGPS Sensor 7000 109-140福州天行健直供瑞典原裝SAAB組合導(dǎo)航系統(tǒng)


R4 GPS NAVIGATION SENSOR The R4 GPS Navigation Sensor is a highprecision GPS receiver, capable of receiving SBAS (e.g. WAAS and EGNOS) differential corrections. The unit performs continuous RAIM calculations, which enhance the integrity of the position data.

General Waypoints 2000 waypoint memory. Routes 100 routes, using a total of 2000 points. Functions Navigation (rhumb line and great circle), Position, Route, Waypoint, Event Mark, Plot, Sail To, MOB, GPS/DGPS, Alarms, Time Alerts, Trip Logs, Anchor Watch Alarm, Configuration. Integrity The product performs RAIM calculations in accordance with IEC 61108-1 Ed. 2. Supply 22 - 30 V DC, 12.5 W. Display High Resolution 6 inch, ? VGA monochrome, Sunlight Readable. LEDs 1 Power and 3 RAIM status (R/Y/G) Yoke or flush mounting of Display Unit. GPS Receiver L1, C/A-code with carrier phase smoothing 12 channels (2 channels dedicated to SBAS) DGPS by SBAS or externally input RTCM corrections. Update rate 1 Hz default, 5 Hz max Position accuracy GPS*: 5 m, DGPS** 1 m (2D RMS) Cold start 1 min typical.

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