
發(fā)布者:zkdzgc  發(fā)布時間:2023-04-18 09:14:25




工控備件聯(lián)系:管經(jīng)理15396092202 (微信同號) Q:2386825698   



Quorum Technologies Emitech K250 Sputter Coater System Controller

Queensgate NS2303/A 3-Channel Position Sensor Unit SDL Nikon 4S588-271 NSR-S307E

Queensgate NS2300/D Position Sensor Unit Nikon 4S288-213-1 NSR-S307E DUV

Queensgate NS2300/D Position Sensor Unit Nikon 4S288-213 NSR-S205C Working Spare

Queensgate NS2300/A Position Sensor 4S587-005 NSR-S205C System

Queensgate NS2300/A 3-Channel Position Sensor Unit SDL Nikon 4S587-005 NSR-S307E

Queensgate Instruments NSPA02/B Preamp POSR-ZRB Nikon 4S288-370-1 NSR-S620D

Queensgate Instruments NSPA02/B Preamp POSR-ZLB Nikon 4S288-370-1 NSR-S620D

Queensgate Instruments NSPA02/B Preamp POSR-ZCF Nikon 4S288-370-1 NSR-S620D

Queensgate Instruments NS2601/B Controller PCB Card Nikon NSR-S620D  

Queensgate Instruments NS2303/B Controller 4S288-279 Nikon NSR-S205C

Queensgate Instruments NS2300/E Controller 4S288-214-1 Nikon NSR-S205C

Queensgate Instruments NS2300/A Position Sensor Unit Nikon 4S587-005 NSR Working

Quartz International Corp 2534045 LPCV Pedestal Disc

Quartz International 03MRK001 Semitool Quartz Element Tube

QuantumClean 500228213 Showerhead CVD XI (1270) Refurbished

Quantum Global Technologies 02-327347D04 Injector Flange Stepped Refurbished

Qualiflow 05M07 High Flow Shut Off Valve F-Series Reseller Lot of 40

QMB1200 Edwards A305-86-905 Mechanical Booster 22250 Hours Copper Tested Working

QI Queensgate NS2300/D Position Sensor Unit 4S288-213-1 Rev. 3 NSR Working Spare

QI Queensgate Instruments NS2300D Controller 4S288-213-1 NSR

QDP40 Edwards A528-40-905 Dry Vacuum Pump with QMB250 Copper Cu Tested As-Is

Qcept Technologies Wafer Stage CHEMETRIQ 3000-200M/300M Inspection System Spare

Qcept Technologies Q-Admin EFEM Controller System Computer ChemetriQ 3000 Spare

Qcept 6200-2069-01 Power Supply Assembly PM3327A-6-1-2-C CHEMETRIQ Working Spare

Pyramid X-Scan Controller AMAT Quantum X 0500-00300W Quantum X Implanter Working

PTI Progressive Technologies 12612G01 Automated Exhaust Sentry 1000 TEL ACT12

Prodrive 6001-0303-5700 Circuit Board PCB PADC 100/16 ASML 4022.471.74125

Probelogic 30-10700 Wafer Cantilever Probe Card S25PA REV4

Princeton ST-116 Optical Emission System Lucas Plasma-Therm Clusterlock Spare

PRI Automation WTM511-2-FWS02 Wafer Handling Robot Working Spare

PRI Automation Stocker Carriage Arm Assembly BM17615 AD17615

PRI Automation PB25349LO1 Wafer Robot Controller Computer PC Brooks 486DX2 As-Is

PRI Automation LTRA042-SBI Robot Rail Linear Track AMAT SEMVision cX 300mm As-Is

PRI Automation GATEWAY-1000-CE-S2 300mm Load Port

PRI Automation BM22462L04 Horizontal Transfer Frame Lot of 3 Missing Parts As-Is

PRI Automation 7500 Box Pod Stocker and 7100 Cassette Anomaly Station  As-Is

Premium 0588.2 Power Supply PCB Card ASML 4022.471.84294

Premium 0588 Power Supply PCB Card ASML 4022.471.84293

Precision XP4-EMERALD FLANGE-MESC INTFC-300 MM ASM 16-404633-01

Precision Alliance PMM 05-10-HT Miniature Slide Reseller Lot of 90

Precise Sensors 4861-65-GA-RM Transducer 3241-65-GA-B4-C6749 Lot of 13

PPC Pacific Power Control Power Line Conditioner KLA-Tencor 750-653120-00C0

Power Ten P63C-8800 DC Power Supply 0-8 VDC P63 Series Tested Working Surplus

Power Ten P63C-30220 DC Power Supply 0-30 VDC P63 Series Working Surplus

Power Ten P63C-101000 DC Power Supply 0-10 VDC P63 Series Working Surplus

Power Ten D3C-21066/20166 DC Dual Output Power Supply Tested Working As-Is

Power Ten D3C-21066/20166 DC Dual Output Power Supply D3 Series Tested Working

Power Ten 5800R-20/10 Power Supply

Power Ten 3300M-2050 DC Power Supply 0-30 VDC 3300 Series Tested Working Surplus

port Kensington 25-4021-0015-15 Servo Positioning Controller 4000D Working

port Kensington 25-4021-0015-05 Servo Positioning Controller AMAT Endura

port 35-3700-1425-18 Wafer Handling Robot AMAT Applied Materials 300mm Endura

port 35-3700-1425-18 Wafer Handling Robot AMAT 0190-22248 Working Surplus

port 35-3600-0300-03 300mm Wafer Prealigner AMAT Endura PVD Working Spare

port 25-4000-1301-00 Servo Positioning Controller M4000A Kensington Working

port 15-3702-1425-25 300mm Wafer Robot Kensington AMAT 0190-22248 Endura

port 15-3702-1425-25 300mm Robot Kensington AMAT 0190-22248 Endura Copper Cu

port 15-3701-1425-25 Wafer Handling Robot AMAT 0190-19124 Refurbished

port 15-3701-1425-25 Wafer Handling Robot AMAT 0190-19124 Copper Exposed

port 15-3701-1425-25 300mm Wafer Handling Robot AMAT 0190-19124

port 15-3600-0300-01 300mm Wafer Prealigner AMAT 0190-16360 Endura Working

PMT MORI 200 RF-Driven Helicon Plasma Source 13.56 MHz

PML Printed Motor GM16T-1174 DC Disc Servo Motor Assembly Nordiko 9550

Plasmos SD 4003 200mm Automated Ellipsometer AF-750 Lang MCC 12 + MP 4000 As-Is

Plasma-Therm Etch Chamber Unmarked 10.375" I.D. Working Spare

Pioneer Magnetics PM 2973A-2-5 Power Supply 119151 Lot of 6

Pioneer Magnetics 123621 Power Supply PM1203A 84-012-001

Pilz 773100 Configurable Safety System PNOZ m1p ms2p mi1p mo1p mc3p

Pilz 773100 Configurable Safety System PNOZ m1p mo4p mi1p mo1p mc3p

PI Physik Instrumente E-665.CR LVPZT-AMPLIFIER / SERVO Qcept CHEMETRIQ Working

PI Physik Instrumente E-501.00X 2-Channel Modular Piezo Controller Rack Working

Phillips 471-65981 Circuit Board PCB ACPA MK4

Phillips 4002.471.7312 Circuit Board PCB 2067480028

Philips PW 6832/00 CCD Inspection Camera NC 9432 068 32001 FEI XL 30 Working

Philips PG3652 Processor PCB Card AN PIO ASML 4022.430.1670 PAS 5000/2500

Philips PG2026 CPU PCB Card ASML 4022.430.2161 PAS 5000/2500 Wafer Stepper

Philips PG2026 CPU PCB Card ASML 4022.230.0332 PAS 5000/2500 Wafer Stepper

Philips PG 3652 Processor PCB Card ASML 4022.422.7588 PAS 5000/2500

Philips PG 3301 COM 4A Processor PCB Card ASML 4022.422.7999 PAS 5000/2500

Philips PG 2910 Processor PCB Card SYSGPB ASML 4022.422.6640 PAS 5000/2500

Philips PG 2024 CPU PCB Card ASML PAS 5000/2500 Wafer Stepper System

Philips PG 2024 CPU PCB Card ASML 4022.230.0244 PAS 5000/2500 Wafer Stepper

Philips PC1711/10 Processor PCB Card ASML 9406.217.1110 PAS 5000/2500

Philips PC 1721/10 Processor PCB Card ASML 9406.217.2110 PAS 5000/2500

Philips 9561 010 03203 S Processor PCB Card ASML 9464.033.0100 PAS

Philips 9406.217.1100 Processor PCB Card PC 1711/00 ASML PAS 5000/2500

Philips 7122 714 1800 Power Distribution PCB Card ASML 4022.430.0336 PAS

Philips 7122 714 1401.4 Processor PCB Card MCDM 60 5,5 ASML PAS 5000/2500

Philips 7122 714 14001 Processor PCB Card MCDM 60 1,6 ASML PAS 5000/2500

Philips 7122 714 1400.4 Processor PCB Card MCDM 60 1,6 ASML PAS 5000/2500

Philips 7122 714 1400.4 Processor PCB Card ASML 4022.430.0760 PAS

Philips 7122 714 1200.4 Dig Control PCB Card DICM ASML PAS 5000/2500

Philips 7122 714 1101.1 Processor PCB Card TSPM 02 ASML PAS 5000/2500

Philips 7122 714 10003 Processor PCB Card CSPM ASML PAS 5000/2500

Philips 7122 714 1000.3 Processor PCB Card ASML PAS 5000/2500 Wafer Stepper

Philips 4022.422.46444 Stamp Up Down PCB Card 4022.422.4644 ASML PAS

Philips 1721/10 Processor PCB Card ASML 9406.217.2110 PAS 5000/2500

Philips 1721/00 Processor PCB Card ASML 9406.217.2100 PAS 5000/2500

Pentagon Technologies D124821-200A Cu Pie Pan Shield MRC Eclipse Star

Pearl Kogyo ZDK-916E RF Power Generator Tuner Controller

Pearl Kogyo RP-300-2MX-C RF Matching Unit

Pearl Kogyo RP-150-2MB RF Power Generator RP-150

Pearl Kogyo LP-2000-800KBX RF Power Generator Hitachi M-712E

Pearl Kogyo ES7-IIA High Voltage Power Supply Refurbished Surplus

Pearl Kogyo ES7-IIA High Voltage Power Supply Hitachi M-712E HV OCP Error As-Is

Pearl Kogyo ES7-IIA Filament Anode Power Supply Controller Hitachi M-712E Spare

Pearl Kogyo CF-500-400K(CE) RF Power Supply Hitachi M-712E RF Knob Broken As-Is

Pearl Kogyo CF-500-400K(CE) RF Power Supply Hitachi M-712E No Handle Working

Pearl Kogyo CF-500-400K(CE) RF Power Supply Hitachi M-712E Missing Knob As-Is

Pearl Kogyo CF-500-400K(CE) RF Power Supply Hitachi M-712E Burnt Odor As-Is

Pearl Kogyo CF-500-400K(CE) 500W RF Power Supply Hitachi M-712E Working Surplus

Peak Optics 97844708 Microscope Reticle Measurement 1 DIV 0.005 100X PS44

PE-20/30K AE Advanced Energy 7515-000-A AC Plasma Power Source Untested As-Is

PDX II AE Advanced Energy 3150310-100A Plasma Drive 2000 Tested Working

PDX 2500 AE Advanced Energy R27-293721-00 Generator 3156012-201 C Tested Working

PDX 2500 AE Advanced Energy 27-293721-00 Generator 3156012-201 D Tested Working

PDP 2500 AE Advanced Energy 3156012-002A RF Pulsed Plasma  Tested Working

PCP Peninsula Control Panels 28-0196 Power Supply Rev. C KLA-Tencor Quantox

PBI Dansensor OXI-3.1 Portable Oxygen Indicator Working Surplus

PBI Dansensor OXI-3.1 0-2% O2 Portable Oxygen Indicator Working Surplus

Particle Measuring Systems MiniNet 310 Mini-environment Monitor

Particle Measuring Systems 1000003263 Particle Counter Module 1000001588 Spare

Parker N0703FE-NMSB Motor RT90-015-021LB Gearhead

Parker Compumotor TS42B-DKNPS 1.8° Step Motor

Parker 9000P1U8M1 Servo Controller ACR9000 Qcept CHEMETRIQ Working Surplus

Parasonic CA8962-5 I/O Controller PCB Card Veeco 1201 63-04027-003 and Hard Disk

Paramount 1513 AE Advanced Energy 0190-33823-002 RF Generator 3156310-015 AMAT

Paramount 1513 AE Advanced Energy 0190-33823-002 3156310-015 AMAT Tested Working

Panasonic ZR61KCE-TF5-522 Refrigerant System CB27-24H CB52-30H Working Spare

Panasonic UW-NR2230MV2-TG Refrigerant System C-9RVN193M0A CB26-50H Working Spare

Panasonic MSD3AZA1Y03 Driver Unit PCB Card TEL Tokyo Electron ACT12 Working

Panasonic MSD261Y22 CPU Driver PCB Card CPU007 TEL Tokyo Electron ACT12 Working

Panasonic MSD043A1Y03 Z Driver PCB Card TEL Tokyo Electron ACT12 Working Surplus

Panasonic LSC System Controller Unit BP225-MJ PCB Rack

Panasonic LSC Automation Controller Module MINAS BP225-MJ

Panasonic 581B357C CPU Processor PCB Card TEL Tokyo Electron ACT12

Pacific Scientific SC755A040-08 Servo Controller SC750 Case Damage

Pacific Scientific SC755A040-08 Servo Controller SC750 121-236 SVG 90S DUV Spare

Pacific Scientific SC753A040-08 Servo Controller SC750 121-235 SVG 90S Working

Pacific Scientific 121-236 Servo Controller SC750 Rev. C SVG 90S DUV Working

Pacific Scientific 121-236 Servo Controller SC750 Rev. B SVG 90S DUV Spare

Pacific Scientific 121-235 Servo Controller Rev. B SC750 SVG 90S Working Spare

Pacific Precision ST.SL0808.RR.P200 X-Y-Theta Stage 18-007439 Opti-Probe 2600B

Oxford Microanalysis 1184060 Opal Link Assembly C.7311

Oxford Instruments DCL7647 Inca DryCool Nitrogen-free EDS Detector Working Spare

Oxford Instruments DCL7614 Inca DryCool Nitrogen-free EDS Detector As-Is

Oxford Instruments 6498 EDS Energy Dispersive Link Pentafet JEOL JEM-2010F

Oxford Instruments 51-1100-109 Inca DryCool Monitoring Controller Working Spare

Oxford Instruments 51-1100-108 Inca DryCool Monitoring Controller Working Spare

Oxford Instruments 51-1100-108 DryCool Controller 3522 353 11582 Working Spare

Oxford Instruments 51-1100-108 DryCool Controller 3522 353 11582 Missing Stands

Oxford Instruments 51-1100-104 Inca MICS Controller Working Spare

Oxford Instruments 51-1100-103 Inca X-Stream Module JEOL JEM-2010F

Oxford Instruments 51-1100-103 Inca X-Stream Controller Working Spare

Oxford Instruments 175664 MicroAnalysis System INCA ENERGY DXP50 XAC II Working

Owens Design 3464-003 Sapphire Tester Autoprober With Controller Untested

Osaka Vacuum TH542 Turbomolecular Pump 11" ASA Turbo

Osaka Vacuum TG1300 Compound Turbomolecular Pump Turbo Untested As-Is

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