
愛澤工業(yè)2022年7月部分到貨產品專題及庫存——KREMER PIGMENTE工業(yè)顏料篇
發(fā)布者:IZEINDUSTRY  發(fā)布時間:2022-07-28 14:40:17

如下為我司愛澤工業(yè)IZE_Industries本月到貨KREMER PIGMENTE相關產品,歡迎致電索取樣本資料和產品信息。







Kremer Pigmente公司歷史
Company history of Kremer Pigmente

1970 年,研究生化學家 Georg Kremer 博士收到了一位結識的英國修復師的請求。他正在尋找“Smalt”,一種由含鈷玻璃制成的深藍色,當時已無法使用。這種顏料曾經被古埃及人使用,并在巴洛克時期經歷了復興。經過廣泛的研究,Georg Kremer重現(xiàn)歷史悠久的藍色玻璃配方。這些作品構成了 Georg Kremer 于 1977 年在內卡河畔羅滕堡創(chuàng)立的單人公司的基礎。直到今天,正在進行的研究和古老而被遺忘的顏料的生產使 Kremer 博士能夠將他的化學知識與他對歷史的熱情結合起來。

當時的產品系列在兩年后就涵蓋了 100 多種顏料。不斷增長的國際需求使公司得以穩(wěn)步擴張。

今天,該公司在其最初的顏料廠生產 1500 種顏料中的250種。由于高質量和純度標準,Kremer Pigmente 是歷史顏料領域的優(yōu)秀供應商。Kremer Pigmente圍繞傳統(tǒng)油漆制作的舊配方進行的研究使許多被遺忘已久的顏色重新煥發(fā)生機。

In 1970 graduate chemist Dr. Georg Kremer received a request from a befriended English restorer. He is in search of “Smalt”, an intense blue shade made of cobalt-containing glass, which is not available anymore at that time. The pigment had already been used by the old Egyptians and experienced a renaissance in the Baroque. After extensive research, Georg Kremer was able to reproduce the recipe for the historic blue glass. These works formed the basis of the foundation of Georg Kremer’s one-man company in 1977 in Rottenburg am Neckar. Until today ongoing research and the production of old and forgotten pigments allow Dr. Kremer to combine his chemical knowledge with his passion for history.

Back then the product range covered more than 100 pigments after two years already. Growing international demand enables the niche company to expand steadily.

Today the company produces 250 of its 1500 pigments in the color mill. Due to highest quality and purity standards Kremer Pigmente has become the world market leader in the field of historic pigments. Kremer Pigmente research surrounding old recipes of traditional paint making bring back to light many long-forgotten colors.

KREMER顏料10060 介紹
埃及藍,藍色硅酸銅,< 120 μ

Egyptian Blue,blue copper silicate, < 120 μ
A very stable synthetic blue made of copper silicate. Use of this pigment in ancient Egyptian paintings still looks bright today.

埃及綠,銅玻璃,40 - 120 μ

Egyptian Green,copper glass, 40 - 120 μ
An important green pigment of antiquity is the so-called Egyptian green, which was produced by burning a mixture of lime, quartz sand and copper ore.

HAN-Blue, fine,中國古代的藍色,0 - 40 μ

HAN-Blue, fine,the blue of ancient China, 0 - 40 μ

HAN-Blue Deep,深藍色,40 - 80 μ

HAN-Blue Deep,intensive blue, 40 - 80 μ

HAN-Purple, fine,< 40 μ,高著色力

HAN-Purple, fine,< 40 μ, high tinting strength
Copper silicate and Barium. Ceramic pigment, suitable for all techniques.

HAN-Purple, deep,40 - 80 微米

HAN-Purple, deep,40 - 80 μ
Used in ancient and imperial China of the Han Dynasty, suitable for all techniques.

Ploss Blue,醋酸銅鈣

Ploss Blue,copper calcium acetate
During wine production, vinegar is produced from the pomace under certain circumstances. This vinegar reacts with copper-containing materials. If this acetic acid copper solution is neutralized with quicklime, blue crystals of particularly brilliant luminosity are obtained. The pigment obtained is a luminous blue. The pigment cannot be processed with acid media or linseed oil, but it can be processed with lime, egg white and tempera.

孔雀石天然,超細,0 - 80 μ,濃色
這種豐富的綠色銅礦物以其大膽的條紋而聞名 - 研磨和篩分

Malachite natural, extra fine,0 - 80 μ, intense color
This rich green copper mineral is known for its bold streaks - ground and sieved

KREMER 10010
KREMER 10060
KREMER 10064
KREMER 10071
KREMER 10072
KREMER 10074
KREMER 10075
KREMER 10100
KREMER 10110
KREMER 10120
KREMER 10130
KREMER 10150
KREMER 10154
KREMER 10180
KREMER 10184
KREMER 10200
KREMER 10201
KREMER 10204
KREMER 10206
KREMER 10207
KREMER 10210
KREMER 10250
KREMER 10251
KREMER 10252
KREMER 10253
KREMER 10300
KREMER 10310
KREMER 10341
KREMER 10343
KREMER 10344

如果您需要完整的KREMER相關技術咨詢,請隨時致電愛澤工業(yè)(021-3100 6702),或者訪問網站www.ize-industries.com,我們將盡全力解決您的問題。

If you have any question for KREMER,please feel free to dial 0086-21-3100 6702 or browse our website: www.ize-industries.com.

Contact Information:
Tel:0086-21-31006702  or  0086-21-35350722
Mobile:0086-189 1750 1433
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