Sealed roller chest
Sealed roller chest
Sealed roller chest
Sealed roller tool chest
Safety roller cabinets
JET+ 6-drawer roller cabinets - 3 modules per drawer - safety range Description :
JET+ 8-drawer roller cabinets - 3 modules per drawer - safety range Description :
Roller chest
JET+ 4-drawer roller cabinets - 3 modules per drawer Description :
Roller chest Description :
Carry tray and holder Description :
AN系列 一字螺絲刀 -機加工頭 ANXR系列 RESISTORS螺絲刀
ANF系列 鍛造刀頭一字螺絲刀 6件套螺絲刀套裝用于一字及Phillips螺絲刀
AW系列 六角刀桿一字螺絲刀 ANX系列TORX 螺絲刀
AWH系列 強力一字螺絲刀 ANXRP系列 TORX PLUS螺絲刀
AN系列 短柄一字螺絲刀 ANP系列 圓柱刀桿Phillips螺絲刀
AND系列 圓柱刀桿Pozidriv螺絲刀 AWP系列 六角刀桿Phillips螺絲刀
ANW系列 六角刀桿Pozidriv螺絲刀 ANXR系列 RESISTORS螺絲刀
ANWH系列 強力Pozidriv螺絲刀 6件套螺絲刀套裝用于一字及Phillips螺絲刀
AND系列 短桿桿Pozidriv螺絲刀 AT-ASF系列一字螺絲刀
ANSQ系列四方驅(qū)動螺絲刀 ASF系列Phillips螺絲刀
ANX系列 TORX螺絲刀 ASD系列Pozidriv螺絲刀
A.VE 系列一字螺絲刀 AB.VE 系列組合螺絲刀套裝
AP.VE 系列Phillips 螺絲刀 ADB系列一字Phillips螺絲刀
AP.VE 系列Pozidriv 螺絲刀
ADB系列一字Pozidriv 螺絲刀(BORNEO電力接線端子)
AR系列加工刀頭一字螺絲刀 AD系列POZIDRIV螺絲刀
ARA系列一字螺絲刀-手柄可夾于口袋上 ADB系列POZIDRIV螺絲刀-短柄
AGT系列一字螺絲刀-鍛造刀頭-T型手柄 AP系列PHILLIPS螺絲刀
ARB系列一字螺絲刀-短柄 APB系列PHILLIPS螺絲刀-短柄
木柄十字螺絲刀 AGH系列一字螺絲刀-鍛造刀桿帶助力六方可承受高扭矩
木柄螺絲刀套裝 ATHH.P系列Phillips螺絲刀-用于帶助力六方
ATH系列鍛造刀頭-一字螺絲刀 ATHH.P系列Pozidriv螺絲刀-用于帶助力六方
AM系列多刀桿螺絲刀 AV.BT系列測電筆-用于測量極低電壓
AMZ雙頭刀桿 AV.HT系列測電筆-低電壓
螺絲刀握把 磁化及消磁器
RADIO型 螺絲通電筆
JUNIOR型 螺絲啟動器 用于一字螺絲
STANDARD型 AFU系列螺絲氣動器 用于一字螺絲
螺旋棘輪螺絲刀-用于1/4"六角旋具頭 AFUX系列螺絲氣動器 用于十字螺絲
螺旋旋具頭螺絲刀 一字偏置螺絲刀
AM系列旋具頭螺絲刀 PHILLIPS偏置螺絲刀
JL/JU系列 袋裝內(nèi)六角扳手套裝 83S.L系列 公制超長內(nèi)六角扳手-帶球頭
89.JL系列 TORX袋裝扳手套裝 83H系列 公制長柄內(nèi)六角扳手
83SH系列 公制長柄內(nèi)六角扳手-帶球頭 83H系列 英制長柄內(nèi)六角扳手
83SH系列 英制長柄內(nèi)六角扳手-帶球頭 82H系列 公制短柄內(nèi)六角扳手
82H系列 英制短柄內(nèi)六角扳手
Torx 內(nèi)六角扳手套裝
89S長柄Torx扳手帶球頭 89R短柄Resistorx扳手
7件套T型球頭內(nèi)六角扳手儲存模塊 84TZ系列 標準公制內(nèi)六角扳手 帶球頭
7件套T型Torx扳手組建 84TZ系列 英制內(nèi)六角扳手
84TZS系列公制內(nèi)六角扳手 帶球頭
花鍵螺絲扳手套裝XZN 10件套星形螺絲扳手套裝
ES.1一字旋具頭() EV.1 XZN 旋具頭(1系列-1/4"旋具頭)
EP.1 PHILLIPS 旋具頭(1系列-1/4"旋具頭) EX.1 用于TORX旋具頭(1系列-1/4"旋具頭)
ED.1 POZIDRIV 旋具頭(1系列-1/4"旋具頭) EXP.1 TORX PLUS旋具頭(1系列-1/4"旋具頭)
ECAR.1 四方旋具頭(1系列-1/4"旋具頭) EXR.1 RESIS TORX旋具頭(1系列-1/4"旋具頭)
EH.1 公制內(nèi)六角旋具頭(1系列-1/4"旋具頭) EXS.1 公制球頭內(nèi)六角旋具頭(1系列-1/4"旋具頭)
EH.1 英制內(nèi)六角旋具頭(1系列-1/4"旋具頭) 三角旋具頭
ED.2 POZIDRIV 旋具頭 EH.2 內(nèi)六角旋具頭
EH.2L 加長內(nèi)六角旋具頭 EBNA.2 BNAE 旋具頭
EV.2 XZN 旋具頭 AME.B9件旋具頭+旋具頭夾持器
EV2 加長XZN旋具頭 6件套 這點事旋具頭套裝
ETORM.2 TORQ SET 旋具頭 旋具頭套裝
棘輪旋具頭扳手加旋具頭套裝 ED.1T POZIDRIV旋具頭
儲存模塊 EP.6 PHILLIPS旋具頭
ES.1T加深型旋具頭 用于一字螺絲 EP.60T POZIDRIV旋具頭
EP.1T加深型旋具頭 用于PHILLIPS螺絲
ES.12T 鈦合金旋具頭 用于一字螺絲 EP.6T PHILLIPS旋具頭
棘輪旋具頭螺絲刀 帶彈簧片的短柄旋具頭套筒
棘輪旋具頭套筒螺絲刀 磁性旋具頭套筒
AM系列旋具頭螺絲刀 磁性旋具頭套筒
1/4"-5/16"旋具頭扳手 1/4"四方驅(qū)動適配器
套筒適配器 加長1/4"四方驅(qū)動適配器
EF帶鎖定環(huán)的旋具頭套筒 3/8"四方驅(qū)動適配器
帶鎖定環(huán)的磁性旋具頭套筒 加長3/8"四方驅(qū)動適配器
彈簧鎖片旋具頭套筒配合1系列1/435 (6.35mm)旋具頭
J-SJ-S帶彈簧鎖片的旋具頭套筒 用于2系列5/16"(7.94mm)旋具頭
ENS.2一字旋具頭 ENH.3 公制六角旋具頭
ENP.2 PHILLIPS旋具頭 ENH.3 六角旋具頭
ENH.2 6角旋具頭 NJ-NS.237A沖擊旋具頭套筒
ENX.2 TORX螺絲 14沖擊旋具頭套裝
NJ-NS 沖擊旋具頭套筒 14件套3/8"沖擊旋具頭套裝
ENS.3 一字旋具頭
512-piece mechanical tool set CM.160A
Set CM.160A with 8-drawer roller cabinet JET.8GXL and chest JET.C4GXL JET8.M160A
Set CM.160A with workbench 2000.BB1 and cabinet 2210 2000.BBM160A
329-piece mechanical tool set CM.150A
Set CM.150A with 7-drawer roller cabinet JET.7GXL and chest JET.C4GXL JET7.M150A
Set CM.150A with workbench 2000.BB1 and cabinet 2210 2000.BBM150A
184-piece mechanical tool set CM.140A
178-piece inch tool set with engineers hammer CU.140A
Set CM.140A with 4-drawer chest BT.64 2074.M140A
Set CM.140A with 7-drawer roller cabinet JET.7GXL JET7.M140A
Set CM.140A with workbench 2000.BB1 and cabinet 2210 2000.BBM140A
148-piece mechanical tool set CM.130A
137-piece inch tool set with engineers hammer CU.130A
Set CM.130A with 4-drawer chest BT.64 2074.M130A
Set CM.130A with roller chest 2092A 2092.M130A
Set CM.130A with 6-drawer roller cabinet JET.6GXL JET6.M130A
Set CM.130A with cabinet 2201 2201.M130A
128-piece mechanical tool set CM.120A
93-piece inch tool set with engineers hammer CU.120A
Set CM.120A with 2-drawer chest BT.62A 2070.M120A
Set CM.120A with roller chest 2092A 2092.M120A
Set CM.120A with 5-drawer roller cabinet JET.5GXL JET5.M120A
Set CM.120A with cabinet 2201 2201.M120A
84-piece mechanical tool set CM.110A
84-piece inch tool set with engineers hammer CU.110A
Set CM.110A with 5-compartment toolbox BT.11A 2050.M110A
Set CM.110A with roller chest JET.CR4GXL CR4.M110A
60-piece mechanical tool set CM.100A
56-piece inch tool set with engineers hammer CU.100A
Set CM.100A with 66 cm plastic toolbox BP.P26 2026.M100A
Set CM.110A with tool bag BS.T20 2120.M110A
39-piece mechanical tool set CM.LT3
Set CM.LT3 with 2-compartment toolbox BT.6A 2060.LT3
Set CM.LT3 with 5-compartment toolbox BT.11A 2050.LT3
FACOM/Tool sets/Electromechanical and servicing
Set CM.EM40A with trolley case BV.21TR1 2238.EM40A
Set CM.EM40A with trolley case BV.21ST 2038.EM40A
64-piece tool set CM.EM40A
103-piece tool set CM.EM41A
Set CM.EM41A with case BV.29P and trolley BV.C1 2021.EM41A
Set CM.EM41A with trolley case BV.51A 2208.EM41A
Set CM.EM41A with trolley case BV.61 2061.EM41A
119-piece metric and inch tool set CM.INFO
Set CM.INFO with case BV.21ST 2038.INFO
Set CM.INFO with case BV.29P and trolley BV.C1 2029.INFO
101-piece metric tool set
Set CM.BUR1 with case BV.21ST 2038.BUR1
Set CM.BUR1 with case BV.29P and trolley BV.C1 2029.BUR1
110-piece inch tool set CM.BUR3
FACOM/Tool sets/Electronics
31-piece tool set CM.EL29
Set CM.EL29 with soft case BV.16 2138.EL29
41-piece metric tool set CM.EL30
Set CM.EL30 with 3-compartment toolbox BT.9 2132.EL30
53-piece metric tool set metric CM.EL31
Set CM.EL31 with 3-compartment box BT.9 2132.EL31
66-piece metric tool set CM.EL32
Set CM.EL32 with case BV.51A 2208.EL32
89-piece metric tool set CM.EL33
Set CM.EL33 with case BV.21SX 2138.EL33
103-piece metric and inch tool set CM.EL34
Set CM.EL34 with case BV.21SX 2138.EL34
149-piece metric and inch tool set CM.EL35
Set CM.EL35 with case BV.21SX 2138.EL35
FACOM/Tool sets/Electricity
96-piece metric tool set CM.E18
Set CM.E18 with 5-compartment toolbox BT.13A 2.07E+21
Set CM.E18 with tool bag BS.T20 2.12E+21
84-piece metric tool set CM.E17
Set CM.E17 with 5-compartment toolbox BT.11A 2.05E+20
55-piece metric tool set CM.E16
Set CM.E16 with case BV.7A 2.16E+19
52-piece metric tool set CM.E15
Set CM.E15 with 5-compartment toolbox BT.11A 2.05E+18
FACOM/Tool sets/Building maintenance and general servicing sets
Building fitting and maintenance
59-piece tool set CM.SG4A
Set CM.SG4A with 5-compartment tool box BT.13A 2046.SG4A
Electricians 15-piece tool set module CM.SE
Set CM.SE with compact leather bag BV.100 2180.SE
Plumbing and sanitation
55-piece tool set CM.SG3A
Set CM.SG3A with 5-compartment tool box BT.13A 2046.SG3A
Refrigeration and air-conditioning
87-piece tool set CM.RFCL
Set CM.RFCL with leather case BV.7A 2163.RFCL
FACOM/Tool sets/Plant and equipment maintenance sets
Park and garden sets
118-piece tool set CM.JA
Set CM.JA with 5-compartment tool box BT.13A 2046.JA
Handling equipment sets
102-piece tool set CM.MAN
Set CM.MAN with 4-drawer roller chest JET.CR4GXL CR4.MAN
FACOM/Tool sets/Motor mechanics tool sets
84-piece service station set CM.S1
Service station cabinet 2201.MS1
Essential 41-piece tool set with 5-compartment toolbox BT.11A 2143.M
69-piece metric tool set CM.A1
126-piece metric tool set CM.A2
FACOM/Tool sets/HGV(Heavy Goods Vehicle)mechanics tool sets
159-piece tool set with storage trays CM.159
105-piece tool set with storage trays CM.105
FACOM/Tool sets/Drivers tools
174-piece metric agricultural maintenance tool set
Set CM.V9 with site chest BT.28
Set CM.V12 with site chest BT.28
160-piece metric tool set with chest BT.66
57-piece metric farm machinery tool set
Set CM.AG4 with 5-compartment toolbox BT.13A
29-piece metric tool set with 3-compartment box BT.9
Fabric tool box BS.T20
Metal toolboxes/金屬工具盒
Five-tray box BT.13A Tool box trolley BT.A2
5托盤工具箱 工具箱推車
Five-tray box BT.11A Two-tray box BT.6A
5托盤工具箱 雙托盤工具箱
Three-tray box BT.9 Compact tool box BT.4A
3托盤工具箱 緊湊型工具箱
Plastic toolboxes / 塑料工具箱
51 cm box BP.P20 49 cm box BP.C19
51 cm工具箱 49 cm工具箱
66 cm box BP.P26 61 cm box BP.C24
66 cm工具箱 61 cm工具箱
41 cm box BP.C16
41 cm工具箱
Organizers /分類儲存盒
Eight-compartment organizer BP.Z8
Forty-six compartment organizer BP.Z46
Light maintenance/輕便維修包
Nylon tool roll bag N.38A-6F N.38A-10C N.38A-12C
尼龍工具卷包 N.38A-4B
Plastic cases/塑料工具盒
BP Plastic cases BP.102 BP.109 BP.112
BP塑料盒 BP.115
Service cases/工具箱
Electrical service cases/電力專用工具箱
Technicians case BV.51A Fitters case BV.21SX
技師箱 零件箱
Technicians case BV.51PR Fitters case BV.21ST
技師箱 零件箱
Universal cases
Universal seal-tight case BV.29
Universal seal-tight case with mounting plate BV.29P
Workstation trolley and service case holder BV.C1
Plate BV.C1A1 Plate BV.C1A2
連接板 連接板
Roller cases/移動工具箱
Fitters roller container case BV.61
Fitters service roller case BV.21TR1
Leather cases/皮箱
Fold-down front case BV.7A Drawer case BV.5A
前開口工具箱 抽屜式工具箱
Dual access case BV.6A Case 640083
雙開口工具箱 工具箱
Leather bags/皮包
Compact bag BV.100 Leather tool bag 703232
緊湊型皮包 皮革工具包
Plumbers bag BV.105
Light maintenance kits/便攜式工具包
Soft case BV.16 Back-pack BV.17
軟箱 工具背包
Maintenance chests/維修工具柜
Chests for roller cabinets
JET.XL red four-drawer chest JET.C4XL
JET.XL grey four-drawer chest JET.C4GXL
Chests for roller cabinets
CHRONO.XL four-drawer chest CHRONO.C4XL
Connection kit CHRONO.C4K1
Wheel kit CHRONO.C4K2
Maintenance chests/維修工具柜
Wheel kit BT.74K2 Two-drawer chest BT.22L
滾輪套裝 雙抽屜工具柜
Stacking kit BT.74K1 Two-drawer chest BT.22
連接套裝 雙抽屜工具柜
Four-drawer chest BT.74TRA Three-drawer chest BT.63
4抽屜工具柜 3抽屜工具柜
Six-drawer chest BT.66 Two-drawer chest BT.62A
6抽屜工具柜 雙抽屜工具柜
Four-drawer chest BT.64 Cart 2701
4抽屜工具柜 運轉(zhuǎn)車
Three-drawer chest BT.23L Chest trolley 2220A
3抽屜工具柜 工具手推車
High performance click wrenches高性能響聲式扭矩扳手
306A Click wrenches with removable ratchet 306R Click wrenches with 20x7 fitting
306A 帶可更換棘輪響聲扳手 306R 響聲扳手帶20x7接頭
306D Click wrenches without accessories 306 series wrench sets
306D 無附件響聲扳手 306 扳手套裝
Click wrench with fixed ratchet R.306-5 300B Modular sets
帶固定棘輪的響聲扳手 300B 模塊套裝
306U Click wrenches with dual or Ibf.ft and N.m graduation.
306U 雙刻度響聲扳手
Multi-purpose click wrenches 多功能響聲式扭矩扳手
208 Click wrenches with fixed ratchet 208A Click wrenches with removable ratchet
208 固定棘輪扭矩扳手 208A 帶更換棘輪頭扭矩扳手
208D Click wrenches without accessories
208D 無附件扭矩扳手
Series 203 Manual reset wrench 手動歸位扭矩扳手
203DA Manual reset wrenches 214A Extension for 203 series wrenches
203DA 手動歸位扭矩扳手 214A 用于203系列扳手的專用延長桿
203A Manual reset wrenches with removable square drive 205E Modular sets with sockets
203A 可更換四方驅(qū)動的手動歸位扭矩扳手 205E 扳手套裝 內(nèi)附套筒模塊
202A Manual reset wrenches with removable ratchet
202A 可更換棘輪手動歸位扭矩扳手
High-torque wrenches 高扭矩扳手
Wrenches with ratchet and square drive Wrenches without accessories
高扭矩扳手帶棘輪頭及四方驅(qū)動 無配件扳手
Wrenches with square drive Extension for wrench M.200DB M.200M
高扭矩扳手帶四方驅(qū)動 用于 M.200DB扳手的延長桿M.200M
Torque multiplier 扭力增倍器
NP torque multiplier set MC Torque multipliers
NP 系列扭力增倍器套裝 MC 系列扭力增倍器套裝
Non-vernier adjustable wrenches with radio transmission 預置式射頻扭矩扳手
E.240 Easotork "click" type wrenches Wrench charger E.240-CHA
E.240 Easotork響聲型射頻扳手 E.240-CHA 外接電源
E.440 Easotork wide-angle "break" type wrenches Initial equipment kit E.240-KIT1
E.440 Easotork響聲折彎射頻扳手 E.240-KIT1 射頻扭矩扳手設置及信號接收設備
Radio receiver and USB cable E.240-REC Additional equipment kit E.240-KIT2
E.240-REC 接收器及USB線纜 E.240-KIT2 射頻及信號接收設備
Calibration software and cable E.240-CAL
E.240-CAL 校準軟件及數(shù)據(jù)傳輸線
Non-vernier adjustable wrenches
248D Non-vernier adjustable "click" wrenches 446 Non-vernier adjustable wide-angle "break" wrenches
248D 系列預置式響聲型扳手(預置式射頻扭矩扳手) 446 系列預置式折彎扳手(預置式射頻扭矩扳手)
Dial indicating torque wrenches 表盤式扭矩扳手
250A Indicating wrenches 1/2" ratchet attachment S.156
250A 表盤式扭矩扳手 1/2" 棘輪頭S.156
3/8" ratchet attachment J.156
3/8" 棘輪頭J.156
Release-type torque drivers 自滑式扭矩螺絲批
Micro-Tech? bit drivers Attachable ratchet handle A.300PA
Micro-Tech? 扭矩螺絲批 A.300PA 棘輪握柄
A.400 Driver with Vernier adjustment Micro-Tech tool set
A.400 系列扭矩螺絲批 Micro-Tech 自滑式扭矩螺絲批套裝
Drive socket adaptor ECR.0 Driver bit set 1/4"
ECR.0 轉(zhuǎn)接器 1/4"自滑式扭矩螺絲批套裝
Socket adaptor - 1/4" - 1/4" ECR Socket set 1/4"
ECR 轉(zhuǎn)接器 1/4"自滑式扭矩螺絲批套裝2
9 x 12 accessories - 9 x 12系列附件
Ratchets 10 Open ends
棘輪頭 10系列開口頭
Compact ratchets 12 Ring ends
緊湊型棘輪頭 12系列沒花頭
Square drives
14 x 18 accessories -14 x 18系列附件
Ratchet S.382 11 Open ends
S.382 棘輪頭 11系列開口頭
Compact ratchets 13 Ring ends
緊湊型棘輪頭 13系列沒花頭
Square drives
20 x 7 accessories
200P Pivot knobs Adaptors
200P 握柄 轉(zhuǎn)換接頭
Ratchets 20 Open ends
棘輪頭 20系列開口頭
Square drives
Specialist accessories 專業(yè)配件
Pivot knob S.305P 18 "Crowfoot" flare-nut ends mm and inch
S.305P 握柄 18 系列公制/英制油管頭
Protractor attachments 轉(zhuǎn)角儀
Side-graduated protractor attachment 1/2" D.360L Protractor attachment 1/2 DMP.360L
1/2"邊緣刻度轉(zhuǎn)角儀 D.360L 1/2 轉(zhuǎn)角儀 DMP.360L
Side-graduated protractor attachment with flexible arm and magnet 1/2" DM.360L
1/2" 邊緣刻度轉(zhuǎn)角儀 DM.360L
Electronic torque tester 電子扭矩測試儀
Electronic torque tester E.5000 CD.12 Test rig
電子扭矩測試儀 E.5000 CD.12 測試臺架
Mechanical torque testers 機械式扭矩測試儀
CD Wrench torque-meters CDS Screwdriver torque-meters
CD 扭矩測試儀 CDS 扭矩螺絲批測試儀
Test rig for CD torque-meters CD.10
CD 扭矩測試儀臺架 CD.10
Workshop puller kits車間拉馬套裝
Light-engineering kit U.JA1 Light-engineering kit U.301BJ1
U.JA1 輕型工程套裝 U.301BJ1輕型工程套裝
4-Tonne kit U.J2 General engineering kit U.102T
U.J2 4噸套裝 通用套裝 U.102T
General engineering kit U.JA3 General engineering kit U.103A
U.JA3 通用工程套裝 通用套裝 U.103A
Outside pullers - 2 legs 2爪拉馬
U.232G Spare legs for U.232 pullers U.232G Spare legs for U.232 pullers
U.232 備用拉臂U.232G U.232-2系列拉馬備用拉臂U.232G
U.32TGA Spare legs for U.32T U.14 Self-gripping slim 2-leg pullers
U.32T 備用拉臂U.32TGA U.14自鎖式2爪拉馬
U.32T Lockable 2-leg sliding-leg puller U.301 Self-gripping 2 slim-leg puller
U.32T 可鎖式兩爪拉馬 U.301自鎖式拉馬
U.232 - 2-leg sliding-leg puller Spare legs for puller U.302
U.232-2爪滑動拉馬 U.302的備用拉臂
U.301 Self-gripping wide 2-leg puller U.232V Spare screws for U.232 pullers
U.301自鎖式寬爪拉馬 U.232-2爪滑動拉馬備用螺桿U.232V
U.35 Wide 2-leg pullers Puller with yoke U.52
U.35寬爪拉馬 U.52拉馬帶軛架
Heavy-duty 2-leg pullers U.34 Pulley puller DM.31
U.34重型2爪拉馬 DM.31皮帶輪拉馬
U.42 Pullers with yokes
Outside pullers - 3 legs 3爪拉馬
U.306 outside pullers Inside/outside puller module MOD.U306PB
U.306外用拉馬 MOD.U306PB內(nèi)外用拉馬模塊
U.306N Inside pullers U.310 Outside pullers
U.306N內(nèi)用拉馬 U.310外用拉馬
Spare legs for puller U.306 Inside puller U.310-230N
U.306的備用拉臂 U.310-230N內(nèi)用拉馬
Inside/outside puller kit U.306J1 Spare legs for puller U.310
U.306J1內(nèi)外用拉馬套裝 U.310的備用拉臂
Spare screws for puller U.310 Long-reach outside puller U.20B
U.310拉馬的備用螺桿 U.20B長距外用拉馬
U.302 Self-gripping slim 3-leg pullers High-capacity outside puller U.27AS3
U.302自鎖緊3爪拉馬 U.271S3高容量外用拉馬
Spare legs for puller U.302 Set of 3 long legs for U.27AS3 U.27D3
U.302的備用拉臂 U.27D3 3長型拉臂套裝
Short-reach outside puller U.20 High-capacity outside puller U.320
U.20短距外用拉馬 U.320高容量外用拉馬
High-capacity outside puller U.330 10 T hydraulic jack for U.312H U.312-01
U.330高容量外用拉馬 U.312H系列拉馬用10噸液壓頂桿U.312-01
High-capacity outside puller U.60B Guide tip for U.312H U.312-02
U.60B高容量外用拉馬 U.312H系列拉馬用向?qū)?span> U.312-02
10T hydraulic puller set with 4 sets of legs U.312HJ4 Set of 2 extensions for U.312H U.312-03
10噸液壓拉馬套裝4套拉馬 U.312HJ4 U.312H系列拉馬用延長桿套裝 U.312-03
10T hydraulic puller set with 3 sets of legs U.312HJ3 2 or 3-leg body for U.312H U.312-04
10噸3爪液壓拉馬 U.312HJ3 U.312H系列拉馬用2爪/3爪拉臂固定器U.312-04
Centring nut for U.312H U.312-04-01 20 T Hydraulic outside puller U.320H
U.312H系列拉馬用定心螺母 U.312-04-01 20噸液壓外拉馬
Set of 3 bolts and 3 nuts for U.312H U.312-04-02 30 T hydraulic outside puller U.330H
用于U.312H系列拉馬安裝的3螺釘3螺母套裝 U.312-04-02 30噸液壓外拉馬
Spare legs for puller U.312H
拉馬備用爪 U.312H
Inside pullers 內(nèi)用拉馬
Micro-engineering puller kit U.23J1A Inside grip puller U.28
U.23J1A精密工程拉馬套裝 U.28內(nèi)用拉馬
Light engineering puller kit U.23J2 Beam for pullers U.28 and U.51B U.30
U.23J2輕型工程拉馬套裝 U.28及U51B用橫梁 U.30
General engineering puller kit U.23J3 Inside grip puller and beam kit U.28J1
U.23J3通用工程拉馬套裝 內(nèi)用拉馬及橫梁套裝 U.28J1
Inside grip puller U.51B U.49P inside grip expansion pullers
U.51B內(nèi)用拉馬 U.49P膨脹拉馬
Maintenance puller kit U.49PJ1 Adapter U.49P U.49BR1
U.49PJ1維修拉馬套裝 U.49P連接器 U.49BR1
Light-engineering puller kit U.49PJ2 Adapter U.49AD10 U.49AR2
U.49PJ2輕型拉馬套裝 U.49P10連接器 U.49AR2
Light-engineering puller kit U.49PJ3 Adaptors for attaching U.301 / U.302 to U.49AM
U.49PJ3輕型工程拉馬套裝 鏈接U.301,U.302與U.49AM的連接器
Heavy-duty puller set U.49PJ4
Slide hammers滑錘
Slide hammer U.306M Slide hammer U.49AM
U.306M滑錘 U.49AM滑錘
Slide hammer U.49L Slide hammer U.2
U.49L滑錘 U.2滑錘
Separators and beam pullers 分離器和滑錘
60 mm separator and beam puller kit U.53J1 U.53KL Non-tapped beams
60mm分離器及橫梁拉馬套裝 U.53J1 U.53KL非分接式橫梁
110 mm separator and beam puller kit U.53J2 U.53S Beams for use with jacks
110mm分離器及橫梁拉馬套裝 U.53J2 U.53S 橫梁,配合液壓千斤頂使用
U.53T Separators U.53RL Spare tie-rods for beams
U.53T分離器 U.53RL橫梁備用拉桿
U.23K, U.53K tapped beams U.53E Male adaptors
U.23K,U.53K分接橫梁 U.53E外連接器
U.53H Female adaptors to fit male adaptors
Stud extractors - nut splitters 螺栓提取器和螺母劈開器
285.J Set of right-hand thread stud extractors 286A Knurl-type stud drivers - Multi-diameter
285.J右旋螺紋的螺栓提取器 286A滾花螺栓驅(qū)動器-多直徑型
285 Single right-hand thread stud extractors 287B Roller-type stud drivers - Single-diameter
285單路右旋螺栓提取器 287B滾筒式螺栓驅(qū)動器-單直徑
285.F Single cone bits for extractors 285 Set of roller-type stud drivers 287B.JS5
285.F 單形鉆頭,配合285提取器使用 滾筒式螺栓啟動套裝 287B.JS5
Components for 885 set 289 Nut splitters
885套裝工具的組件 289螺母劈開器
Set of right-hand or left-hand thread stud extractors 885 Set of 2 nut-splitters for sizes M2 to M8 and M10 to M16 -289
885 右旋/左旋螺栓提取器套裝 2件螺母劈開器套裝模塊,M2-M8及M80-M16
Mammoth水口鉗 482槽式滑軌水口鉗 485自動鎖緊水口鉗 181雙頭鎖緊水口鉗
484雙滑軌水口鉗 槽式滑軌水口鉗 180高性能水口鉗 標準水口鉗170A
176A junior水口鉗 高范圍平口水口鉗
緊湊型斜口鉗 401-402平口鉗 半圓頭鉗
192.G高性能斜口鉗 190.CPE高性能頂切鉗 187CPE鋼絲鉗 剝線鉗
391.16CPE電子斜口鉗 185-195.CPE 193-195.CPE 加長圓頭鉗
188.CPE平頭鉗 加長尖嘴半圓頭鉗 短嘴半圓頭鉗 圓頭鉗
185-195.TE長半圓頭鉗 187.TE鋼絲鉗 電子斜口鉗
192.G高性能斜口鉗 185-195.G長半圓頭鉗 187.G鋼絲鉗
電子斜口鉗 193短嘴半圓頭鉗 188.G平頭前
1000伏絕緣斜口鉗 185-195.VE 1000 1187.VE 1000 194.17PC 1000
193-195.CPE 伏絕緣長半圓頭鉗 伏絕緣鋼絲鉗 付絕緣剝線鉗
短嘴半圓頭鉗子 1000伏絕緣圓頭鉗 1000伏絕緣高性能頂切鉗
179E直嘴內(nèi)卡簧鉗 167E-45彎嘴外卡簧鉗 169G 45彎嘴內(nèi)卡簧鉗 477-499備用鉗頭490.SE
169E 45彎嘴卡簧鉗 167G-45彎嘴外卡簧鉗 199G 90彎嘴內(nèi)卡簧鉗 475A可換向內(nèi)外卡簧鉗
199E 90彎嘴卡簧鉗 197E 90彎嘴外卡簧鉗 177G彎嘴外卡簧鉗 411A外止動環(huán)裝卸鉗
177E直嘴外卡簧鉗 179G 直嘴內(nèi)卡簧鉗 197G-90彎嘴外卡簧鉗 467內(nèi)卡簧鉗
479-499滑軌型內(nèi)卡簧鉗 用于加持大尺寸內(nèi)卡簧 469內(nèi)卡簧鉗
477-497滑軌型外卡簧鉗 用于加持大尺寸內(nèi)卡簧 470內(nèi)卡簧鉗套裝
467和469卡簧鉗 備用鉗頭470E
短式鎖線鉗(8") 短式鎖線鉗(10")
5檔滑軌高容量大力鉗 501-506長嘴大力鉗 504A C型弧焊專用大力鉗 513 短嘴大力鉗
T5.L鋁制護套**大力鉗 511-516 5檔滑軌長嘴大力鉗 514A-514A.R長臂大力鉗 514A-514A.R長臂大力鉗
T5.1L塑料護套**大力鉗 580多用彎嘴大力鉗 502A G型大力鉗 517長嘴大力鉗
短嘴大力鉗 長嘴大力鉗 504A C型弧焊專用大力鉗 521 G型滑軌鉗頭大力鉗
507A短嘴大力鉗 502A弧焊專用大力鉗 角鐵大力鉗 503圓柱大力鉗
495A重型頂切鉗 491頂切鉗
395塑料鉗 191A 22EL頂切鉗 維修工具 4件CPE鉗子套裝
186汽車維修鉗 410可換頭式水口鉗 電器裝配工套裝 MOD.PR12件套可調(diào)鉗子模塊
加長半圓頭鉗 鉗子套裝及模塊 電工套裝 3件套機械師CPE鉗子模塊
171.20EL斜口鉗 機械套裝 3件CPE鉗子套裝 3件套機械師TE鉗子模塊