
GJR5143600R0001 35TP90庫存
發(fā)布者:xrd0186  發(fā)布時間:2020-08-12 08:55:48

GJR5143600R0001 35TP90



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The circulating water pump of the closed circulating water system adopts the advanced frequency conversion control technology, which is an effective measure to change the low-efficiency operation and energy-saving of the pump. The circulating water system is in the state of non-constant current and constant pressure during its operation. The change of the flow rate and head of the circulating water system is controlled by adjusting the outlet valve of the pump, it changes the characteristic curve of the water delivery system and causes unnecessary waste. The regulating valve causes the motor power to waste the regulating valve, the pipeline system flow meets the requirements, then the pump operating efficiency is improved, but it causes the head loss on the valve, and the power provided by the motor is consumed on the valve without useful work. Flow regulation results in wasted energy flow reduction without any operation, pump efficiency is improved, there is no head loss on the valve, but the static head is improved, raising the head unnecessarily is also a waste of energy. The circulating water pump uses the frequency conversion control technology, causes the system to be in the constant pressure condition, at this time the valve on the pump completely opens, does not make the control, the system demand flow change, is through the system to return the pressure control signal, pump motor by adjusting the speed to ensure that the system pressure of a constant value to achieve flow regulation. At this time the circulating water pump is in the most economical running condition.






GJR5143600R0001 35TP90

ABB 087627-001

ABB 087628-001

ABB 087629-001

ABB 1KHL015623R0001

ABB 1KHL015623R0002

ABB 1KHW000592R0001

ABB 1SBP260189R1001

ABB 3ASD510001C16

ABB 3BDH000011R1

ABB 3BDH000014R1 SD812F

ABB 3BDH000022R1 EI813F

ABB 3BDH000031R1 FI820F

ABB 3BDH000032R1 FI830F

ABB 3BDH000530R1 PM803

ABB 3BDH000530R1 PM803F

ABB 3BHB000652R01013BHB0034

ABB 3BHB003688R0001

GJR5143600R0001 35TP90 由【廈門興銳嘉進出口有限公司】優(yōu)惠供應.

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