
發(fā)布者:上海中柔線纜有限公司  發(fā)布時間:2022-11-15 14:36:36



With double tinned copper shield effection, as measure, detect and control cable used in machine tool manufacture, complete equipment installation engineering, power station, heating and air-condition systerm,refrigeration unit, office auto-equipment and related DP systerm




For adopting good PVC let the transmission capacity more better

And adopting new aluminum foil and copper netting double shield to resist electromaqnetism interfere


????? Construction

???0?2 ?壺 ?????????????????????.

Conductor: Fine strands of bare copper wire, better causticity resistance

???0?2 ??? ??????????????PVC???.

?0?2?0?2?0?2?0?2?0?2?0?2?0?2?0?2 ???????t????

Insulation: Fine horniness heat and flame resistant PVC insulated

?0?2?0?2?0?2?0?2?0?2?0?2?0?2?0?2 Pair twist line adopted PE

??0?2 ??? ??????????????????????

?0?2?0?2?0?2?0?2?0?2?0?2?0?2?0?2 ??????:?0?2 ???????????????ζ??????????.

Colour: black number, pair twist line is red and blue

Inner shield: aluminum packed shield tinned copper net shield

??????? (???)????????????Ч??,?????????????μ??.

Earth line: (Optional) the same effection as conductor, more convenience for wiring harness

?0?2shield producion

??0?2 ?:?0?2 ??????????????????(???).

Braiding:bared copper or tinned copper braid shield(optional)

???0?2 ??:?0?2 ???80?????????PVC????, ???VW-1???????,OD 8.6

Sheath: PVC 80??C heat and flame resistance, passed VW-1 flame resistance test


????????????????.We could manufacuture by customer needed.


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