
發(fā)布者:nemicon  發(fā)布時間:2012-12-04 16:42:04
Recently I found that market and selling fake fraud Gang outlaws insurrection, please customers the choice of partners must polish eyes, to prevent deception, according to our customers to the company to reflect the situation made the following share, please reference.



When the user is linked to the fraud company personnel, fraud Gang staff will be lower than the market price half reported to the user, with low temptation of users of the trust, thereby deceived customers, users for gospel truth fight to fraud, when fraud Gang received after cessation of use of telephone. This behavior is nothing to send money to the outlaws.


Selling counterfeit goods:

This means the same fraud Gang gimmick likeness, when the user is linked to the fraud company personnel, fraud Gang said sales of the company's products for the Japanese within the control of the original factory products, fake a compensable 100 saying, firmness, expansive character and lower than the market price of half or below market seller all price, price to win the trust of users user a, 2-3 days after received illegal products, fortunately, this has received the goods, but received within the control of the encoder is not the original Japanese imports of products, but the Wenzhou high imitation 3 without the product, quality is far less than Japan imported standard. Its appearance, specifications, size, font color Japan within the control of Chu-style clubs products generally similar, than people in the industry to distinguish true and false, true and false to make comparison of the following

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