
發(fā)布者:Zhangdan1314  發(fā)布時間:2012-07-02 20:33:44
簡介:The color printing technology company of production of universal flat-panel printers by its excellent quality, cover the country's perfect after-sales service, seven years of universal printer, flat-panel printers market experience, and seizes the market opportunities become domestic flat plate equipment leading edge, and exported to more than 50 countries, has laid at the world universal printer, plate printer industry's big brother status. The company of "quality is the way of existence, the good faith is the way of development, after service is the company long way superior counterparts" tenet, will continue to exploit, developed more high quality, and high efficiency of the universal printer, flat-panel printers serve the public, all over the world, metal printer contact manager zhang: 13691933074.
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